Donald Trump

So I voted for Trump in 2016, 2020 and will again in 2024. However I donated $50 to Trump's campaign last time and I strongly suspect it was funneled via the RNC and Rona McRomney immediately sold my email and phone contact info (Required FEC Info when you donate to any candidate) and I started receiving 10 emails and worse cell texts per day from every other RNC Never Trumping Grifter like Newtie Gingrich (What is Newt Running for besides Chief Bush Rove Fund Raiser for Never Trump sabotage.) I had to put the Word Trump in all emails into SPAM and Block All Text Msg solicitations from all of the RNC Never Trumpers.

Now that RNC is co-run by Lara Trump the smart brother Erics loyal athletic competitive wife and mother to some of Trumps Christian Grand Children... I might donate a few bucks... BUT Why not support Trump and Profit at the same time....

Wall Street "Merchant Bankers" are NOTORIOUS for engineering PUMPS and DUMPs on most IPOs they call it the IPO POP that allows most VCs to cash out on the pop leaving retail investors as bagholder for several years before the IPO Companies sales and sometimes profits take off.

Let's face it DJT is a Meme Stock by Trumps allies to make him into a legitimate tech billionaire on TMTG, ticker DJT. Approvals only took 3 years of foot-dragging by the Biden SEC. This is fine by Me however all Stock Pumps and Dumps follow standard Fibonacci Fractal Wave Extensions and Retracement patterns.

So DJT has popped on the SPAC/Merged-IPO to approx $72.00. Benzinga reported Trump controls 80 Million shares therefore $72 times 80 M = $5.76 Billion... so good for Trump but it is against my religion to buy at the peak of any PUMP... Even a heavy Trump Pump as I do not swing that way. I will be looking to support Uncle Don at the A=C retrace target range of Ax1.0 $37 to Ax1.618 at $22 ... DCAing happily to offset the Social Media and Wall Street Globalists (Soros Hedgers who specialize in crushing competition via enormous shorts that will be largely profitable upon DJT Pump Pop Retrace. Then if enough Trump patriots buy in at the Fractal A=C RANGE LOWS we can CRUSH the arrogantly shorting Trump Haters like the CCP Loving Wall Streeters and ((((SOROS)))) types with an EPIC DJT Short Squeeze... Like the Wall Street Bettors and Reddit Robinhoodie Zoomers did to the AMC Meme Stock Shorts wiping quite a few out. The Marketplace is a Battlefield - Chin Ning Chu in the Asian Mind Game.

OBTW If we can buy at a $22 retrace and sell at the previous $101 resistance it will be a 5 bagger.

Just my Two Cents worth.

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DJT Thurs 28 March 2024 11:18 AM $63.70 A=C (1.0xA) retrace target is $30 to $32 Slightly higher due to DJT Surge up to $79.38 testing $80.
See Soccer Ball Goal Target $30 to $31, therefore $30 Buy and $101 previous resistance Sell is a solid 3 bagger+.
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Haha this is great!

I think it's funny that the Don is getting in on the same sort of tech scheme that many of the libs did and beating them at their own game.

What game is that? Getting chew trillionaires (you know, the ones that don't exist) to give you multi-billion dollar loans? Absolutely nothing of value is being produced and yet Trump is earning the megabucks.

Just goes to show how fake the economy really is.
What game is that? Getting chew trillionaires (you know, the ones that don't exist) to give you multi-billion dollar loans? Absolutely nothing of value is being produced and yet Trump is earning the megabucks.

Just goes to show how fake the economy really is.
The economy isn't fake.

The way stock markets work is.

Maybe that's a distinction with out a difference for most... But it's noteworthy.
Trump Declares November 5th "Christian Visibility Day"

During a fiery speech in Wisconsin Tuesday, Donald Trump declared that November 5th, election day, is going to be “Christian Visibility Day.”

Trump was referring to the fact that this past weekend, Joe Biden proclaimed Easter Sunday to be ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’.

Speaking to a crowd of thousands in Green Bay, Trump boomed “We’re going to win the White House, and we are going to save our country. We’re going to save our country.”

He continued, “What the hell was Biden thinking when he declared Easter Sunday to be trans visibility day? Such total disrespect to Christians.”

“November 5 is going to be called something else; you know it’s gonna be called? Christian Visibility Day,” Trump continued, adding “when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before. Let’s call it Christian Visibility Day.”


