Donald Trump

Brilliant Pro Trump Short Video:

"He Looked Like The First One Who Knew We Were In A War And Would Fight"​

Per Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Prof,, even if they Convict and Jail Trump (Secret Service EMPTIES entire Prison(s) for POTUS security - so likely House Arrest at Mar-A-Lago), - This so enrages Pro America Patriots, (including many Dems, Indies and most GOP non-Rinos), basically the entire Patriotic America First Broadest Base of 2A supporters.

Trump sweeps the election Ronald Regan Style in all 50 States... Trump is sworn in by Chief Justice and his first act is to Pardon Himself and Family as POTUS has Constitutional Supremacy over any Federal and State Cases as Executive CO-EQUAL to Judicial and Legislative Branches of Govt) , Works with Bannon's Warroom and Heritage Foundation to immediately fill all Key Cabinet Positions and top 5,000 Administrative positions with vetted true America First Patriots, especially since all the Mike Johnson Spkr Rinos have unmasked themselves and their treason...

Trump declares a broad National Emergency to fight the CCP Marxist Communists, their Democrat Party and Rino collaborator traitors including terrorist infiltrators from China, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America (including Drugs and Human Smuggling Cartels). SHUTS DOWN THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN BORDERS!)

Implements 100% Tariffs on Latin America and CCP Communist Red China.

Holds George Washington and Abraham Lincoln style Firing Squads to execute all Traitors and Terrorists especially BLM and Antifa Arsonists.

Announces deportation of 40 Million Undocumented Illegals (Using Mandatory eVerify with $1K per day fines for those employing illegals under the table illegally - these illegals will all Self Deport when they cannot work or eat) ), offers those who Have Not Amassed Criminal Records the option to Purchase Citizenship for $100,000 USD at $10K Per Year AFTER 10 Year wait and clean records - or - for Rich Illegals $1 Million USD and 2 year wait with no other criminal Activity, All funds used to help defray cost of Administering Executions and Deportations.

Makes all the Americas Great Again... Think Monroe Doctrine 2025.
Reads kinda like Q level expectations.
Brilliant Pro Trump Short Video:

"He Looked Like The First One Who Knew We Were In A War And Would Fight"​

Per Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Prof,, even if they Convict and Jail Trump (Secret Service EMPTIES entire Prison(s) for POTUS security - so likely House Arrest at Mar-A-Lago), - This so enrages Pro America Patriots, (including many Dems, Indies and most GOP non-Rinos), basically the entire Patriotic America First Broadest Base of 2A supporters.

Trump sweeps the election Ronald Regan Style in all 50 States... Trump is sworn in by Chief Justice and his first act is to Pardon Himself and Family as POTUS has Constitutional Supremacy over any Federal and State Cases as Executive CO-EQUAL to Judicial and Legislative Branches of Govt) , Works with Bannon's Warroom and Heritage Foundation to immediately fill all Key Cabinet Positions and top 5,000 Administrative positions with vetted true America First Patriots, especially since all the Mike Johnson Spkr Rinos have unmasked themselves and their treason...

Trump declares a broad National Emergency to fight the CCP Marxist Communists, their Democrat Party and Rino collaborator traitors including terrorist infiltrators from China, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America (including Drugs and Human Smuggling Cartels). SHUTS DOWN THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN BORDERS!)

Implements 100% Tariffs on Latin America and CCP Communist Red China.

Holds George Washington and Abraham Lincoln style Firing Squads to execute all Traitors and Terrorists especially BLM and Antifa Arsonists.

Announces deportation of 40 Million Undocumented Illegals (Using Mandatory eVerify with $1K per day fines for those employing illegals under the table illegally - these illegals will all Self Deport when they cannot work or eat) ), offers those who Have Not Amassed Criminal Records the option to Purchase Citizenship for $100,000 USD at $10K Per Year AFTER 10 Year wait and clean records - or - for Rich Illegals $1 Million USD and 2 year wait with no other criminal Activity, All funds used to help defray cost of Administering Executions and Deportations.

