Donald Trump

I wouldn't say that his pro faggotry, but he ain't against it either. I think he genuinely doesn't care about them one way or the other. He certainly won't allow them to run naked around the White House, or make a tranny day on Easter. But he won't condemn them. If one of kids was a fag, he wouldn't disavow him.
Everyone has a right to their own sin. There is nothing that any of us can do about that. Every candidate needs the votes of sinners. @Augustine: Trump has not advocated for homosexuality or abortion or demon worship in any campaign speeches that I know of. So to call him "pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon" is not only hyperbolic but slanderous, unfair and sick. King David was loved by God but struggled with sin, so good luck waiting for a Godly leader that you can approve of, they are all sinners like the rest of us. I'm so glad that God can take the mistakes and sinful past of myself and others and use it for his will and glory.
The point I consistently make, and which is consistently missed on this forum, is that God doesn't give you Christian leaders when you're willing to compromise and vote for anti-Christians. There are no Biblical examples of a people who were rewarded with a Godly leader because they were willing to sell their souls for political power in the mean time. The repentance comes first. The principles come first. Fear of God comes first. We get the options we deserve, and so long as those calling themselves Christian are willing to vote for pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon-worship Republicans then that's exactly what they'll continue to get. Why would God reward you for that?

"We have to vote for the pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon Republicans or else the bad guys will win!" is not how this works.
I wouldn't say that he's pro faggotry, but he ain't against it either. I think he genuinely doesn't care about them one way or the other. He certainly won't allow them to run naked around the White House, or make a tranny day on Easter. But he won't condemn them. If one of kids was a fag, he wouldn't disavow him.
Everyone has a right to their own sin. There is nothing that any of us can do about that. Every candidate needs the votes of sinners. @Augustine: Trump has not advocated for homosexuality or abortion or demon worship in any campaign speeches that I know of. So to call him "pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon" is not only hyperbolic but slanderous, unfair and sick. King David was loved by God but struggled with sin, so good luck waiting for a Godly leader that you can approve of, they are all sinners like the rest of us. I'm so glad that God can take the mistakes and sinful past of myself and others and use it for his will and glory.
Donald Trump is not pro-faggotry, Donald Trump is for traditional marriage.
The point I consistently make, and which is consistently missed on this forum, is that God doesn't give you Christian leaders when you're willing to compromise and vote for anti-Christians. There are no Biblical examples of a people who were rewarded with a Godly leader because they were willing to sell their souls for political power in the mean time. The repentance comes first. The principles come first. Fear of God comes first. We get the options we deserve, and so long as those calling themselves Christian are willing to vote for pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon-worship Republicans then that's exactly what they'll continue to get. Why would God reward you for that?

"We have to vote for the pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon Republicans or else the bad guys will win!" is not how this works.

Quite literally all the time, have you ever read the Bible before? God forces Holy leaders on undeserving sinners constantly, for example Jesus Christ.

God told the Jews in no uncompromising terms that Jesus was the messiah, and that those who did not obey him would be damned. And quite literally that happened as Jerusalem was destroyed, because it was packed with unfaithful sinners.

So, God does whatever He wants, and He doesn't reward us necessarily because we were faithful, but when He deems it according to His will. Our will does not matter in the slightest.

Thus, if God sends even a 10% Christian leader in this fallen disgusting world, you get down on your hands and knees and supplicate to Him for sending even a drop of holiness in a leader.

Who are we to judge what sort of leaders God choses for us?

Hence Paul says that those who rule are ordained by God, and that God will handle political affairs, and that Christians are to obey earthly laws until the arrival of the Kingdom. It's because the leaders we have are there for our salvation, it is part of this fallen world so that sinners may redeem themselves and be saved.

And a massive part of this salvation involves forgiving those who are sinners, especially leaders who will even fight a little for you. This is the attitude of humility and reverence that God loves, and by doing this, THEN we become more pleasing to God, and He may reward us with better leaders in the future.

You are still a convert, and your understanding of Orthodoxy is only at the rational level. You do not understand the deeper applications of practical faith, it is about love. You must love this broken world and forgive its sinners, and understand that political progress happens as we forgive and love one another.

Rome didn’t become Christian under St. Constantine at all, he just made it legal to be a Christian. It became Christian under Emperor St. Theodosius, who made Orthodox Christianity the official state religion and dealt with all others as second-class faiths that could be practiced to various degrees according to how much damage doing so did to Christian society. He certainly didn’t practice “Big Tent Christianity” by promoting demon worship at rallies the way the RNC does.

I can see how incomplete your understanding is here; you miss the point entirely.

There would have never been a Emperor Theodosius without Emperor Constantine.

