Donald Trump

Anyone care to admit that they're wrong at this stage or should we let the charade continue a while longer? How is it possible to not see that the left-right-left-right illusion is transpiring yet again right before our very eyes. How much more evidence do you really need? If he was serious would he really accept an endorsement from McConnell? Of course not! Don't fall for this theatre again, and think a bit further ahead pls. This is a setup...probably for a younger and radical leftist/globalist in 2028.

"...During his Presidency, we worked together to accomplish great things for the American people...

...Advisers close to Trump and McConnell had been in talks for six weeks over an endorsement..."

No this actually doesn't matter at all, Mitch is retiring in a few years. There's no point in attacking Mitch anymore, far easier to get along with him until he's gone.

If Mitch had stayed then it would have been necessary to attack him and get rid of him, but he's leaving so there's no need to fight. What Trump is doing here is 100% practical and any smart politician would do it. People are being emotional thinking Mitch is a traitor and should be attacked. Mitch is a traitor, but that doesn't mean he should be fought if he's gone no matter what. Trump has enough problems and enemies without picking unnecessary fights right now.

What I am dreading with a new Trump admin is his position on Israel and his next cabinet. He may pick some good choice but I suspect he's going to have quite a few turds in his administration. Trump has to make a lot of "deals with the devil" to win the Presidency, it's going to be gross I fear.
I tend to agree with this. I do believe that there are advanced 4D Human Chess Computers somewhere that are 20 years ahead of anything us pawns are aware of. I think the election has already been decided "somewhere" by "someone" and I won't be surprised if the next president is neither Trump or Biden. I had a feeling the Supreme Court would rule in favor of Trump because it keeps the Us vs Them divide and conquer charade going a bit longer before They drop the chaos bomb. If they would of ruled against Trump it would have been game over and the JQ are having way too much fun right now eating popcorn and making money via inflation to end the reality television series this early in the season.

Second this. If I was a betting man I'd bet that Trump won't be our next president. However, I'm praying that he somehow pulls it off. Knowing that he won last time and that Basement Biden is currently sitting in the Oval Office isn't exactly reassuring.

A bit off but you're finally starting to make some sense, and that's a good thing.
This is why I increasingly see a second Trump presidency as likely. The entire purpose of elections is to keep the populace from actually taking any action, and you're really going to need to give the conservatards some fake victory for them to relax a bit while they further take over and lock down the country. It's not quite a prison planet police state yet. They need a few more years to set that all in place. Trump would be absolutely ideal. Sadly, a fake war against a country we could easily murder a few million people in would also be attractive for them.
This is why I increasingly see a second Trump presidency as likely. The entire purpose of elections is to keep the populace from actually taking any action, and you're really going to need to give the conservatards some fake victory for them to relax a bit while they further take over and lock down the country. It's not quite a prison planet police state yet. They need a few more years to set that all in place. Trump would be absolutely ideal. Sadly, a fake war against a country we could easily murder a few million people in would also be attractive for them.
Trump will win for a few reasons -- some of what you said.

Christopher Cantwell recently said on a podcast that even if you dislike Trump because of politics like ours, you should still vote for him simply because it makes the libs angry. Your enemies don't want him, and there's no other viable option, so if you're in a swing state, you should absolutely vote for Trump so that your enemies on the ground get obsessed with him and get driven crazy. So it's an easy choice to make

My issue with that thinking is that it basically concedes that even though Trump won't do anything for the majority of the country, we should elect him anyway because it makes people angry. It's still participating in a fake system that wants me enslaved. Triggering the libs is not the purpose of voting. (That said there is one thing that would get me to vote for Trump: a promise that he would pardon everyone involved in Jan 6 and then go after the corrupt judiciary/police state that raided peoples' homes over misdemeanors. That's not going to happen, though.)

Back on topic: I believe the system wants Trump elected and then they're going to throw all sorts of things at him, in a controlled way of course, like they did with COVID where we had President Fauci for most of the year. Most people who know finance more than me all say that a big crash is coming around 2026 due to some huge event. What better way to show that Trump is a paper tiger?

With Trump as president, the right can get a "we told you so," claiming that Trump was always more popular than Biden, while leftists will get the "I told you so" when the economy craps the bed, and the right will be more demoralized than ever.

