Donald Trump

I've had to re-watch this several times. Something is really off. This is what I noticed:

1. You can clearly see the USSS spot the shooter.
2. He doesn't initiate and is not taking action...yet.
3. He basically wait for the incoming fire.
4. Finally, he responds when the shots are fired.

Why wait for the shooter to fire first? Shouldn't the USSS sniper take him out first once the threat is in his line of sight?
Target acquisition and shot placement takes time, it doesn't happen instantaneously. The order of shots just may have been how things played out.

Maybe the USSS had to wait for the ok, and while they were waiting the failed assassin shot first.
I've had to re-watch this several times. Something is really off. This is what I noticed:

1. You can clearly see the USSS spot the shooter.
2. He doesn't initiate and is not taking action...yet.
3. He basically wait for the incoming fire.
4. Finally, he responds when the shots are fired.

Why wait for the shooter to fire first? Shouldn't the USSS sniper take him out first once the threat is in his line of sight?

Maybe he was aiming and didn’t want to miss. Maybe he was part of a conspiracy to kill Trump. Maybe the shooter was further away and he was factoring in wind. It happened pretty quick. I think you’re asking the wrong question. How did a rifleman get a gun into a Trump rally to begin with? If people saw the gunman on the roof and told police, why didn’t they act? Why is security so weak? If Trump is a billionaire and can afford additional security then why didn’t he get it and use it today
Target acquisition and shot placement takes time, it doesn't happen instantaneously. The order of shots just may have been how things played out.
The USSS sniper clearly had the assassin in sights, then he looks up (like "am I really seeing what I'm seeing thru the scope"), then he rapidly grabs the shot.

That shows the value of a good tri-pod with lockdowns. I don't think he really had time to refocus on scope-view before engaging, but he clearly hit his mark. Usually grabbing the shot like that leads to a wild miss.

Twitter @utism_ account has graphic photos.

BTW the photo of the assassin does not look like the antifa neckbeard guy before.
Completely insane and inexplicable that a dude with a rifle was crawling around on the roof of the closest building to the rally. Gross incompetence by the Secret Service (to a degree that is almost impossible to believe) or some kind of inside job. Glory to God for protecting Trump. Truly miraculous. The photo of his blood spattered face with his defiantly raised fist will be one of the most iconic photos of the century.
This was my first thought as well. Secret Service's most basic job is to cover all rooftops in the area, and also to control ingress on nearby buildings that might have a vantage point. They typically have multiple teams of snipers and spotters constantly scanning the area. How on earth did a shooter get on a nearby roof?
His SS security was intentionally limited by DHS. Even with that issue, I would think a local sheriff deputy would be able to patrol that main roof and have eyes on the surrounding structures. Been able to respond faster.
There will be no stealing the election this time...
I wouldn't bet on that (but maybe our resident JQ Crypto King would?).
If they do it's civil war.
Not even close. America is too obese and feminized to fight for anything remotely masculine. Even if Trump would have been killed tonight The People would have literally done nothing except make a Wal-Mart run for snacks and microwave popcorn so they could sit on their dumb, fat asses and watch FOX replay the assassination footage for the next 10 years.
Regarding “staging”….Yeah, have a sniper miss your brain by a couple inches to win over independents.
Perfect analysis.
... how did someone even get a gun to one of these rallies?
There has to be a mole within the SS that leaked out plans of this rally in advance to someone trying to kill Trump...
Be careful My Brother... For your sake, I hope VPN's truly work.
This is exactly what I thought: an inside job.
Yep, screams inside Job...
No doubt in my mind that this was an inside job.
This glows so bright that DEI incompetence doesn't explain everything.
I've had to re-watch this several times. Something is really off.
Target acquisition and shot placement takes time, it doesn't happen instantaneously.
Heavy hitters of the forum coming to the same conclusion. Don't panic, but... Get. Out. Now. Abandon all current political and economic systems, and strike out into the wilderness in your own direction.
As long as he survives he's got this in the bag.
I don't think so. Watching things unfold over the last year (including tonight) I'm predicting that neither Trump nor Biden will be the next President of the United States.

"I count 7 attack shots in the first 10 seconds in two bursts. Then presumably a neutralizing shot at :17 that kills the attacker. If so, seems like a failure by the Secret Service for a lone gunman to get off that many shots without a quick reprisal."

I heard a secondary shooter too.

The way he raised his fist when he got up was glorious.

The message is clear though; no more time for debate.
Back in the RVF days, I posted a thread about my going to Trump's Inauguration. One of the things that stood out to me then was how many agents were on the rooftops.

No doubt in my mind that this was an inside job.

I doubt it's an inside job, because they would have used someone who wouldn't have missed from 140yds out. They also know that Trump survivng an assassination attempt would boost him big time.
I doubt it's an inside job, because they would have used someone who wouldn't have missed from 140yds out. They also know that Trump survivng an assassination attempt would boost him big time.

I agree with this but I guess then it becomes what is your definition of an inside job? Handing a guy a rifle and telling him to be at this specific spot at this time....yea that's an inside job. The alphabet agencies using agents to encourage some crazy idiot to do it but not providing specifics....yea I guess that is too. How about just in general the entire apparatus encouraging all these crazy idiots thinking they are assassinating "literally hitler".....does that make them culpable?
I doubt it's an inside job, because they would have used someone who wouldn't have missed from 140yds out. They also know that Trump survivng an assassination attempt would boost him big time.

Had the same thought; I doubt the shooter was directly from a three letter agency. I would think an experienced shooter would either have gone with multiple central mass shots, or wouldn't have missed the head at 140 yds. I think more likely some kind of Antifa person, maybe someone who was groomed/cultivated by the FBI. Secret Service higher ups could have "allowed" this to go forward by using too few SS agents, or assigning less capable members to the sniper detail. Layers of plausible deniability.
This was my first thought as well. Secret Service's most basic job is to cover all rooftops in the area, and also to control ingress on nearby buildings that might have a vantage point. They typically have multiple teams of snipers and spotters constantly scanning the area. How on earth did a shooter get on a nearby roof?
This is spot on. A number of years back, I worked in facilities management in the Midwest city where I live and there was a large political rally that had John Kerry speaking at a nearby park. He was running for the presidency at the time and the building I was in charge off had a two HVAC guys working on top of the roof working on a AC unit.
This building was four blocks from this park and once the Secret Service noticed the HVAC guys on the roof, they immediately ordered us to get them off the roof. The agents and local police were dead serious about this. This will be interesting to see how this was allowed to happen today.