Donald Trump

More crossings, fewer ICE arrests, and fewer deportations than during Obama’s Presidency. But as you guys continue to demonstrate, the reality of Trump’s Presidency seems to have little if any bearing on your conviction that this time he’s somehow going to do all the things he failed to do last time.

From the link you provided:
"The number of migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border rose in fiscal 2019 to its highest annual level in 12 years. The 851,508 apprehensions recorded last fiscal year (October 2018-September 2019) were more than double the number the year before (396,579) but still well short of the levels in the early 2000s, according to CBP, the agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws at the border."

The Obama Administration had a catch and release policy. Invaders were assigned three different categories of priority. Invaders knew danm well that the encounter with CBP would have a good chance of them being released into the country. In 2019 Soros backed groups staged and funded the largest invasion of the southern border to date. Trump removed the categories and viewed all invaders as a threat. Everything Trump did at the border was taken to court.

It makes sense to support someone who fights to implement an agenda that more closely represents my views than to sit at home and ensure the person who hates my views is installed to implement theirs.
What if some of my neighbors are unborn children, and I don’t want to vote for someone who compromises on murdering them?

More virtue signaling. Roe was just overturned 10 seconds ago and states are already passing laws that are close to an all out ban on abortion because of it. Trump enabled that. Take it to the abortion thread, we've been over and over it here.
From the link you provided:
"The number of migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border rose in fiscal 2019 to its highest annual level in 12 years. The 851,508 apprehensions recorded last fiscal year (October 2018-September 2019) were more than double the number the year before (396,579) but still well short of the levels in the early 2000s, according to CBP, the agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws at the border."

The Obama Administration had a catch and release policy. Invaders were assigned three different categories of priority. Invaders knew danm well that the encounter with CBP would have a good chance of them being released into the country. In 2019 Soros backed groups staged and funded the largest invasion of the southern border to date. Trump removed the categories and viewed all invaders as a threat. Everything Trump did at the border was taken to court.

It makes sense to support someone who fights to implement an agenda that more closely represents my views than to sit at home and ensure the person who hates my views is installed to implement theirs.
Did I say “apprehensions” or “crossings?”

Apprehending more people when more are crossing the border doesn’t quite seem like what we were promised.

The one time during Trump’s term the Republicans were close to getting what they claimed to want regarding border security, the left threatened a “government shutdown” and they immediately caved.
Did I say “apprehensions” or “crossings?”

Apprehending more people when more are crossing the border doesn’t quite seem like what we were promised.

The one time during Trump’s term the Republicans were close to getting what they claimed to want regarding border security, the left threatened a “government shutdown” and they immediately caved.
Here again, you're attribution of things that were beyond his control is disingenuous.

Congress has to pass the laws to fund the wall.

Trump signs the law into effect.

He miscalculated with Ryan and McConnel. I am confident he's not going to do it again.
Did I say “apprehensions” or “crossings?”

Apprehending more people when more are crossing the border doesn’t quite seem like what we were promised.

The one time during Trump’s term the Republicans were close to getting what they claimed to want regarding border security, the left threatened a “government shutdown” and they immediately caved.

You don't know how many people are "crossing" any more than they do. Encounters are how they gauge border activity.
I have discovered that, ever since I left Twitter, I haven't had a care in the world for Trump. I guess those right-wing influencers did influence me when I was on there. I only get my news from ZeroHedge or here. I remember reading a blurb that Ron DeSantis stepped down and was backing Trump and I noticed I didn't care. I didn't feel like that was a loss and I don't care if Trump gets the nomination and if it's Trump v Biden again. No matter who runs against Trump I will assume the election will be stolen again and that Clown World will march ever onward to their inevitable defeat since their worldview is unable to build or maintain civilization. I will still vote because now in a deep red State and will vote to balance against a Californian who moved here.
Yesterday a jury in NYC found Trump guilty of defaming the woman he supposedly raped in the 80s. Trump is bound to pay her $83M in various damages. This is the same woman that claimed on live TV that "rape is sexy." Apparently, Trump walked out of the courtroom while her attorneys were presenting final argument. The jury was out briefly and found fully in her favor.

It is worth remembering that the State of NY passed a law 2 or 3 years back basically dropping any statute of limitations for rape charges (civilly). Trump was immediately charged. I believe he is the only person charged so far under the new statute.

Just another example of a weaponized judicial system. Change laws, load juries, carefully select favorable jurisdictions/judges, charge liberally with wildly excessive punishments, win. The people that do this just can't understand why there is such social distrust.
From NBC. I rather not share the link. They deserve no views.

Charles Littlejohn had pleaded guilty to leaking thousands of tax records, including for Trump and billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk​

WASHINGTON — The former Internal Revenue Service contractor who leaked the tax records of former President Donald Trump to The New York Times as well as the tax records of billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to ProPublica was sentenced Monday to five years in prison.

Charles Littlejohn pleaded guilty in October, and prosecutors sought the statutory maximum of five years in federal prison, saying that he "abused his position by unlawfully disclosing thousands of Americans’ federal tax returns and other private financial information to multiple news organizations." Prosecutors said that Littlejohn "weaponized his access to unmasked taxpayer data to further his own personal, political agenda, believing that he was above the law."

Littlejohn was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Ana C. Reyes at a hearing at the federal courthouse in Washington. He will also have to pay a $5,000 fine.

“You can be an outstanding person and commit bad acts,” Reyes said. “What you did in targeting the sitting president of the United States was an attack on our constitutional democracy,” she added.