Basically when people can't work and eat, they won't care about political theater.
Triggering the libs is not the purpose of voting.
It kind of is though. The entire purpose of the fake two party system is to give you an artificial choice. It actually IS Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich, and very few people are positively preferring one of those choices.

But yeah you look at how (far fewer, but still a strong contingent of) conservatards still love Trump even after doing literally nothing for them, and you realize he is the perfect guy to put in the top office for the next 4 years. Of course it's also perfect to have a bumbling dementia patient. Which is precisely why those are the two choices.

The big brained realization is that TPTB DO NOT CARE who wins an election. In fact, elections are awesome for them and the more time we debate and discuss and get emotionally involved in them, the less chance we will ever demand anything real (opposition to trannies, opposing genocide in Palestine, real health care reform, crime reform, etc.). The more time and energy we waste on elections, the happier they are.

If you run the cafeteria and give people a choice between pink slime goyslop and fake meat soyslop, you really don't care what meal the plebs choose. The more time they spend arguing about "Meat is murder! Pick the fake burger!" or "Pink Slime is best. Fake meat is full of chemicals" the happier you are, because you realize they will never, ever demand fresh green beans or fish fillet. Even better if you give both sides talking points of why they are right/better and organize people to debate both sides, etc. As long as no nutritionist is ever allowed inside (no R/D party), then you win.
Great analogy!

You also missed the least threatening of the choices, and that's the 3rd party that states that an individual could choose goyslop one day and fake meat soyslop the next, and so long as we have that freedom to choose the government really shouldn't be involved.

As long as no nutritionist is ever allowed inside (no R/D party), then you win.
Are you kidding? Those nutritionists from Youtube have not been trained in western medicine and are complete quacks! One of them, get this, even recommended a horse dewormer to treat COVID.
Until the 1980s, religious Americans with strong convictions for the most part shunned politics, seeing it as evil and gross, for lack of a better description.

It was Lee Atwater who convinced Christians to enter the voting booths in mass. Atwater was a "win at all costs" type of guy, and stated in his memoirs that he believed winning was its own end:

“I’ve always thought running for office is a bunch of bullshit. Being in a office is even more bullshit. It really is bullshit,” he wrote. “I’m proud of the fact that I understand how much BS it is.”.
Atwater's major victory was electing Ronald Reagan (a Hollywood actor who signed a liberal abortion bill into law) as president. Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Connor, knowing of her position on abortion, who then ruled in favor of Roe v Wade, legalizing abortion nationwide.

Two of Atwaters biggest fans were Roger Stone and Karl Rove.

In Stone’s view, however, Atwater was more of an opportunist. “We both knew he believed in nothing,” Stone told me. “Above all, he was incredibly competitive. But I had the feeling that he sold his soul to the devil, and the devil took it.”

The entire evangelical movement has been heavily subverted by non-Christian Jews from the outset. In fact, one may say that one of their biggest differences between Catholics and Orthodox Christians is their Zionism.

the Jewish owners of the three major broadcasting companies — ABC (Leonard Goldenson), CBS (William Samuel Palley) and NBC (David Sarnoff) — found themselves in possession of a monopoly over the American people’s mind.

These men would go on to manufacture the Pope of Judeo-Christianity: Billy Graham.

The Hour of Decision continued to be broadcast nationally through his association with Jewish businessman Jack Lewis, who introduced him to NBC’s David Sarnoff in 1953,

"NBC had a policy against selling time for religious broadcasting, but the network made an exception through the personal interest of NBC's founder and president, General David Sarnoff.
Graham’s response to the ethical problems many Christians saw in supporting Israel’s violent expulsions of Arabs and expansionism was to warn his followers that the Bible proclaimed Jews God’s Chosen People, and thus those who criticized the Zionist project were damned to fry in hell.
One only needs to look back on the past 40 years of America's governance to see whether compromising morality for the sake of political victory has been worth it.

Adam Curtis explores the history of Evangelical Christianity in American politics (Reagan) in part 2 of Power of Nightmares.

Either way, the thread is straying way outside the topic of Patriot Front, who do not seem to have any religious qualifications at all.
I have a thought experiment. Imagine you're Trump. You win the 2024 election despite worsening demographics and Dominion voting machines. You've seen the horrors the left has pulled against you the first time, almost burning down the whole world with covid and literally burning a lot of America with the summer of Floyd. Since then, the military is a whole lot less friendly to you. Corporations are a lot less friendly. Demographics are much worse. Every federal agency is much more hostile than they already were, which was very.

