Donald Trump

Basically this is correct.

Except Deutche Bank agreed to the valuations so the entire argument is nonsense.

The judge, who isn't qualified to make valuations, said Mara Lago was only worth $18m when in reality it's worth many many multiples of 10 more than that.

Quite a few years ago I bought a used car from a dealer for around $14K. Traded in my hunk of junk and just didn't want to deal with selling it outright. The salesman was only going to give me something like $400, and the interest rate was going to be pretty high (7.4% ?). Then he whipped out that sheet of paper and inflated the car's value and the trade in value each by $2K ("so we can get a better interest rate"). So instead of the deal showing my putting up 3%, the higher numbers showed me trading in around 15%. It knocked the rate down to 5.9.

This sounds like pretty much the same sort of thing, especially when Deutche Bank had no issue. And I almost wonder if part of the reason they were fine with the overestimates was to be able to tie their name to the Trump brand.

And that judge should be disbarred for pulling that $18M number out of a hat.

Quite a few years ago I bought a used car from a dealer for around $14K. Traded in my hunk of junk and just didn't want to deal with selling it outright. The salesman was only going to give me something like $400, and the interest rate was going to be pretty high (7.4% ?). Then he whipped out that sheet of paper and inflated the car's value and the trade in value each by $2K ("so we can get a better interest rate"). So instead of the deal showing my putting up 3%, the higher numbers showed me trading in around 15%. It knocked the rate down to 5.9.

This sounds like pretty much the same sort of thing, especially when Deutche Bank had no issue. And I almost wonder if part of the reason they were fine with the overestimates was to be able to tie their name to the Trump brand.

And that judge should be disbarred for pulling that $18M number out of a hat.
Except there was no overestimates.
Duetche bank and Trump's team both did valuations. They were paid back in full and there is no way to actually prove there was any over estimation.

Yeah this judge is a total crock. Hes on Video saying he can disregard the jury rulings.
Except there was no overestimates.

The bank is going to do their due diligence. The same car in my previous post was in an accident and totaled out. I felt it was worth more than what the insurance company was going to give me. But they weren't giving me more than what they deemed it was worth.

There's no way that they're taking Trump's or anyone in his company's word on the value of any of his real estate at face value.

* I was editing before posting how Trump himself likes to overestimate stuff, and part of that section got left in.
This is an interesting angle. I can see how getting a big rig into and out of NYC would not be a truckers favorite route to begin with. Add in the unjust Trump-NYC-kangajew-court verdicts and truckers have further incentive not to deliver to NYC. Two weeks with 50% of normal big rig capacity entering NYC and things could get very interesting, very fast.

Exactly. New York sucks big time, the tolls are like $40-50 just for truckers to go in and out, mad traffic, nonstop honking, low pay, run by criminal chews... easy pass.
Agree. Biggest issue with Dems is they don't understand consequence.

Well, the truckers might bring some.
I've only seen calls for a trucker boycott of NY so far online, but I'd like to see a movement to boycott NY generally (the state, not just NYC). No travel to NY for business or tourism. Avoid doing business with NY companies. Move away if you live there. Layoff any employees you have there.

I read there was a truckers boycott of Colorado that was very effective. It was in November and December 2021, over an unfair prison sentence against a trucker. The governor caved and commuted most of the sentence within a couple weeks after the boycott started.

Oddly, I lived in Colorado at the time and didn't hear about it. I read that the MSM didn't cover it, but I was already an alt-media consumer by then. I also was dealing with my wife passing during that time, which was obviously very distracting, but I actually would still expect to remember this. In fact, I do remember the case in question, just not the fact that a truckers strike forced an almost immediate capitulation. I think the powers that be caved quickly, and yet also managed to successfully downplay news about this happening.

I'm very curious to see how this plays out. I hope New Yorkers can't get gas for their cars or food in the grocery stores due to shortages.

