Donald Trump

Trump said he will remove taxes from overtime pay. I'm not even sure that's possible. But if that's the case, I would save +$12k/year in taxes.

Nothing better than a politician saying he will take less of my money.
Taxes on OT penalize working more than ~60hrs/week. Anything over that and you’re basically working for minimum wage or less. Huge if true. Further solidifies his hold on the blue collar (hourly pay) vote.

In all seriousness though, another stupid choice in weapon. I could understand the first guy picking a AR 15 at least they are accurate for what they are but a AK as a assassination tool? you'd better be jumping out on their car at a red light. Terrible accuracy.
Why dont these guys just go down to the local bass pro shop and buy a $500 savage 30-06 rifle with included scope. I mean theyre able to get onto the roof and onto the golf course... theyre just blowing the execution. (pun intended)

Disclaimer - this post does not condone violence, nor do I want to see Donald J Trump the 45th president of the United States of America and savior of kittens in Ohio assasinated.
Grab life by the p#ssy
They caught the shooter alive!?! If I trusted local pd or federal agencies to get information out of the shooter this would be a real catch. But the (((fbi))) is probably programming these shooters via the mk ultra programming and there’s no hope of the usa government conducting a successful investigation on itself
Honestly I’d love it if Trump starting adding “for every assassination attempt on my life, the wall just got ten feet higher!”
Curious to find out the identity of this would-be assassin. Deranged left-wing nut or socially awkward young incel (aka MK Ultra patsy)?