Donald Trump

Lots of broke, drug addicted trust fund babies that never amounted to anything. Your opinions are purely subjective. What isn't subjective is that DJT engineered a hostile takeover of a mainstream political party and won the Presidency as an outsider. On his way to the White House he buried three dynastic political families in the Clintons, Bush's and Cheney's all while the entrenched political establishment and media did everything in their power to crush him.

I'm glad you get the logic of lesser of two evils though and wish more men did.
You're kidding right? Trump has done absolutely nothing in his life on his own and couldn't "engineer" his way out of a wet paper bag. January 6th anyone? Talk about clown world and a low IQ fiasco. Most everything in Trump's life has been done for him and to him. This includes the book he supposedly wrote which was actually written by a ghost writer (he freely admits he's "not much of a reader" and yet he wrote a book?). Trump is a JQ pawn who like them will do and has done anything for money (including marrying his hot daughter that he would "date" off to the JQ mafia). But mainly, Trump is an atheist who has always behaved like an atheist. And you can't teach an old dog new tricks. If anyone here wants to believe that Trump is a righteous Christian man and not an atheist then that is their prerogative. But if that's the case then "wow," talk about being "purely subjective"?
You're kidding right? Trump has done absolutely nothing in his life on his own and couldn't "engineer" his way out of a wet paper bag. January 6th anyone? Talk about clown world and a low IQ fiasco. Most everything in Trump's life has been done for him and to him. This includes the book he supposedly wrote which was actually written by a ghost writer (he freely admits he's "not much of a reader" and yet he wrote a book?). Trump is a JQ pawn who like them will do and has done anything for money (including marrying his hot daughter that he would "date" off to the JQ mafia). But mainly, Trump is an atheist who has always behaved like an atheist. And you can't teach an old dog new tricks. If anyone here wants to believe that Trump is a righteous Christian man and not an atheist then that is their prerogative. But if that's the case then "wow," talk about being "purely subjective"?
Survivor bias is real, but acting like successful people didn't have a lot of wins themselves isn't that convincing of an argument. You don't have savvy and wealth unless your dad did to some degree, so we'll never know. But DJT's brother was the drunk that didn't work out, so there's a control that shows you it is both real and genetic, to a degree.

As for what happens, I think most of us won't be satisfied at all unless at least a portion of people are thrown in jail. I'm not holding my breath. It'd be better to plan to escape to other countries than cross your fingers and hope to fight off the nonsense of Babylon at this point.
You're kidding right? Trump has done absolutely nothing in his life on his own and couldn't "engineer" his way out of a wet paper bag. January 6th anyone? Talk about clown world and a low IQ fiasco. Most everything in Trump's life has been done for him and to him. This includes the book he supposedly wrote which was actually written by a ghost writer (he freely admits he's "not much of a reader" and yet he wrote a book?). Trump is a JQ pawn who like them will do and has done anything for money (including marrying his hot daughter that he would "date" off to the JQ mafia). But mainly, Trump is an atheist who has always behaved like an atheist. And you can't teach an old dog new tricks. If anyone here wants to believe that Trump is a righteous Christian man and not an atheist then that is their prerogative. But if that's the case then "wow," talk about being "purely subjective"?
Yeah I don't think you can dismiss the man's body of life work and present him as low IQ. Arrogant and braggadocios yes. Misguided at times...sure... But

Thats a pretty low IQ take of You. ;)

George Soros isn't low IQ either. Bill Gates...same.

Evil yes ... Dumb no.

If you're going to dismiss the ability if a guy to build a brand and have that launch him into multiple business ventures and ultimately the president as a low IQ person.... I don't know what metric you're evaluating on.

As far as his faith. He had a Scottish immigrant mother whom was pretty active in taking him to church. So yes he's committed many sins, but deep down the culture and belief is there somewhere I believe.

I've never been worth 2 billion dollars and had playboy bunnies and models trying to throw themselves at me while I don't condone his philandering, I don't pretend to know what that's like on the temptation scale.
Just curious. If Trump runs another campaign of draining the swamp and locking up evil doers like Hilary Clinton, do we believe any of it for a second?

