Donald Trump

Major failures by USSS.

I’m not even sure we can blame the usss for all of this? They are in charge if the immediate area around the target, the local police takes care of the rest. The local police had officers in the building but not on the roof (whoops!) of the shooter, all of these guys are on mic and co stably talking to each other that they are checking on something

If you want to blame usss, they were told about the shooter on the roof by people who saw him before he shot, could have got T off stage until they got the rifleman on the roof?
I posted the following in the 2024 Election thread a week and a half ago:

If the legal hurdles preventing any other candidate than Biden or Harris getting on a ballot in a few key states are truly insurmountable, then it's basically over for them. Which means they'll get even more desperate, and possibly try some crazy gambit to get the election cancelled or delayed, or else deploy their cheating apparatus to such an absurd and obvious degree that a coalition of the leading red states band together and refuse to certify the election results. Then things could get really hairy after that.
After analyzing more of the evidence from yesterday, I believe that the attempted assassination of Trump was exactly this gambit. My guess is that their idea was to kill Trump before the convention and the naming of his VP, thereby throwing the GOP nomination into total chaos. That would give the Dems more time and leverage to force Biden off the ticket, and would also give them a rationale for going to Congress and arguing that due to incredible and unprecedented circumstances - the removal of both major party candidates from the ballot - that the elections should be delayed until some point in the future. This would allow their imbecilic puppet Kamala to take over the reins without having to worry about being elected by voters (basically an impossibility). The election could be postponed for another year or more to allow time for an entire new primary process for each party to take place. During that time, there would be plenty of opportunity to further cement their position and/or initiate their plans for WW3 and possibly suspend future elections entirely. More prosaically, delaying the election would simply allow them to field a superior candidate and/or improve their election fraud plans.

As for the attempted assassination itself, my guess is that the shooter was one of their MK Ultra'ed patsy types - groomed online by FBI/CIA, subjected to their perfected method of brainwashing and probably given some basic firearms training. He is likely just one of several dozen such young men spread out across the country, each one of them lying in wait as a one-man sleeper cell. When the Deep State decided on their plan, they activated his programming and told him when and where to show up. They obviously had some sort of inside connection at the highest levels of the Secret Service to allow the shooter access to the building on which he was perched. My guess is that, through their insider connections, they were able to make the SS snipers believe that the building the shooter was on was already secured by local PD. And then when the snipers spotted the shooter and radioed to their command for permission to shoot him (as is apparently required by their rules of engagement), they were likely led to believe that the would-be assassin was a local SWAT sniper or something along those lines.
This meme never gets old.

I posted the following in the 2024 Election thread a week and a half ago:

After analyzing more of the evidence from yesterday, I believe that the attempted assassination of Trump was exactly this gambit. My guess is that their idea was to kill Trump before the convention and the naming of his VP, thereby throwing the GOP nomination into total chaos. That would give the Dems more time and leverage to force Biden off the ticket, and would also give them a rationale for going to Congress and arguing that due to incredible and unprecedented circumstances - the removal of both major party candidates from the ballot - that the elections should be delayed until some point in the future. This would allow their imbecilic puppet Kamala to take over the reins without having to worry about being elected by voters (basically an impossibility). The election could be postponed for another year or more to allow time for an entire new primary process for each party to take place. During that time, there would be plenty of opportunity to further cement their position and/or initiate their plans for WW3 and possibly suspend future elections entirely. More prosaically, delaying the election would simply allow them to field a superior candidate and/or improve their election fraud plans.

As for the attempted assassination itself, my guess is that the shooter was one of their MK Ultra'ed patsy types - groomed online by FBI/CIA, subjected to their perfected method of brainwashing and probably given some basic firearms training. He is likely just one of several dozen such young men spread out across the country, each one of them lying in wait as a one-man sleeper cell. When the Deep State decided on their plan, they activated his programming and told him when and where to show up. They obviously had some sort of inside connection at the highest levels of the Secret Service to allow the shooter access to the building on which he was perched. My guess is that, through their insider connections, they were able to make the SS snipers believe that the building the shooter was on was already secured by local PD. And then when the snipers spotted the shooter and radioed to their command for permission to shoot him (as is apparently required by their rules of engagement), they were likely led to believe that the would-be assassin was a local SWAT sniper or something along those lines.
I think you have a pretty good take all in all. Things like the below add fuel to that fire also.


What's the source of the Jew claim? The only thing I saw on the page was the sentence "He resides with his parents, Matthew and Mary, who are reportedly in their 50s and identify as Jewish." but then there's nothing support that. With the claim of them being mental health professionals there's at a LinkedIn profiles with the same name as the father
My guess is that, through their insider connections, they were able to make the SS snipers believe that the building the shooter was on was already secured by local PD. And then when the snipers spotted the shooter and radioed to their command for permission to shoot him (as is apparently required by their rules of engagement), they were likely led to believe that the would-be assassin was a local SWAT sniper or something along those lines.
This is viable speculation. I agree with you that the guy is/was a psychological asset as well.

Your first paragraph there reminded me of what Scott Adams said about 3 weeks ago, which was that they'd steal the election and it would be very obvious, that even Dems would admit it. Then say that we'll have to have an election re-do or do over, but effectively Biden would be out or everything would be in disarray. My feeling is that if they tried it, it wouldn't work, and the chaos would spread and cause major problems beyond even social issues. It would likely set off a tax refusal/revolt, or something like it.
Freakin disgusting. Normies identified the threat and were pointing him out to LE, and they did nothing. This was long before T was shot too, because he’s not talking about the chart yet.

Except we don’t know that police did nothing. In fact by all accounts the police sent someone up the ladder to the roof of the sniper and surprised/rushed him enough to mane his attempt while the wind was blowing strong (look at the flag blowing above trumps head ) and perhaps raised the alarm ?

But why not just get Trump off stage while they look for the sniper?

Why not just have police on all of the rooftops ahead of time?

I still have questions but we will likely never get answers
not using spoiler tags for gore, off-topic posting (belongs in trump criticism thread)
This shooting should get its own thread, there is too much to sift through in the Trump and Trump debate threads now with all the incoming heaps of information.

The truthers are on this already exposing much, crazy seeing within one day the narrative forming. There were multiple guys again, not one shooter.

The one who was shot was this jewish antifa member, Maxwell Yearick:
The masses are controlled by emotion. You feed them all the right stimuli in different areas to target that one sliver of emotion they have about something, the Bible, the goverment, the president, the country. So you create a massive diversion to hit all the spots that you need to hit. Cover all the bases.


Here is a Blackrock commercial that was shot at the Bethel Park High School in PA where you can see the alleged perpetrator. Not the jewish antifa but the 20-year old with the Klingon forehead:

View attachment blackrockshootervid.mp4

This guy, Thomas Crooks, is an unemployed ActBlue donor for Progressive turnout:


It is a jewish cluster and everyone is being played big time. Do not get emotional or invest your time in this event, just know that it is another spectacular episode of American Theater brought to you by deep state jews on parade.
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