Donald Trump

You accused me of saying something and then posted a quote from me in which I said the exact opposite of that thing. “I’d like a Christian candidate, but in the meantime I’ll vote for the abortion guy” is not only not a solution, but my premise is that it specifically hinders and prevents the solution.
You accused me of saying something and then posted a quote from me in which I said the exact opposite of that thing. “I’d like a Christian candidate, but in the meantime I’ll vote for the abortion guy” is not only not a solution, but my premise is that it specifically hinders and prevents the solution.
I don't know how you get that from the quotes I used from your own words. Anyone else reads "it doesnt matter until we have a perfect christian candidate" and "pray and repent and only Clowns go where the circus is" so again.... it gives us nothing to do actionably.

If you're arguing that we should do nothing fine.... then admit that and shut up.

But if you're offering something constructive for discourse about Trump.... here's the issue:

You've got a very funny way of spinning things... Again, you're doubling down on assumptions that are not agreed on, and then trying to imply that I have to accept those arguments as fact to justify your position.

I've stated that Trump is NOT the abortion guy. You've argued he is. I've stated that there is NO perfect Christian candiate. Maybe Mike Huckabee was as close as we got for a guy who lived his faith and all of that.... but We are not talking about him.
I've stated Trump IS NOT the War guy... you're saying he is. I reject that.

There is no option for the candidate you're describing. And if there was.... you're purity spiraling would likely prevent you from recognizing that. I've yet to see you say "we need a Mike Huckabee" or "We need a Jimmy Carter" both of whom were legitimately good Christian Men, yet clearly Carter was a terrible president.

It appears to me that you're more interested in contrarian views than reality. That sounds like a personal vendetta and belief you have in leaders in saviors that is making you so upset and manifesting in your posts.... then an cope by saying "only Christ can save us"

Yes obviously ONLY Christ can save us. But in the mean time, we have to advocate for whatever interest are still there while we can.

Alternatively... we can do nothing, keep voting for Biden and Mayorcas, and Yellen and Blinken and EVERY OTHER JEW in the cabinet now.

Thats effectively the black and white choice we are on. And youre commentary says Go vote for the trash destroying our country.


I'll even go so far as to add: Most of your negative comments really belong in the Trump Criticism Thread. But mods havent moved it accordingly... which is totally fine.

But I reiterate, your posting is centered around an emotional appeal to some Trump Savior Man...which was never going to be the case, and I double down on your own words which provide ZERO actionable solution for here and now and ONLY negative comments.

Give us a positive here so we can act on it and maybe I'll eat humble pie... But I'm 100% sure you have none on this matter.
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Trump's plan for Ukraine? Get the europeans to pay matching bucks up to the $200B he says the US has already spent:

What is this? A matching funds promocode textathon? It just isn't sinking into him. Sure, double down on Ukraine. Praise the beautiful vaxx.

Maybe 90% of his followers will support him just because he's the anti-Biden or such, but this is nonsense. His handlers need to 'splain some things to him, because it isn't getting into his stable genius head.

How does one blame Putin when he says "I've seen them come and go. US Presidents always act the same, regardless of party. Someone else is in charge."
Trump's plan for Ukraine? Get the europeans to pay matching bucks up to the $200B he says the US has already spent:

What is this? A matching funds promocode textathon? It just isn't sinking into him. Sure, double down on Ukraine. Praise the beautiful vaxx.

Maybe 90% of his followers will support him just because he's the anti-Biden or such, but this is nonsense. His handlers need to 'splain some things to him, because it isn't getting into his stable genius head.

How does one blame Putin when he says "I've seen them come and go. US Presidents always act the same, regardless of party. Someone else is in charge."


What's your point.

You think Donald is on the side of escalation here,? Given previous history why ?

I think it's funny that folks are talking one presentation and fucking running with it when there's been 100 saying the opposite .
Hold up, I thought he’d ‘end the Ukraine war in 24 hours’? Didn’t all the hardcore supporters cheer and clap after he said that? Man I admit he’s a better choice than whoever the Dems run, but the cult of personality around this guy is too much. That’s coming from someone who voted for him twice, but I’ll sit the next election out.

