Donald Trump

Demolition Ranch shirt. That’s a gun centered YouTube channel that’s been around for 15 years. Not a leftist channel at all. Probably wore it to fit in.
Attempted false flag to push gun control and taking out Trump at the same time, attempting to use Trump as a "gun violence" martyr. They have been going after guntubers hard recently and using Demolition Ranch is the least edgy youtuber in that space imo. Convince people that he helped get Trump killed and you can cause chaos on him and other guntubers. Matt Carriker is look at as one of the pioneers of guntubers so if you can get him, the others will be easy.
Attempted false flag to push gun control and taking out Trump at the same time, attempting to use Trump as a "gun violence" martyr. They have been going after guntubers hard recently and using Demolition Ranch is the least edgy youtuber in that space imo. Convince people that he help get Trump killed and you can cause chaos on him and other guntubers. Matt Carriker is look at as one of the pioneers of guntubers so if you can get him, the others will be easy.
Demolition ranch is awesome. He's an Aggie and a good ole boy.
its amateur night if he missed a stationary target from 150 meters.
.556 out of a relatively short carbine? was he aiming for the head? was he thinking about fast follow up shots instead on one good one? fighting his way out?

Any decent shooter firing at the center of a standing mans chest with a high powered, longer barreled and scoped rifle at 150 meters... and it would have been lights out for the Donald. This reeks of lone whack job. He clipped his ear though... not bad.
At 150yds a minute of angle (MOA) is 1.5in. Most rifles are 2-4 MOA depending on the platform and ammo choice. So 3-6in groups. Given Trump's movements, the shooter's probable lack of experience, and God's Will I'm not surprised he missed. Consider that the front of Trump's head is probably 8-10" from ear to ear. Even experienced hunters get buck fever and whiff the shot. Imagine the adrenaline in his system as he took a potshot at Trump.
At 150yds a minute of angle (MOA) is 1.5in. Most rifles are 2-4 MOA depending on the platform and ammo choice. So 3-12in groups. Given Trump's movements, the shooter's probable lack of experience, and God's Will I'm not at all surprised he missed. Consider that the front of Trump's head is probably 8-10" from ear to ear. Even experienced hunters get buck fever and whiff the shot. Imagine the adrenaline in his system as he took a potshot at Trump.

You can shoot sub moa with high quality ammo in a 16 barrel ar15, factually that's a reality.

But doing it in the moment is a different matter....
That profile pic and the pic of the shooter don't match. Wrong lips and jawline.
Remember this now. They will weave a tangled web of lies built upon lies after something like this. The "dead body" on the roof also looks suspect, and is most definitely not the guy in the X profile. The name sounds like a random string of Appalachian, but why would a kid like this be an antifa? How would a White kid that is in antifa have this kind of rifle? Nothing adds up because it's not supposed to.

Events like these were planned in advance to gauge the emotional reaction of people, who are easier to control when emotional. Not everyone has to participate in this for it to be scripted either, the loose ends and collateral damage are part and parcel of the whole plan too. Chaos. The world becomes more frontier-like each day. Less justice and legitimate laws, more tyranny, more animalistic behavior.

Every single scripted sequence has mismatches in the beginning. The first 24-hour window period is the best time to put together as many details as possible so when they come on to do damage control with their official version of the story the holes are easy to spot. That's why the Vegas shooters and the NZ mosque "shooter" stories both had huge differences on their dates and the exact date after (Multiple shooters windows in the Mandalay Bay Resort, in NZ there was an entirely different Mosque carpet with a different pattern than the one in the guy's go-pro).
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You can shoot sub moa with high quality ammo in a 16 barrel ar15, factually that's a reality.

But doing it in the moment is a different matter....
With the right ammo and user anything's sub-moa. I've shot sub-moa out of my ARs but I don't get the experienced marksman vibe from this kid. More of a r/liberalgunowners with "My First AR15 kit" from a place like Bear Creek or Palmetto State (I hope it's not PSA they rock). Secret Service is saying it was an "AR-style rifle". Missing a head size target at 150 yards, while nervous, while probably shooting some generic .223/5.56. CIA hitman standards have dropped since '63. At least use a Marine.

