Donald Trump

The real question for a divide, if it happens, is what the governmental structures or people who are disobedient do, and how they collaborate. That means States/Governors, military, etc. I think the DC crowd knows they have no real chance against any (even small) organized group that is "conservative", so they have to somehow maintain the military in their camp, however possible that might be.
The entire population is galvanized now, and there is actual hope of Americans rebelling now.
The question is definitely what this counter-reaction ends up looking like. Imagine if the regime succeeds in jailing Trump (perhaps even killing him in custody, Epstein style) and stealing the 2024 election with egregiously phony ballot numbers, justifying their improbable victory by claiming that people didn't want to vote for a "convicted felon" (notice how they are already hammering this phrase into the public consciousness over and over).

What will happen then? We know that the traditional wing of the GOP will just roll over and take it without a fuss. But what about the MAGA wing of the party? What about Trump's loyal base of tens of millions of Americans? What about the numerous MAGA-friendly Governors throughout the country, whom have command of their state National Guard units? What about the military itself (the executive leadership of which may be mostly corrupted, but which still has plenty of true patriots serving in both the officer and enlisted ranks).

It's easy to envision a coalition of conservative states, probably led by Florida and Texas, refusing to acknowledge a stolen 2024 Joe Biden election and essentially seceding from the U.S. federal government. But what happens after that is anyone's guess. The fallout would be completely unpredictable, except to say that the consequences themselves would likely be both wide-ranging and severe, both for better and for worse.
But what about the MAGA wing of the party? What about Trump's loyal base of tens of millions of Americans?

I would expect a federal tax-revolt. This would put the cuckservative wing of the GOP into a lot of problems; do they allow feds to rampage and arrest the 80+ million who stop paying federal taxes within their states, and risk getting crushed by their population?

^^^ She looks like Art Garfunkel.

I would expect a federal tax-revolt. This would put the cuckservative wing of the GOP into a lot of problems; do they allow feds to rampage and arrest the 80+ million who stop paying federal taxes within their states, and risk getting crushed by their population?
Yes, I agree with this. I think this was always the first act of disobedience that people would take. Most people are scared in general, but have little awareness of how lucky the DC swamp is since they can't actually collect/enforce anything if people aren't in lock step, or willingly agree, with the system in general.
Yes, I agree with this. I think this was always the first act of disobedience that people would take. Most people are scared in general, but have little awareness of how lucky the DC swamp is since they can't actually collect/enforce anything if people aren't in lock step, or willingly agree, with the system in general.
I don't see how there can be a tax revolt by 80 million people. I would guess somewhere around 80% of that group receive their income from employers, social security, 401K distributions, dividends from investments, etc., which will all have automatic withholding.

Only the self employed, who receive their income directly from customers, are in a position to withhold tax payments. Most of these people will likely feel too vulnerable to IRS enforcement to actually try to withhold taxes.
I don't see how there can be a tax revolt by 80 million people. I would guess somewhere around 80% of that group receive their income from employers, social security, 401K distributions, dividends from investments, etc., which will all have automatic withholding.

Only the self employed, who receive their income directly from customers, are in a position to withhold tax payments. Most of these people will likely feel too vulnerable to IRS enforcement to actually try to withhold taxes.
Go tax exempt the whole year on your W4 then tell the IRS to pack sand in April.
34 "Felonies" so what exactly was Trump found guilty of anyway?
Technically he was convicted of 34 transactions that should have been handled differently. However, these charges are questionable at best. The basis in law for these charges is weak or nonexistent.

These 34 charges are normally misdemeanors. However, they can be classed as felonies when committed as part of another crime.

However, they never specified what the other crime was, and the jury was illegitimately instructed that they didn't need to identify such a crime to find him guilty. He has not been charged with any other crime that would be suitable!

In other words, the case and the charges are completely unfounded, as every lawyer and politician knows, along with every foreign government.