Donald Trump

No. I didn't say that. Please don't do what you're doing right now and be pedantic.

I'm asking you...since this is the Trump thread... To get to the point.

I'll accept your premise for the sake argument.

Now so what does that mean?
What it means is that I don’t believe God will bless us with a meaningful President until we stop putting faith in posers and put our trust in Him instead. As long as we keep showing Him we are willing to compromise on all our principles by voting for people like those on the current ballot, we should have no reason to expect His mercy or help.
What it means is that I don’t believe God will bless us with a meaningful President until we stop putting faith in posers and put our trust in Him instead. As long as we keep showing Him we are willing to compromise on all our principles by voting for people like those on the current ballot, we should have no reason to expect His mercy or help.
Ok. I can accept that point. I disagree with it as I think it leads to an accelerationist result if Biden stays in power ... But I understand your point.

Even if that is the case, I see at worst no change in policy under Trump. And more likely...better outcomes under him.
All I know is that all of Israel was almost destroyed after one man stole pagan jewelry from Jericho. Israel was saved by undoing that mistake, so perhaps what others are derogatorily calling "moral purity" and "absolutism" are what God expects from His people.
You just keep repeating the same thing, which essentially boils down to compromising on Christianity for the sake of worldly power. If “your side” doesn’t care about this enough not to sell their souls for it then why would I believe they’ll be super serious about it later?

Never said any such thing, I think you should read me more carefully. I also gave you several historical examples (which you ignored because you aren't interested in learning, or truth).

Where does this line of thinking end? Should Republicans embrace trannyism and gay “marriage” as well?

It doesn't matter what Republicans embrace, that is completely and totally irrelevant. All that matters is that we vote for candidates who push things in a more Christian direction. We should expect any and all potential political leaders we have to be horrible sinners, just like they were in Christ's time, or Paul's time, or just about any time really.

When you actually embrace the message of Christ yourself (it doesn't seem like you understand Christ well) then you will understand this kind of thinking.

"Give unto God's what is God's, and give unto Ceasar's what is Ceasar's." Thus we know that politics is always trivial compared to the word of God, and that what happens in the political realm is but a sideshow to the main event. It thereby makes no sense to put ANY faith or hope in politics, and instead treat politics for what it is: the realm of sinners, the realm of man, squabbling over money.

Hence, all politics is a compromise, there is no using politics to save mankind. Only God, His Son, and His Church can save. Everything else is but a distraction.

Thus saying "I'm not voting unless I get perfect candidate X" means you are abandoning your Neighbor by refusing to help vote in someone who could marginally help them out. You'll be voting for Pedo Joe Biden and the rest of the chews destroying the innocent.

You are thinking no differently than the pharasees who refused to help out their Neighbors because it was "sabbath" and criticized Jesus for healing on the sabbath and breaking the law.

Christians have always moved politics by compromise. They have done so for thousands of years. There is no big "Christian facist" revolution in history. Conversions take time and generations, and as the culture changes then the politics change downstream of the hearts and minds who make up that culture.

Thus the real change can only come from outside of politics, which is the Church. The political situation will resolve itself as the Church grows in size and power. Until the Church is restored, then politics will always be a joke and it makes no sense in trying to expect much from it, if anything at all. You take what you can get and be grateful we can get anything out of this sinful world.

All I know is that all of Israel was almost destroyed after one man stole pagan jewelry from Jericho. Israel was saved by undoing that mistake, so perhaps what others are derogatorily calling "moral purity" and "absolutism" are what God expects from His people.

Your understanding of the Bible is very incomplete. Otherwise you'd know that Israel had a pact, a covenant, with God, and it is because they broke the terms of agreement with the Lord they were severely punished, including the destruction of Jerusalem in 77AD.

Gentiles are under no such pact, and as a result there is no need to be hardcore on the public, which would only push people away from the Church. It's pretty obvious you haven't converted many people. Your lack of patience would only drive others away.

"God desires mercy, not sacrifice."

Read the Bible, and read examples of how the Bible was applied in Christian history, and you will answer most of your political questions.
No, my point is the directional opposite of that: that God will not even give us a candidate worth our time until we first demonstrate to Him that we deserve one.
Ok... But in an actionable way for those of us trying to keep our family on the right path... What are we supposed to do with this assertion?
Ok... But in an actionable way for those of us trying to keep our family on the right path... What are we supposed to do with this assertion?
My plan at the moment is to pray, repent, and potentially vote locally if someone with a heart for Christ and a spine is running. If the only candidates in your area are as bad as the national ones, all the more reason to pray and repent. Clowns only go where the circus is.
Lip Service and reality arent always the same thing...

