Donald Trump

You're kidding, right? Exactly, he "had no idea" because he is basically illiterate. Read a book on "Being President For Dummies" and/or "How To Subvert Washington Insiders For First Time Low IQ POTUS's." Unbelievable the extent to which a Hindu will go to defend an atheist.

You "don't think"? Well, let us know when you know for sure.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Well, then the 77 year-old Trump is certainly the man you've been looking for.

Yes, you are saying this. So just say it. I don't take offense at this, because as an "older" Christian man I'm 100% certain that I can beat you, a "younger" Hindu man at a game of 3-D, real world chess.

Maybe we can settle this at the first annual CIK DC meet up on Jan 6th 2025?

Survivor bias is real, but acting like successful people didn't have a lot of wins themselves isn't that convincing of an argument. You don't have savvy and wealth unless your dad did to some degree, so we'll never know. But DJT's brother was the drunk that didn't work out, so there's a control that shows you it is both real and genetic, to a degree.

As for what happens, I think most of us won't be satisfied at all unless at least a portion of people are thrown in jail. I'm not holding my breath. It'd be better to plan to escape to other countries than cross your fingers and hope to fight off the nonsense of Babylon at this point.
Trump is a mediocre businessman. He inherited a bunch of money and connections. And its been proven if he had invested the money in the s&p 500 leveraged up with the same amount of leverage he used in real estate, assuming his position would not be margin called he would have been a lot wealthier than what he is now. Now you could argue about if its practically possible to get that kind of leverage into the stock market long-term without the loan eventually being called in. But the point is his performance was nothing special.
Trump is a mediocre businessman.

Yes and no. Trump made money from almost all of his ventures like Trump the board game, Trump wine, etc by putting his name on the product and getting licensing money whether product sells or not. He did this recently with digital non fungible tokens. He’s not selling the token just collecting money from the project by lending his name and likeness.

Trump has a long running television show from which he earned $427 million dollars. The show ran for over a decade .

Trump had a number of failed casinos in Atlantic City. Almost all of the casinos failed in Atlantic City not just his . He did take risks but not all of his ventures succeeded .

Most of his real estate deals he made money on. Some of them a lot of money. A few of the reallly big mistakes in Atlantic City led to his bankruptcy but you cannot deny he came back “ bigly. “ making hundreds of millions on television ,

You can make the claim that he is just a grifter and only is doing all of this to make money and increase his brand, but to say he is clueless at making money? You don’t build a massive empire by being clueless or by accident

He inherited a bunch of money and connections. And its been proven if he had invested the money in the s&p 500 leveraged up with the same amount of leverage he used in real estate, assuming his position would not be margin called he would have been a lot wealthier than what he is now. Now you could argue about if it’s practically possible to get that kind of leverage into the stock market long-term without the loan eventually being called in. But the point is his performance was nothing special.

That much is true, he was given a loan/gift by his father of $1million , approx 8 million in todays money. If someone , anyone was given $8 million today they’d only fail if they were incompetent or actively trying to lose everything
Yes and no. Trump made money from almost all of his ventures like Trump the board game, Trump wine, etc by putting his name on the product and getting licensing money whether product sells or not. He did this recently with digital non fungible tokens. He’s not selling the token just collecting money from the project by lending his name and likeness.

Trump has a long running television show from which he earned $427 million dollars. The show ran for over a decade .

Trump had a number of failed casinos in Atlantic City. Almost all of the casinos failed in Atlantic City not just his . He did take risks but not all of his ventures succeeded .

Most of his real estate deals he made money on. Some of them a lot of money. A few of the reallly big mistakes in Atlantic City led to his bankruptcy but you cannot deny he came back “ bigly. “ making hundreds of millions on television ,

You can make the claim that he is just a grifter and only is doing all of this to make money and increase his brand, but to say he is clueless at making money? You don’t build a massive empire by being clueless or by accident

That much is true, he was given a loan/gift by his father of $1million , approx 8 million in todays money. If someone , anyone was given $8 million today they’d only fail if they were incompetent or actively trying to lose everything

I think most of this is correct....but...

I'd point out there are tons of people who have been given 1 million dollars who never turn it into multiple billion and even fewer presidents.

I am just saying it's really a stupid, and unproductive argument to say the guy doesn't know how to make money or hasn't done anything.

Either way you argue you distract from the issues that as far more pressing, like... What is he going to do about national security, immigration, or the economy.