If you sit the election out, I hope you won't complain afterwards.

This is a key issue that I'll reiterate at the risk of sounding like a broken record. I would encourage everyone here to go to a local Republican and/or Democratic party meeting and see how things operate at the ground level. It's not what you may expect. All the supposition and theories about what may happen with Russia, Ukraine and Trump will likely melt away into something much more realistic and maybe even more disappointing.
If you sit the election out, I hope you won't complain afterwards.

This is a key issue that I'll reiterate at the risk of sounding like a broken record. I would encourage everyone here to go to a local Republican and/or Democratic party meeting and see how things operate at the ground level. It's not what you may expect. All the supposition and theories about what may happen with Russia, Ukraine and Trump will likely melt away into something much more realistic and maybe even more disappointing.
For you as a Hindu, the Republican party is just great. They're working tirelessly to get more of you all in America, they love you guys for your work ethic, unlike us lazy White millennials and zoomers, Hindus also can't stand Muslims and therefore help increase Zionist support within the US, and best of all, Hindus don't care about free speech or the right to bear arms like White Americans do, and they vote overwhelmingly Democrat, so the Democrats don't mind either.

  • Indian Americans remain solidly with the Democratic Party. Recent anecdotal narratives notwithstanding, there is scant evidence that Democratic voters are defecting toward Trump and the Republican Party. Seventy-two percent of registered Indian American voters plan to vote for Biden and 22 percent intend to vote for Trump in the 2020 November election.

As you can see, Hindus/Indians are literally the perfect migrant. They do not value free speech, yet they are intelligent (Brahmins at least) and dislike Islam, so the end result is a compliant and functional replacement for those pesky White Americans who want freedom of speech, guns, and distrust government.

I know these things don't apply to you, @Cobra, but they do to your religious group as a whole.

Trump's plan for Ukraine? Get the europeans to pay matching bucks up to the $200B he says the US has already spent:

What is this? A matching funds promocode textathon? It just isn't sinking into him. Sure, double down on Ukraine. Praise the beautiful vaxx.

Maybe 90% of his followers will support him just because he's the anti-Biden or such, but this is nonsense. His handlers need to 'splain some things to him, because it isn't getting into his stable genius head.

How does one blame Putin when he says "I've seen them come and go. US Presidents always act the same, regardless of party. Someone else is in charge."

Trump won't do anything different in Ukraine, and he'll support Israel with full force. (unlike Biden)
For you as a Hindu, the Republican party is just great. They're working tirelessly to get more of you all in America, they love you guys for your work ethic, unlike us lazy White millennials and zoomers, Hindus also can't stand Muslims and therefore help increase Zionist support within the US, and best of all, Hindus don't care about free speech or the right to bear arms like White Americans do, and they vote overwhelmingly Democrat, so the Democrats don't mind either.

View attachment 4571
View attachment 4572

As you can see, Hindus/Indians are literally the perfect migrant. They do not value free speech, yet they are intelligent (Brahmins at least) and dislike Islam, so the end result is a compliant and functional replacement for those pesky White Americans who want freedom of speech, guns, and distrust government.

I know these things don't apply to you, @Cobra, but they do to your religious group as a whole.


This literally has nothing to do with Trump. Please do not make off-topic posts, you could have PM'd this.

Trump's plan for Ukraine? Get the europeans to pay matching bucks up to the $200B he says the US has already spent:

What is this? A matching funds promocode textathon? It just isn't sinking into him. Sure, double down on Ukraine. Praise the beautiful vaxx.

Maybe 90% of his followers will support him just because he's the anti-Biden or such, but this is nonsense. His handlers need to 'splain some things to him, because it isn't getting into his stable genius head.

How does one blame Putin when he says "I've seen them come and go. US Presidents always act the same, regardless of party. Someone else is in charge."