In God's divine wisdom and Love, He gave the people the leaders they needed at the time. Constantine, who barely knew anything about Christianity, who had scores of concubines and wives, who executed his first son because he was tricked by a false accusation, was the leader chosen by God for a specific time and place in order to advance God's will.

It didn't matter that Constantine was a sinner. All of us are sinners, focusing on sin makes no sense. What mattered was that Constantine had faith, and was able to act on that faith; God decided on him for that purpose just as God decided on St. Paul and so many other sinners who were turned into Saints.

We are not in control of this world, and Christ did not say "Only love those who are perfect." No, he said to love the sinner, love the enemy, and be perfect as our Father who art in Heaven is perfect.

When you internalize this logos, voting for Trump is an easy choice.

I wouldn't say that he's pro faggotry, but he ain't against it either. I think he genuinely doesn't care about them one way or the other. He certainly won't allow them to run naked around the White House, or make a tranny day on Easter. But he won't condemn them. If one of kids was a fag, he wouldn't disavow him.
This is called politics - remember, America is a democracy. We aren’t an absolutist government for better or for worse. Neutrality isn’t endorsement - that’s kind of leftist thought imho. Plus disavowing your gay kid is just brutal and fairly unchristian. This kind of behavior is what led to our current lgbtqwtf chimp out. I just bring this up because I know a guy who thinks Trump is pro gay and will continue the Biden era Weinmaresque sodomy. We just need the floor opened up for discussion again.
This is called politics - remember, America is a democracy. We aren’t an absolutist government for better or for worse. Neutrality isn’t endorsement - that’s kind of leftist thought imho.
We're not a democracy. That's democrat propaganda, don't fall for it. On paper, we're a federal republic. In practice, we're a corrupt oligarchy. The power brokers have more say over who gets in than the people do.

As for neutrality, it's a myth. If God is real, and holds nations accountable to His Law, then those nations better start acting like it, especially those who do recognize that God is indeed real. The leftists want you to be neutral, because they know it's a meaningless position that neuters whoever tries to maintain it.

Plus disavowing your gay kid is just brutal and fairly unchristian. This kind of behavior is what led to our current lgbtqwtf chimp out. I just bring this up because I know a guy who thinks Trump is pro gay and will continue the Biden era Weinmaresque sodomy. We just need the floor opened up for discussion again.
It's not strength against the degeneracy that brought us to this, but the weakness. We showed the leftists our soft side and are paying for it to this day.
The poster initially stated "good song choice". So all the mods and like getting their panties in a bunch by my comment must agree with his statement.
It's fine to not care about the song whatever. But to say "wow good song" is just clown school degeneracy.
If disagreeing is missing the forest for the trees then tell me what is agreeing?
We're not a democracy. That's democrat propaganda, don't fall for it. On paper, we're a federal republic. In practice, we're a corrupt oligarchy. The power brokers have more say over who gets in than the people do.

As for neutrality, it's a myth. If God is real, and holds nations accountable to His Law, then those nations better start acting like it, especially those who do recognize that God is indeed real. The leftists want you to be neutral, because they know it's a meaningless position that neuters whoever tries to maintain it.

It's not strength against the degeneracy that brought us to this, but the weakness. We showed the leftists our soft side and are paying for it to this day.
I think the best way to describe us is a corrupt democracy. When you have a corrupt oligarchy or king how do you deal with it? Chop some heads and put in a republic or democracy. When you have a corrupt democracy the only solution is to overthrow them and put in an oligarchy.

I say corrupt democracy because all our problems are caused by “the people” not taking it on the chin and accepting austerity that our country desperately needs. To be honest, the austerity needed to happen since we blew our money in Iraq. But no, we won’t accept the hangover from overliving in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. We’re like the drunk that keeps getting more drunk to delay the hangover. We’re a corrupt democracy. The goal of American politics is to get elected and stay elected. Not to fix things.
The poster initially stated "good song choice". So all the mods and like getting their panties in a bunch by my comment must agree with his statement.
It's fine to not care about the song whatever. But to say "wow good song" is just clown school degeneracy.
If disagreeing is missing the forest for the trees then tell me what is agreeing?

Firstly, I think you need to relax and stop taking the post so seriously. the initial poster was me, and I posted the Twitter post that left no commentary. In fact I'm actually pretty sure it's a twitter dub over something else and not even real.

That said....someone else said good song but they should edit it's

First "good song" might not mean good as in morally appropriate, but effective rhetorically.

It is effective rhetorically.

That's how you would read that.

Dude, this is getting so ridiculous.