If I’m to be honest I’m likely voting for Bobby Kennedy Jr,as I’d like to see him get his voice out. Trump isn’t going to win my state of New York regardless of what happens.
At the very least I believe Trump won't let himself be railroaded by the deep state like he was when he took office on 2017. I don't think he understood what he was up against back then. That doesn't mean he will succeed, but I have to believe being impeached and indicted has woke him up and strengthened his resolve.

Trump is just the beginning of an effort that will take years and patience to make incremental changes, to take back the country from those who want to subvert it.
At the very least I believe Trump won't let himself be railroaded by the deep state like he was when he took office on 2017. I don't think he understood what he was up against back then. That doesn't mean he will succeed, but I have to believe being impeached and indicted has woke him up and strengthened his resolve.

Trump is just the beginning of a effort that will take years and patience to make incremental changes, to take back the country from those who want to subvert it.
I'm hoping Trump would go in with a real chip on his shoulder knowing he has no need to face reelection, and go after the uniparty the way he went after the other GOP candidates in 2016. If not, he can't be any worse than a uniparty approved candidate.
I'm hoping Trump would go in with a real chip on his shoulder knowing he has no need to face reelection, and go after the uniparty the way he went after the other GOP candidates in 2016. If not, he can't be any worse than a uniparty approved candidate.
I don't think Trumps persona is to get even. It's to win.

He talks about this is the art of the comeback...he's even said he'd like to see everyone betray him so he can come back and see who was loyal.
Yeah I don't think you can dismiss the man's body of life work and present him as low IQ. Arrogant and braggadocios yes. Misguided at times...sure... But

Thats a pretty low IQ take of You. ;)

George Soros isn't low IQ either. Bill Gates...same.

Evil yes ... Dumb no.

If you're going to dismiss the ability if a guy to build a brand and have that launch him into multiple business ventures and ultimately the president as a low IQ person.... I don't know what metric you're evaluating on.

As far as his faith. He had a Scottish immigrant mother whom was pretty active in taking him to church. So yes he's committed many sins, but deep down the culture and belief is there somewhere I believe.

I've never been worth 2 billion dollars and had playboy bunnies and models trying to throw themselves at me while I don't condone his philandering, I don't pretend to know what that's like on the temptation scale.
I respect you brother and value your opinion. Just a bit of push back here before moving this over to the TC&D Thread. I've been following Trump on and off for the better part of 40 years. From the first time I ever "met" Trump via his self-imposed and initiated TV media blitzes in the late 80's/early 90's I never liked the guy. He always, from the get-go, gave off grifter/creeper vibes. You were most likely around 10 years old when I started "analyzing" Trump, so please give me a little bit of leeway and respect on The Subject.

And so will I will reiterate, and please follow me in the esoteric, philosophical, existential, Biblical, and deeper spiritual/religious sense. Trump is a nothing and a nobody who has accomplished very little with his life. He has helped relatively no one besides himself. Everything he does is to serve himself. He is an atheist. And this is the only point I wish to argue with you. Look at Trump's face compared to Bro Nat's face and tell me what you truly see? I see a Christian and and an atheist. You tell me which is which.
At the very least I believe Trump won't let himself be railroaded by the deep state like he was when he took office on 2017.

I seriously doubt this. You can make the argument that he was partly swallowed up by Washington insiders as a newb, but there were decisions in his own hands he blundered spectacularly. Firing Bannon, appointing Kushner and his daughter and taking their advice on policy decisions, responding like a hurt teenager to almost every media insult, surrounding himself with mostly bad hires, falling for the QAnon psyop which he didn’t really denounce, we can go on all day.

I don't think he understood what he was up against back then. That doesn't mean he will succeed, but I have to believe being impeached and indicted has woke him up and strengthened his resolve.

