Donald Trump

#BREAKING Law enforcement in Cochise County are looking for Ronald Syrvud after he made threats to kill President Trump. Syrvud lives in the county and is wanted for failing to register as a sex offender—I am told that when law enforcement went to get him last night, they couldn't locate him.

Sheriff Mark Dannels is now asking for help from the public to locate him in hopes of preventing anything from happening today.


The Dems are getting all the crazies riled up and homicidal to “stop Orange Hitler”.
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As some of you may recall. All of the poll watchers were sent home at 4am on the 2020 election night and the ballot dumps came and were counted and the cheat was in. Game over . Hell it was caught on security cameras in Atlanta Fulton county and it did not matter . What’s going to be different in 2024?
As some of you may recall. All of the poll watchers were sent home at 4am on the 2020 election night and the ballot dumps came and were counted and the cheat was in. Game over . Hell it was caught on security cameras in Atlanta Fulton county and it did not matter . What’s going to be different in 2024?
Rich Barris called it at 12 on Bannon and said that there'd be a big spike in the middle of the night.
I suspect people might be ready to fight this time if they try to pull those stunts again.
There is no way. Fight who? Americans aren't trained to fight. Fighting and combat are a lifestyle that takes years of real world experience in battle to become proficient at. In addition, normies can't even name the elite JQ enemy, much less can they locate them. Trump will lose, people will be very angry, maybe a lone wolf or two will shoot up a mosque or synagogue, or assassinate a democrat member of congress, or send some anthrax to a fed building, but then people will go back to their JQ jobs, pay their JQ taxes, put a sportsball game on TV, move on to the next new thing, and the whole thing will be memory holed.
As some of you may recall. All of the poll watchers were sent home at 4am on the 2020 election night and the ballot dumps came and were counted and the cheat was in. Game over . Hell it was caught on security cameras in Atlanta Fulton county and it did not matter . What’s going to be different in 2024?
I'm sure they have a plan, just not vocalizing it. Why would they?