It's so funny, seeing the exact same pattern happen over and over again with Trump, for over 8 years now. At first when Trump proposes a plan, everyone says it won't work and he's doing the opposite of what his voters really want. Then Trump does his plan and everything goes like his voters expect it to, and afterwards all of the naysayers refuse to admit how bad their judgement is, and go on continue hating irrationally.

Pointy Elbows, that doesn't describe you but you are falling for the TDS crowd.

Trump's plan of insisting on the EU paying more for Ukraine is a very good plan. All that will happen is Europe will say, "Okay we cared but not that much," and the war comes to a close when the money runs out. Europe doesn't have the money and Trump is calling their bluff. Once it is obvious to everyone that only (((America))) wants this war with Russia and Europe is full of it, I guarantee you peace talks will happen almost immediately because Ukraine will see the writing on the wall.

Trump did the EXACT same thing with NATO, and everyone said pretty much it was dumb and it would kill NATO, but instead Europe had to make a decision and they decided to save NATO. They won't do it with Ukraine, the political will just isn't there, aside from Germany and Britain.
If you sit the election out, I hope you won't complain afterwards.

This is a key issue that I'll reiterate at the risk of sounding like a broken record. I would encourage everyone here to go to a local Republican and/or Democratic party meeting and see how things operate at the ground level. It's not what you may expect. All the supposition and theories about what may happen with Russia, Ukraine and Trump will likely melt away into something much more realistic and maybe even more disappointing.

Back in 2016 I originally voted for Trump because at that point what did I have to lose? Michael Moore who although I think is a socialist tool had a solid quote:

“Trump is the Molotov cocktail you can legally throw into the system.”

That’s exactly how I felt. Tired of the uniparty and nothing changing why not give this temperamental or ‘crazy’ outsider a try? Sometimes you need someone outside the box to shake things up.

Unfortunately, besides appointing 3 Supreme court justices (he deserves credit for this), I ask and I’m not being facetious here, in what other way did his presidency stop the country from moving left? Like at all? All that happened was we got Hillary 4 years later with Biden who just went on to reverse all his policies and flood us with millions of illegals and more democrat voters.

During his presidency he went on to make disastrous decisions with his inner circle firing Bannon and others who helped him win. Big tech is still out of control and censoring users. Try posting about guns on instagram, but you can share that trans story. So what did he stop? More importantly what will he stop or do differently next time?

Was the swamp drained? Nope. Mitch McConnell told him to shut up about that and he did.

When I hear some ardent Trump can no do wrong supporters I really question their life experience. Why?

Because I’ve dealt with these super egotistical cult of personality types in the corporate world. Many are easy to manipulate and get what you want from if you stroke their ego and champion how great and smart they are without being obsequious. The people around Trump know the same thing and use it to manipulate him, which is obvious because he flip flops on issues all the time.

Local vs. federal. I agree, real change is enacted in the local level. Someone is better off not voting in the presidential election at all, and just dedicating their time locally. It’s time much better spent.
Back in 2016 I originally voted for Trump because at that point what did I have to lose? Michael Moore who although I think is a socialist tool had a solid quote:

“Trump is the Molotov cocktail you can legally throw into the system.”

That’s exactly how I felt. Tired of the uniparty and nothing changing why not give this temperamental or ‘crazy’ outsider a try? Sometimes you need someone outside the box to shake things up.

Unfortunately, besides appointing 3 Supreme court justices (he deserves credit for this), I ask and I’m not being facetious here, in what other way did his presidency stop the country from moving left? Like at all? All that happened was we got Hillary 4 years later with Biden who just went on to reverse all his policies and flood us with millions of illegals and more democrat voters.

During his presidency he went on to make disastrous decisions with his inner circle firing Bannon and others who helped him win. Big tech is still out of control and censoring users. Try posting about guns on instagram, but you can share that trans story. So what did he stop? More importantly what will he stop or do differently next time?

Was the swamp drained? Nope. Mitch McConnell told him to shut up about that and he did.

When I hear some ardent Trump can no do wrong supporters I really question their life experience. Why?

