Donald Trump

It amazes me how quick the media are to start saying how this will help Trump in the polls.

The speed of these articles hitting the press says so much. Daily Telegraph in the UK in particular. If they're right or wrong it doesn't matter, perhaps something to be discussed at a later time? I think it's the lack of decorum that just leaves me shaking my head.

The global media really are vultures.
I agree with this but I guess then it becomes what is your definition of an inside job? Handing a guy a rifle and telling him to be at this specific spot at this time....yea that's an inside job. The alphabet agencies using agents to encourage some crazy idiot to do it but not providing specifics....yea I guess that is too. How about just in general the entire apparatus encouraging all these crazy idiots thinking they are assassinating "literally hitler".....does that make them culpable?

Yes, sure. This looks like a case of "stochastic terror" resulting from the media/Dem establishment promoting TDS 24/7. Precisely what they accuse the right of doing.
Had the same thought; I doubt the shooter was directly from a three letter agency. I would think an experienced shooter would either have gone with multiple central mass shots, or wouldn't have missed the head at 140 yds. I think more likely some kind of Antifa person, maybe someone who was groomed/cultivated by the FBI. Secret Service higher ups could have "allowed" this to go forward by using too few SS agents, or assigning less capable members to the sniper detail. Layers of plausible deniability.
I don't think it's Antifa. Just thinking "open borders" in the back of my mind because there are a lot of illegal immigrants in the U.S. that are military-age men.

Edit. Also, DHS is allowing criminals, military age men, etc. into the U.S. illegally via southern border. I wouldn't be surprised if the shooter was a foreigner hired to take out a political opponent.
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Here's a second witness to the assassin that reported to authorities.

Another eye witness says that he told law officers there was a man on the roof climbing between multiple rooftops and they did absolutely nothing to stop him until it was too late! WTF!We need an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt immediately! "I saw a guy on top of one of the buildings, go in between one building to the next, and went and told the officer that he was up there. And when I went back to my spot I heard that people could still see the person from where they were standing so I checked that out, and I went and went back to tell the officer that if he came over there he could see them. And when I turned my back it's when the shots when the shots started and it was it took me a second or two to figure out exactly what it was. And then it was just getting out of there…and helping some other person out with her child and we got out And that was that was the end of that And I went and left and that was all....So this man was able to basically…climb to the next building…and you told law enforcement, Hey there's a guy over there. Correct I don't know how he got up there I don't know any of that but I definitely saw him up there And, sir, And that was…that was all."
I heard somebody saying they checked Google maps and the shooter was quite far.
The snipers do scans so the shooter didn’t have much time.
To shoot from a long distance in a short period of time and miss by 4 inches… it might be a professional shooter.

*i can’t confirm the distance.

As far as somebody telling some security there was somebody on top of a building, I guess the security thought it could be a colleague. Like:
- this Trump supporter is just being paranoid. We checked all corners n’ shieet. “
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@MKE-Ed , exactly. The insurance company can send a drone to inspect the house I just bought and tell me to cut the trees back from the roofline (no joke).

But USSS can't run a drone across all the nearby rooftops?

The YouTuber and all around great journalist Peter Santenello posted a ride along with Arizona Police recently and showed how they use drones in real time policing. Incredible clarity and use of tech. Which also provides an interesting solution to being so understaffed in that area.

Timestamp 42:20

Heads up, gents...



Full text
@SeanParnellUSA doesn’t talk much about his time in war. But tonight I got a glimpse of what he was like as a combat leader. He kept people calm and had them take cover, carried people to the medic tent, got people moving & evacuated, pushed many people in wheelchairs to safety. After he got me secured in the car he went back in to help more people. He’s a hero and I’m so proud of him.


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its amateur night if he missed a stationary target from 150 meters.
.556 out of a relatively short carbine? was he aiming for the head? was he thinking about fast follow up shots instead on one good one? fighting his way out?

Any decent shooter firing at the center of a standing mans chest with a high powered, longer barreled and scoped rifle at 150 meters... and it would have been lights out for the Donald. This reeks of lone whack job. He clipped his ear though... not bad.