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Donald Trump

With all due respect get2choppaa, you underestimate how dirty and corrupt the system is in nyc. This is like ground zero for liberal hysteria, dirty judges, dirty politicians

I have no doubt that they'll put him in jail. NY city is Godless and corrupt. They have no reason to believe that there will be any retaliation by Republicans.
With all due respect get2choppaa, you underestimate how dirty and corrupt the system is in nyc. This is like ground zero for liberal hysteria, dirty judges, dirty politicians

This is what happens when you get your supporters to shout "LOCK HER UP" at every campaign rally, and then don't follow through with that promise as president. Law of the jungle....kill or be killed. Hillary is probably having a party right now


Nonetheless I still believe the verdict will be overturned on appeal and/or Trump will just have to pay a large cash fine.
Top tier politicians almost never do any jail time, no matter which political party they're from.
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This will be appealed all the way to SCOTUS, probably won't reach it until next year.

This is all about being able to say "CONVICTED FELON DONALD TRUMP" in the headlines all the way through the election.

Only going to make him more popular, especially with minorities.
The verdict pushes the country another step closer to outright civil war, as Americans now have incontrovertible proof that the courts are corrupt beyond repair. There is no such thing as justice in America anymore, only power and the ability to wield it in service of vengeance. After watching the executive branch being blatantly stolen in front of our eyes in 2020, and witnessing the disgusting ongoing spectacle of a traitorous congress transparently and shamelessly placing the wellbeing of Ukraine and Israel above that of the United States, Americans can no longer deny that all three branches of our government are rotten to the core and completely illegitimate.

Once that realization fully sinks in, there will inevitably follow the spark that ignites the absolute tinderbox this country has become. The vast cauldron of simmering anger will boil over, and while some may romanticize such an outcome, it will undoubtedly be horrific in ways we can't even currently imagine. This is no fed post, and I don't want to live through a civil war, much less fight in one. But it's pretty much baked into the cake at this point. It's just a matter of time. And if the absolute psychopaths currently running this shitshow are actually reckless and bold enough to throw Trump in prison and kill him there, they will very likely set things off right then and there.

An absolutely terrible day for the United States of America, which at this point shares only its name in common with the country it used to be - possessing none of its former glory, virtue, ideals or even traditional population. A zombie nation, a shambling, pustulant corpse wearing the rotting flesh of a once-great man and attempting to co-opt his identity. It's repulsive and shameful, a state of affairs that simply cannot endure much longer, having become intolerable to all decent men.
I'm seeing a lot of comments that this is the end of America. RIP America, July 4, 1776 - May 30, 2024. They say the American government has been overthrown by communists.

This surprises me. I've thought this ever since the election was stolen in 2020, or specifically since the electoral college voted for Biden in January 2021. It was absolutely clear that fake votes had been used to produce false election results in the key states, and yet court after court refused to rule, and the Republicans in congress laid down and let it happen.

I've considered that the government has been overthrown by communists, and that America is dead since then, but it appears a lot of people have just now realized it.
Completely agree, @Thomas More. It's another moment watching people become JQ aware or red-pilled, when you've been for a while. I can't judge, as I was late to the game myself. Each watershed moment adds up, though. I'll take the allies.

I'm seeing multiple people posting on twitter things like "if you are a lib or a never-Trumper, GTFO my life. You're not on my team. You never will be. Probably never were." It is a reverse ostracization many of us felt during the Trump years and as non-jabbers.

Problem for them is, there are no earthly saviors or messiahs. Trump is not coming to save anyone, even if elected. If he goes scorched earth, they will kill him before he gets much done (other than Israel pandering). Biden won't save anyone either. He'll massage his dysfunctional pets, but they will still malfunction. The nation is adrift, because the people (whatever we are now as a people) are adrift.

Get right with God. Get right with your loved ones. Protect your interests.