Donald Trump

That's all you can process? Sorry man..

The masses are controlled by emotion. You feed them all the right stimuli in different areas to target that one sliver of emotion they have about something, the Bible, the goverment, the president, the country. So you create a massive diversion to hit all the spots that you need to hit. Cover all the bases.

You two should have some faith, this isn't the sort of thing that can be faked.

They even caught images of the bullet, and you can quite literally see Trump flinching back from being shot.

There was no time for him to put a bloodpack, let me show you a video I got from the Spartan Discord.

Not just that.

We have reports of many people from the event that saw things firsthand. I don't think there is anything about this that is fake or manufactured.

Let me tell you brothers if Christ, that while doubt has it's place, it shall not avail you. Only faith will.

I had only just last year been brought to my knees my paranoia unbreaking that gripped me day and night. I put blame of every malice, every shady thought, every bad thing upon the Devils feet, such that I could not bring myself to ask God to save me, so paralysed was I.

I nearly threw myself off a bridge, thinking I could defeat such a thing by escaping this world, but it was God that saved me.

So let me tell you, do not let your paranoia get the better of you. This event genuinely looks real, but even if it isn't?

Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I felt free to share my true opinions on politics. I work in the UK at a theatre, and it's one of the most liberal places you could imagine, but after seeing Trump's bravery, nobody felt ashamed to speak their minds.

That to me, is far more valuable than anything else. I prayed to God for strength, and he delivered. Amen.


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You two should have some faith, this isn't the sort of thing that can be faked.

The second attachment you posted from 4chan (or 8chan) from the guy claiming to be one of the police snipers on the roof who only was only given permission to kill the alleged assassin after 3 whole minutes of watching him is pretty incredible if it's actually legit. Unfortunately the chan websites are truly the "wild west" of the internet, where nothing can ever be truly verified.
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Some of the best recent Trump memes from other threads and from other parts of the internet





So JFK is having a cigar somewhere?

What's next? Bullets are fake?

I don’t know if he’s trolling (which I don’t mind). But if he really thinks that, I’ll block him. You’re wasting brain cells reading what he posts.
I don’t know if he’s trolling (which I don’t mind). But if he really thinks that, I’ll block him. You’re wasting brain cells reading what he posts.

We've had so many of these loons come through here just before this attempted assassination of an ex-president.


Asking questions as we do here doesn't mean we're loons by the way, don't forget that.

The starting off with "I don't condone violence" with a statement that actually condones violence is exactly the political word play that liberals undergo. You also see this type of stuff frequently with theological debates. And it's why you cannot debate with them. And they don't care anymore either about getting caught up with the meaning of words or any truth. It's a different reality.
This shooting should get its own thread, there is too much to sift through in the Trump and Trump debate threads now with all the incoming heaps of information.

The truthers are on this already exposing much, crazy seeing within one day the narrative forming. There were multiple guys again, not one shooter.

The one who was shot was this jewish antifa member, Maxwell Yearick:

View attachment 10015

The masses are controlled by emotion. You feed them all the right stimuli in different areas to target that one sliver of emotion they have about something, the Bible, the goverment, the president, the country. So you create a massive diversion to hit all the spots that you need to hit. Cover all the bases.

View attachment 10016

Here is a Blackrock commercial that was shot at the Bethel Park High School in PA where you can see the alleged perpetrator. Not the jewish antifa but the 20-year old with the Klingon forehead:

View attachment 10012

This guy, Thomas Crooks, is an unemployed ActBlue donor for Progressive turnout:

View attachment 10014

It is a jewish cluster and everyone is being played big time. Do not get emotional or invest your time in this event, just know that it is another spectacular episode of American Theater brought to you by deep state jews on parade.

Where's the warning on this post? Come on, some of us still care to not be psychologically influenced by all the images we are exposed to. In the end, some of this does take its toll. Appreciate the other poster for placing the warning before the link.
Even hardcore Trump hater Cenk Uygur admits he is impressed.

I have to say, although Cenk is annoying sometimes, I don't find him a morally bad guy. Can't say I got that vibe from him that he is corrupted and satanic, simply naïve and misguided on many issues. He has moments when he is very genuine, and even reasonable. The other people on TYT (except Jimmy Dore) seem like morons though.