Donald Trump

Trump‘s financial situation looked dire a couple days ago because of dem lawfare. Then this happened.

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He got kicked off Twitter in an attempt by Dems/swamp to punish him and silence him. Four years later, that decision by Dems/swamp resulted in a big payday to save his bacon when he was on the ropes. T always has a way of pulling a rabbit out of his hat when it looks like all is lost. Like the Access Hollywood tape. Everyone was abandoning him when that came out as an October surprise. I personally thought his goose was cooked. Then he brushed it off at the debate as “locker room talk” and turned the table on the Clintons by bringing in Bill’s accusers.

While this is good news overall, it also shows there are some extremely powerful chews in the background supporting Trump. This merger is really just a gift to him because (((someone))) wants him as Pres.

As I've always said, there are obviously different competing groups of Talmudic Jews with different visions and goals for the world and America. I wonder what they will expect from Trump in his second term?

I expect Trump to be a mostly peaceful Pres, but how he can resolve the Israel issue seems impossible without extreme violence. I think Ukraine will be easy for Trump.
Even if Trump wanted to could he end US funding for Israel? Or is there too much pressure for any one President to do that?
Even if Trump wanted to could he end US funding for Israel? Or is there too much pressure for any one President to do that?
There's always a way.

Labelling them a terrorist state, for one. The evidence is in plain view for that.
That's just off the top of my head. You get some of these amoral lawyer types in Washington to brainstorm about it, and they could probably find a dozen other ways.

Remember, this is the same government currently pushing for laws that violate its own First Amendment, who is illegally occupying Syria and stealing their oil whilst refusing to declare war, who stole $6 billion from Iran, has locked up hundreds of political prisoners, tortured people for years in Cuba, and is illegally sending arms to Israel, in open violation of the law. Trust me, if the desire is there, they can find any number of legal loopholes to delay or deny sending money abroad. Especially considering the US executive controlls the State Department.
There's always a way.

Labelling them a terrorist state, for one. The evidence is in plain view for that.
Never going to happen.
That's just off the top of my head. You get some of these amoral lawyer types in Washington to brainstorm about it, and they could probably find a dozen other ways.

Remember, this is the same government currently pushing for laws that violate its own First Amendment, who is illegally occupying Syria and stealing their oil whilst refusing to declare war, who stole $6 billion from Iran, has locked up hundreds of political prisoners, tortured people for years in Cuba, and is illegally sending arms to Israel, in open violation of the law. Trust me, if the desire is there, they can find any number of legal loopholes to delay or deny sending money abroad. Especially considering the US executive controlls the State Department.
Every time someone brings up "Politician X supports Israel!!" I just shrug. So what? All of them do. You may as well criticize politicians for drinking water, it's so banal at this point.

Touching the wall is par for the course. And some groveling to the Talmuds is a lot more extreme than others, i.e. DeSantis signing legislation in Israel. But even this doesn't bother me too much, because Dems are even worse (unless they are Muslims).

Overall, complaining without talking about solutions is silly, don't you think?

The spiritual problem must be addressed, I think it is plainly obvious.
Even if Trump wanted to could he end US funding for Israel? Or is there too much pressure for any one President to do that?
I should expound a little and say it's really the wrong question to ask. It's like asking someone who has just seen a mosquito for the first time "Can you get that mosquito to stop biting me?"

Yes, one could spray Deet repellant, or put on long sleeved clothing, or use a citronella candle, or attempt to destroy the hatching areas of the mosquito. But one should understand that the mosquito exists to suck your blood.

Likewise, it would be easy as pie to shut off US funding to Israel tomorrow--except the entire purpose of much of the federal bureaucracy exists simply to fund Israel.

America has a trillion dollar military so that it can fight Israeli wars for it.
It has a department of health and human services that pushes tranny stuff because that serves Jewish interests.
It has a Department of State along with a bunch of evil groups like NED, who overthrow democratically elected governments around the world because Israel wants access to power or resources there.
It has a department of Homeland Security (lol) who purposefully lets criminals and thugs in, while making legitimate legal immigration expensive and difficult, because it serves Jewish interests to have a multicultural rootless state that won't notice them.
It has federal police agencies who are dedicated to hate crimes and imprisoning people for speech, primarily targeted around antisemitism, or more broadly, the expression of white interests.

