Donald Trump

Yesterdays shooter had bullets not fentanyl

Hey man, one golden Limo procession in Houston is enough for me....

Thank God the shooter was a white liberal. If the shooter was a colored person we all know how the outcome would go.

For those who want some math on the shot:

Also follow up from earlier post about Bannon

Newt gets it.

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At 150yds a minute of angle (MOA) is 1.5in. Most rifles are 2-4 MOA depending on the platform and ammo choice. So 3-6in groups. Given Trump's movements, the shooter's probable lack of experience, and God's Will I'm not surprised he missed. Consider that the front of Trump's head is probably 8-10" from ear to ear. Even experienced hunters get buck fever and whiff the shot. Imagine the adrenaline in his system as he took a potshot at Trump.

Absolutely correct

I'm a total fucken deadeye shooting red solo cups with my flock protector .22 right down the irons from any distance you want to put it at. But back when I was still hunting I would miss bucks that were eating right in front of the blind.
The shooter's aim was practically perfect.
He only missed because Trump moved his head at the last second, and the bullet(s) killed an innocent spectator instead.

There is an analogous scenario in the 1973 fictional movie "Day of the Jackal" where a professional assassin misses killing the president of France
Charles de Gaulle only because the president moves his head at the last second.

See this video starting at minute 1:54

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Absolutely correct

I'm a total fucken deadeye shooting red solo cups with my flock protector .22 right down the irons from any distance you want to put it at. But back when I was still hunting I would miss bucks that were eating right in front of the blind.

There's a difference between a sniper and a hunter though (no offense).
There's a difference between a sniper and a hunter though (no offense).
You're right, but I understand this shooter was a 20 year old kid. Even if he spent time at the range and made an effort to become skilled, I would think his age would be against him in terms of staying cool while making kill shots and knowing he was going to take a bullet himself within a few seconds.
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It is becoming more clear why the French President and the British PM called their elections far too early for the political self-interests to be served. Even then the popular will had to be muffled by mathematics. Imagine if these elections were due to happen next week or after November.
1. Looks to me the strategy was to take out Trump pre RNC and shuffle Biden out the door before DNC before they are locked in as the official candidates. Guess who we would have had left:

Republican - Nimrata Haley
Democrats - Kamala Harris

Two "women of color" both of which are chosen to be the candidates for each party because no one voted for them, both despised by the population and the powers at be wouldn't give two shits who won as both will do exactly as instructed.

2. Anyone watched the movie "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg? the premise is that they fake an assassination attempt of the president of the United States as cover for taking out the real target who is just deemed collateral damage and obvioulsy no one gives a shit about because everyone is thinking about the president. Now my question is who was the guy in the crowd that was killed? I am actually very curious to know his background. He is a complete afterthought to everyone right now...
Here's a picture of the alleged shooter's body, likely taken from one of the cops. It's definitely not the tranny-wookiee looking dude with the spectacles but more resembles the guy's facial bone structure from the twitter/X profile. Weird how the glowies have such a disparity in their human props.

It's gory, assuming it's not fake, so I'm going to put the link inside a spoiler so as to not upset anyone who doesn't want to look at it.
