Donald Trump

I mean come on. A group of 5 voters, chaired by one Ron Fein(bergstein) is sufficient to start the legal process to remove a former president from the ballot.

Doesn't one need a massive amount of signatures to be listed on the presidential ballot in the first place? Like 10s of thousands? And a group of 5 people plus some soros bucks and TDS attorneys can shut it all down?

Not even a pretense of democracy left in Illinois.
"White Rural Rage"

According to these two academics who recently wrote the book on "White Rural Rage", white rural voters are the greatest threat to democracy and the country because they are the "most racist, xenophobic, ant-immigrant and anti-gay demographic group in the country." And it's these these negative character traits that explain this demographics' support for Trump.

But it doesn't stop there. They go on to rattle off a whole litany of flaws about the people in flyover land such as:

- Believing in conspiracy theories like denying the results of the 2020 election
- Covid denialism and scientific skepticism ( "take the vaccine, you bigot!" )
- They harbor anti-democratic sentiments.
- They don't believe in an independent press ( but I'm sure interviews like this one will bolster rural voter's faith in objective journalism )
- They don't believe in free speech
- They're more likely to be white nationalists and/or Christian nationalists

And finally, they're the most likely to "excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful protests." You want gaslighting, MSNBC and these two ivory tower academics are here to deliver.


The Right and the Left really are living in two different realities. If you want a birds eye view into how the elites view your average rural voter, this interview shows the absolute disdain they have for the hoi polloi who have the temerity to disagree with their policies.
"White Rural Rage"

According to these two academics who recently wrote the book on "White Rural Rage", white rural voters are the greatest threat to democracy and the country because they are the "most racist, xenophobic, ant-immigrant and anti-gay demographic group in the country." And it's these these negative character traits that explain this demographics' support for Trump.

But it doesn't stop there. They go on to rattle off a whole litany of flaws about the people in flyover land such as:

- Believing in conspiracy theories like denying the results of the 2020 election
- Covid denialism and scientific skepticism ( "take the vaccine, you bigot!" )
- They harbor anti-democratic sentiments.
- They don't believe in an independent press ( but I'm sure interviews like this one will bolster rural voter's faith in objective journalism )
- They don't believe in free speech
- They're more likely to be white nationalists and/or Christian nationalists

And finally, they're the most likely to "excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful protests." You want gaslighting, MSNBC and these two ivory tower academics are here to deliver.


The Right and the Left really are living in two different realities. If you want a birds eye view into how the elites view your average rural voter, this interview shows the absolute disdain they have for the hoi polloi who have the temerity to disagree with their policies.

early life button.jpg

The audacity to slander the very same people who built this country from the ground up, who work hard every day to put food on our tables is astonishing.
No surprise that those two are academics - it must have taken them years of study to able spout such nonsense.
Not even a pretense of democracy left in Illinois.
I'm a Chicago native and hope it continues to burn to the ground. Illinois is just as bad as California and Jew York. I would never go back if some of my family wasn't still there.

I have soured on Trump the last couple of years, but this communist nonsense is getting out of control. I 100% support him at this point.
Was surprised not one lib justice voted against him, but, I guess even these people have some kind of reputation they need to protect. Not to mention, letting a single state decide who gets to be put on a ballot would weaken the control the Feds have, so, there was a powerful interest to vote against this. Between peer pressure and lowering their own power, even libs had to say no. Pretty humiliating for the libs but now they know they have limits to their corruption.
Was surprised not one lib justice voted against him, but, I guess even these people have some kind of reputation they need to protect. Not to mention, letting a single state decide who gets to be put on a ballot would weaken the control the Feds have, so, there was a powerful interest to vote against this. Between peer pressure and lowering their own power, even libs had to say no. Pretty humiliating for the libs but now they know they have limits to their corruption.

It was a power preservation decision.

I've heard the trade off is that they are going to allow presidential immunity to get thrown with regard to the Jan 6 and other things... Which is the horse trading deal going on.
Was surprised not one lib justice voted against him, but, I guess even these people have some kind of reputation they need to protect. Not to mention, letting a single state decide who gets to be put on a ballot would weaken the control the Feds have, so, there was a powerful interest to vote against this. Between peer pressure and lowering their own power, even libs had to say no. Pretty humiliating for the libs but now they know they have limits to their corruption.
At this point I don’t think radical leftists have a high enough IQ or awareness to experience humiliation.
Well you could watch the entire vid.

Trump for starters is supportive of the gay agenda.
Anything edited and promoted by the Huffington post is designed to be negative against Trump.

Why would I waste my time watching that.

Does he support the gay agenda in the way Biden does? Did he have a gay nuclear energy secretary? A tranny minister of health?

Get out of here with all that.

I get it. He isn't Franko. But this is an apples to oranges comparison.
Anyone care to admit that they're wrong at this stage or should we let the charade continue a while longer? How is it possible to not see that the left-right-left-right illusion is transpiring yet again right before our very eyes. How much more evidence do you really need? If he was serious would he really accept an endorsement from McConnell? Of course not! Don't fall for this theatre again, and think a bit further ahead pls. This is a setup...probably for a younger and radical leftist/globalist in 2028.

"...During his Presidency, we worked together to accomplish great things for the American people...

...Advisers close to Trump and McConnell had been in talks for six weeks over an endorsement..."

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I am happy that Trump has basically won the primaries. I think he was the best candidate. I do not think he can right the ship, but I think he can buy us a few more years, or trigger an escalation when White Americans are still maybe 50% of the country and not 30%. I am concerned however at the chance that we could be involved in a broad war with Islam to defend "Israel."

I say this knowing he was one of the least interventionist presidents we've had in a long long time, because

  1. He is a Zionist and his children and grandchildren are Jews or married Jews
  2. "Zion" is "under attack"
  3. Whites are leaving the military, and Trump would encourage Whites to enlist again. New USMC recruits in 2023 were 39% Hispanic and only 41% White, in 2024 Whites probably won't even be a plurality among new USMC recruits, and I'm going to guess that's the case with the Army already in 2023.
  4. Whites would be far more eager to fight under a Trump admin than a Biden or Harris admin, all else being equal
I am also concerned with the potential of him being convicted of a felony before the election and what the ramifications of that may be.
This is a setup.
I tend to agree with this. I do believe that there are advanced 4D Human Chess Computers somewhere that are 20 years ahead of anything us pawns are aware of. I think the election has already been decided "somewhere" by "someone" and I won't be surprised if the next president is neither Trump or Biden. I had a feeling the Supreme Court would rule in favor of Trump because it keeps the Us vs Them divide and conquer charade going a bit longer before They drop the chaos bomb. If they would of ruled against Trump it would have been game over and the JQ are having way too much fun right now eating popcorn and making money via inflation to end the reality television series this early in the season.

I am also concerned with the potential of him being convicted of a felony before the election and what the ramifications of that may be.
Second this. If I was a betting man I'd bet that Trump won't be our next president. However, I'm praying that he somehow pulls it off. Knowing that he won last time and that Basement Biden is currently sitting in the Oval Office isn't exactly reassuring.