Donald Trump

I don't see how there can be a tax revolt by 80 million people. I would guess somewhere around 80% of that group receive their income from employers, social security, 401K distributions, dividends from investments, etc., which will all have automatic withholding.

Only the self employed, who receive their income directly from customers, are in a position to withhold tax payments. Most of these people will likely feel too vulnerable to IRS enforcement to actually try to withhold taxes.
You can make fill out a W-4 for your employer and reduce the amount your employer takes out of you checks to 0. I'm sure there is a form similar for state tax in most states if you live in US.

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In a vacuum, that would be accurate and it would also not matter where someone were a “billionaire” or not (there is an implied pejorative in that word).

However, as I’m sure you’ve observed, judicial resources are limited, often leaving serious crimes, where victims were directly harmed, unprosecuted.

Yet there is no actual victim in this crime! It is obviously politically motivated, with the goal of undermining democracy by preventing half of America from voting for their preferred candidate.

I have never provided financial support, nor have I voted, for Trump. My views on this matter would be the same for any candidate.

Donald Trump has 3 baby mommas, 2 ongoing criminal cases, 25 accusations of sexual assault, and 38 convicted felonies, making him the most Black President in American history.

This quip deserved a meme.

Trump's VP pick will tell us a lot both about how much he's learned from his mistakes while in office, and how he intends to govern in his second term. Unfortunately, most of these picks do not inspire much confidence. Cotton, Rubio, Stefanik and Scott are all complete GOP hacks and Israel stooges. Trump would literally be setting himself up for impeachment and/or worse by picking any one of them. Ben Carson, Doug Burgum and J.D. Vance would be better MAGA picks, but all three are fairly untested, and both Burgum and Carson are of an age (67 and 72, respectively) where neither could be counted upon to carry the torch and act as Trump's heir-apparent to the MAGA movement in 2028. Vance is only 39 and has a lot of upside potential, but there are questions about how deeply held his MAGA/America First principles really are. But of the limited options presented in this shortlist, he would be my preferred pick.

Curious what the resident Trump diehards think.

Trump's VP pick will tell us a lot both about how much he's learned from his mistakes while in office, and how he intends to govern in his second term. Unfortunately, most of these picks do not inspire much confidence. Cotton, Rubio, Stefanik and Scott are all complete GOP hacks and Israel stooges. Trump would literally be setting himself up for impeachment and/or worse by picking any one of them. Ben Carson, Doug Burgum and J.D. Vance would be better MAGA picks, but all three are fairly untested, and both Burgum and Carson are of an age (67 and 72, respectively) where neither could be counted upon to carry the torch and act as Trump's heir-apparent to the MAGA movement in 2028. Vance is only 39 and has a lot of upside potential, but there are questions about how deeply held his MAGA/America First principles really are. But of the limited options presented in this shortlist, he would be my preferred pick.

Curious what the resident Trump diehards think.
I thought Christi Noem had a decent shot at VP until she destroyed herself with her book. I still think DeSantis should be the VP pick as it looks like he and Trump have begun mending fences. Either way, Trump's VP pick should be a red state Governor with a proven America first track record.
What’s needed is for Trump to become president, so this time he can unleash the Justice Department on the corrupt Demonrats. It’s a small chance, but it’s all we got. At this point, America is so far down the path of totalitarianism, the political system may be useless.
Because he’s our savior right? God is using him right? You guys realize he was President 2016-2020 and never bested the “libs” even thought they seethed and styled themselves a “resistance” despite controlling the media, academia, and big business. the DOJ is Democratic. Trump had a chance to clean house, he didn’t do it. And now he’s facing the music. Remember “lock her up.” If you speak strongly, you need to carry that big stick too. Just realize we’re in for a rough ride. Nobody’s coming to save us.
Because he’s our savior right? God is using him right? You guys realize he was President 2016-2020 and never bested the “libs” even thought they seethed and styled themselves a “resistance” despite controlling the media, academia, and big business. the DOJ is Democratic. Trump had a chance to clean house, he didn’t do it. And now he’s facing the music. Remember “lock her up.” If you speak strongly, you need to carry that big stick too. Just realize we’re in for a rough ride. Nobody’s coming to save us.
The story ain't ova yet

Trump's VP should ideally be from a swing state he needs to win, like Michigan or Wisconsin. Even though DeSantis is a great VP pick, Florida is an auto-win so it doesn't make too much sense from an election standpoint to pick DeSantis.

Because he’s our savior right? God is using him right? You guys realize he was President 2016-2020 and never bested the “libs” even thought they seethed and styled themselves a “resistance” despite controlling the media, academia, and big business. the DOJ is Democratic. Trump had a chance to clean house, he didn’t do it. And now he’s facing the music. Remember “lock her up.” If you speak strongly, you need to carry that big stick too. Just realize we’re in for a rough ride. Nobody’s coming to save us.

This is where you are wrong, Trump has greatly destabilized and exposed the system. There was no chance of Baby Boomers doing 100% the right thing, they are too brainwashed, and this goes for Trump.

But what Trump has given the next generation is priceless, he has pulled the curtain back and exposed the Wizard of Oz completely. In fact if it wasn't for Trump I don't think you'd see so many state actors challenging Globohomo, such as Russia and Hamas, because he has utterly discredited the system and revealed the giant divide in American politics.

Just the mere presence of Trump is enough to send Libs into meltdowns, and this is a very powerful way to cleanse American society. He is dividing the clean from the unclean and it's probably the only way America can preserve the good parts at this point.

I never expected Trump to save anything, so the actual results of Trump which has been to expose the system and redpill America is already more than I could have hoped for. Pre-Trump, it was still "racist" to talk about open borders. Does anyone remember how pathetically blue-pill American society was before Trump?