Got it, you think Trump is vulgar. You might not understand that many Americans don't mind cursing and like the image of the president who's a little bit of a gangster. This ties in with 50 cent putting Trump's face on his body at a recent rap show.

It's a rhetorical appeal. It doesn't work on you because you're acting like only a white knight is worthy of praise and votes. Unfortunately that's not where we are.

When you find little Lord Fauntleroy who's ready to be President let us know.

This is like heights of Pearl clutching here.
Supporting Trump is a step towards safety and stability over the other side.

The “vaccines,” lockdowns, and BLM riots all took place during Trump’s first term. I genuinely struggle to understand how people can still fall for his rhetoric and just ignore his actual behavior in office.

In either case you’ll see after he gets installed where all the rhetoric is leading.
The “vaccines,” lockdowns, and BLM riots all took place during Trump’s first term. I genuinely struggle to understand how people can still fall for his rhetoric and just ignore his actual behavior in office.

In either case you’ll see after he gets installed where all the rhetoric is leading.
Cryptic "you'll sees" doesn't an argument make.

I'm not going to condone the vaccine. But your simplification is simply not accurate and these points have been discussed as nauseum. Like hundreds of times.
My arguments are dismissed and my character is attacked, but no substantive points have been made against what I’ve said. I’m not sure if you remember this but I was suspended from the RVF once for encouraging people not to attend the January 6th rally. I was told I was being negative, criticizing, blackpilling, basically trying to put a damper on this great restoration of American sovereignty etc - the same things some people say about me here.

What nobody thus far has acknowledged is that my opinion was entirely correct and based on entirely correct reasoning. People threw their lives away for Trump and he didn’t lift a finger to pardon them (can’t say the same about some degenerate rapper in Korea or some dead feminist, though. He couldn’t have pardoned them with more self-triumphant publicity).

I know everyone here just wants to maintain hope and a positive outlook, and I think those are commendable traits. But it also makes people very eager to throw their support behind a politician willing to lie to them about how much he cares about them despite consistently behaving as if he doesn’t.

The spirit of the Antichrist will deceive even the elect, to say nothing of those with weaker faith, and this is all such an obvious precursor to how people will leap into the true Antichrist’s arms that it pains me to see Christians fighting like this for Trump.

A lot of it is just emotional and I suspect at least one vocal poster here works for either the Trump Campaign or the Republican Party (though he has claimed - after suspending me from the forum for asking - that he doesn’t get paid by either of these organizations, so perhaps “volunteers” is a better word than “works” if he’s telling the truth). But if people could put their feelings (or ulterior motives) aside I think they’d see this all a lot more clearly.

Perhaps if we demanded a higher standard God would reward us with someone better.
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My arguments are dismissed and my character is attacked, but no substantive points have been made against what I’ve said. I’m not sure if you remember this but I was suspended from the RVF once for encouraging people not to attend the January 6th rally. I was told I was being negative, criticizing, blackpilling, basically trying to put a damper on this great restoration of American sovereignty etc - the same things some people say about me here.

What nobody thus far has acknowledged is that my opinion was entirely correct and based on entirely correct reasoning. People threw their lives away for Trump and he didn’t lift a finger to pardon them (can’t say the same about some degenerate rapper in Korea or some dead feminist, though. He couldn’t have pardoned them with more self-triumphant publicity).

I know everyone here just wants to maintain hope and a positive outlook, and I think those are commendable traits. But it also makes people very eager to throw their support behind a politician willing to lie to them about how much he cares about them despite consistently behaving as if he doesn’t.

The spirit of the Antichrist will deceive even the elect, to say nothing of those with weaker faith, and this is all such an obvious precursor to how people will leap into the true Antichrist’s arms that it pains me to see Christians fighting like this for Trump. A lot of it is just emotional and I suspect at least one vocal poster here works for either the Trump Campaign or the Republican Party (though he has claimed he doesn’t get paid by either of these organizations, so perhaps “volunteers” is a better word than “works” if he’s telling the truth). But if people could put their feelings (or ulterior motives) aside I think they’d see this all a lot more clearly.

Perhaps if we demanded a higher standard God would reward us with someone better.
So Trump is The Antichrist? Or some embodiment of the spirit thereof?

The pardon thing has been discussed. He would be impeached and convicted in the Senate. That was enumerated many times as to the deal between the Senate, including the Republicans under Mitch McConnell .

Your proclamation about BLM riots under trump vastly dismiss many elements of state power that are unfortunate realities about the state governments responsibility.

On Jan 6 there's now videos coming out of Pelosi admitting her failures and many admissions to this effect, whether it was Mayor Bowser or Gen Millie ECT...

To me it seems more like those who are disappointed with what could have been haven't been able to unburden themselves by what has been and accept a negative view as a default state.

