Donald Trump

Remember this now. They will weave a tangled web of lies built upon lies after something like this. The "dead body" on the roof also looks suspect, and is most definitely not the guy in the X profile. The name sounds like a random string of Appalachian, but why would a kid like this be an antifa? How would a White kid that is in antifa have this kind of rifle? Nothing adds up because it's not supposed to.

Events like these were planned in advance to gauge the emotional reaction of people, who are easier to control when emotional. Not everyone has to participate in this for it to be scripted either, the loose ends and collateral damage are part and parcel of the whole plan too. Chaos. The world becomes more frontier-like each day. Less justice and legitimate laws, more tyranny, more animalistic behavior.

Every single scripted sequence has mismatches in the beginning. The first 24-hour window period is the best time to put together as many details as possible so when they come on to do damage control with their official version of the story the holes are easy to spot. That's why the Vegas shooters and the NZ mosque "shooter" stories both had huge differences on their dates and the exact date after (Multiple shooters windows in the Mandalay Bay Resort, in NZ there was an entirely different Mosque carpet with a different pattern than the one in the guy's go-pro).
The entire thing looks like a drill to me.
Most likely sound effects and/or controlled shootings, a bag of Ketchup behind ear and a prepared Secret Service that acted with 'composure'.
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I meant to comment on this earlier but there is so much to read.

The obvious panic and incompetence here is staggering. That chick can't even put her gun away.

If I was Trump I'd remove all women from my team with immediate effect. They aren't cut out for this situation. Same applies for the one on the stage.
Women doing men's stuff is essentially LARPing. It's fantasy role play for them. And the worst aspect of it is that they don't appear to have any insight, or shame, when they mess up badly. I've yet to hear a woman hold their hands up and admit to not being up to scratch in any of these sorts of high testosterone roles.
Here's a picture of the alleged shooter's body, likely taken from one of the cops. It's definitely not the tranny-wookiee looking dude with the spectacles but more resembles the guy's facial bone structure from the twitter/X profile. Weird how the glowies have such a disparity in their human props.

It's gory, assuming it's not fake, so I'm going to put the link inside a spoiler so as to not upset anyone who doesn't want to look at it.

Depends on the velocity of the round dude.