Donald Trump

It's just like election night in 2016 all over again

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Let's put forward some facts about the career of the Kimberly Cheattle, current head of the USSS:

She first joined the USSS in 1995, and retired in late 2019. When she retired she was Assistant Direçtor of Protective Operations. She had previously served as Special Agent in Charge of the Atlanta USSS Office.

She was a member of the VP Protective Detail during the Obama Admin, including some time as a supervisor. That brought her into direct contact with the Bidens.

After Trump was elected she moved to Deputy Assistant Director of USSS for Training, and later Assistant Director for Protective Operations, the position she held when she retired.

She then went into Corporate Security for Pepsico.

But an interview she gave for the publication "Women In Security" -- combined with what she's done since becoming USSS Director -- is interesting:

“I kept a photo on my desk of the first five women sworn into the service, and I used that to remind me that these women created opportunities for me and I can help others grow and lead as well.”

There is a video that has been posted in numerous places where, as Director, she talks about the need to diversify the ranks of the USSS and has established a goal of hiring 30% female USSS Agents by 2030.

Did I mention that she is the recipient of the "Women in Federal Law Enforcement Public Service Award."

Notice a pattern?

She was appointed by Biden in Aug. 2022 shortly after the USSS came under fire after claiming that all its communications from Jan 6 were "unavailable."

But for some reason, in 2021 -- two years after she left Govt for Pepsico -- she was given a Presidential Rank Award.

All that really is is a cash bonus for Senior Executive Service members -- the highest level of Civil Service in the Govt. The cash award is 20% of their base salary.

It seems odd to me that Biden would gift her a $40,000 cash bonus more that 2 years after she left Govt service, and then 8 months later name her to head the USSS.

In addition, it seems like another example of Biden elevating someone personally close to him AND DR. JILL -- and I think likely more so Jill than him -- to a position of high importance where keeping the family's secrets was a necessity.

Reminds me of Catherine Russell -- Dr. Jill's Chief of Staff while Second Lady -- who was named Dir. of WH Personnel Office at the start of the Biden Admin. That job put her in charge of the Office that vetted all political appointees in all Exec. Branch Depts and Agencies for the new Admin.

Time for Dir. Cheattle to answer questions before Congress.


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Comer tells Fox he expects to have an "emergency hearing" with USSS Dir Cheatle on Monday, July 22

Also, Comer believes he will get a full briefing “Monday or Tuesday.”

A source familiar with the Hill inquiry into the assassination attempt tells Fox it appears the Secret Service “was relying a lot on local police.”

Fox is also told to expect the following:

Oversight Committee will tackle the USSS angle of this.
The Homeland Security Committee will tackle the DHS angle of this
The Intelligence Committee will tackle the FBI angle of this.
Razorfist take:

EMJ take. Read till the end

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After escaping impeachment, lawfare, and assassination, Trump has shown that he is the man appointed by providence to preside over the demise of the American Empire. He is the Weltgeist in a golf cart. This does not mean that he is a saint, anymore than other providential men like Napoleon and Alexander the Great were saints. It means that he has been assigned a role in human history, which he can screw up because God has granted him free will. He can only fulfill God's plan for America if he addresses the fundamental political issue of our age, which is Jewish control of our Congress, as Rep. Massie pointed out in his interview with Tucker Carlson. God is presenting him with an opportunity to address this issue within a matter of days when Binyamin Netanyahu shows up to address our congress once again. House Speaker Johnson, the same man who said Hamas roasted babies in ovens, has promised to break the previous record of 25 standing ovations, in an ever more degrading spectacle than what Congress did the last time around. Netanyahu betrayed Trump by recognizing Biden as president when that crooked stolen election hung in the balance. It is now time for Trump to even the score and declare America's independence from the Israeli lobby. Trump needs to show the world that when they tried to kill him they fucked with the wrong nigga.
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That picture will become iconic. Just black and white it. You’re looking at American history.

What’s disturbing is there is no way this was just some nut job guy. Back in 2017 I saw so many leftists posting “are we safe?” In reality, they always were. Look at the kid gloves of the riots in 2020. Nothing like this would ever happen to Biden. It’s us dissidents that need to ask “are we safe?” The answer is no.
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BREAKING: A local police officer found the Trump gunman but retreated down the ladder after the suspect pointed the rifle at him.

According to the Associated Press, the suspect was discovered by an officer who retreated, allowing the suspect to fire at Trump.

"Rallygoers noticed a man climbing to the roof of a nearby building and warned local police, according to two law enforcement officials," the AP reported.

"One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump."


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Seconds before Thomas Matthew Crooks, the Shooter at yesterday’s Campaign Rally in Pennsylvania began to Shoot at Former President Donald J. Trump; a Local Police Officer had climbed the Ladder onto the Roof that Crooks was on in the Prone Position, to Investigate a Report of a Suspicious Individual possibly with a Gun, but the Officer fell after Crooks pointed his Rifle at him and then almost immediately began to fire towards the Rally.
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God did protect him.

A turn of the head. A guest of wind.

Donald John Trump withstood that test of faith, and by doing so, revealed the very hand of God.

Do not doubt for a single second that all the demons and minions of the dark saw it. And wailed. And are, even at this moment, cowering in fear.

Because God wins, in the end.

It is written.
I’ll say it again, why is Trump relying on women and other diversity hires from the secret service and not hiring his own protection? He can afford the best can he not? He now knows that the fat women that are protecting him are not up to the job(or are complicit against him ) and he has not made any changes? Or has he?
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