It is much easier to see all the failures and take your approach to wash your hands from civic participation in the hope that a more perfect Godly candidate will arise. But as I discussed with Mitt Romney, or Mike Pence the image of a pious man does not a good leader make.

You're ultimately faced with a decision to abstain or to participate. I tend to be of the belief that an active recovery, even with an imperfect candidate is much better than an assured acceptance of further degeneracy.
Thank you for quoting relevant scripture; you're focusing on a tiny detail like a swear word or a skirt, meanwhile you're advocating against the leader who wants to stop a war that is killing millions of Christians.

Physician, heal thyself.
You don't know what Trump wants to achieve, you are operating on faith alone. The evidence from his first term is that he won't be doing much at all. Democracy, at this point in history, is a dog and pony show that I don't take seriously. We get the circus but not much in the way of bread. There is no temporal fix for what ails us. It's not black pilling, it's being biblical. I'm a Christian.

Yesterday 2 children were knifed to death and others are in critical condition. It happened at a Taylor Swift themed yoga and dance class for young girls. Apparently Taylor Swift summons demons at her shows, or so I read. This killing took place less than a 100 miles from where I live. No prizes for guessing the religion of the assailant. He was probably living in a hotel at the tax payers expense. Yes, that's correct, we are funding the murderers and rapists of our children. Here in the UK, across Europe and in the US, millions of these people are being given the same hospitality. How obscene. How inverted. How evil. But hey, people still queue up to be injected with a substance designed to kill, maim and sterilise,

These are biblical times is all I know. I pray, I read the Church Elders and Saints, I attend Mass, I go on retreats, I fast and I look to know God's will for me and pray for the ability to carry it out.

This Thursday past I attended a men's group for the the first time. God told me to "get involved". Yes, I clearly heard those words. And that Godly imperative led me to make a trip to Northern Ireland where I received grace and a revelation about my spiritual state. Finally, after a series of "coincidences" I end up going to this men group. I say finally, I'm sure there's much more to come. But the point is that's how I live my life these days.
Perhaps it was another headline quote taken out of context, but why would Trump state something along the lines where if you vote for him this 2024 election you’ll never have to vote again????? That comment is extremely damaging to his campaign for freedom if it was something he actually said.
Do you really want Kamela Harris to win? She will be the most left wing president in history. The democrats are already planning to pack the Supreme Court so that even the Supreme Court becomes a tool of the demonrats. If Trump is elected, he will appoint more conservative justices just like he did the first time. The decision is pretty simple. Of course, continue to put most of your energy into your local church and community because the federal government is not the ultimate answer. The nitpicking by trolls pretending to be conservative (fake friends) needs to be kicked to the curb.
My arguments are dismissed and my character is attacked, but no substantive points have been made against what I’ve said. I’m not sure if you remember this but I was suspended from the RVF once for encouraging people not to attend the January 6th rally. I was told I was being negative, criticizing, blackpilling, basically trying to put a damper on this great restoration of American sovereignty etc - the same things some people say about me here.

What nobody thus far has acknowledged is that my opinion was entirely correct and based on entirely correct reasoning. People threw their lives away for Trump and he didn’t lift a finger to pardon them (can’t say the same about some degenerate rapper in Korea or some dead feminist, though. He couldn’t have pardoned them with more self-triumphant publicity).

I know everyone here just wants to maintain hope and a positive outlook, and I think those are commendable traits. But it also makes people very eager to throw their support behind a politician willing to lie to them about how much he cares about them despite consistently behaving as if he doesn’t.

The spirit of the Antichrist will deceive even the elect, to say nothing of those with weaker faith, and this is all such an obvious precursor to how people will leap into the true Antichrist’s arms that it pains me to see Christians fighting like this for Trump.

A lot of it is just emotional and I suspect at least one vocal poster here works for either the Trump Campaign or the Republican Party (though he has claimed - after suspending me from the forum for asking - that he doesn’t get paid by either of these organizations, so perhaps “volunteers” is a better word than “works” if he’s telling the truth). But if people could put their feelings (or ulterior motives) aside I think they’d see this all a lot more clearly.

Perhaps if we demanded a higher standard God would reward us with someone better.

You didn't respond to a single substantive point I made on theology, and instead you go into the same tired tirade about J6 that people have discussed ad nauseum already (there's a whole thread for it).

It doesn't seem like you are capable of having a good faith discussion on Trump, highly laughable that you call us emotional when your posts are so devoid of humility, so I think you should just stick to posting in the Trump Hate thread. Doesn't look like you want to do anything else because you know better than everyone else. (A lack of humility just got you banned from this thread.)