Donald Trump

Good mods are generally, in my experience, more restrained and certainly less strident. And only sissies down vote.

But the bigger point here is how "why would he not have his own trusted security batman to run the rule over all security details at these events" and "Having a personal security advisor and confidente costs peanuts for a man of Trump's wealth." can be misconstrued so easily by 2 people. A personal advisor is not a team, a personal advisor is someone whose judgement you trust and act upon. Trump, 'what do you think Jeeves?' 'I don't like it Sir. There's inexperienced personnel...' etc.

It's just an opinion, not particularly groundbreaking, but get it right.

Neither local law enforcement, nor (especially) federal agents, would ever fall under the command of a private individual, or company.
He would have to go 100% private to have total control. And I for one think that, if its legally possible, he should have never accepted security assigned to him by Mayorkas.
Neither local law enforcement, nor (especially) federal agents, would ever fall under the command of a private individual, or company.
He would have to go 100% private to have total control. And I for one think that, if its legally possible, he should have never accepted security assigned to him by Mayorkas.
The thing is, the Secret Service coverage requires a large staff, and probably costs a large fortune for someone like Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if it's cost $100 million since Trump left office. He's pretty rich, but $100 million is actually a lot for him.

Secondly, the Secret Service has the authority of the Federal Government to require cooperation with all kinds of police forces and other agencies, in the US and abroad. A totally private operation wouldn't have nearly as much reach.

I do think Trump needs his own guy watching over the Secret Service protection effort, and advising/demanding changes when they aren't doing a good enough job. Trump should have had his own people who would have heard about this shooter being observed and should have pulled him off the stage, or prevented him ever going out.
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Good mods are generally, in my experience, more restrained and certainly less strident. And only sissies down vote.

But the bigger point here is how "why would he not have his own trusted security batman to run the rule over all security details at these events" and "Having a personal security advisor and confidente costs peanuts for a man of Trump's wealth." can be misconstrued so easily by 2 people. A personal advisor is not a team, a personal advisor is someone whose judgement you trust and act upon. Trump, 'what do you think Jeeves?' 'I don't like it Sir. There's inexperienced personnel...' etc.

It's just an opinion, not particularly groundbreaking, but get it right.

I would much rather a mod be open and engaging but that's just my opinion.

So what you're saying is that Trump should have had private contractors running point for the Secret Service? Do you not think perhaps your judgment of the situation is a bit clouded by your simple disdain for Trump? Mind you this isn't a defense of Trump, I am simply speaking to the validity of that critique.
Neither local law enforcement, nor (especially) federal agents, would ever fall under the command of a private individual, or company.
He would have to go 100% private to have total control. And I for one think that, if it’s legally possible, he should have never accepted security assigned to him by Mayorkas.
If Trump had security advisors like Dan Bangino or Erik Prince at Butler, they would have observed the security flaw of not protecting the roof of that building and demand that it be fixed.
I was in downtown San Francisco yesterday, and observed a woman wearing a red MAGA hat. That would have gotten you killed by a mob four years ago.

Even Zuckerjew seems to be turning.

No doubt the Bay Area will go overwhelmingly for Dems, but there’s been some thawing of social acceptability of Trump as a legitimate rival.
I was in downtown San Francisco yesterday, and observed a woman wearing a red MAGA hat. That would have gotten you killed by a mob four years ago.

Even Zuckerjew seems to be turning.

No doubt the Bay Area will go overwhelmingly for Dems, but there’s been some thawing of social acceptability of Trump as a legitimate rival.

Demon hedging his bets, no shame just terrified of the concept that perhaps he sold his soul to the wrong side.

Haha great avatar pic Dusty!

"...questioning the presence of women in law enforcement...are baseless and insulting..."
"...women...are highly trained and skilled professionals, who risk their lives on the front lines..."
"...elevate women in our law enforcement ranks...better...our country more secure..."