Trump is just the beginning of an effort that will take years and patience to make incremental changes, to take back the country from those who want to subvert it.
I respect you brother and value your opinion. Just a bit of push back here before moving this over to the TC&D Thread. I've been following Trump on and off for the better part of 40 years. From the first time I ever "met" Trump via his self-imposed and initiated TV media blitzes in the late 80's/early 90's I never liked the guy. He always, from the get-go, gave off grifter/creeper vibes. You were most likely around 10 years old when I started "analyzing" Trump, so please give me a little bit of leeway and respect on The Subject.

And so will I will reiterate, and please follow me in the esoteric, philosophical, existential, Biblical, and deeper spiritual/religious sense. Trump is a nothing and a nobody who has accomplished very little with his life. He has helped relatively no one besides himself. Everything he does is to serve himself. He is an atheist. And this is the only point I wish to argue with you. Look at Trump's face compared to Bro Nat's face and tell me what you truly see? I see a Christian and and an atheist. You tell me which is which.
With respect, your seniority in age does not mean I have to accept your analysis as correct. I can look at old videos too and get a different opinion of them.... so again this is your subjective commentary, and not one I accept. The guy is a salesman, but its fairly formulaic. And I see elements of genuine concern for America (or at least the America of his upbringing or idealization)

I disagree with your second paragraph and characterization. Do the companies and businesses that he operates which employ people do nothing? Does the job creation that occurs when a buildings are built have an impact?

You castigating someone who professes to be a Christian as not a Christian does not invalidate their declaration. He's stated hes a Christian many times. So why do you get to declare he's an atheist? I do not genuinely know his state of grace any more than I do any other man's.

I literally had my Priest in the house today for a house blessing, and we were talking about Trump. Neither he nor I are of the opinion Trump is going to save us. Rather he might give us a longer runway and opportunity for us to shore up things in our own lives. That's reason enough to be supportive, since I have an obligation to act according to a manner that provides as much benefit and hope for my children as possible.
Neither he nor I are of the opinion Trump is going to save us. Rather he might give us a longer runway and opportunity for us to shore up things in our own lives. That's reason enough to be supportive, since I have an obligation to act according to a manner that provides as much benefit and hope for my children as possible.
This is what most of us here have said for a long, long time. It's hard to believe that this isn't convincing.

I'm very aware or even sympathetic to the "just get it over with" sentiment, and bring on the collapse, but the sad truth is that typically, things don't work out that way. They grind and go according to the bankruptcy line by Hemingway's character: "Gradually, then all of a sudden."

The gradually part takes a long, long time in light of our lifetimes.
He is an atheist.

He's stated hes a Christian many times. So why do you get to declare he's an atheist?

He's not a traditional Christian. Trump's go to guy is Pastor Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote "The Power of Positive Thinking." This video gives some insight on Trump's character and spiritual life:

He's into the "name it to claim it"/" positive thinking" interpretation of Christianity. Trump's version of Christianity seems to be extremely thin and hollowed out, but, what do you expect? he is a true man of modern American culture. Trump just takes his "positive-thinking" spiritualism to such an extent that it prevents him from seeing any fault in anything he's ever done (because that would be negative). It really explains why the progressive left completely lost their minds with Trump. Their favorite weapon of virtue maneuvering and shaming is completely nullified by someone who sees no fault in himself and will never apologize.
I think he's a Christian in the same way a lot of boomers were Christians - particularly those that come from mainline Protestant backgrounds like he is. In case you guys didn't know, he was baptized, confirmed, and had his first marriage in the Presbyterian Church. For him it's just part of the American identity and I'm guessing he probably has some sort of faint belief in God I don't think it's really affected his life or thinking outside a lot of the self-help type stuff he was hearing from Pastor Peale. I'm sure we all remember the debacle with him saying "Two Corinthians".

For you Orthodox and Catholics reading this, think of the people you see that only show up in church for Easter and Christmas and who will identify as a Greek Orthodox or as a Irish Catholic but don't really seem to consult their faith when it comes to how they live their lives. Trump is the Protestant version of that.