Reyes compared Littlejohn’s actions to other recent attacks and threats against elected officials as well as to Jan. 6 defendants she has recently sentenced. She described his actions as a deliberate, complex, multiyear criminal scheme, but said she believed he “sincerely felt a moral imperative” to act as he did.

Littlejohn's attorney argued that he had committed the offense "out of a deep, moral belief that the American people had a right to know the information and sharing it was the only way to effect change" and that he believed he was right at the time.

While Littlejohn's conduct was "inexcusable," his lawyer said, and "breached the trust placed in him by the United States government and violated the privacy of thousands of taxpayers," a "strong message of general deterrence" had already been sent to the public.

Littlejohn, 38, who grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, briefly addressed the court before receiving his sentence, saying that he "acted out of a sincere but misguided belief that I was serving the public."

Taxpayers deserved to know how easy it was for the wealthy to avoid paying into the system, Littlejohn added, saying he believes that Americans make their best decisions when properly informed.

“I made my decision with the full knowledge that I would likely end up in a courtroom,” he said.

Here's the weasel:

From NBC. I rather not share the link. They deserve no views.

Charles Littlejohn had pleaded guilty to leaking thousands of tax records, including for Trump and billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk​

WASHINGTON — The former Internal Revenue Service contractor who leaked the tax records of former President Donald Trump to The New York Times as well as the tax records of billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to ProPublica was sentenced Monday to five years in prison.

Charles Littlejohn pleaded guilty in October, and prosecutors sought the statutory maximum of five years in federal prison, saying that he "abused his position by unlawfully disclosing thousands of Americans’ federal tax returns and other private financial information to multiple news organizations." Prosecutors said that Littlejohn "weaponized his access to unmasked taxpayer data to further his own personal, political agenda, believing that he was above the law."

Littlejohn was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Ana C. Reyes at a hearing at the federal courthouse in Washington. He will also have to pay a $5,000 fine.

“You can be an outstanding person and commit bad acts,” Reyes said. “What you did in targeting the sitting president of the United States was an attack on our constitutional democracy,” she added.

Reyes compared Littlejohn’s actions to other recent attacks and threats against elected officials as well as to Jan. 6 defendants she has recently sentenced. She described his actions as a deliberate, complex, multiyear criminal scheme, but said she believed he “sincerely felt a moral imperative” to act as he did.

Littlejohn's attorney argued that he had committed the offense "out of a deep, moral belief that the American people had a right to know the information and sharing it was the only way to effect change" and that he believed he was right at the time.

While Littlejohn's conduct was "inexcusable," his lawyer said, and "breached the trust placed in him by the United States government and violated the privacy of thousands of taxpayers," a "strong message of general deterrence" had already been sent to the public.

Littlejohn, 38, who grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, briefly addressed the court before receiving his sentence, saying that he "acted out of a sincere but misguided belief that I was serving the public."

Taxpayers deserved to know how easy it was for the wealthy to avoid paying into the system, Littlejohn added, saying he believes that Americans make their best decisions when properly informed.

“I made my decision with the full knowledge that I would likely end up in a courtroom,” he said.

Here's the weasel:

View attachment 4470
You can deny them clicks with


Hold up, I thought he’d ‘end the Ukraine war in 24 hours’? Didn’t all the hardcore supporters cheer and clap after he said that? Man I admit he’s a better choice than whoever the Dems run, but the cult of personality around this guy is too much. That’s coming from someone who voted for him twice, but I’ll sit the next election out.
Hold up, I thought he’d ‘end the Ukraine war in 24 hours’? Didn’t all the hardcore supporters cheer and clap after he said that? Man I admit he’s a better choice than whoever the Dems run, but the cult of personality around this guy is too much. That’s coming from someone who voted for him twice, but I’ll sit the next election out.
The MAGA candidate (President Warpspeed) now supports abortion, a war overseas that largely fomented out of the religious schism caused by his own State Department, the deadliest "vaccine" in the history of medicine, and of course - needless to say - unswerving, undying loyalty to Israel.

This is not the MAGA I ordered.
The MAGA candidate (President Warpspeed) now supports abortion, a war overseas that largely fomented out of the religious schism caused by his own State Department, the deadliest "vaccine" in the history of medicine, and of course - needless to say - unswerving, undying loyalty to Israel.

This is not the MAGA I ordered.

Here's the issue with your comment.

You've said there is no solution here, so your only point in posting is to poison the well here for those of us who see a good opportunity in Trump in helping our financial circumstances as a country.

We've been over the vaccine thing many many times.

If you think Trump is honestly interested in continuing the war...I don't know what to tell you... Other than you're arguing from a conclusion you've already made up.
Here's the issue with your comment.

You've said there is no solution here, so your only point in posting is to poison the well here for those of us who see a good opportunity in Trump in helping our financial circumstances as a country.

We've been over the vaccine thing many many times.

If you think Trump is honestly interested in continuing the war...I don't know what to tell you... Other than you're arguing from a conclusion you've already made up.
I have never said, and do not believe, that there is “no solution.”
I have never said, and do not believe, that there is “no solution.”

You've said until the perfect Godly type person shows is an illusion.

You've got to make up you're messaging here.

What it means is that I don’t believe God will bless us with a meaningful President until we stop putting faith in posers and put our trust in Him instead. As long as we keep showing Him we are willing to compromise on all our principles by voting for people like those on the current ballot, we should have no reason to expect His mercy or help.

My plan at the moment is to pray, repent, and potentially vote locally if someone with a heart for Christ and a spine is running. If the only candidates in your area are as bad as the national ones, all the more reason to pray and repent. Clowns only go where the circus is.