Because I’ve dealt with these super egotistical cult of personality types in the corporate world. Many are easy to manipulate and get what you want from if you stroke their ego and champion how great and smart they are without being obsequious. The people around Trump know the same thing and use it to manipulate him, which is obvious because he flip flops on issues all the time.

Local vs. federal. I agree, real change is enacted in the local level. Someone is better off not voting in the presidential election at all, and just dedicating their time locally. It’s time much better spent.
I am somewhat disillusioned with Trump, and expect less from him this time than I was thinking last time. As for his failing to accomplish things in his first term, the other side simply beat us. Early in Trump's first term, RVF had a thread on the Democrat party imploding, and it seemed like it had. However, the forces of the uniparty had control in the government, corporate elite, and media to simply roll over Trump and any factions of American society that supported him. They won, we lost. They played dirty hardball in a way we never expected. Now Trump is wanting a rematch. Maybe he can do better this time, maybe he can't.

Still, who else is going to fight them? A Democrat candidate? Obviously not. A GOP uniparty insider? Obviously not. Trump is the only game in town, especially since he has already wrapped up the GOP primaries. I could still imagine the GOP uniparty managing to blow him out and not give him the nomination in spite of dominating the primary process already in January. I could imagine all kinds of dirty tricks being pulled to keep him out of office, and put in someone like Kamala Haley instead.

The point is, imperfect as Trump is, the other alternatives are recognizably worse.
I am somewhat disillusioned with Trump, and expect less from him this time than I was thinking last time. As for his failing to accomplish things in his first term, the other side simply beat us. Early in Trump's first term, RVF had a thread on the Democrat party imploding, and it seemed like it had. However, the forces of the uniparty had control in the government, corporate elite, and media to simply roll over Trump and any factions of American society that supported him. They won, we lost. They played dirty hardball in a way we never expected. Now Trump is wanting a rematch. Maybe he can do better this time, maybe he can't.

Still, who else is going to fight them? A Democrat candidate? Obviously not. A GOP uniparty insider? Obviously not. Trump is the only game in town, especially since he has already wrapped up the GOP primaries. I could still imagine the GOP uniparty managing to blow him out and not give him the nomination in spite of dominating the primary process already in January. I could imagine all kinds of dirty tricks being pulled to keep him out of office, and put in someone like Kamala Haley instead.

The point is, imperfect as Trump is, the other alternatives are recognizably worse.

I completely agree and even wrote that in a previous post. Personally on principle I can’t see my self being fooled a third time by the guy though so. I’m also in a blue state and unless we have a repeat of a Reagan landslide vs. Mondale where every state went red my vote won’t matter. I’d much rather do things in my town which is about 50/50.
Back in 2016 I originally voted for Trump because at that point what did I have to lose? Michael Moore who although I think is a socialist tool had a solid quote:

“Trump is the Molotov cocktail you can legally throw into the system.”

That’s exactly how I felt. Tired of the uniparty and nothing changing why not give this temperamental or ‘crazy’ outsider a try? Sometimes you need someone outside the box to shake things up.

Unfortunately, besides appointing 3 Supreme court justices (he deserves credit for this), I ask and I’m not being facetious here, in what other way did his presidency stop the country from moving left? Like at all? All that happened was we got Hillary 4 years later with Biden who just went on to reverse all his policies and flood us with millions of illegals and more democrat voters.

During his presidency he went on to make disastrous decisions with his inner circle firing Bannon and others who helped him win. Big tech is still out of control and censoring users. Try posting about guns on instagram, but you can share that trans story. So what did he stop? More importantly what will he stop or do differently next time?

Was the swamp drained? Nope. Mitch McConnell told him to shut up about that and he did.

When I hear some ardent Trump can no do wrong supporters I really question their life experience. Why?

Because I’ve dealt with these super egotistical cult of personality types in the corporate world. Many are easy to manipulate and get what you want from if you stroke their ego and champion how great and smart they are without being obsequious. The people around Trump know the same thing and use it to manipulate him, which is obvious because he flip flops on issues all the time.