Also I heard these days he's actually identifying as an non-denominational Christian. A lot of the spiritual advisors he was inviting to the White House were people like Paula White and these other big-name megachurch pastors so that's what he is surrounding himself with these days.
I think he's a Christian in the same way a lot of boomers were Christians - particularly those that come from mainline Protestant backgrounds like he is. In case you guys didn't know, he was baptized, confirmed, and had his first marriage in the Presbyterian Church. For him it's just part of the American identity and I'm guessing he probably has some sort of faint belief in God I don't think it's really affected his life or thinking outside a lot of the self-help type stuff he was hearing from Pastor Peale. I'm sure we all remember the debacle with him saying "Two Corinthians".

For you Orthodox and Catholics reading this, think of the people you see that only show up in church for Easter and Christmas and who will identify as a Greek Orthodox or as a Irish Catholic but don't really seem to consult their faith when it comes to how they live their lives. Trump is the Protestant version of that.

Also I heard these days he's actually identifying as an non-denominational Christian. A lot of the spiritual advisors he was inviting to the White House were people like Paula White and these other big-name megachurch pastors so that's what he is surrounding himself with these days.
I think this is pretty accurate. I've read that too, but not sure how much of that is marketing or conjecture.

His mother was literally a Scottish Presbyterian immigrant....something many people don't apparently know and makes sense why he's so hard working.

On the flip side...

Joe Biden goes on about being an Irish Catholic... But it's pretty clear he's not exactly practicing much while advocating abortion (he's even been denied communion by a Priest) I'm not going to say hes an atheist.
So, the problem with most Trump antagonism isn't that it isn't true. Rather, it's the fact that it misses context. On one hand, his cultists and even supporters get criticized for seeing him as a savior, but then his critics point out instances where they expected him to be a savior and he wasn't. It's true. It's the same exact pattern over and over again, but with a different person.

No offense, but I have to laugh at this example. Jamie Dimon lecturing how America has failed certain people is laughable.

The reason the ultra wealthy like Jamie Dimon want Trump is probably because the Trump tax cut mainly benefited them. It cut the corporate tax rate, and gave most of the benefits to corporations and the ultra wealthy.

Some of them benefited the middle class as well, but remember some stuff for the corporations was permanent, but the stuff for the rest of the population is set to expire. Dimon and others know that having a guy like Trump in the White House will benefit them. It has little to do with helping the economy for others.

None taken, but your average voter doesn't care that Jamie Dimon benefits from or not. They just care that he's Jamie Dimon and he gets recognition and a platform. That does more for Trump than conservative media does.

Ok, but how many of these people who succeed in business or politicians for the matter does the average voter or worker actually trust? Many of these people fail upwards because the system prevents them from being held accountable. 99% of us sitting in that town hall meeting with the CEO and CFO know they are full of s***. The 1% are the true believers. Their lack of authenticity is plain for anyone to see, unless they put their heads in the sand like certain Trump voters.

I don’t disagree with you here, but conservatives / Trump can’t have it both ways going on and on about how our instutions are failing us and rigged, while continuing to enrich themselves using the same rules. It’s completely disingenuous.

I agree with you, but, again you may be giving the average voter more credit than they deserve. The average person doesn't care or even know about the CEO or CFO being full of it. That's because they are generally low information and almost automatons given the state of our culture. These people will only rise up if their survivability is threatened. That happened to an extent with public schools, but it's more stark with illegal immigration. Look at the Black community; generally not your most informed voter base BUT, they now care about their resources being given to illegals. That's important to note.

I don't think Trump has ever "dominated" or "realized" anything. He's just not that talented or smart. He was a trust fund kid who got a head start in realty with family money. The rest is just dumb luck and an extroverted personality. He is actually lacking in any true talent or original ideas (probably because he was never much of a book reader). I'm not even sure if Trump has ever even had an idea that he didn't first hear from someone else. He surrounds himself with "the best people" that money can buy, makes them do all the work, and then takes their ideas and presents them as if they were his own. He's just a copycat who even after being president for 4 years probably still knows very little about how the government works or how a bill gets passed through congress.

I also don't see Trump as being intellectually curious and his IQ probably isn't even all that high. So don't expect any reflective or critical thinking from a man who has demonstrated time and time again that he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

All this being said, I still think Trump is our best option in 2024 and I'd encourage everyone to at least consider voting for him as we should do everything in our power to thwart a Biden second term.

