Donald Trump

"I F**king Told Them!": Enraged Butler Cop On Bodycam Says He Told Secret Service To Cover Warehouse Used By Shooter, And They Agreed​

Bodycam footage from local Pennsylvania police reveal that in the moments after last month's attempted assassination of Donald Trump, an officer says he told the Secret Service to cover the warehouse used by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks.

The new bodycamera footage was released by the Butler County Police Department, showing the officer who confronted the shooter. (Butler County Police Department)
"I f—ing told them that they needed to post guys f—ing over here…I told them that f—ing Tuesday," said a Butler Township officer in audio captured by his body-worn camera and obtained by the Wall Street Journal.

"I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here,'" the officer continues.

The footage paints a more complete picture of the anger and frustration moments after Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to fire eight shots at the former president from an AR-style assault rifle. A spectator was killed, two others were injured, and Trump suffered a bullet wound to the ear. The Journal obtained the videos under a public-records request Thursday.

A police officer in one of the videos at one point refers to a suspicious individual who had been lost by authorities. The unidentified officer referred to “a gentleman with a flat face that we were looking for earlier. He was creeping people out.”
The officer's account, which was broadcast over radio channels, was captured by one of the body cameras. "He was watching people out in the woods by the water tower. I’m not sure he is the gentleman down or not," the officer says.

Around 10 minutes after the shooting, another officer says to a fellow officer "I thought you guys were on the roof. I thought it was you. I thought it was you."

To which "No" can be heard in response.

"What the fuck! Why were we not on the roof? Why weren't we?" the officer replies.

As the Epoch Times notes further, the footage also shows the moment an officer with the Butler Township Police Department tried to get on the roof of a building where suspected gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks was perched. Another officer helped lift the responding officer to the roof after rally attendees alerted police that there was an individual on the roof near the rally where Trump was set to speak.

In the clip, an officer is seen moving toward a building before another officer tries to hoist him onto the roof. The officer is then seen trying to climb onto the building before he drops down.

Only officers’ hands are seen as he tries to get onto the roof in the video, which does not show Crooks.

Butler Township Police Department Lt. Matthew Pearson last month told a local Pennsylvania news outlet that the officer was not able to draw his firearm because he was holding onto the building. And Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe told the New York Post last month that the officers who interrupted Crooks may have distracted the shooter before he shot at the former president, hitting him in the ear.
“If I’m interrupted, and I move my gun, you are going to have to reassess that whole situation at this point, so yes, you can make a case that those two officers saved the president’s life,” Slupe told the paper.

He then asked, “Can you imagine 10 seconds before that? That the president was looking straight ahead and where that bullet could have potentially landed.”

More than three weeks after the assassination attempt, federal officials have not disclosed the Crooks’s motive. So far, few details have emerged about the suspect, and his family has not issued a public statement responding to the incident.

The Epoch Times has contacted the Butler Township Police Department for comment.

Previous Footage Released​

Separate bodycam footage from a responding official was released in connection to the July 13 shooting, which killed a rally attendee and injured two others. In late July, Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) office released rooftop bodycam footage of an officer who responded to the shooting—after Crooks was killed by a Secret Service sniper.
It shows an officer with the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit standing next to a dark-suited man, who appears to be a Secret Service agent, according to a press release from Grassley’s office.

In the clip, at least three other law enforcement officials can be seen, although it is not clear exactly how many were present on the roof when the footage was filmed.

On the ground next to them appears to be the body of Crooks. Although the shooter’s body has been partially blurred in the video, a long trail of blood on the roof can be seen.

The Beaver County officer and the purported Secret Service agent can be heard discussing the timeline of events they believe led up to the assassination attempt, including whether the man lying on the ground next to them is the same man seen in a photo sent out by a member of Beaver County’s sniper team.

“So, this is the guy … that the sniper saw,” the agent says.

Yes, a Beaver County sniper seen [sic] and sent the pictures out, this is him,” the officer replies.

The Secret Service agent then asks whether or not an abandoned bike that was found in the area belonged to the shooter.