Local vs. federal. I agree, real change is enacted in the local level. Someone is better off not voting in the presidential election at all, and just dedicating their time locally. It’s time much better spent.
The problem with Trump isn't even Trump; rather, it's expectations many people had or still have of Trump. Unfortunately, that included me before. Now I realize that there is information available to me that tempers those expectations and makes me more optimistic about Trump.

We somehow thought that Trump could actually do no wrong, while simultaneously ignoring that fact that he's still human like us. The man literally came from business, which he dominated to a circle that was dominated by others. He was never on offense as many people thought, including possibly himself. He was actually on defense instead. By the time he and us realized it, it was too late.

The question really then becomes, if he truly learned from this. But then, we also need to ask ourselves if we learned from it too.

You can choose to turn disappointment into pessimism, but then don't be surprised if you are never satisfied. Reality is far from perfect and even further from what we expect.
The problem with Trump isn't even Trump; rather, it's expectations many people had or still have of Trump. Unfortunately, that included me before. Now I realize that there is information available to me that tempers those expectations and makes me more optimistic about Trump.

We somehow thought that Trump could actually do no wrong, while simultaneously ignoring that fact that he's still human like us. The man literally came from business, which he dominated to a circle that was dominated by others. He was never on offense as many people thought, including possibly himself. He was actually on defense instead. By the time he and us realized it, it was too late.

The question really then becomes, if he truly learned from this. But then, we also need to ask ourselves if we learned from it too.

You can choose to turn disappointment into pessimism, but then don't be surprised if you are never satisfied. Reality is far from perfect and even further from what we expect.

As I posted I was never a huge follower of Trump and voted for him because he seemed like someone who could shake things up. If the old forum was still up, you’d see my posts saying I was skeptical of his claims and that he should not be counted on to save anyone, but again what did we have to lose?

The issue is not disappointment or pessimism, but the lack of follow through by Trump himself. I have no doubt he was on the defensive and for sure had saboteurs in Washington. However, this ignores many bad decisions and claims he’s made himself. Let’s be real, Trump’s primary form of communication and persuasion consists of several grandiose claims and then the reality is not even close. The I’ll stop the Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours is one, or I’ll lock Hillary up is another.

Call it marketing, call it showmanship, call it what you want. That’s his style, it’s seems to be a lot of overpromise and underdeliver.

This may have worked in the preinternet days when information was scarce, but it makes him and his ardent followers look like fools now. I may know he is exaggerating, but you have people who truly seem to believe he’s this savior figure who can do it all and then blame his enemies for stopping him, when he just messed things up himself.

He has to hold himself accountable and stop making excuses for his own failures. It can’t be the opposition or everything is rigged every single time. But he seems too egotistical to do that. That’s my issue with him, he would make a better case for electability if he would outline in concrete terms what he would do better this time around. Instead he continues to run like it’s the first time again.
As I posted I was never a huge follower of Trump and voted for him because he seemed like someone who could shake things up. If the old forum was still up, you’d see my posts saying I was skeptical of his claims and that he should not be counted on to save anyone, but again what did we have to lose?

The issue is not disappointment or pessimism, but the lack of follow through by Trump himself. I have no doubt he was on the defensive and for sure had saboteurs in Washington. However, this ignores many bad decisions and claims he’s made himself. Let’s be real, Trump’s primary form of communication and persuasion consists of several grandiose claims and then the reality is not even close. The I’ll stop the Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours is one, or I’ll lock Hillary up is another.

Call it marketing, call it showmanship, call it what you want. That’s his style, it’s seems to be a lot of overpromise and underdeliver.

This may have worked in the preinternet days when information was scarce, but it makes him and his ardent followers look like fools now. I may know he is exaggerating, but you have people who truly seem to believe he’s this savior figure who can do it all and then blame his enemies for stopping him, when he just messed things up himself.

He has to hold himself accountable and stop making excuses for his own failures. It can’t be the opposition or everything is rigged every single time. But he seems too egotistical to do that. That’s my issue with him, he would make a better case for electability if he would outline in concrete terms what he would do better this time around. Instead he continues to run like it’s the first time again.
I posted this elsewhere.

