Donald Trump

I don't give a shit if he is or not. Your post history is all Donald trump posts.

It's one thing to be an American and not like trump I have problems with trump too but to be a non American and a non American from a country that is of zero consequence to anything and spend all your time talking about Donald trump....yea like I said TDS is an understatement for you might as well just own it.

BS, look a bit further back. Besides, the number of posts are few. I spend little time of the forum, compared to yourself also. And most US members here post day and night about Europe and Russia, which is fine by me, but it proves your point wrong! I'm not much of a nationalist, at least Norway is the best sports nation in the world per capita by far. That's something at least. I have French origin for the most part anyway.
BS, look a bit further back. Besides, the number of posts are few. I spend little time of the forum, compared to yourself also. And most US members here post day and night about Europe and Russia, which is fine by me, but it proves your point wrong! I'm not much of a nationalist, at least Norway is the best sports nation in the world per capita by far. That's something at least. I have French origin for the most part anyway.

Oh okay I have to go past the last dozens of posts right? Haha this guy is talking about sportsball.....

Russia matters to the USA as we're in a silly proxy war with them, nobody gives a shit about Europe other than to laugh at them. You're obsessed with one specific politician from another country, it's unhinged.
Hold up, are some of you claiming that Donald Trump is one of the best golfers in the world?

That is one of the most ridiculous and stupid claims I have ever heard. So for you guys claiming this, do you actually do anything competitively where you have competed with the elites of that sport? I highly doubt that or the claim would not be made. Because I have (it wasn’t golf). I can tell you unequivocally that the skill levels of elite athletes is beyond anything you can imagine and no amount of training will get you to their level.

Trump is full of shit about his golf skills (as usual). Go ahead and move this to Trump Criticism thread.
Trump is a good golfer. Probably one of the best Presidents at golf, but not even close to being the best in the world. I've watched DeChambeau's videos a lot and he's had better golfers than Trump on there that aren't professional.

A 2 handicap is also really good, but not even close to being a top professional. Those guys are on a completely different level than a 2 handicap, playing the hardest courses from the farthest tees. I'm not even sure if Trump is a 2 handicap. That is not easy to legitimately do.
nobody gives a shit about Europe other than to laugh at them
Oh My God Wow GIF
Trump is almost 80. Wtf? So Trump is the new Tiger Woods?

Yes! He’s one of the best golfers in the world! When he becomes president he’s going to consume our enemies and deport illegals with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightening from his ass! I love that movie.

Anyway, people complain about our system and institutions when the people that represent us at the top are pure bullshitters. If the BS rises, that just creates more people BSing. He’s done a great job at fooling people.
Trump is a good golfer. Probably one of the best Presidents at golf, but not even close to being the best in the world. I've watched DeChambeau's videos a lot and he's had better golfers than Trump on there that aren't professional.

A 2 handicap is also really good, but not even close to being a top professional. Those guys are on a completely different level than a 2 handicap, playing the hardest courses from the farthest tees. I'm not even sure if Trump is a 2 handicap. That is not easy to legitimately do.

Let’s see he’s an egotistical guy who lies a lot. I bet he’s never cheated at golf or lied about his score…

Again I don’t know golf, but claiming he’s the one of the best in the world is probably the stupidest claim I have ever heard on here. Just shows guys on this forum don’t compete in anything or are just living in a giant delusion.
Bryson himself is one of the best, and said it right in the video Trump was playing better than everyone he's played with before on his break 50 series. There was only one other guy who beat Trump. Thus, if one of the best says he's playing with one of the best, by logical extension it means Trump is one of the best.

Watch the vid if you do not believe me. Pretty amazing that people's Trump hate is so strong they will not believe video evidence.

Trump also talked about how often he wins club championships. That's very far from being an amateur. He can't go pro because he's doing other things. Trump as a young man probably would have been in the very top, right now as and old man he's good enough to nail eagles? I'd say he's probably top 1000 worldwide.

$100 says you didn't watch the video. Sorry if the truth hurts your extreme hatred of Trump. TDS is extremely difficult to cure.

It's pretty crazy, Trump is a golf talent, and it's live on video, and still the haters cannot admit it. Then they call others crazy for telling you what you just watched on video, lol. Unbelievable insanity at this point.
Number one….. I’ve watched the video and I’m a HUGE fan of BOTH of them.
Number two……. I’ve played golf and been a massive follower of world golf all of my life.
Number three….. (and this is clearly based on YOUR statement that that Trump is legit one of the best golfers in the world)…… garbage!
He would not, and at no point in his lifetime have been ranked (if a ranking system of all golfers around the world was possible), in the top 500,000.
I like Trump, and I like you @Samseau, but I’m sorry you got this one really wrong.
Saying that Trump is one of the best golfers in the world is bat-shit insane. Could he finish a full round without his golf cart? You just told me a few days ago that Trump disliked/hated Netanyahu, now he's a private guest at his house!