“We don’t know,” the officer responds.

The Beaver County officer then shows the agent photos on his phone.

“I don’t know if you got the same ones I did?” the officer asks the agent, referring to the photos.

“I think I did, yeah, he’s [the shooter] got his glasses on,” the agent replies.

Two days later, Grassley released additional bodycam footage “filmed in the hour following the attempted assassination,” also obtained from the Beaver County emergency department.
That footage shows law enforcement talking about a need to use a drone to secure and inspect a water tower that was onsite, according to his office.
Why are you so vehemently stating such nonsense?

I gave you a downvote because you are blaming me for quoting an article. Notice the link at the top of the post. I merely shared an article, if you have a problem don't shoot the messanger.

I posted the essay because the guy made a lot of good points.

There is no way that a successful Trump assassination would have sparked a civil war. Impossible. People, especially white people, are too complacent with their globohomo-jew loving stocks and bonds and crypto and real estate and constantly flowing electricity and hot water to rock the boat that much. Modern Americans are too weak and selfish and lazy and disorganized to do anything of socio-political consequence. If Trump would have been killed, within weeks after his funeral people would have been on to the next new thing. There is no current precedent in Clown World to suggest anything else.

Honestly, while you might be right, you may also be wrong. At minimum, if Trump was killed, then lots of Conservatives would start thinking about doing their own assassinations in retaliation. Wouldn't be too hard to pick off the smaller members of Congress, look at how Nancy Pelosi's husband was killed. Look at how in Mexico politicians are assassinated all the time.

That's how things started with the last civil war. Random attacks of politicians of either side. Eventually it escalated over decades into a full blown war.

I'm voting one last time for Trump (because I said I would) and then that's it. After that I'm never voting again because I now believe that voting is just another JQ designed game of demoralization. I'm also beginning to believe that you are wrong about a Trump win buying us more time (for off-grid prep). I actually believe a Camel Toe win buys us more time because these libtards will actually burn cities and do ballsy stuff (shoot up power grid transformers, etc.) if Trump wins. Whereas cuckservatives will talk tough if Trump "loses" again but will do nothing of consequence to stop another stolen election.

The point to voting is because it's the right thing to do. Don't worry about the outcome, that is secondary. I don't care what happens in the future.

It does not bother me if the nation descends into abject tyranny, with Talmudic domination destroying everything and genociding Christians; I will have a clean consciousness because I obeyed God, loved my Neighbor and country, and did what I could to stop the madness from occurring.

We must accept that politics are beyond our control, and not to be invested in this world. It is a fallen world and will suck no matter what. Instead, the point of life is to be grounded in God so that no matter what happens, we are able to endure in God's Love, by following the example of the Christ.

Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses, I will still do what I can politically in the future, such as vote, even if the candidates are beyond trash tier, because I genuinely love and care for my Neighbors. I will do whatever small things I can to help them, while preaching to them the Word of God. That is how Christians transformed the Roman empire, and God willing, it can happen again here in America.

Trump can't even say "It's the jews flooding our country with illegals and pushing globohomo on our kids," much less can he say "Jesus Christ is my Saviour." Without Trump getting tough on the jews by name and professing his love for Jesus Christ, a Trump 2024 win will be no different than a Camel Toe 2024 win. It'll be JQ globohomo all around if Trump doesn't grow a set of counter-semite balls very soon. We can never defeat the enemy of Christianity if our leaders refuse to name that enemy. Win or lose, a true Christian man must speak truth to JQ power.

This is completely incorrect. They wouldn't be trying to kill Trump if he was the same as camel toe, you're letting hatred and anger cloud your judgement.

Trump is anti-war, which goes against the global domination goals of globohomo. Trump could be muslim, and I would still vote for him as long as he is anti-war. I think being anti-war is the most important quality any Presidential candidate can have right now.

