Donald Trump

I have been a big fan of Trump for years. I woke up at 3am by chance on the night of the 2016 election and was refreshing the RVF thread, and watched as he soared into the lead and for the 4 years after, I felt very safe in the world thanks to him. I've long said to anyone that listens, that if Hillary had won then what we are seeing in the world would have happened 4 years earlier, potentially even worse than what we're seeing now.

Here in the UK, the sheep don't like him because they're told not to like him. I visit a football (soccer) forum and there's a thread called "sexual molester Donald Trump" whilst they all support Biden. I have his book on my bookshelf and when people came round they would look at it and comment in disgust why I had it and would "(insert cliche Trump argument here from whatever headline they saw)".

We are America's ***** and our culture follows yours, but a diet version of it. I watch with great interest what happens in your country knowing that it is likely a prelude to what I can expect over here. There are people here that support Trump as I do, and we are automatically put into the category of "racist Brexit mysognistic qanon anti vaxxer conspiracy theorists".

Trump to me feels like hope, but I do worry about what is actually going on. Brother Augustine's post is very thought provoking indeed. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a while - if he wins, he's allowed to win. If he doesn't win, they've cheated and what will be the repercussions for both scenarios? At least with him in charge, we can expect no foreign wars for a spell of time, but then it feels like him being in charge would kick off some sort of civil war. If that happens, does your military start calling back all overseas personnel? What happens to the safety of my country if all of the American bases are abandoned in order to assist with a civil war on US soil?

We live in precarious times. I have hope, more people are now seeing what is wrong with politics. More people are seeing the lies and gaslighting, and the true separation of classes between elites and peasants, not upper, middle and lower as we are told.

Trump is the best of a bad bunch and we know what to expect of him. He comes across as a strong leader and genuinely speaks to the people - something we sorely lack over here in the UK with total cucks and dorks running this country. Me and many people are desperate for a leader with somewhat of a backbone as Trump has displayed. Is he THE answer to all the problems? No. He will be controlled and have his hands tied unless he actually does decide to go full dictator, which obviously won't happen.

I have learned in recent years to put my faith in God and in the good of humanity. Good will prevail and in my opinion the pendulum is finally swinging back to good, but it does appear to me as though this election is going to be a catalyst event to really shift the tide towards good.


I live in the UK, too, and attest that all this is true. As I wrote previously in the thread, Trump is not perfect but he is his own man. Personally, I think he will be prevented from getting a second term - either assassinated, jailed or somehow legally stopped from running for the presidency.

I don't wish to disparage other posters, however suggesting that folk who like Trump are sexually attracted to him is bizarre and ridiculous. He does have a cult following, but that is a result of his populist (not, IMHO, a slur) rhetoric which, in today's political climate, is clearly understandable - "build a wall", "let's not start a war with Russia", "let's bring back industry to America" are things that any sane American will surely want to hear.
One of the master-strokes of Trump's term was to use to use the COVID-19 hoax as a pretext to completely slam the breaks on immigration... hands down the best silver-lining to the COVID terror.

I remember clearly, about 2 months after the pandemic hit, that summer, that the streets of my city were WHITE again... I was shocked. Not just the usual assortment of Whites, but like 90% White, everyday for years on end. All you have to do is say "medical emergency" and all immigration is stopped. Pretty amazing. People are brainwashed to believe immigration is some unstoppable force, when in reality it is the complete opposite. It takes tremendous political policy and tax dollars to keep the immigration hose turned on full blast.

Everything they say about immigration and demographics is a lie. Stop immigration and America becomes lily White in a single generation. It's more than birthrates, it's all about the money. Without forcibly importing and allowing immigrants to come here on the taxpayer's dime, they all go home. Then it's back to America as it's always been, and you'll see 80% White very quickly (25 years, tops imo).
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This is likely to be the only post I make about Donald Trump and the 2024 Election.

Some of you aren't going to like this very much, but if you pay close attention to what happens I think you'll find yourself understanding this warning. The 2020 Election was stolen, in broad daylight, without a single consequence for those responsible. Nobody was charged, nobody was tried, and nobody was punished in any fashion. Those who protested the theft were arrested - going to the Capitol after Trump encouraged them to - while he sat back and watched his own supporters get rounded up. Since the 2020 Election was stolen, those who stole it have only become more powerful. Whatever leverage they had 4 years ago, they have to a far greater extent now. Nothing *at all* has happened to make the 2024 Election harder to steal. Surely you agree with me so far, yes?