@Get2choppaaa do you still believe Greg Abbott cares about stopping shitskins from flooding this country?
I believe Abbott has national ambitious goals.

He'll do whatever he can to advance that notion. Just like DeSantis.

The benefit we have in Texas is The AOG Ken Paxton.

Not sure what you wanted in an answer but that's my assessment, and Abbott isn't my first choice.

Eta... He'll cowtow to Jews where he thinks a benefit and being an Aggie.... He's a t sip so I don't trust him
I believe Abbott has national ambitious goals.

He'll do whatever he can to advance that notion. Just like DeSantis.

Then benefit we have in Texas is The AOG Ken Paxton.

Not sure what you wanted in an answer but that's my assessment, and Abbott isn't my first choice.
I wanted a yes or no answer. Is he concerned about shitskins coming into this country?
Him personally probably not.... No.

Him politically yes.

he's challenged the Biden admin on immigration beyond any other border state govt significantly.

That's due to the AOG office and popular will...

What do you want?
I want the wall finished, all non citizens deported, no citizenship for parents of non citizens, and North Korea level border security at remote areas.
Reads kinda like Q level expectations.
Nuke Subs Rule No 1 - First Person who brings up a topic is the one you have to be wary of - (((((Q))))) Really Cmon Man....

This imnsho as a former High Speed Nuclear Fast Attack Hunter Killer ANTI COMMUNIST Christian Warrior Patriot was one of the most Patriotic and Moving Films I have seen so looks like it is a video Rorschach test.
Nuke Subs Rule No 1 - First Person who brings up a topic is the one you have to be wary of - (((((Q))))) Really Cmon Man....

This imnsho as a former High Speed Nuclear Fast Attack Hunter Killer ANTI COMMUNIST Christian Warrior Patriot was one of the most Patriotic and Moving Films I have seen so looks like it is a video Rorschach test.
I'm merely saying the expectation of incredibly radical change by trump is a little unrealistic....and reminds me of some of the crazy Q type predictions out there.

If your post was meant in jest I get it... But if you're expecting some of that crazy stuff to come true then it is indeed nutty q stuff.

Trump isn't going to be executing any antifas...
I'm merely saying the expectation of incredibly radical change by trump is a little unrealistic....and reminds me of some of the crazy Q type predictions out there.

If your post was meant in jest I get it... But if you're expecting some of that crazy stuff to come true then it is indeed nutty q stuff.

Trump isn't going to be executing any antifas...
I am a hard-core realist, and I am expecting a serious global financial crisis before the elections that even Trump will not be able to solve. Will be like stepping in front of a crashing train. Trump might not react to nationwide looting, burning and riots like last time - but many of the folks I know are armed up and ammoed up and stocked up ready for the civil unrest to come and expected to be much worse than the last time with 10 to 15 MILLION UNVETTED DESPERATE STARVING ILLEGAL INVADERS HERE. Just saying...


DD always been a fan of yours brother but perhaps be a little wary of going down the same path you took in 2020 with all this stuff....
Like Mike Tyson says everyone has a Game Plan until they get punched in the Face.

I have been punched in the face in several ways since Biden/Obama were installed in their 3rd term.

Are Mike Adams BBN and HRR channels a bit up in your grill and figuratively smacking you across the head with a 2x4 to wake you all up to the need of at least stocking up on necessary goods to survive and thrive a US Dollar FIAT and Global Currency Crisis and subsequent Banking Attacks.

Will the 10 to 15 Million Biden hostile entitled illegals join with BLM and Antifa arsonist agitators this long hot summer to throw a pipe wrench into the 2024 Elections? Will a major Black Swan/Nuclear Weapons Exchange take place between all of the People that hate each other on this planet??? What and when is Bill Gates next WHO Kill X disease going to be released?

The Good Lord will help those who get up off their arses, prepare, and help themselves and their communities in this 4th turning.

Facts have a harsh way of waking us up to reality especially if the choice is to be prepared or to DIE.

Live Free or Die!
Like Mike Tyson says everyone has a Game Plan until they get punched in the Face.

