Donald Trump

We can kind of just go on and on about this. You're the same guy I believe that defended the mini-skirt if I'm not mistaken. What's up with Trump worshipping of every move here?
50 cent music is just awful. I'm not sacrificing my position based on some votes to just increase the clown degeneracy but you do you.
Compared to his previous WWE entrance, it's an improvement. Gone are the hoes and the lyrics "money, money, money, money":
We can kind of just go on and on about this. You're the same guy I believe that defended the mini-skirt if I'm not mistaken. What's up with Trump worshipping of every move here?
50 cent music is just awful. I'm not sacrificing my position based on some votes to just increase the clown degeneracy but you do you.
This is another example of missing the forest for the trees.

I don't like 50 cent at all, I hate rap, but I'm not going to lose my mind about something so minor compared to the overt stuff on the other side.
This is another example of missing the forest for the trees.

I don't like 50 cent at all, I hate rap, but I'm not going to lose my mind about something so minor compared to the overt stuff on the other side.
Same player. Different day. We already know your position man.
But this forum has definitely changed since RVF. Good luck to it.
Same player. Different day. We already know your position man.
But this forum has definitely changed since RVF. Good luck to it.
And we know yours. To be outraged by everything.

Look, just because my personal preferences for my family is to dress conservatively... And while I don't approve of a 17 year old wearing a shirt skirt.... I'm hardly going to be outraged by evey little thing out.

You're correct in pointing it out that it's not ideal...but in the grand scheme of things it's very minor.

Otherwise you're relegating yourself to live under a rock and not expose yourself to anything.
Same player. Different day. We already know your position man.
But this forum has definitely changed since RVF. Good luck to it.
Yep, I'm having the same thoughts.
50 cent is a huge Trump supporter and he is super popular with Millennials, of all races.

Politically it's a smart move. As for the word "fucking" it's something kids hear everyday at schools, as much as I wished Trump used the clean version. It's still a minor thing and most kids did not hear the lyrics over the wild crowds.

The "Christians" clutching at pearls are the opposite of Christians. Christians are supposed to be forgiving. Lots of judgmental people on here with no ability to forgive, it's not going to be easy for such "Christians" on Judgement Day.
Luke 6:41-42
Yep, I'm having the same thoughts.

Luke 6:41-42
It’s just a mini-skirt, what’s the big deal?
It’s just a tranny, what’s the big deal?
It’s just a stripper with face tattoos, what’s the big deal?
It’s just degenerate music, what’s the big deal?
Trump is just pro-LGBT, what’s the big deal?
Trump is just pro-choice, what’s the big deal?
Trump is just a Zionist, what’s the big deal?
They just prayed to a demon at the RNC, what’s the big deal?

Satan probably thought this would be harder.
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It’s just a mini-skirt, what’s the big deal?
It’s just a tranny, what’s the big deal?
It’s just a stripper with face tattoos, what’s the big deal?
It’s just degenerate music, what’s the big deal?
The RNC is apparently the “Super Bowl of Grindr,” what’s the big deal?
Trump is just pro-LGBT, what’s the big deal?
Trump is just pro-choice, what’s the big deal?
Trump is just a Zionist, what’s the big deal?
They just prayed to a demon at the RNC, what’s the big deal?

Satan probably thought this would be harder.
This is a silly oversimplification of the entirety of the MAGA movements.

Of course no one approves of trannies or the degeneracy.

Sure those elements are worth calling out as things we don't approve of. Fine, but you have to exist in the world of the possible and get away from the world of the perfect impossible.

Like it or not, the vast majority of Americans are not as socially conservative as we as are here.

If these less socially traditional folks are learning to incrementally move toward the right direction then this is a net positive.

Rome, a pagan society, didn't become Christian under Constantine overnight. There was a couple hundred years of of change.

Again, I don't like the harlot and the rap culture and all the Hindu prayer crap. I get it...

But I'm not going to let the things I don't like get in the way of the majority of the things I do.

It's a zero sum self defeatist game.
Rome didn’t become Christian under St. Constantine at all, he just made it legal to be a Christian. It became Christian under Emperor St. Theodosius, who made Orthodox Christianity the official state religion and dealt with all others as second-class faiths that could be practiced to various degrees according to how much damage doing so did to Christian society. He certainly didn’t practice “Big Tent Christianity” by promoting demon worship at rallies the way the RNC does.
Rome didn’t become Christian under St. Constantine at all, he just made it legal to be a Christian. It became Christian under Emperor St. Theodosius, who made Orthodox Christianity the official state religion and dealt with all others as second-class faiths that could be practiced to various degrees according to how much damage doing so did to Christian society. He certainly didn’t practice “Big Tent Christianity” by promoting demon worship at rallies the way the RNC does.
Ok. Sure.

But again your point is moot in do far as it meaningless to the net result of our current status and options.

When that option for Theodosius arises i'll herald it with great joy and jubilation.