Of course he dominated. He became the POTUS and that doesn't happen with dumb luck. You give IQ way more credit than it's due. There are plenty of people with high IQs that are really not that smart when it comes to interpersonal relationships and getting things done. A dominant personality is sometimes needed and when it's surrounded by high IQ people, it can work. Trump was surrounded by snakes. That's partly his own fault but again, if he knew that, wouldn't he avoid it. Fact is, he was new to DC and had no idea.

Just curious. If Trump runs another campaign of draining the swamp and locking up evil doers like Hilary Clinton, do we believe any of it for a second?

If I’m to be honest I’m likely voting for Bobby Kennedy Jr,as I’d like to see him get his voice out. Trump isn’t going to win my state of New York regardless of what happens.

I don't think he was being disingenuous. He wanted to but he was railroaded. As much as I like RFK, Jr, he also doesn't seem to have an idea about DC for whatever reason. I'd rather take Trump, who has learned the hard way.

I respect you brother and value your opinion. Just a bit of push back here before moving this over to the TC&D Thread. I've been following Trump on and off for the better part of 40 years. From the first time I ever "met" Trump via his self-imposed and initiated TV media blitzes in the late 80's/early 90's I never liked the guy. He always, from the get-go, gave off grifter/creeper vibes. You were most likely around 10 years old when I started "analyzing" Trump, so please give me a little bit of leeway and respect on The Subject.

And so will I will reiterate, and please follow me in the esoteric, philosophical, existential, Biblical, and deeper spiritual/religious sense. Trump is a nothing and a nobody who has accomplished very little with his life. He has helped relatively no one besides himself. Everything he does is to serve himself. He is an atheist. And this is the only point I wish to argue with you. Look at Trump's face compared to Bro Nat's face and tell me what you truly see? I see a Christian and and an atheist. You tell me which is which.

Age is the worst indicator of awareness. Let's just say I lead a Board with a lot of old guys who just have zero awareness about what happens out there but think they have a lot. The worst part is that they also have little self-awareness. It's a terrible combination because I don't want to disrespect them but also need them to come to reality. I'm not saying you're like this, but using your age to justify your analysis isn't exactly the most sound approach based on my experience. Trump is a lot simpler than your analysis may indicate.
So the MSM is fawning over this Trump has no presidential immunity ruling. Any legal guys here? Is this a gigantic nothingburger as I suspect?
Fact is, he was new to DC and had no idea.
You're kidding, right? Exactly, he "had no idea" because he is basically illiterate. Read a book on "Being President For Dummies" and/or "How To Subvert Washington Insiders For First Time Low IQ POTUS's." Unbelievable the extent to which a Hindu will go to defend an atheist.

I don't think he was being disingenuous.
You "don't think"? Well, let us know when you know for sure.

He wanted to but he was railroaded.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Age is the worst indicator of awareness.
Well, then the 77 year-old Trump is certainly the man you've been looking for.

I lead a Board with a lot of old guys who just have zero awareness about what happens out there but think they have a lot. The worst part is that they also have little self-awareness. It's a terrible combination because I don't want to disrespect them but also need them to come to reality. I'm not saying you're like this, but...
Yes, you are saying this. So just say it. I don't take offense at this, because as an "older" Christian man I'm 100% certain that I can beat you, a "younger" Hindu man at a game of 3-D, real world chess.

Maybe we can settle this at the first annual CIK DC meet up on Jan 6th 2025?
I'm not going to say hes an atheist.
Good, because he's worse.
Rather, it's the fact that it misses context.
Indeed. The quickest way to categorize all of the Trump "supporter" analysis.
BUT, they now care about their resources being given to illegals. That's important to note.
he also doesn't seem to have an idea about DC for whatever reason. I'd rather take Trump, who has learned the hard way.
It's worse, he knows who killed his uncle, and then kow towed to them. The weirdest part about Trump is that he's got a strange family dynamic along the same lines.