I have been punched in the face in several ways since Biden/Obama were installed in their 3rd term.

Are Mike Adams BBN and HRR channels a bit up in your grill and figuratively smacking you across the head with a 2x4 to wake you all up to the need of at least stocking up on necessary goods to survive and thrive a US Dollar FIAT and Global Currency Crisis and subsequent Banking Attacks.

Will the 10 to 15 Million Biden hostile entitled illegals join with BLM and Antifa arsonist agitators this long hot summer to throw a pipe wrench into the 2024 Elections? Will a major Black Swan/Nuclear Weapons Exchange take place between all of the People that hate each other on this planet??? What and when is Bill Gates next WHO Kill X disease going to be released?

The Good Lord will help those who get up off their arses, prepare, and help themselves and their communities in this 4th turning.

Facts have a harsh way of waking us up to reality especially if the choice is to be prepared or to DIE.

Live Free or Die!

That's not what I'm talking about, you were the ambassador for the Q garbage in 2020 providing daily updates about how all is fine and going according to plan....Trump will be in office soon enough with cryptic posts and telling us to "stay tuned". Seems you are heading down that same path...
That's not what I'm talking about, you were the ambassador for the Q garbage in 2020 providing daily updates about how all is fine and going according to plan....Trump will be in office soon enough with cryptic posts and telling us to "stay tuned". Seems you are heading down that same path...
Whiskey Tango FK... You are Sorely Mistaken and have decided to LIE and ATTACK me when I was the original Q Sceptic when so called military Vets on RVF were accusing me of TREASON for not buying into the Q Psyop and not going to Jan 6 to protest for Q lunacy ...

So, I do not know who you are FK but lying about me and accusing me of Supporting the Q-Anon Psyop WHICH I CALLED OUT as such does not make you my ally and you owe me a deep apology.

And since this is a Christian Men's site, I will just point out your vicious HATE and keep my real military comments to myself.

Good to know this is the HATE Trump and HATE USA Patriots thread now.
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I don't see a civil war or battlefield America situation here at all. Trump or no Trump

Unless (((They))) shut the lights off and the food down people will continue in the wealth death spiral and we will have a higher concentration of rich and higher concentration of poor people.

I'm am all for being prepared and having life skills... But I don't see the scenario you're describing occuring.

DD, I could be wrong, but I seemed to have remembered you in that light also as someone who was describing the gunfights in Frankfurt with secret servers and all that jazz.... And after that election you disappeared...

If that's incorrect my apologies.
Whiskey Tango FK... You are Sorely Mistaken and have decided to LIE and ATTACK me when I was the original Q Sceptic when so called military Vets on RVF were accusing me of TREASON for not buying into the Q Psyop and not going to Jan 6 to protest for Q lunacy ...

So, I do not know who you are FK but lying about me and accusing me of Supporting the Q-Anon Psyop WHICH I CALLED OUT as such does not make you my ally and you owe me a deep apology.

And since this is a Christian Men's site, I will just point out your vicious HATE and keep my real military comments to myself.

Good to know this is the HATE Trump and HATE USA Patriots thread now.

Dude calm your tits, if I'm wrong and it wasn't you then I apologize. But I'm not so sure I am, maybe I'm wrong about the Q stuff but along the same lines with all the weird election conspiracy nonsense which was nothing but a distraction, that stuff all got lumped in together in my mind. I'm pretty sure you pushed that stuff really hard.
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I don't see a civil war or battlefield America situation here at all. Trump or no Trump

Unless (((They))) shut the lights off and the food down people will continue in the wealth death spiral and we will have a higher concentration of rich and higher concentration of poor people.

I'm am all for being prepared and having life skills... But I don't see the scenario you're describing occuring.

DD, I could be wrong, but I seemed to have remembered you in that light also as someone who was describing the gunfights in Frankfurt with secret servers and all that jazz.... And after that election you disappeared...

If that's incorrect my apologies.

Thank you Choppa this is what I remember as well, then he was gone when it all turned out to be BS...

I remember the manic cryptic posting pretty vividly.