Donald Trump

Trump talks at length and in detail about the assassination attempt on his life in 2 separate videos

In the first video the way Trump is acting is incredibly gracious, nothing political, even though at times Vance steers it that way - which is what you'd expect for a man in his position. Even when Fox baited him at the end about going right he put it back to the interviewer. Pretty classy.

I think his message of "Fight" is really just a wake up call to Americans.

Like Trump said, a week ago things could have been very different.... so now what?
This is great. A stereotypical fat French asshole lecturing lecturing us uncouth Americans about American politics.

Everything you are posting here is projection about bitterness and not being a vehicle of insult and all of that.

Das ist Quatsch!

You're a fucking foreigner who's lost in his own country and is bitter that the blacks and Arabs have conquered and are raping your once beautiful country.
You forget that the French are your Masonic cousins. Liberty, equality, fraternity, the universal brotherhood of man, etc. And the traits of American Exceptionalism some of you guys display, was first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville, a French man.

Furthermore, the Enlightenment project that has decimated France and is rapidly destroying the rest of Europe, was (roughly speaking) conceived in Germany, birthed in France and came to maturity in the USA. If you think Trump, or any "annoited" politician is going to rescue you patriots, or buy you time, from this Luciferian, kabbalistic coup, then I don't know what to tell you. It's delusional is what I will say.

The American dream, the Dolce Vita is coming to an end and all we can do is prepare ourselves spiritually for what's coming.
Christ is either King, or He is nothing. As hard as it is to do at times, certainly for me, we must accept that there's no bargaining , no compromise to be had.

You forget that the French are your Masonic cousins. Liberty, equality, fraternity, the universal brotherhood of man, etc. And the traits of American Exceptionalism some of you guys display, was first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville, a French man.

Furthermore, the Enlightenment project that has decimated France and is rapidly destroying the rest of Europe, was (roughly speaking) conceived in Germany, birthed in France and came to maturity in the USA. If you think Trump, or any "annoited" politician is going to rescue you patriots, or buy you time, from this Luciferian, kabbalistic coup, then I don't know what to tell you. It's delusional is what I will say.

The American dream, the Dolce Vita is coming to an end and all we can do is prepare ourselves spiritually for what's coming.
Christ is either King, or He is nothing. As hard as it is to do at times, certainly for me, we must accept that there's no bargaining , no compromise to be had.

If you think that people like me, who've served their country, have skin in the game, are going to roll over and take it then you've just misunderstood the population you're talking to.

The argument of accepting what's coming with out struggle against it is nihilism.

Nope. You can keep that shit to yourself.
You forget that the French are your Masonic cousins. Liberty, equality, fraternity, the universal brotherhood of man, etc. And the traits of American Exceptionalism some of you guys display, was first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville, a French man.

Furthermore, the Enlightenment project that has decimated France and is rapidly destroying the rest of Europe, was (roughly speaking) conceived in Germany, birthed in France and came to maturity in the USA. If you think Trump, or any "annoited" politician is going to rescue you patriots, or buy you time, from this Luciferian, kabbalistic coup, then I don't know what to tell you. It's delusional is what I will say.

The American dream, the Dolce Vita is coming to an end and all we can do is prepare ourselves spiritually for what's coming.
Christ is either King, or He is nothing. As hard as it is to do at times, certainly for me, we must accept that there's no bargaining , no compromise to be had.

Speak for yourself and only yourself, life is good and it's not coming to an end as much as you want it to. Keep wearing that misery like it's a badge of honor, it's all yours.
Good song choice? Oh boy

50 cent is a huge Trump supporter and he is super popular with Millennials, of all races.

Politically it's a smart move. As for the word "fucking" it's something kids hear everyday at schools, as much as I wished Trump used the clean version. It's still a minor thing and most kids did not hear the lyrics over the wild crowds.

The "Christians" clutching at pearls are the opposite of Christians. Christians are supposed to be forgiving. Lots of judgmental people on here with no ability to forgive, it's not going to be easy for such "Christians" on Judgement Day.
You forget that the French are your Masonic cousins. Liberty, equality, fraternity, the universal brotherhood of man, etc. And the traits of American Exceptionalism some of you guys display, was first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville, a French man.

Furthermore, the Enlightenment project that has decimated France and is rapidly destroying the rest of Europe, was (roughly speaking) conceived in Germany, birthed in France and came to maturity in the USA. If you think Trump, or any "annoited" politician is going to rescue you patriots, or buy you time, from this Luciferian, kabbalistic coup, then I don't know what to tell you. It's delusional is what I will say.

The American dream, the Dolce Vita is coming to an end and all we can do is prepare ourselves spiritually for what's coming.
Christ is either King, or He is nothing. As hard as it is to do at times, certainly for me, we must accept that there's no bargaining , no compromise to be had.

Very few people here think America will survive. But the winners among us here all believe in fighting back tooth and nail so that there is something worth salvaging in the collapse of the American empire.

Posters such as myself have been talking about this strategy for at least 10 years now, when Trump first ran.

Just amazing at how many people live in their heads and do not read what others post on here.

Do you post just so you can read your words back to you? Do you read anything we are saying?
50 cent is a huge Trump supporter and he is super popular with Millennials, of all races.

Politically it's a smart move. As for the word "fucking" it's something kids hear everyday at schools, as much as I wished Trump used the clean version. It's still a minor thing and most kids did not hear the lyrics over the wild crowds.

The "Christians" clutching at pearls are the opposite of Christians. Christians are supposed to be forgiving. Lots of judgmental people on here with no ability to forgive, it's not going to be easy for such "Christians" on Judgement Day.
Agreed about the pearl clutching! Trump was shot at, one of his supporters took a deadly hit (in front of his wife and daughters) and now the internet is erasing “assassination on Trump” from search engines. And people want to complain about the f-word in a song at a rally?

To quote Jurassic Park: “People are dying and you’re eating BUTTERFINGERS?!”

We’ve got to look past those issues and focus on the very real threat to our lives that we all face, lest we find ourselves looking back and echoing the same sentiment from Solzenitsyn:

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
From the Gulag Archipelago

If they are willing to shoot Trump, what do you think they will do to you if they get him out of the way?
50 cent is a huge Trump supporter and he is super popular with Millennials, of all races.

Politically it's a smart move. As for the word "fucking" it's something kids hear everyday at schools, as much as I wished Trump used the clean version. It's still a minor thing and most kids did not hear the lyrics over the wild crowds.

The "Christians" clutching at pearls are the opposite of Christians. Christians are supposed to be forgiving. Lots of judgmental people on here with no ability to forgive, it's not going to be easy for such "Christians" on Judgement Day.
We can kind of just go on and on about this. You're the same guy I believe that defended the mini-skirt if I'm not mistaken. What's up with Trump worshipping of every move here?
50 cent music is just awful. I'm not sacrificing my position based on some votes to just increase the clown degeneracy but you do you.