Donald Trump


This is sad, but he died a hero, saving his daughter's life, a choice he would make again in an instant. He is saved and is with God now. His family are provided for and protected now.

He could have had many more years on this Earth, but now he is with God, so it is no loss for him. He died well. It is his family that will suffer and miss him, but they can be comforted knowing he is with God, and they will see him again.
Is the father who got shot and died, and the 2 other people in hospital with gunshot wounds a drill too ?

I shouldn’t speak for someone else, but I think what he meant was that this will happen again and again and again And instead of using an experience sniper who is trained by the US Marine Corps They figured any antifa would be OK for round one

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Hopefully after the tragedy yesterday in Butler PA we can all recognize that unaccountable bloated bureaucracies continue to fail us as Americans.

Donald J Trump is alive today solely due to a bad wind estimate by an evil would be assasin.

As the graphics show the full value wind of just 5mph was enough to displace the unconfirmed but likely light 55 grain bullet two inches from DJT's intended forehead to his ear.

DJT was not saved by USSS brilliance. The fact that USSS allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence. Clearly there was adequate uncontrolled dead space for a shooter to move into position and take multiple aimed shots. Watching the newsreel one can hear how proximate the shooter is by the very short time lapse between the crack of arriving bullet (supersonic) to the boom of muzzle blast (sonic).

The law enforcement sniper (unclear if USSS) in newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter. Clearly they were watching the shooter but apparently have a no "first shot" policy. The only positive action was an apparent 488yd shot by one USSS sniper which despatched the assasin but after the assassin launched at least 5 rounds, wounding DJT and killing and severely others in the crowd.

In my old business of providing Diplomatic Security in two active war zones we were expected to execute the basics or we would be fired. Clearly USSS failed at the basics of a secure perimeter and once shots were fired their extraction was clumsy and left DJT highly exposed to follow on attacks. It looked like they had never drilled together because those responses should be effectively autonomic. Will there be accountability? That's not the Washington way.

Unserious and unworthy people in positions of authority got us to this near disaster. Merit and execution must be the only deciding factors in hiring and leadership, not the social engineering priority of the day. Sadly nothing in Washington reflects that any longer. DJT is right to question the competence of those protecting him because yesterday they failed in almost every way. Nature abhors a vacuum and there are always other options.

Most importantly, as Americans let's come together and run a proper valid election so we can get back to what matters a merit based society that judges on character and skill. Nothing else.

(Images from a SEAL sniper instructor at Red Sky LLC)



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Brian Berletic speculate that the assassin was groomed by the FBI to engineer a false flag. He fits the characteristic of an FBI trained asset where he was trained just enough to make an attempt to assassinate but not enough to make an escape plan.

In the youtube video I shared, I timestamped (around 6:00) where he makes this observation/speculation and past events where FBI had engineered past events.

An example in the video: in 2010 the Major of Oregon refused to join the FBI task force, so the FBI engineered a terrorist event through training an unstable individual to attempt a terrorist event to capitulate the mayor into joining the task force.


Demolition Ranch shirt. That’s a gun centered YouTube channel that’s been around for 15 years. Not a leftist channel at all. Probably wore it to fit in.
Attempted false flag to push gun control and taking out Trump at the same time, attempting to use Trump as a "gun violence" martyr. They have been going after guntubers hard recently and using Demolition Ranch is the least edgy youtuber in that space imo. Convince people that he helped get Trump killed and you can cause chaos on him and other guntubers. Matt Carriker is look at as one of the pioneers of guntubers so if you can get him, the others will be easy.
Media trying to involve Demolition Ranch.


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'Trump’s life was saved by a miracle, not by his security' — Russian Spetsnaz veteran

It appears that the people responsible for Trump’s safety dropped the ball judging by the circumstances of the recent assassination attempt, Alexey Filatov, retired lieutenant colonel of the Russian Federal Security Service and veteran counterterrorism specialist, told Sputnik.

While Trump’s security at the rally was provided by three groups – his bodyguards, local police and the Secret Service – it appears that there was no proper communication between them, Filatov, who previously interacted US security services personnel, notes.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator managed to somehow get on a rooftop only about 150 yards (137 meters) away from Trump, a distance where it is “fairly easy” to hit a target the size of a human head using “not even a sniper rifle but a usual automatic rifle with good sights,” Filatov remarks.

“It would be safe to say that the security performed extremely poorly,” he says, noting that for some reason, law enforcement and security personnel did not bother to secure all nearby rooftops in the vicinity.

“You could say that this terrorist act or, shall we say, assassination attempt, it was successful. Donald Trump’s life was saved by a miracle rather than by his security,” Filatov adds.

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Trump’s life saved by shooter’s lack of professionalism — Russian anti-terror unit veteran

"I don’t believe that it was a professional sniper, because for a professional sniper, 100 or 110 meters [from the roof to Trump] is not a [large] distance," Sergei Goncharov, president of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha Anti-Terror Unit and member of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) advisory council, tells Sputnik.

"He hit Trump's ear and is now confirmed to have killed two people. That is, at least, it seems to me that this criminal was not a professional, and he acted precisely from his own considerations, which will probably now be sorted out and discussed all over the world," the Spetsnaz veteran continues.

"The division in American society that now exists regarding Trump and Biden [has reached such strength] that I do not rule out that these police officers did not like Trump, and therefore they did not care about the situation that was pointed out to them," Goncharov speculates.