Given that it seems Trump will be the Republican frontrunner - and that he very obviously won the 2020 Election - one of 2 things seems likely to happen. I will lay these options out and invite you to carefully consider the likelihood of each. 1. Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, and for some reason this time he is allowed to become President. Though he spent his first term hiring and promoting the Swamp at every opportunity - and to this day continues to brag about the fake "vaccine" he promoted for a fake "pandemic," without demonstrating one iota of having understood what happened or having learned even a single lesson - somehow, this time he figured out how it all works and will do all the things he promised (and zealously failed) to do the first time. For some reason, those with unlimited power and wealth allow this situation to come to pass even though they easily prevented the supposed "MAGA Revolution" last time without a single consequence for the crime.2. Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, which is once again stolen in front of everyone's faces and the Democrats remain in power. If this happens it will likely be Trump's last run for office given his age, and he can retire claiming to have been the good guy all along who was stopped from saving the country by various nefarious powers (not one of which he seems to actually comprehend, but he's a fantastic marketer and knows the right words to say to the right audience).

What I'd like to draw your attention to is the danger of Option 1. Given that there's no reason to believe that the "Powers That Be" somehow lost their ability to steal elections during the last 4 years, during which they have only become even more powerful and wealthy, this outcome would be celebrated by all the MAGA / Republican / Conservative crowd as a great triumph of good over evil and light over "globalist" darkness.I ask you to consider the far more realistic possibility that, if Option 1 comes to pass, these past 4 years will have been entirely political theater. We know the votes don't matter, so why would they let him be President? Why spend all that time and energy attacking him, persecuting him, framing him as the underdog, and then ultimately letting him win?My thesis here is that if Trump is allowed to become President, it will be because A) he is controlled to such a degree that the "globalists" actually prefer him, given that he's actually competent in carrying out their agenda and Biden is not, and B) that his base will have been so completely galvanized into seeing him as a hero that they put all their faith, hope, and trust in him.

False dilemma - it is possible Trump wins because they get caught cheating, or mess up their rigging in other ways. If they rig the election again then people need to push for a succession, there won't be any other way.

With the majority of the country behind their chosen man, they will blindly follow and worship him (as many are still doing despite the reality of his first term), slowly boiling the frog until things reach the next designated fever pitch. The "globalists" consider White Christians, for now the majority of the population, to be their ultimate enemy and foil. Is there a better way to subdue an entire population than to trick them into following someone they mistakenly think works for them - but in reality, is just leading them closer to the slaughter? Does it not seem more likely that if Trump is allowed to win, it's because it serves the "globalists" to have him in office again?

I post this just as a thought experiment and a warning. If the 2024 Election is stolen, it will be scary and prove once and for all that the system we're presented with is fake. But if Trump is allowed to win a rigged game, I personally find that much scarier - he'll be allowed to win only for a very specific reason, and I fear his supporters may leap into the flames awaiting them on the other end.

Pretty silly how you've framed this with only bad outcomes - I can see why you got the blackpill ban. You aren't considering the huge multitude of scenerios that could happen. You also underestimate God, and what He is capable of. We cannot predict the future, it is very possible God has other plans.

Finally, I've seen you get stuff wrong before - you rarely go back and acknowledge your errors. Even in Trump wins, and does a solid job at Pres, you'll still say he was controlled opposition and somehow made things worse. I've read your TDS enough times to know.

Be very, very careful. The spirit of antichrist loves nothing more than a false messiah, someone promising to save the population while leading them into perdition. God help us.

"Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— He remains faithful forever." - Psalm 146:3-7

Can you name a SINGLE poster on this board who idolizes Trump, or holds him as a prophet, or messiah?

Maybe a warning not to idolize Trump would be better posted on ? Or on Truth Social? Somewhere you'll actually find the boogeymen you fear here.
For those reading along, I’m reposting this follow-up from my Twitter account:

“Can you see how this quote from Evagrius, which parallels a nearly identical quote in the Philokalia by St. Neilus the Ascetic, provides spiritual context to my recent post about politics?

This is how the game is played: one group of demons torments you, then another group promises to drive away the first group in order to make you think they’re your saviors. In this sense prayer and politics are not all that different, as we are dealing with spiritual realities which manifest on the physical plane.

In both cases the purpose is to keep you from God and get you to put your faith in something - or someone - you shouldn’t.”


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Trump got some things right but one thing that was disappointing (although expected) was that he continued adding massively to the deficits just like very other president of the past 20+ years. I suppose in today's degenerate western societies you cannot possible;y get voted into power by having a balanced budget.
For those reading along, I’m reposting this follow-up from my Twitter account:

“Can you see how this quote from Evagrius, which parallels a nearly identical quote in the Philokalia by St. Neilus the Ascetic, provides spiritual context to my recent post about politics?

This is how the game is played: one group of demons torments you, then another group promises to drive away the first group in order to make you think they’re your saviors. In this sense prayer and politics are not all that different, as we are dealing with spiritual realities which manifest on the physical plane.

In both cases the purpose is to keep you from God and get you to put your faith in something - or someone - you shouldn’t.”