The full speech is below:

I don't care for how much Trump supports Israel, but I guess every politician supports Israel. It feels bittersweet that it's almost refreshing to see a candidate actually campaign. I haven't kept up with much politics or electioneering, but are Republicans prepared for the steal? Are they going to push for their own players to mail in votes? Are they anticipating and countering every issue from the last election? Or, does Trump want to have to run again in 2028?
DJT Status 4April2024 Tested .5 at 46.36 on the 9 Weekly Bar... Likely to test the Blue 20 Week Bar at the A=C 1.0 (30.97 or 31) target.

Optimal Entry (Low) range is 32 20 Week Blue Moving Average down to 22.00 where the 50 and 100 Week MAs Intersect. There is no 200 Week MA in Bold Red as there have not been 200 Weeks to graph in DJT yet.


DJT Thurs 28 March 2024 11:18 AM $63.70 A=C (1.0xA) retrace target is $30 to $32 Slightly higher due to DJT Surge up to $79.38 testing $80.
See Soccer Ball Goal Target $30 to $31, therefore $30 Buy and $101 previous resistance Sell is a solid 3 bagger+.
View attachment 6715
I don't care for how much Trump supports Israel, but I guess every politician supports Israel. It feels bittersweet that it's almost refreshing to see a candidate actually campaign. I haven't kept up with much politics or electioneering, but are Republicans prepared for the steal? Are they going to push for their own players to mail in votes? Are they anticipating and countering every issue from the last election? Or, does Trump want to have to run again in 2028?
Watch Real Americas Voice Rumble Channel - 10AM DC East Coast time begins with Steve Bannon's WarRoom (200,000 Precinct Committee Men and Women to monitor the vote and FIGHT CHEATING) followed by Charlie Kirk at Noon and his giant TPUSA network of youth college patriots voters and paid activist organizers who are planning a massive ballot collection initiative across the country to combat Demonrat Communists Ballot Harvesting and FAKE Ballots Stuffing to arrest and detain any 2,000 mules types.

Zuckerbucks of Faceyspaces is building a $100 Million Dollar bunker in Kauai, Hawaii the most remote northern habited Island and has announced that unlike 2020 where he spent $450 MILLION USD on all of the 200,000 Mules who he indirectly paid via NGOs (Soros Style) $10 to $20 per stuffed Bogus Ballot - warned he does that again he will be prosecuted under FEC laws and will be imprisoned - and 2020 FEC Statute of Limitations has not yet expired so he can still be prosecuted under National Emergency Military Tribunals for his 2020 MegaSperging.

Now the RNC, having gotten rid of Rona McRomney who intentionally ignored the GOP Grass Roots in 2016 and 2020, is NOW actually coordinating with this massive army of GOP Oldsters AND Youngsters to save our country from the CCP Marxist Communists stealth invasion and Marxist takeover of the USA.

Then there are a 10 million+ Military Veterans Armed Up and Ammoed up and Organized to Defend our Constitution and Our Country - the real muscle behind our political patriot activist's army. Woe-be-tied the BLMs and Antifas and tsunami of Illegal aliens agitated by the DNC Marxists & CCP Communists who try to riot and disrupt the 2024 Federal and State Elections or try to hurt our people.

The American Patriots have been quietly mobilized and it is FAFO time for the CCP bought and Paid for Marxist Communist traitors.

Picture an old western town where the drunk rioting bank robbers try to ride into town and shoot it up only to find 100's of Cavalry and Armed Posse defending themselves and their homes and businesses with repeating Rifles and Revolvers - who shoot and eliminate the rioters.

During an interview with Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” on April 7, Ms. Trump said that the committee will dedicate all of its resources to its Election Integrity Division “as needed.”

When you talk about election integrity, it is vital. It is the number one thing that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, which, of course, Donald Trump himself will do for us,” Ms. Trump said.

“We are making sure that we leave nothing to chance because we have to understand the importance of this election,” she added.

Former President Donald Trump raked in a massive $50.5 million in funds for his reelection bid on Saturday. With this funding, Ms. Trump, the daughter-in-law of President Trump, said the RNC can now afford to ensure that poll workers are trained and lawyers are present in every voting precinct.