There are Trump cultists and Trump supporters. The former group believes Trump can do no wrong and ignore his human shortcomings, whereas the latter group appreciates what he did and knows to ignore his grandiose claims. You seem to be generalizing and combining those groups into one.

The average voter with a little common sense wants someone who will pursue change, and is likeable. Actually, in Trump's case, let's just say charismatic. Those two components will usually even trump the candidate's bad decisions. What you have in the current environment is the significant need for change from the common sense voter. This is why many people are flocking to him. Not because they think he's a savior. This includes Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, who exclaimed there you don't have to like what he says to respect his ability to make positive changes to the economy. That was on CNBC.

What you may not be seeing is that it's not about the past anymore. Forgiving Trump is a lot easier when the other guys are ruining their lives with high prices and illegal immigrants taking over resources.

Most strong personalities will never come out and do a point by point accountability of what they did wrong. They will realize it and move on. In business that's how you succeed. Saying sorry doesn't garner votes. Trump sure as heck knows this.
I am somewhat disillusioned with Trump, and expect less from him this time than I was thinking last time. As for his failing to accomplish things in his first term, the other side simply beat us. Early in Trump's first term, RVF had a thread on the Democrat party imploding, and it seemed like it had. However, the forces of the uniparty had control in the government, corporate elite, and media to simply roll over Trump and any factions of American society that supported him. They won, we lost. They played dirty hardball in a way we never expected. Now Trump is wanting a rematch. Maybe he can do better this time, maybe he can't.

Still, who else is going to fight them? A Democrat candidate? Obviously not. A GOP uniparty insider? Obviously not. Trump is the only game in town, especially since he has already wrapped up the GOP primaries. I could still imagine the GOP uniparty managing to blow him out and not give him the nomination in spite of dominating the primary process already in January. I could imagine all kinds of dirty tricks being pulled to keep him out of office, and put in someone like Kamala Haley instead.

The point is, imperfect as Trump is, the other alternatives are recognizably worse.

This is pretty much my position.

I'm planning to vote Trump 2024. On the old forums I was a pretty big DeSantis booster and thought he was the superior choice over Trump. I actually still do. I haven't changed my positions or view but what has changed is the situation on the ground. DeSantis is no longer a choice and the only choices available now is either Trump or Biden or to not vote. Biden is obviously not a viable choice so I have to decide between either not voting or voting for Trump. Not voting from Trump means Biden gets just a smidge more chance of winning which is the worse outcome possible. As for voting for Trump, I will say that in 2016 I was an extremely enthusiastic supporter while in 2020 I was still enthusiastic though not as much. In 2024 I can't say I'm particularly gung-ho about him. That said, when just working through the results of all the outcomes of which there are only two (either a Biden victory or a Trump victory) it's pretty clear to me a Trump victory is the better outcome even if I don't really have any of the same wide eyed hope I had from that I did in 2015 to 2016.

If an issue such as the outlawing of abortion is important to you, then it's pretty clear that one candidate will bring you closer to your desired outcome while the other will bring you farther away. By not supporting the candidate that will bring you closer even if it's by the smallest millimeter, you are allowing the candidate your desired outcome to slip further away. It's a pretty simple to me what the optimal action is even if that optimal action still falls way short.
I posted this elsewhere.

There are Trump cultists and Trump supporters. The former group believes Trump can do no wrong and ignore his human shortcomings, whereas the latter group appreciates what he did and knows to ignore his grandiose claims. You seem to be generalizing and combining those groups into one.

There is definitely a difference. The cultists do seem to dominate online, but that may because their voices are amplified.

The average voter with a little common sense wants someone who will pursue change, and is likeable. Actually, in Trump's case, let's just say charismatic. Those two components will usually even trump the candidate's bad decisions. What you have in the current environment is the significant need for change from the common sense voter.

This is dependent to where you live. Like I posted I live in a liberal state and am surrounded by wealthy neighborhoods. These people don’t care about change and the status quo is fine with them. As someone who grew up in poverty, it is both infuriating and strange to encounter these people, but they are too far gone to be changed.