Again, so what?
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Trump the board game
Wow I had no idea!
Trump: The Game is played with three to four players, who must buy and sell various properties in an attempt to make money. The winner is the player who has the most money at the end of the game, after all properties have been purchased. In the 1989 version, the board consists of eight properties and six different spaces, while the 2004 version consists of seven properties and five spaces. The game features a total of eight different types of cards, including five profit cards
As a fan of everything 80s I will keep an eye out for that. Sounds like a themed version of "monopoly". It would be fun especially if and when he wins to be playing that game with likeminded characters.
Trump is a mediocre businessman. He inherited a bunch of money and connections. And its been proven if he had invested the money in the s&p 500 leveraged up with the same amount of leverage he used in real estate, assuming his position would not be margin called he would have been a lot wealthier than what he is now.
This comment is really a bit wrong. "it has been proven if he had invested in the s&p"..

Proven by whom - the kinds of people you really want to know and be friends with?

Compare him with Warren Buffet or Bill Gates and who is the better person?

Monopolistic practices to get everyone hooked on an operating system or passive share investing.

Even someone running a cafe or bakery profitably up the street is doing something more honourable.
We can complain about the system, and rightly so, all we want but the fact of the matter is that people who understand the game and the system make money in it, if they are a smart, and typically those who are both smart and have connections (which include 1M inheritances) will of course make money. We have a system problem, and the best counter to it currently is to use someone who was successful in the system to fight against its nonsense. That's literally the only reason we are "Trump supporters". Most people who hate Trump don't understand politics really, or can't understand that the system is stupid, rigged and to elevate it to super meaningful means you recognize the State as God - exactly what they want.
We can complain about the system, and rightly so, all we want but the fact of the matter is that people who understand the game and the system make money in it, if they are a smart, and typically those who are both smart and have connections (which include 1M inheritances) will of course make money. We have a system problem, and the best counter to it currently is to use someone who was successful in the system to fight against its nonsense. That's literally the only reason we are "Trump supporters". Most people who hate Trump don't understand politics really, or can't understand that the system is stupid, rigged and to elevate it to super meaningful means you recognize the State as God - exactly what they want.
Correct! Conservative virtue signalling, if you will.
Regardless of Trump coming back or not, I think the only real solution for anyone (and it will be fingers crossed for all) will be to find a region or jurisdiction that doesn't treat you horribly. Even if Trump jails the swamp and more, he still can't control the debt and insolvency issue that is about to hit in the coming months, or in 2025-26. Literally can't do anything about it but just sit back and watch the printing to attempt to paper it over, which then destroys the middle class with one final blow, and also the markets and future GDP (real GDP) expectations.

Just saying.
Regardless of Trump coming back or not, I think the only real solution for anyone (and it will be fingers crossed for all) will be to find a region or jurisdiction that doesn't treat you horribly. Even if Trump jails the swamp and more, he still can't control the debt and insolvency issue that is about to hit in the coming months, or in 2025-26. Literally can't do anything about it but just sit back and watch the printing to attempt to paper it over, which then destroys the middle class with one final blow, and also the markets and future GDP (real GDP) expectations.

Just saying.
That's right.

Some states will be worse than others.

Tennessee or Texas or Florida, will be ok compared to say California/New York or Vermont.
I voted once, was disappointed and have not voted again. That is my choice.

However, since the business side of things was mentioned: I have stayed and dined at his hotels and properties. Whether they are managed by direct input from him, or others, they are indeed very nice. I don't know how much of his presumed wealth can be attributed to the hotel operations - and I've never found them to be full or price gauging seasonally - but my experience has been that they are nice and very comfortable properties.
GOP is run by a bunch of backstabbing, corrupt shysters.

Just as bad as the Dems only they pretend to have your best interests at heart.

The biggest hurdle to overcome as an American society is not the radical left and the DNC. It is the GOP establishment.

From what I can tell, democrat politicians are beholden to jews that are trying to subvert the USA with loyalty to the Mexican cartels and China.

Conservative politicians are loyal to the Zionist warmongers in Israel.

All of them are in bed and taking money from the military industrial complex and vote yes to more wars.

Is there something I’m missing? Not trying to be black pilled just realistic
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Trump's nickname for Mitch is "Old Crow." I'm glad Trump will attempt to get rid of him now. Mitch's days are numbered. Either the Big Man calls for his soul, or Mitch is facing a very tough re-election in the Senate as Majority leader. Cruz will definitely run against McConnel and get support from Trump. Funny to think that Cruz was once a major enemy of Trump.
Trump's nickname for Mitch is "Old Crow." I'm glad Trump will attempt to get rid of him now. Mitch's days are numbered. Either the Big Man calls for his soul, or Mitch is facing a very tough re-election in the Senate as Majority leader. Cruz will definitely run against McConnel and get support from Trump. Funny to think that Cruz was once a major enemy of Trump.

It looks like Mitch’s days are numbered in that he’s a walking corpse the way Diane Feinstein was for years before she finally died

I mean do a search for recent photos of Mitch and he constantly looks to be having a stroke

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