At 150yds a minute of angle (MOA) is 1.5in. Most rifles are 2-4 MOA depending on the platform and ammo choice. So 3-6in groups. Given Trump's movements, the shooter's probable lack of experience, and God's Will I'm not surprised he missed. Consider that the front of Trump's head is probably 8-10" from ear to ear. Even experienced hunters get buck fever and whiff the shot. Imagine the adrenaline in his system as he took a potshot at Trump.
I said high powered rifle in the chest. Bigger target, much more destruction to make up for a wandering shot. It was human error - planning and execution. Like I said, he did well to clip his head. He was probably really good with that AR actually. Maybe thats why he picked it.
Had the same thought; I doubt the shooter was directly from a three letter agency. I would think an experienced shooter would either have gone with multiple central mass shots, or wouldn't have missed the head at 140 yds. I think more likely some kind of Antifa person, maybe someone who was groomed/cultivated by the FBI. Secret Service higher ups could have "allowed" this to go forward by using too few SS agents, or assigning less capable members to the sniper detail. Layers of plausible deniability.

I agree that it was likely not a govt employee. Likely somebody from the shadowy underworld of political dissidents. The same people who make pallets of bricks appear on street corners before riots

However, like you said, I suspect this person was cultivated, and that people looked the other way to make an opportunity for him to take a shot. Like you said, they did things in a way to try to create plausible deniability.

In my opinion, this scenario should be considered an inside job. It was allowed to happen.
All nearby rooftops should have had security on (or at least near them) hours before the speech.
Also, too many shots were fired before agents pulled him to the ground....reaction time could have been faster from them.
The short female agents unable to shield his upper torso, neck, and head when they got back up and brought him to the car are also ridiculous.

Inadequate preparatory measures, slow reaction times, and (possibly deliberate) negligence in multiple ways from the security services here.
President should be asking serious questions how multiple lapses in security like this were allowed to even happen.
Smells to high heaven like a set up and/or trap.
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All I saw was hesitation from people who have ran countless drills but at the same time have been to countless rallies, press meetings, PR events but have never actually had to carry out their training in the heat of the moment under fire.

I see a lone whack job who did admirably well considering he made a poor choice in weapon and target, and poor performance from security mixed with a slightly dull response time, due to not be a hundred percent "on" because of the monotony of the job.

Mark my words - a decent shooter using a high powered rifle and aiming for the chest and America would not be great again.
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The fact that the shots came so damn close to his head (grazing his ear) leads one to surmise that this was no amateur shooter deciding to act on a whim, on the spur of the moment. It's difficult to get off that kind of precision without first getting into a stable firing position while sitting on a uneven slopping roof, then acquiring your target and aiming, and finally also being able to fire so precisely without a tripod support. I would hazard a guess this was an individual who was potentially well prepared, and well trained.

Also, the fact that various individuals on the ground told news outlets afterwards that were alerting security that he was crawling onto the roof with a rifle and no action was taken while he got into an stable aiming and firing position reeks of a set up.

Very sad that an innocent bystander was killed, and that 2 other innocent bystanders were seriously injured.

If no one else was hurt, you could potentially still play devil's advocate and still argue it could have been staged, but knowing that others were killed and injured show it's 99% likely this was a legit attack.
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The fact that the shots came so damn close to his head (grazing his ear) leads one to surmise that this was no amateur shooter deciding to act on a whim, on the spur of the moment. It's difficult to get off that kind of precision without first getting into a stable firing position while sitting on a uneven slopping roof, then acquiring your target and aiming, and finally also being able to fire so precisely without a tripod support. I would hazard a guess this was an individual who was potentially very well prepared, and very well trained.

Also, the fact that various individuals on the ground were alerting security that he was crawling onto the roof with a rifle and no action was taken while he got into an aiming and firing position reeks of a set up.

Very sad that an innocent bystander was killed, and that 2 other innocent bystanders were seriously injured.

If no one else was hurt, you could potentially still play devil's advocate and argue it could have been staged, but knowing that others were killed and injured show it's 99% likely this was a legit attack.
My assessment as a Marine, expert marksman, rifle and pistol instructor, hunter and range master and OIC/RSO having ran 20+ live fire ranges in training and deployed....

The guy had some range time and some training.

That doesn't make him a CIA asset at all...but to make those hits he needs some good fundamentals.

Marksmanship is just mastery of breathing, positioning, trigger control, nerves and of course luck. At distance you have holdovers and wind calls...but at 150 meters.... It's pretty much a point of aim and point of impact shot.

20 to 40 hours of range time with someone dialing you in on the fundamentals .... or maybe more time watching and repeating on your own.