Donald Trump

I have so many questions, will Kamala run unopposed? Will there be a brokered convention with multiple candidates trying to get the Democrat nomination? At present time she has zero delegates. As I understand she will inherit the entire Biden campaign war chest, which is considerable as she was part of the Biden / Harris ticket and campaign, has this been confirmed?

Will people remember just how bad Kamala is at public speaking? She has the entire machine to run cover for her and say how popular she is and how well she is doing, but I’m not sure anyone will buy that,
I think the candidate will be selected by the convention delegates, based on whatever wheeling and dealing can be pulled off behind the scenes.

In 1986, incumbent US Rep John Countryman won the primary for the Republican nomination. Then he died of cancer. People were pissed off, because he knew he would die, and shouldn't have run in the primary knowing he couldn't run in the November election.

The IL Republican party held a special convention, and 100s of delegates met to vote for a replacement candidate.

A number of people took a shot at it, but they all were angry because they knew the fix was in for one guy. It was a state legistator who had actually just moved to become a resident of that district.

Sure enough, the state legislator won. It was a backroom deal, and he had the votes all sewn up. It was Dennis Hastert, who later became Speaker of the House, and after that, went to jail as a child molester.

I expect the Dem nomination will be handled very close to the way that case was.
I think the candidate will be selected by the convention delegates, based on whatever wheeling and dealing can be pulled off behind the scenes.

In 1986, incumbent US Rep John Countryman won the primary for the Republican nomination. Then he died of cancer. People were pissed off, because he knew he would die, and shouldn't have run in the primary knowing he couldn't run in the November election.

The IL Republican party held a special convention, and 100s of delegates met to vote for a replacement candidate.

A number of people took a shot at it, but they all were angry because they knew the fix was in for one guy. It was a state legistator who had actually just moved to become a resident of that district.

Sure enough, the state legislator won. It was a backroom deal, and he had the votes all sewn up. It was Dennis Hastert, who later became Speaker of the House, and after that, went to jail as a child molester.

I expect the Dem nomination will be handled very close to the way that case was.

Do not be so sure. The 1968 democratic convention was chaos. Bobby Kennedy was assassinated 2 months prior and no one had enough delegates to win the nomination.

It took several attempts at the convention, several votes and multiple back room deals to get a nomination: Hubert Humphrey,

But now what? Is there anyone in the Democrat party aside from Kamala who wants to run this year, on short notice?
Do not be so sure. The 1968 democratic convention was chaos. Bobby Kennedy was assassinated 2 months prior and no one had enough delegates to win the nomination.

It took several attempts at the convention, several votes and multiple back room deals to get a nomination: Hubert Humphrey,

But now what? Is there anyone in the Democrat party aside from Kamala who wants to run this year, on short notice?
Good question. If the back room dealmakers can't reach a consensus, it could be messy. Laughing Kamala is a really weak candidate, but any other options are badly flawed as well.

I'm thinking the DNC will be insane. Still, in the end the backroom people will decide, I think.
Wow, big wig senator suggesting there could have been a second shooter, and says he doesn’t trust the FBI and Secret Service to do an honest investigation.

Then Biden drops out.

That Sean Davis’ post is super far-fetched.

Going back all the way to 1960’s, the Presidential Debates have always been held late September / early October. After both conventions were over and nominees were clear.

The debate was held on June 27th this year. Way before the conventions.

This, I think was a fail-safe by democrats.

The race is just beginning. Don’t count the chicken before they hatch.
They try to bankrupt him, arrest him and then kill the guy.

And he still continues. Detractors are going to complain about anything and I know he’s far from perfect. I don’t agree with important topics (like interest rates) but let’s be honest here…

Isn’t he the best candidate?
They try to bankrupt him, arrest him and then kill the guy.

And he still continues. Detractors are going to complain about anything and I know he’s far from perfect. I don’t agree with important topics (like interest rates) but let’s be honest here…

Isn’t he the best candidate?
He's definitely the best candidate for any office I've seen in my life time. The man's got flaws for sure, but I can't think of anyone I'd prefer to vote for over him. The fact that the opposition hates him so much that they tried to kill him only cements that.
Took her long enough. I guess the evidence against her was too overwhelming, nowadays that everyone has video cameras in their pockets. I hope they pursue further investigation into her and what she was planning, who she is protecting, and how high up the plot goes. Otherwise she'll be bumped into some other cushy job and forgotten about ("f-up and move up" as the saying goes about govvies).