The simple fact is that the President cannot change much domestically, but the President has near-total authority in terms of foreign policy. Trump has the best foreign policy since JFK, which is why they are trying to kill Trump like JFK.
"I f—ing told them that they needed to post guys f—ing over here…I told them that f—ing Tuesday," said a Butler Township officer...
To whom did he tell this that Tuesday? One of the members of Trump's SS detail that got pulled to Jill Biden's event on short notice?
Torba is right. Trump needs to hit her where she's weakest, like Tulsi Gabbard did in 2019. She locked people up for weed and laughed about it. That's heartlessness. She wants to run as Prosecutor in Chief; that's where Trump should attack her.
Speaking of Tulsi, I think the smartest thing that Trump could do heading into the election is bring RFK and Tulsi into his inner circle with very important positions and get RFK to drop out. I think he’s stealing more Trump votes than Dem votes. Promote “the team” that will collectively win back America and not all about himself. Also enough of the outlandish false statements about how he’s “the best ever at X,Y and Z he makes on the regular as that deters people and doesn't win people.
Speaking of Tulsi, I think the smartest thing that Trump could do heading into the election is bring RFK and Tulsi into his inner circle with very important positions and get RFK to drop out. I think he’s stealing more Trump votes than Dem votes. Promote “the team” that will collectively win back America and not all about himself. Also enough of the outlandish false statements about how he’s “the best ever at X,Y and Z he makes on the regular as that deters people and doesn't win people.

As much as I like Tulsi, during her recent 2-hour long interview about who controls the U.S. Government she didn’t mention israel once. Not a single thing during the entire interview.

Speaking of Tulsi, I think the smartest thing that Trump could do heading into the election is bring RFK and Tulsi into his inner circle with very important positions and get RFK to drop out. I think he’s stealing more Trump votes than Dem votes. Promote “the team” that will collectively win back America and not all about himself. Also enough of the outlandish false statements about how he’s “the best ever at X,Y and Z he makes on the regular as that deters people and doesn't win people.

Why on earth would Rfk drop out and support Trump? Trump would have to promise him Secretary of State or basically any cabinet position of his choice and Trump may not even be able to deliver on that. Trump likely had to play ball with the deep state/mcconnell/ the swamp to avoid getting impeached in his first month
Why on earth would Rfk drop out and support Trump? Trump would have to promise him Secretary of State or basically any cabinet position of his choice and Trump may not even be able to deliver on that. Trump likely had to play ball with the deep state/mcconnell/ the swamp to avoid getting impeached in his first month

Housing and Urban Development would be a great spot for RFK. I don't remember the specifics but he'd thrown out some good ideas to make home ownership affordable for first time home buyers. RFK has already taken a big 'hit' with his family for questioning a questionable vax or five. He's been clear that he's not anti-vax but today's Democrat party requires you to buy into to 'the message' 100%. The only debate is within the Republican party and half of them are shills and sell-outs. It's Donald Trump and a minority of patriots in Washington against the world at this point. He needs the support from all of us.

It's up to the states now, where it should have been all along. The people of every state are going to have to decide if they want abortion or not. Right or wrong it's their choice to make and be judged by God. So the best thing to do is articulate your rationale for why abortion is wrong and keep telling the truth and winning hearts and minds. Get busy!
Why are you so vehemently stating such nonsense? There is no way that a successful Trump assassination would have sparked a civil war. Impossible. People, especially white people, are too complacent with their globohomo-jew loving stocks and bonds and crypto and real estate and constantly flowing electricity and hot water to rock the boat that much. Modern Americans are too weak and selfish and lazy and disorganized to do anything of socio-political consequence. If Trump would have been killed, within weeks after his funeral people would have been on to the next new thing. There is no current precedent in Clown World to suggest anything else.
Democrats are doing everything to stop Trump even if it means leading to Civil War according to (((Rep. Raskins))). In case you haven't noticed, the System has memory holed Trump assassination.

Democrats are doing everything to stop Trump even if it means leading to Civil War according to (((Rep. Raskins))). In case you haven't noticed, the System has memory holed Trump assassination.

Given that Trump was never charged or convicted of an insurrection.... This seems like posturing to me