Trump has spoiled us, he has already done so much, everyone takes his cultural and social accomplishments for granted. It's a sinful attitude and we should be grateful that anyone stood up at all, it could have very easily had been Jeb! vs. Hillary before we went to WW3 against Russia back in 2016.

(Remember, Hillary was talking about shooting down Russian airplanes in Syria back in the 2015 debates with the creation of a no-fly zone in Syria.)

All the complaints about Trump are trivial and pointless, because we are living in the Trump era (12 years!) and everything is being defined by a single man. We would be infinitely worse off without him. All the bickering about why Trump isn't doing more is nothing but the talk of spoiled narcissist's who want some earthly savior to make their lives easier without them having to lift a finger.

Trump should inspire you to take action in your own life, and if you aren't inspired, you've learned nothing.
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Because he’s our savior right? God is using him right? You guys realize he was President 2016-2020 and never bested the “libs” even thought they seethed and styled themselves a “resistance” despite controlling the media, academia, and big business. the DOJ is Democratic. Trump had a chance to clean house, he didn’t do it. And now he’s facing the music. Remember “lock her up.” If you speak strongly, you need to carry that big stick too. Just realize we’re in for a rough ride. Nobody’s coming to save us.
I think he got the message by now. They are trying to kill him. I think he should pick Robert Kennedy as his US Attorney General of the Justice Department. Kennedy knows all the players and how to get rid of the bad guys in the bureaucracy.

Trump's VP pick will tell us a lot both about how much he's learned from his mistakes while in office, and how he intends to govern in his second term. Unfortunately, most of these picks do not inspire much confidence. Cotton, Rubio, Stefanik and Scott are all complete GOP hacks and Israel stooges. Trump would literally be setting himself up for impeachment and/or worse by picking any one of them. Ben Carson, Doug Burgum and J.D. Vance would be better MAGA picks, but all three are fairly untested, and both Burgum and Carson are of an age (67 and 72, respectively) where neither could be counted upon to carry the torch and act as Trump's heir-apparent to the MAGA movement in 2028. Vance is only 39 and has a lot of upside potential, but there are questions about how deeply held his MAGA/America First principles really are. But of the limited options presented in this shortlist, he would be my preferred pick.

Curious what the resident Trump diehards think.
I read someone pointing out all of the RINO stuff Burgum did as governor and it was quite shocking. Horrible on Covid btw.

Trump's VP should ideally be from a swing state he needs to win, like Michigan or Wisconsin. Even though DeSantis is a great VP pick, Florida is an auto-win so it doesn't make too much sense from an election standpoint to pick DeSantis.

This is where you are wrong, Trump has greatly destabilized and exposed the system. There was no chance of Baby Boomers doing 100% the right thing, they are too brainwashed, and this goes for Trump.

But what Trump has given the next generation is priceless, he has pulled the curtain back and exposed the Wizard of Oz completely. In fact if it wasn't for Trump I don't think you'd see so many state actors challenging Globohomo, such as Russia and Hamas, because he has utterly discredited the system and revealed the giant divide in American politics.

Just the mere presence of Trump is enough to send Libs into meltdowns, and this is a very powerful way to cleanse American society. He is dividing the clean from the unclean and it's probably the only way America can preserve the good parts at this point.

I never expected Trump to save anything, so the actual results of Trump which has been to expose the system and redpill America is already more than I could have hoped for. Pre-Trump, it was still "racist" to talk about open borders. Does anyone remember how pathetically blue-pill American society was before Trump?

Trump has spoiled us, he has already done so much, everyone takes his cultural and social accomplishments for granted. It's a sinful attitude and we should be grateful that anyone stood up at all, it could have very easily had been Jeb! vs. Hillary before we went to WW3 against Russia back in 2016.

(Remember, Hillary was talking about shooting down Russian airplanes in Syria back in the 2015 debates with the creation of a no-fly zone in Syria.)

All the complaints about Trump are trivial and pointless, because we are living in the Trump era (12 years!) and everything is being defined by a single man. We would be infinitely worse off without him. All the bickering about why Trump isn't doing more is nothing but the talk of spoiled narcissist's who want some earthly savior to make their lives easier without them having to lift a finger.

Trump should inspire you to take action in your own life, and if aren't inspired, you've learned nothing.

You're wrong about that! The citizen's want change naturally and this desire has been misguided/misdirected towards Trump, who's not effective as a leader and has made things worse. Everyone who backed Trump for those reasons knew about "the system" well before Trump came into play.

Trump's VP pick will tell us a lot both about how much he's learned from his mistakes while in office, and how he intends to govern in his second term. Unfortunately, most of these picks do not inspire much confidence. Cotton, Rubio, Stefanik and Scott are all complete GOP hacks and Israel stooges. Trump would literally be setting himself up for impeachment and/or worse by picking any one of them. Ben Carson, Doug Burgum and J.D. Vance would be better MAGA picks, but all three are fairly untested, and both Burgum and Carson are of an age (67 and 72, respectively) where neither could be counted upon to carry the torch and act as Trump's heir-apparent to the MAGA movement in 2028. Vance is only 39 and has a lot of upside potential, but there are questions about how deeply held his MAGA/America First principles really are. But of the limited options presented in this shortlist, he would be my preferred pick.

Curious what the resident Trump diehards think.
I want Carson based off the character of the man...but I agree Vance is the best of that group to pick. Vance (fellow Marine...though he is married to an Indian) is capable of reaching out to the white rural crowd and populists appeal.

I think he would make a great conduit for keeping rural and populists support going in the MAGA movement.