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Donald Trump

I witnessed some interesting behavior from people while out and about today after the verdict was announced. Jubilant wine aunts everywhere, angry men in diesel pickup trucks blowing huge clouds of black smog at stoplights, acting as if they had personally won or lost something.

When the news cycle turns over they'll be back to their normal lives with the same problems and struggles they were dealing with before...
Completely agree, @Thomas More. It's another moment watching people become JQ aware or red-pilled, when you've been for a while. I can't judge, as I was late to the game myself. Each watershed moment adds up, though. I'll take the allies.

I'm seeing multiple people posting on twitter things like "if you are a lib or a never-Trumper, GTFO my life. You're not on my team. You never will be. Probably never were." It is a reverse ostracization many of us felt during the Trump years and as non-jabbers.

Problem for them is, there are no earthly saviors or messiahs. Trump is not coming to save anyone, even if elected. If he goes scorched earth, they will kill him before he gets much done (other than Israel pandering). Biden won't save anyone either. He'll massage his dysfunctional pets, but they will still malfunction. The nation is adrift, because the people (whatever we are now as a people) are adrift.

Get right with God. Get right with your loved ones. Protect your interests.
I agree about the focus on God. Trump may have been railroaded by a kangaroo court, with the collusion of the so-called Republicans, which are just part of the uniparty.

However, that's the problem. The uniparty has control, and the entire system is corrupt enough to play the game the way they have been. Trump is not sufficiently radical to see how bad it has gotten, and in any case, he's not able to straighten things out when the entire Deep State, court system, and uniparty are fully unified against him. I'd like to see him win in 2024 due to the reaction today, but I can't see any way that he could really turn things around.

Everything is in God's hands, and we can trust our salvation in Him, but I expect a long hard process in America before things get better. Something similar to the period between the collapse of the Chinese Empire and their current rise, or the collapse of the USSR and the current resurgence of Russia.

I expect this will take 50-100 years, and things will get uglier before they get better. This pattern has played out repeatedly throughout human history. It's our turn to live through it now.

I pray that the result of all this will be that the current Satanic forces in government and the rest of the American elite will be destroyed, and that the people will turn back to God.
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I'm seeing a lot of comments that this is the end of America. RIP America, July 4, 1776 - May 30, 2024. They say the American government has been overthrown by communists.
I've seen people saying that since Obama got elected. RIP America, July 4, 1776 - November 4, 2008.

But just when they thought they were out, the fake politics pulls them back in.

Even in 2012, for anyone who cared to look deeply enough, it was clear that the voting process was highly questionable and deliberately left open to corruption. Which is why going into 2016, many people including myself took a special interest in how Trump would get around the corrupt voting system.

2020 was so shocking because Trump was powerless to stop them from implementing a new voting system that was far easier to rig, but it was also made clear that the Republicans and SCOTUS are well aware of the preexisting weaknesses in the voting system and have no interest whatsoever in fixing them.

The voting process is easy to rig by design.
The corporate media is floating a story of Trump using the “N” word. It’s obvious that they are trying to neutralize the effect that Trump’s felony conviction is going to make him popular with a segment of the voters. This is how desperate these scumbags are. They are throwing everything at Trump. It’s time to detach and keep cool. We can show our power to the enemy by contributing money to Trump. Trump getting a billion dollars overnight would strike fear into the enemy. The only thing that matters now is winning the presidency.
What is the likely outcome of this kangaroo court proceeding? Is Trump going to be detained?

And if Trump gets jailed, does this mean that we'd be looking at freekin Nimarata Randhwana as the GOP candidate and future POTUS???
Woodrow Wilson jailed his election opponent, Eugene Debs, but Debs still ran for president from jail. He was a socialist, and only got 3.4% of the vote, but it is doable.

Trump will be the Republican candidate even from jail, if it comes to that.
And if the absolute psychopaths currently running this shitshow are actually reckless and bold enough to throw Trump in prison and kill him there, they will very likely set things off right then and there.
The real question for a divide, if it happens, is what the governmental structures or people who are disobedient do, and how they collaborate. That means States/Governors, military, etc. I think the DC crowd knows they have no real chance against any (even small) organized group that is "conservative", so they have to somehow maintain the military in their camp, however possible that might be.
The verdict pushes the country another step closer to outright civil war, as Americans now have incontrovertible proof that the courts are corrupt beyond repair. There is no such thing as justice in America anymore, only power and the ability to wield it in service of vengeance. After watching the executive branch being blatantly stolen in front of our eyes in 2020, and witnessing the disgusting ongoing spectacle of a traitorous congress transparently and shamelessly placing the wellbeing of Ukraine and Israel above that of the United States, Americans can no longer deny that all three branches of our government are rotten to the core and completely illegitimate.

Once that realization fully sinks in, there will inevitably follow the spark that ignites the absolute tinderbox this country has become. The vast cauldron of simmering anger will boil over, and while some may romanticize such an outcome, it will undoubtedly be horrific in ways we can't even currently imagine. This is no fed post, and I don't want to live through a civil war, much less fight in one. But it's pretty much baked into the cake at this point. It's just a matter of time. And if the absolute psychopaths currently running this shitshow are actually reckless and bold enough to throw Trump in prison and kill him there, they will very likely set things off right then and there.

An absolutely terrible day for the United States of America, which at this point shares only its name in common with the country it used to be - possessing none of its former glory, virtue, ideals or even traditional population. A zombie nation, a shambling, pustulant corpse wearing the rotting flesh of a once-great man and attempting to co-opt his identity. It's repulsive and shameful, a state of affairs that simply cannot endure much longer, having become intolerable to all decent men.

Yes but this is a good thing, it's better for things to come to a head rather than for the frog to be boiled slowly alive.

If any other candidate had been the primary winner of 2023 right, DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or whoever, there wouldn't be this extraordinary overreaction by the regime. It would be business as usual with another phony election. But now the regime is panicking, or simply acting out of extreme pride and anger towards Trump and completely overplaying their hand. The entire population is galvanized now, and there is actual hope of Americans rebelling now.