Edit: This happened immediately before the Canadian Trucker Conveys in Jan. 22. I wonder if Canada decided to play hardball because they were afraid to set a pattern of governments giving in to trucker strikes after having seen what happened a few weeks earlier in Colorado? I wonder if the Canadian truckers were emboldened by what happened in Colorado?
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Edit: This happened immediately before the Canadian Trucker Conveys in Jan. 22. I wonder if Canada decided to play hardball, because they were afraid to set a pattern of governments giving in to trucker strikes after having seen what happened a few weeks earlier in Colorado? I wonder if the Canadian truckers were emboldened by what happened in Colorado?
I heard about this by word of mouth instead of any media, too. People underestimate the collective power of the men in boots who make the modern world work. If it's on a store shelf in North America, a truck brought it to you!
I've been waiting to hear about the trucker's strike starting to bite in on NY with supply shortages. It's been a week now. With the Just In Time inventory concept, I'd expect a major trucker's strike to start hurting very quickly.

On the other hand, I'd expect the MSM to cover it up and try to convince individual truckers it's not happening. Has anybody heard what's happening?

Illinois Judge Removes Trump From Primary Ballot​

Ahead of a Supreme Court ruling on whether former President Donald Trump can be disqualified as a candidate by individual states under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, an Illinois judge ruled President Trump ineligible for the ballot.

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie Porter, following other jurisdictions, stayed her order to remove the former president pending an appeal which he has, and which the Supreme Court has said it will hear. The ruling came a week after the judge heard arguments regarding Illinois statutes.

“This Order is stayed until March 1, 2024 in anticipation of an appeal to the Illinois Appellate Court, First District, or the Illinois Supreme Court. This Order is further stayed if the United States Supreme Court in Anderson v. Griswold enters a decision inconsistent with this Order,” the ruling reads.

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie Porter
On Feb. 8, the day the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding Colorado’s disqualification of President Trump, mail-in ballots were sent out in Illinois with President Trump’s name on them. This puts the state in a position to potentially have to not count votes cast for him.

If the order is not stayed and reversed, the state elections board will be tasked with removing “Donald J. Trump from the ballot for the General Primary Election on March 19, 2024, or cause any votes cast for him to be suppressed, according to the procedures within their administrative authority.”

Much of the judge’s opinion and order dealt with state law and whether the state elections board had the jurisdiction to rule on this matter.

The judge found that Illinois law allowed petitioners to bring this kind of a challenge and that President Trump was “disqualified by engaging in insurrection,” noting that this finding was echoed by the hearing officer of the state election board and the Colorado Supreme Court.

“This Court shares the Colorado Supreme Court’s sentiments that did not reach its conclusions lightly. This Court also realizes the magnitude of this decision and it (sic) impact on the upcoming primary Illinois elections,” the order reads.

Both of those jurisdictions based the “insurrection” conclusion on records that plaintiffs presented drawn largely from the controversial Jan. 6 Select Committee report.

Judge Porter determined that Section 3 was self-executing, applied to presidents, and could be applied by individual states even in the event of a national election.

These legal issues are all currently before the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 8 questioned attorneys representing President Trump and six petitioners from Colorado on the ramifications of states applying Section 3 at length and spent little time discussing whether an insurrection occurred.


The challenge was brought by five Illinois voters, represented by the activist group “Free Speech for People.”

Earlier, the bipartisan Illinois State Board of Elections unanimously voted to keep President Trump on the ballot after determining that the board did not have the authority to analyze constitutional issues. The board unanimously voted to keep President Joe Biden on the ballot for similar reasons, in response to two separate challenges brought against the sitting president.

The challenge to President Trump’s eligibility was then appealed in circuit court, and the parties have indicated that whatever the ruling, it would be appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Free Speech for People Legal Director Ron Fein declared it a “historic victory.”


Because nothing says Free Speech for the People like removing Free Speech from the People.


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The challenge was brought by five Illinois voters, represented by the activist group “Free Speech for People.”
Free Speech for People Legal Director Ron Fein declared it a “historic victory.”

I mean come on. A group of 5 voters, chaired by one Ron Fein(bergstein) is sufficient to start the legal process to remove a former president from the ballot.

Doesn't one need a massive amount of signatures to be listed on the presidential ballot in the first place? Like 10s of thousands? And a group of 5 people plus some soros bucks and TDS attorneys can shut it all down?