This is why many people are flocking to him. Not because they think he's a savior. This includes Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, who exclaimed there you don't have to like what he says to respect his ability to make positive changes to the economy. That was on CNBC.

No offense, but I have to laugh at this example. Jamie Dimon lecturing how America has failed certain people is laughable.

The reason the ultra wealthy like Jamie Dimon want Trump is probably because the Trump tax cut mainly benefited them. It cut the corporate tax rate, and gave most of the benefits to corporations and the ultra wealthy.

Some of them benefited the middle class as well, but remember some stuff for the corporations was permanent, but the stuff for the rest of the population is set to expire. Dimon and others know that having a guy like Trump in the White House will benefit them. It has little to do with helping the economy for others.

What you may not be seeing is that it's not about the past anymore. Forgiving Trump is a lot easier when the other guys are ruining their lives with high prices and illegal immigrants taking over resources.

Most strong personalities will never come out and do a point by point accountability of what they did wrong. They will realize it and move on. In business that's how you succeed. Saying sorry doesn't garner votes. Trump sure as heck knows this.

Ok, but how many of these people who succeed in business or politicians for the matter does the average voter or worker actually trust? Many of these people fail upwards because the system prevents them from being held accountable. 99% of us sitting in that town hall meeting with the CEO and CFO know they are full of s***. The 1% are the true believers. Their lack of authenticity is plain for anyone to see, unless they put their heads in the sand like certain Trump voters.

I don’t disagree with you here, but conservatives / Trump can’t have it both ways going on and on about how our instutions are failing us and rigged, while continuing to enrich themselves using the same rules. It’s completely disingenuous.
The man literally came from business, which he dominated to a circle that was dominated by others. He was never on offense as many people thought, including possibly himself. He was actually on defense instead. By the time he and us realized it, it was too late.
I don't think Trump has ever "dominated" or "realized" anything. He's just not that talented or smart. He was a trust fund kid who got a head start in realty with family money. The rest is just dumb luck and an extroverted personality. He is actually lacking in any true talent or original ideas (probably because he was never much of a book reader). I'm not even sure if Trump has ever even had an idea that he didn't first hear from someone else. He surrounds himself with "the best people" that money can buy, makes them do all the work, and then takes their ideas and presents them as if they were his own. He's just a copycat who even after being president for 4 years probably still knows very little about how the government works or how a bill gets passed through congress.

I also don't see Trump as being intellectually curious and his IQ probably isn't even all that high. So don't expect any reflective or critical thinking from a man who has demonstrated time and time again that he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

All this being said, I still think Trump is our best option in 2024 and I'd encourage everyone to at least consider voting for him as we should do everything in our power to thwart a Biden second term.
I don't think Trump has ever "dominated" or "realized" anything. He's just not that talented or smart. He was a trust fund kid who got a head start in realty with family money. The rest is just dumb luck and an extroverted personality. He is actually lacking in any true talent or original ideas (probably because he was never much of a book reader). I'm not even sure if Trump has ever even had an idea that he didn't first hear from someone else. He surrounds himself with "the best people" that money can buy, makes them do all the work, and then takes their ideas and presents them as if they were his own. He's just a copycat who even after being president for 4 years probably still knows very little about how the government works or how a bill gets passed through congress.

I also don't see Trump as being intellectually curious and his IQ probably isn't even all that high. So don't expect any reflective or critical thinking from a man who has demonstrated time and time again that he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

All this being said, I still think Trump is our best option in 2024 and I'd encourage everyone to at least consider voting for him as we should do everything in our power to thwart a Biden second term.

Lots of broke, drug addicted trust fund babies that never amounted to anything. Your opinions are purely subjective. What isn't subjective is that DJT engineered a hostile takeover of a mainstream political party and won the Presidency as an outsider. On his way to the White House he buried three dynastic political families in the Clintons, Bush's and Cheney's all while the entrenched political establishment and media did everything in their power to crush him.

I'm glad you get the logic of lesser of two evils though and wish more men did.
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