Many of these departments are headed by dual citizen Israelis. The Biden Administration is often stated to have an 85% Jewish cabinet. I saw a tweet the other day (that I should have posted to the JQ thread) that claims if you look at marriage, family, and jobs, it's actually 100% of the cabinet with Jewish ties. As in EVERY SINGLE cabinet member is either Jewish, married to a Jew, or previously worked for an overtly jewish organization like the ADL.

So giving an order to "not fund Israel", while something that a chief executive could theoretically do, is simply not practical under a Zionist Occupied Government that exists primarily to fund the state of Israel.

The above is not hyperbole. Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have both been quoted saying extreme statements like When DC is smouldering rubble we will still proudly support Israel. Those two are Democrats, and yes it's hard to find examples much more extreme than that, but there are Republicans with similarly extreme pro-Zionist views (the TN legislator who ran around showing his bare bottom yelling "USA" because a Jew told him to springs to mind).

A Republican administration is going to have a similar number of Jewish members of cabinet, not to mention the federal heads of departments, and all the bureucrats like Victoria Nuland, who was in every American Administration since Bill Clinton's. So it's really a misunderstanding of the problem to just ask "Isn't there a method of stopping money sent to Israel"? Yes, but ZOG *EXISTS* to serve Israel.

As @Samseau mentioned, pointing out that a politician supports Israel is like observing that a mosquito drinks blood--that's just what they all do. It can be useful in the early stages, for those that don't know the jig, but it's not productive beyond that.

By the way the Mosquito analogy is not an accident. Various Israeli leaders have referred to America as something whose blood they will suck until it is dead, and then move on to another victim. Here's Israeli media reporting Netanyahu boasting about how America can be easily moved and controlled, and he will do whatever he wants:

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And these ones are great. But they are few and far between, and have zero institutional power.

It really comes down to figuring out how to work a corrupt system to our advantage. My best theory is to have the system fight itself (with divisive figures like Trump).
Many of those are also Rashida Talib, Illhand Omar types...which ain't exactly great.

But yes, I agree ... The more sunlight on the fungus that is our body politik... the less it grows.
Question: when/if Trump pays the $400M+ for his civil lawsuit, where does this money end up? I tried reading web articles for over 1/2 hr yesterday and couldn’t find the answer to that very basic question.

He will keep appealing indefinitely.

I imagine at some point the state of New York could put a lien against his businesses to collect the money. It would get sucked up into the system and the sharks here would spend it . Ny is probably one if the most corrupt states right up there with California and Illinois.
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He will keep appealing indefinitely.

I imagine at some point the state of New York could put a lien against his businesses to collect the money. It would get sucked up into the system and the sharks here would spend it . Ny I’d probably one if the most corrupt states right up there with California and Illinois.
This has already been initiated by that racist idiot Letisha James.

While it's highly unlikely this will actually occur... It's a Communist demonstration of injustice.

Trump is, for the first time, speaking out against Israel.
Could be a sign of a change in dynamics between the Israel Lobby and the US
Q: If you were president again, how would you counter the wave of antisemitism in the wake of the war's outbreak?

"Well, that's because you fought back. And I think Israel made a very big mistake. I wanted to call [Israel] and say don't do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, Oh, that's a terrible portrait. It's a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this…every night, I would watch buildings pour down on people. It would say it was given by the Defense Ministry, and said whoever's providing that that's a bad image."

Q: But terrorists are hiding in those buildings.

"Go and do what you have to do. But you don't do that. And I think that's one of the reasons that there has been a lot of kickback. If people didn't see that, every single night I've watched every single one of those. And I think Israel wanted to show that it's tough, but sometimes you shouldn't be doing that."
This has already been initiated by that racist idiot Letisha James.

While it's highly unlikely this will actually occur... It's a Communist demonstration of injustice.
I can see it now…Latisha seizes Trump Tower then let’s all the illegals stay there for free. Take pics of his Penthouse suite occupied by a bunch of guys with neck tats and teardrops tats on their face.