I don't know anybody on this site or the last that thinks that Trump, the Republicans or any other political figures are "saviors." Who here is putting their faith in something other than God? We are called to be the salt of the Earth. We cannot retreat into our places of worship or denominations and sanctimoniously withdraw from the spiritual battle that is being waged against our foundationally Christian culture because we think we're somehow above it all. Onward Christian soldiers...
Trump got some things right but one thing that was disappointing (although expected) was that he continued adding massively to the deficits just like very other president of the past 20+ years. I suppose in today's degenerate western societies you cannot possible;y get voted into power by having a balanced budget.
I think we need to exclude the Warp Speed spending response to Covid. If we eliminate that portion of spending under his watch, did he really contribute to the deficit with everything else?
Trump got some things right but one thing that was disappointing (although expected) was that he continued adding massively to the deficits just like very other president of the past 20+ years. I suppose in today's degenerate western societies you cannot possible;y get voted into power by having a balanced budget.
Well sure, I'm paraphrasing here, but I've heard Trump say many times before 2016, "I love debt! I've gotten rich off of debt."

The national debt thing is a joke (and a carrot and stick/divide and conquer JQ illusion). The US owes nobody nothing. If someone comes knocking for this imaginary monopoly money we can literally say "Nope. Ain't got it. Ain't gonna pay it... Or would you prefer a tactical nuke on your head?" The same goes for China supposedly buying all this US farmland and real estate, we can just confiscate the land if we want to. It's all just a big JQ financial mind-game to make us pleabs argue amongst ourselves and stress out to the point of demoralization while the rats make off with all the cheese and stash it down in the sewer.
Well sure, I'm paraphrasing here, but I've heard Trump say many times before 2016, "I love debt! I've gotten rich off of debt."

The national debt thing is a joke (and a carrot and stick/divide and conquer JQ illusion). The US owes nobody nothing. If someone comes knocking for this imaginary monopoly money we can literally say "Nope. Ain't got it. Ain't gonna pay it... Or would you prefer a tactical nuke on your head?" The same goes for China supposedly buying all this US farmland and real estate, we can just confiscate the land if we want to. It's all just a big JQ financial mind-game to make us pleabs argue amongst ourselves and stress out to the point of demoralization while the rats make off with all the cheese and stash it down in the sewer.
Even the Icelanders told the UK to pound sand and reset their currency and banking. No one did a thing. The bankers and hand-rubbers don't have a military. They have empty threats, loud mouths via media, and can deplatform you, but they can't do anything else.

Not Cool – Alex Soros Tweets: “Bullet Hole, 47”​

January 21, 2024 | Sundance | 417 Comments
Alex Soros, the son of George Soros, sends a message via his Twitter account that is troubling.
Being subtle like a brick through a window the billionaire leftist posts a picture of a “Bullet Hole” and “$47.”
President Donald Trump is going to be the 47th President.


Not Cool – Alex Soros Tweets: “Bullet Hole, 47”

January 21, 2024 | Sundance | 417 Comments
Alex Soros, the son of George Soros, sends a message via his Twitter account that is troubling.
Being subtle like a brick through a window the billionaire leftist posts a picture of a “Bullet Hole” and “$47.”
President Donald Trump is going to be the 47th President.

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Not just $47/47th President, but the bills that are facing the right direction add up to 17. A not-so subtle assassination threat. How is the Secret Service not arresting these people?
Not just $47/47th President, but the bills that are facing the right direction add up to 17. A not-so subtle assassination threat. How is the Secret Service not arresting these people?

What's the significance of 17?

In any event, the "47" is irrelevant unless Trump actually becomes the 47th president which is unlikely, although it could be interpreted as "if he becomes 47".
Apparently, the picture came from an Atlantic article.

The "shoot #47" persuasion comes from The Atlantic -- 47 dollars and a bullet hole -- a publication that appears to be some sort of nexus of evil. I don't know if Soros knows what message he boosted. He doesn't have "evil mastermind" energy. I think someone told him it supports his funding programs and he went with it.In my opinion, our intel services just solicited a hit on our next president and offered a free pass to the perp.That would sound crazy if we hadn't lived through Covid, jan6 insurrection hoax, Fine People Hoax, border crisis, Ukraine, etc.I could go on.

If we are doing God's Will, He will bless us. If we are not doing His Will, He will curse us. That should be our ultimate concern. Resistance from the reprobate is a given
Amen. The Hebrews were commanded to turn to God for military aid, not foreign nations. They disobeyed and were sent into captivity. The point is to not compromise and instead trust God will provide. We haven't done that here and are being sent into captivity with an unprecedented flood of foreigners and Jewish overlords. That's what we deserve. Lord have mercy.
We can't force God's will on others who reject it. Even God himself doesn't do that. We do God's will by obeying his commandments and being the salt of the earth.
The Old Testament is filled to the brim with stories of Israel rejecting God's Will and being cursed as a result. If that isn't force, then I don't know what is. Moreover, He commands us to defend the orphan, whether we think it is politically expedient or not.
Where does this line of thinking end? Should Republicans embrace trannyism and gay “marriage” as well?

Oh wait.
No. I didn't say that. Please don't do what you're doing right now and be pedantic.

I'm asking you...since this is the Trump thread... To get to the point.

I'll accept your premise for the sake argument.

Now so what does that mean?