And don't use that stupid, made up, meaningless TDS term anymore pls. Every single post of yours going years back with that same shit. Get some new material man!
Let’s see he’s an egotistical guy who lies a lot. I bet he’s never cheated at golf or lied about his score…

Again I don’t know golf, but claiming he’s the one of the best in the world is probably the stupidest claim I have ever heard on here. Just shows guys on this forum don’t compete in anything or are just living in a giant delusion.
You're constantly one of the most negative posters here. Especially on anything Trump.

It just shows you don't have anything positive for you going on in your own life.
Well to be fair a lot of people lie about their scores. And it's hard to understand golf or how good the top players really are unless you've been around it for a while.

Most people just see someone whacking a stupid ball around, which is completely understandable.

Yeah golf isn’t in my domain, but I’m comparing to any other sport that is mostly skill based. There’s the guy who’s say a city champion who will get crushed by the state champion, who will then get crushed by the national champion, who will then get crushed by the world champion.

It’s not hard to see or understand. There’s no way Trump is even close to world class level.
I really don't care about people's opinions on Trump's golf. Pretty amazing at how triggering Trump golf is for the TDS folks. :ROFLMAO:

That said, Bryson is the current golf champ, and he said Trump did better than almost everyone else he played Break 50 with, except for one other guy. Bryson also said that Break 50 is one of the most difficult golf challenges there is.

I'll take Bryson's word over the keyboard warriors here.
Here's another piece of info to really make the TDS folks have a meltdown:

The day before Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is expected to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mar-A-Lago, the former US president has a message for Israel: end the war quickly and bring the hostages home as soon as possible.

Trump is urging a quick end the conflict, and in a rare moment of criticism said that Israel must better manage its "public relations." The war should stop quickly "because they are getting decimated with this publicity, and you know Israel is not very good at public relations," Trump said a new Fox interview.

So, Trump is currently the only candidate who wants to end both wars in Ukraine and Israel. Not even RFK has made such a call for peace, if I'm not mistaken.

This means not voting for Trump is now a vote for endless war and genocide, and anyone who votes against Trump is guilty of murder.
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Yeah golf isn’t in my domain, but I’m comparing to any other sport that is mostly skill based. There’s the guy who’s say a city champion who will get crushed by the state champion, who will then get crushed by the national champion, who will then get crushed by the world champion.

It’s not hard to see or understand. There’s no way Trump is even close to world class level.
The dude is playing well with a pro. Lets just accept that multiple gold pros have said he's great at golf. Like legitimately great at golf.

I really don't care about people's opinions on Trump's golf. Pretty amazing at how triggering Trump golf is for the TDS folks. :ROFLMAO:

That said, Bryson is the current golf champ, and he said Trump did better than almost everyone else he played Break 50 with, except for one other guy. Bryson also said that Break 50 is one of the most difficult golf challenges there is.

I'll take Bryson's word over the keyboard warriors here.

It's not about stupid golf it's about Trump, you can't say anything positive about him because it cracks the fragility of the guys who have built their entire persona around irrationally hating him.
I really don't care about people's opinions on Trump's golf. Pretty amazing at how triggering Trump golf is for the TDS folks. :ROFLMAO:

That said, Bryson is the current golf champ, and he said Trump did better than almost everyone else he played Break 50 with, except for one other guy. Bryson also said that Break 50 is one of the most difficult golf challenges there is.

I'll take Bryson's word over the keyboard warriors here.
Dude he is 78 years old. Ive played golf. Had a client with a 5 star golf resort. I could play and stay there for free. Really nice. Place went bankrupt with the sovereign debt crisis created by Obama.

Haven´t played for more than 10 years already. Doctors played a lot of golf during corona. One couple we know used to invite us to play. But playing with doctors??? That´s like taking candy from a baby.

The average age of pro golfers is 35 years old. And they peak between 30-35 years old. The oldest pro was 47. The peak age for a golfer is between 30-35 years old. But not Supertrump. Supertrump can play with his eyes closed at 100 years old.

I might be saying completely stupid. But from what I recall I think it´s the player that writes down his own scores. It´s like a gentleman rule. Can you imagine Supertrump writtng his scores honestly? Loll.

There´s nothing wrong criticizing Supertrump. We are just shooting shit. And people shouldn´t always act like damsels in distress. Relax.

I actually had a client who played with Supertrump. Believe it or not. Could ask him. Loool. Haven´t spoken to him for a while.

For people criticizing Europe. You haven´t been to an european summer. Just beach/beer and relaxation. The next 10 days are the best of the year. Don´t lose your wits for an old orange fart.

I had this thread on ignore. But with migration it popped again.


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