“Prior to last night, the largest single event fundraiser in politics ever was the one that Joe Biden had. And he needed three presidents to haul in $26 million,” she said, referring to President Biden’s fundraiser in March, which included former presidents Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton.

We needed one man, Donald J. Trump, one president, to double that,” Ms. Trump added.

Ms. Trump said that the outcome of this fundraiser event reflects a shift where “people are not sitting on the sidelines anymore.”

“They understand what’s at stake. It’s a must-win election. And from the election integrity perspective, we’re focused on it like a laser at the RNC,” she added.

Under a joint-fundraising agreement, funds from the fundraiser event will go to the Trump campaign, the former president’s Save America PAC, the RNC, and state GOP parties.

RNC chair Michael Whatley, who was also present for the interview, said the committee will spend “every dollar” raised on two “critical core” missions: increasing voter turnout and protecting the ballot.

Mr. Whatley said that the RNC is working with state legislatures, boards of elections, and secretaries of state to ensure the implementation of the rules of the road.

The committee will file lawsuits if the rules are not adhered to, he said, adding that the RNC had filed over 80 lawsuits in 24 states “to make sure that we have the ground ready to go for safe elections.”

The committee has also been recruiting and training thousands of observers and attorneys “to make sure that we are in the room” when a vote is cast and counted, Mr. Whatley said.

“What we want are fair, accurate, secure, and transparent elections. And when we have it, then we’re going to protect the sanctity of that ballot. We’re going to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat,” he added.

We'll see what comes of this. I'm pretty detached from this year's vote, I won't be surprised no matter the outcome. But it is good to see that RNC is now solely focused on stopping cheating, as that's really all that needs to be done to win.

Republicans might be smart enough to buy out judges this time around, or cheat better than the Dems. Anything could happen, but it is refreshing to see the RNC actually being useful.
DJT Weekly Low as of Tuesday 9 April 2024 at EOD 4:00PM:
Tested low of 35.39 interesting almost the Blue Weekly 20 MA (33.33) and Below the high probability of a full .618 retrace (38.10) for the recent swing high of 79.38 (80)

However, this 80 Point High test was based on previous two weeks Rejection Wicks where pumpers shot their wads (of Cash) prior to shorts...

If DJT closes below the blue 20 Week MA (Moving Average) it is highly likely to test the next 50 yellow and 100 Week orange MAs below, which have converged, indicating a strong support level at 22 and change. With the tech MegaZillionaires who hate Trump willing to stack Shorts against DJT the stock I am looking at the 22 area for an optimal entry. Note some trading models use 2 data point High Low Fib Retracements with Candle Bodies left Fibonacci ladder or Top of Rejection Wick right Fibonacci Ladder for a .618 Target retracement range of 31.00 to 38.00.

Since the Candle Bodies, indicating most trades vs wicks, the left ladder .618 is 31.64 below the Blue 20 Week MA therefore the .786 left retrace of 23.00 is also probable as that is where the very strong 50 and 100 MAs converge for strong support. Just another confirmation of $22 to $23 lows to actually catch some of the next 5 Motive Wave action up and earn a profit off of DJT while supporting Trump in the process.

Interesting to note as indicated above in this thread a 3 data point 1.618 103 Fib Extension (Middle Fib Ladder) coincides with the previous 101 resistance level (horizontal Yellow Line) - a DJT 5 Bagger or 5X win from $20 area especially if the Trumpster wins the Nov 5, 24 elections.

Of course, the Trump Hating MSM is calling this a Trump Crash - News is Noise, Fibonacci Maths rule the cycles of the Universe and stock markets do what they are supposed to do.

Bottom Line: A nice Trumpian potential return at far less cost or Cover Charge than the current cost of Gold or Bitcoin.

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The Biden campaign was calling him “Broke Don” just a couple days ago.

It all seems a bit too convenient though, doesn't it?

I want to believe. Since the 80s my father spoke to me in an inspired and amused way about Trump. He's something of an icon in our family.

But just at the moment when the Jewish stranglehold on media seems to be cracking, and just after the point where any political operator with a brain sees that there is no appetite among the base for any "conservative" politico other than Trump, and just when the various leftist parties across the Western world are very obviously being hung out to dry by their handlers and the media... I am supposed to be excited that Donald T was blessed with some funny money / binary blips on a screen?

It's all just a bit damn too convenient.