What do you do to prevent anarchy and to enact the bare minimum campaign promises, like securing the border and deporting people? If you do these things, do you fear for your life?

And as an addendum, if Trump is killed, imprisoned, prevented from running, or just otherwise completely shut down by Congress, his own agencies, advisors, and activist judges (like last time but worse), what do we do then? What happens?

To me it looks like it's a lose-lose-lose situation for Trump and his voter base. Things can get crazy.
I have a thought experiment. Imagine you're Trump. You win the 2024 election despite worsening demographics and Dominion voting machines. You've seen the horrors the left has pulled against you the first time, almost burning down the whole world with covid and literally burning a lot of America with the summer of Floyd. Since then, the military is a whole lot less friendly to you. Corporations are a lot less friendly. Demographics are much worse. Every federal agency is much more hostile than they already were, which was very.

What do you do to prevent anarchy and to enact the bare minimum campaign promises, like securing the border and deporting people? If you do these things, do you fear for your life?

And as an addendum, if Trump is killed, imprisoned, prevented from running, or just otherwise completely shut down by Congress, his own agencies, advisors, and activist judges (like last time but worse), what do we do then? What happens?

To me it looks like it's a lose-lose-lose situation for Trump and his voter base. Things can get crazy.
If you accept that the Orange Man has an ego the size of a living planet... Which I believe is a universal truth about Trump... There are a couple of things to note:

-Orange man has skin in the game and the .5B real estate verdict shows how corrupt DoJ/SDNY is.
-Orange man is aware he needs to deliver on some promises regarding CRT/immigration or he's done.
-Orange man is keen on tariffs and Chyyynnnna and trade protection. Economy is No. 1
-Orange man will look to cut federal regulations and grow Energy sector or Bust!!!

Deliver on any 1 of those 4 and we are all better off... If he can do 4/4 we may actually be in a good spot.

What many don't get, at the low level of employment or day to day, is the level of onshoring occuring in multiple business fields from Europe to America due to their retarded woke envirowoke Policies.

If you are familiar with Tom Luongo, you'll note his thesis is that capital flows where it is treated best.

Even under senile Joe...we still are winning

I think Wallstreet and big money will Back Trump again in 24 for that reason.

There are some dunces here who will just say it's all controlled... But at this point I don't think the same level of category management applies. All politicians are controlled. It's the degree that matters.
The NY AG is preparing to take Trump's properties away-

The New York attorney general’s office has filed judgments in Westchester County, the first indication that the state is preparing to try to seize Donald Trump’s golf course and private estate north of Manhattan, known as Seven Springs.


“All this is completely undermining the brand, which he uses for the most part for making any kind of money around the world not just the United States,” Passas said. “In the end I think this could very much mean the end of Trump business in New York and not only – it could spell trouble in other jurisdictions too.”

At least some people on the Left are starting to realize that the more they turn him into a martyr the more likely he is to get elected; the more they go after him the higher his poll numbers go.

Trump‘s financial situation looked dire a couple days ago because of dem lawfare. Then this happened.

He got kicked off Twitter in an attempt by Dems/swamp to punish him and silence him. Four years later, that decision by Dems/swamp resulted in a big payday to save his bacon when he was on the ropes. T always has a way of pulling a rabbit out of his hat when it looks like all is lost. Like the Access Hollywood tape. Everyone was abandoning him when that came out as an October surprise. I personally thought his goose was cooked. Then he brushed it off at the debate as “locker room talk” and turned the table on the Clintons by bringing in Bill’s accusers.
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Trump‘s financial situation looked dire a couple days ago because of dem lawfare. Then this happened.

View attachment 6609
He got kicked off Twitter in an attempt by Dems/swamp to punish him and silence him. Four years later, that decision by Dems/swamp resulted in a big payday to save his bacon when he was on the ropes. T always has a way of pulling a rabbit out of his hat when it looks like all is lost. Like the Access Hollywood tape. Everyone was abandoning him when that came out as an October surprise. I personally thought his goose was cooked. Then he brushed it off at the debate as “locker room talk” and turned the table on the Clintons by bringing in Bill’s accusers.
The Don can't be stumped. He's the impeccable, unbelievable, orange man we love... Donald Trump!!!
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