In February 2017, top officials from the Justice and Education departments rejected the Obama-era guidance that nondiscrimination laws required schools to let transgender students use the bathroom that fit their gender. In April 2019, the Department of Defense finalized Trump’s guidance that effectively bars transgender individuals who have transitioned from enlisting in the military, and prohibits already-enlisted troops from undergoing hormone therapy or gender transition surgeries.

  1. Opposition to the Equality Act: Despite support from almost every segment of the U.S. population and a majority of Republicans, President Trump opposed the Equality Act. In May, the House passed the Equality Act, voting to guarantee critical non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people among other crucial rights.
  2. Appointed anti-LGBTQ judges: Trump has appointed anti-LGBTQ judges with alarming anti-LGBTQ records to appointments at every level of the judicial system, including anti-equality Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and federal nominees Kacsmaryk, Mateer, Bounds, Vitter. Menashi and others.
  3. Joked about Pence’s desire to hang LGBTQ people: In 2017, Trump joked about Vice President Pence’s anti-gay agenda saying “Don’t ask that guy—he wants to hang them all!”

Trump’s so-called commitment to end HIV/AIDS, however, came after years of Trump’s administration decimating the progress made by former presidents of both parties toward HIV prevention. Trump’s administration implemented policies regarding Medicare Part D that effectively restricted access to medicines that are essential for those who are living with HIV. Trump also ended necessary HIV research simply because extremists and anti-abortion activists within the GOP asked him to. Thus, many members of the LGBTQ+ community rightly looked upon Trump’s so-called “commitment” with disdain.

And we don't need to worry about the argument that it was the Democrats who voted for him... As we have seen tons of evidence who the Dem open primary voters came to vote for...
Looks like the Dems are going to use the open primary strategy in every state. Trump will almost certainly lose the primaries in heavily Democrat states like Illinois, Massachusetts, California, etc. He's still going to win the nomination, but they will try and cause him any losses possible.
My plan at the moment is to pray, repent, and potentially vote locally if someone with a heart for Christ and a spine is running. If the only candidates in your area are as bad as the national ones, all the more reason to pray and repent. Clowns only go where the circus is.

There is nothing precluding pray, repent, and vote strategically for your Neighbor's interests. You pretend to care, then do nothing and let them get run over by the enemy. This kind of moral puritanism is not Christian but hypocrisy.

I'm sure the guys in Southern Texas are very appreciative that you are not going to help Biden lose, clearly that's the Christian thing to do by doing nothing while they are annihilated. And by extension this goes to the other millions of victims of the Democrat party.
I can certainly agree with that! I remember when Trump was going to build the Wall - and Mexico was going to pay for it - but then there were more illegal crossings at the end of Trump’s term than there were at the beginning.

How many illegals are crossing now compared to then? Here we go again. We're making believe that Trump had little opposition in Washington and didn't really try to do much of anything. There is such opposition to trump that they are arresting his lawyers. It's hard to make things better. It's very easy to make things worse and the border is a perfect illustration of that.

How many illegals are crossing now compared to then? Here we go again. We're making believe that Trump had little opposition in Washington and didn't really try to do much of anything. There is such opposition to trump that they are arresting his lawyers. It's hard to make things better. It's very easy to make things worse and the border is a perfect illustration of that.

More crossings, fewer ICE arrests, and fewer deportations than during Obama’s Presidency. But as you guys continue to demonstrate, the reality of Trump’s Presidency seems to have little if any bearing on your conviction that this time he’s somehow going to do all the things he failed to do last time.

And that’s just the things that he claimed he wanted to do, to say nothing of “leading” his own supporters into a trap (he actually went home while they were getting arrested, so technically not leading) / allowing lockdowns across the country / being America’s #1 Vaccine Salesman / letting Assange rot in prison while pardoning some degenerate rapper and a dead feminist / hiring and promoting the Swamp over and over again / getting all those awards from (((our greatest ally))) for being such a good and useful goy.

Hopefully those reading along have noticed that Samseau continually makes ad hominem attacks and accuses me of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” but has thus far been unable to refute a single point I’ve made about the results of Trump’s Presidency.
There is nothing precluding pray, repent, and vote strategically for your Neighbor's interests. You pretend to care, then do nothing and let them get run over by the enemy.
What if some of my neighbors are unborn children, and I don’t want to vote for someone who compromises on murdering them?
What if some of my neighbors are unborn children, and I don’t want to vote for someone who compromises on murdering them?

More will be murdered if we don't vote. We need to stop the abortions happening institutionally asap. We can't stop all of them. But we can get most of them. Just like any other crime.