But in the meantime I'm going to not miss the fact that while there are fringe elements within the RNC, which I dont like, the Populists Principles of the MAGA movement are better for my family and my future.

Compare that to the Harris Tranny extravaganza.

It's almost borish to conduct these circular arguments.
I still don't understand the timidity of the Always Trumpers here, especially on issues like abortion. You say the average American is not as socially conservative as the rest of us on here. OK, fine. We all know that. But do you not know that the average American is not as fiscally conservative as the rest of us on here either? So why do you push for one and neglect the other when the smart thing to do is to hold the line on both?
I still don't understand the timidity of the Always Trumpers here, especially on issues like abortion. You say the average American is not as socially conservative as the rest of us on here. OK, fine. We all know that. But do you not know that the average American is not as fiscally conservative as the rest of us on here either? So why do you push for one and neglect the other when the smart thing to do is to hold the line on both?
I think it's different by topics.

I wouldn't let my daughter (if I had one) wear a bikini out.

But 95 percent of Americans would.

Is that what you're talking about?

I do think most Americans are against abortion. However, making got the central issue in the election WILL galvanize the liberals to vote.

So there's a strategic reality here.
Here come the sanctimonious purity spiralists again. These people can join any church in America like the Pharisee in Luke 18. Mary Magdalen would never be forgiven or welcomed into redemption with this ideology. Saul of Tarsus would be forever condemned instead of becoming The Apostle Paul in this ideology of pride. The thief on the cross was forgiven not condemned. Does anyone really believe that Trump is pro LGBT or abortion? Some of us realize that the culture needs to be changed over time and we are working under the unfortunate realities of this world. Take the 80% that you agree with and come back tomorrow for the other 20%.
Ok. Sure.

But again your point is moot in do far as it meaningless to the net result of our current status and options.

When that option for Theodosius arises i'll herald it with great joy and jubilation.

But in the meantime I'm going to not miss the fact that while there are fringe elements within the RNC, which I dont like, the Populists Principles of the MAGA movement are better for my family and my future.

Compare that to the Harris Tranny extravaganza.

It's almost borish to conduct these circular arguments.
The point I consistently make, and which is consistently missed on this forum, is that God doesn't give you Christian leaders when you're willing to compromise and vote for anti-Christians. There are no Biblical examples of a people who were rewarded with a Godly leader because they were willing to sell their souls for political power in the mean time. The repentance comes first. The principles come first. Fear of God comes first. We get the options we deserve, and so long as those calling themselves Christian are willing to vote for pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon-worship Republicans then that's exactly what they'll continue to get. Why would God reward you for that?

"We have to vote for the pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon Republicans or else the bad guys will win!" is not how this works.
Does anyone really believe that Trump is pro LGBT
I wouldn't say that he's pro faggotry, but he ain't against it either. I think he genuinely doesn't care about them one way or the other. He certainly won't allow them to run naked around the White House, or make a tranny day on Easter. But he won't condemn them. If one of kids was a fag, he wouldn't disavow him.
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Here come the sanctimonious purity spiralists again. These people can join any church in America like the Pharisee in Luke 18. Mary Magdalen would never be forgiven or welcomed into redemption with this ideology. Saul of Tarsus would be forever condemned instead of becoming The Apostle Paul in this ideology of pride. The thief on the cross was forgiven not condemned. Does anyone really believe that Trump is pro LGBT or abortion? Some of us realize that the culture needs to be changed over time and we are working under the unfortunate realities of this world. Take the 80% that you agree with and come back tomorrow for the other 20%.


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The point I consistently make, and which is consistently missed on this forum, is that God doesn't give you Christian leaders when you're willing to compromise and vote for anti-Christians. There are no Biblical examples of a people who were rewarded with a Godly leader because they were willing to sell their souls for political power in the mean time. The repentance comes first. The principles come first. Fear of God comes first. We get the options we deserve, and so long as those calling themselves Christian are willing to vote for pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-demon-worship Republicans then that's exactly what they'll continue to get. Why would God reward you for that?
The point I consistently make, which seems to be lost by this line of thinking... likely because many don't have a large family... Is that part of your responsibility is to advocate for your children's material reality and safety.

Supporting Trump is a step towards safety and stability over the other side.

Again if we only waited for the perfect embodiment of Christian values to vote, we would literally never find a candidate.

So your zero sum game is pointless here.

We can agree on the end desire for a more Christian nation, but you're pretending if you think not voting is going to advance that.

If you can't vote that way because of your conscience that's fine.

But no one wants to hear this constant whining and complaining about everything...which is frankly all I hear.

Look I've got 6 kids and a pregnant wife. I'm voting for the guy that is going to do the least damage here and I'll have a totally clean conscience about it.

I like a majority of his positions.

I didn't vote for Romney so I get the "no good choices trope" but many people would vote for him because they thought he was a Godly man..most of us were busy trying to get laid or getting drunk at that time so it's a little easy to say whatever now that we are all devout Christians of some blend or the other...

So be careful about the purity spiral