Donald Trump

No it’s definitely not automatic. The rnc will hold the convention as scheduled. Let’s say they assassinate Trump, either actually kill him physically or just kill him politically/cancel him and declare him a terrorist, take all his money and jail him.

Trump will still have almost all of the delegates from the primaries, but would be ineligible if he’s dead or worse.

The delegates would have to vote for someone else. Haley and Desantis would both make their case. Or the bureaucrats could go with a dc insider (Mitch McConnell? Some other stooge?). The convention would go on until the delegates get a majority. They will have multiple votes initially likely with no majority and after each vote they reconvene after talking amongst themselves and try to come to some sort of consensus or at least a majority. Then whoever they decide and go with will be the candidate in the general election.

This is how it has worked in the past, to my understanding

Edit, there’s good reason why the rnc will not want to actually do this, it would almost certainly fracture the party and be the end of the party. Whether or not they care about that or even realize it is debatable

Mitch the glitch McConnell can barely put words together anymore he will never be on the ballot…
I'm glad DeSantis got second and Nimrod didn't beat him. I still like him over her, but they've both wasted over 100 mil each.... Makes you wonder why they are still in if not to spoil the election.(at least that's going to be the attack they are going to get from Trump supporters)

There's zero delegate math for either of them and I'm predicting Florida and S Carolina are going Trump bigly also...never mind Tennessee, Texas, Ohio...among others.

For what it's worth... Trump was very laudatory towards DeSantis and Nikki and Vivek and didn't make any ugly remarks.

I wouldn't say it's wasted...aside from the fact that DeSantis and Trump were neck and neck before Trump started getting indicted, there remains the fact that he's almost 80, doesn't exactly take care of himself and while they won't do it until he has the nomination secured the left is actively trying to throw him in jail. There's value to having DeSantis over Haley in the #2 spot in delegates.

If Trump really wants to reunite the party the best thing he could do would be an honest, frank assessment of what went wrong his first term--Fauci, getting regularly played by the deep state, failing to get the wall built, perhaps most importantly his failure to successfully challenge the election--and how he plans to fix it. I keep hearing "trust the plan, he has a plan" from his supporters but I never hear the man himself articulate what that plan is or even admit that he mishandled anything in the first place.
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This is likely to be the only post I make about Donald Trump and the 2024 Election.

Some of you aren't going to like this very much, but if you pay close attention to what happens I think you'll find yourself understanding this warning. The 2020 Election was stolen, in broad daylight, without a single consequence for those responsible. Nobody was charged, nobody was tried, and nobody was punished in any fashion. Those who protested the theft were arrested - going to the Capitol after Trump encouraged them to - while he sat back and watched his own supporters get rounded up. Since the 2020 Election was stolen, those who stole it have only become more powerful. Whatever leverage they had 4 years ago, they have to a far greater extent now. Nothing *at all* has happened to make the 2024 Election harder to steal. Surely you agree with me so far, yes?

Given that it seems Trump will be the Republican frontrunner - and that he very obviously won the 2020 Election - one of 2 things seems likely to happen. I will lay these options out and invite you to carefully consider the likelihood of each. 1. Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, and for some reason this time he is allowed to become President. Though he spent his first term hiring and promoting the Swamp at every opportunity - and to this day continues to brag about the fake "vaccine" he promoted for a fake "pandemic," without demonstrating one iota of having understood what happened or having learned even a single lesson - somehow, this time he figured out how it all works and will do all the things he promised (and zealously failed) to do the first time. For some reason, those with unlimited power and wealth allow this situation to come to pass even though they easily prevented the supposed "MAGA Revolution" last time without a single consequence for the crime.2. Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, which is once again stolen in front of everyone's faces and the Democrats remain in power. If this happens it will likely be Trump's last run for office given his age, and he can retire claiming to have been the good guy all along who was stopped from saving the country by various nefarious powers (not one of which he seems to actually comprehend, but he's a fantastic marketer and knows the right words to say to the right audience).

What I'd like to draw your attention to is the danger of Option 1. Given that there's no reason to believe that the "Powers That Be" somehow lost their ability to steal elections during the last 4 years, during which they have only become even more powerful and wealthy, this outcome would be celebrated by all the MAGA / Republican / Conservative crowd as a great triumph of good over evil and light over "globalist" darkness.I ask you to consider the far more realistic possibility that, if Option 1 comes to pass, these past 4 years will have been entirely political theater. We know the votes don't matter, so why would they let him be President? Why spend all that time and energy attacking him, persecuting him, framing him as the underdog, and then ultimately letting him win?My thesis here is that if Trump is allowed to become President, it will be because A) he is controlled to such a degree that the "globalists" actually prefer him, given that he's actually competent in carrying out their agenda and Biden is not, and B) that his base will have been so completely galvanized into seeing him as a hero that they put all their faith, hope, and trust in him.

With the majority of the country behind their chosen man, they will blindly follow and worship him (as many are still doing despite the reality of his first term), slowly boiling the frog until things reach the next designated fever pitch. The "globalists" consider White Christians, for now the majority of the population, to be their ultimate enemy and foil. Is there a better way to subdue an entire population than to trick them into following someone they mistakenly think works for them - but in reality, is just leading them closer to the slaughter? Does it not seem more likely that if Trump is allowed to win, it's because it serves the "globalists" to have him in office again?

I post this just as a thought experiment and a warning. If the 2024 Election is stolen, it will be scary and prove once and for all that the system we're presented with is fake. But if Trump is allowed to win a rigged game, I personally find that much scarier - he'll be allowed to win only for a very specific reason, and I fear his supporters may leap into the flames awaiting them on the other end.

Be very, very careful. The spirit of antichrist loves nothing more than a false messiah, someone promising to save the population while leading them into perdition. God help us.

"Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— He remains faithful forever." - Psalm 146:3-7
Well said. There is an uncalled for obsession with Trump and I believe certain supporters are either homosexual in their admiration or want to be submissive to a powerful man. Either way it is gay, very gay and disgusting and totally antiChristian. I’ve never seen the worship and bootlicking of any other political figure in history, on either continent. The closest I have seen is the obsession with the royal family.
This is likely to be the only post I make about Donald Trump and the 2024 Election.

Some of you aren't going to like this very much, but if you pay close attention to what happens I think you'll find yourself understanding this warning. The 2020 Election was stolen, in broad daylight, without a single consequence for those responsible. Nobody was charged, nobody was tried, and nobody was punished in any fashion. Those who protested the theft were arrested - going to the Capitol after Trump encouraged them to - while he sat back and watched his own supporters get rounded up. Since the 2020 Election was stolen, those who stole it have only become more powerful. Whatever leverage they had 4 years ago, they have to a far greater extent now. Nothing *at all* has happened to make the 2024 Election harder to steal. Surely you agree with me so far, yes?

Given that it seems Trump will be the Republican frontrunner - and that he very obviously won the 2020 Election - one of 2 things seems likely to happen. I will lay these options out and invite you to carefully consider the likelihood of each. 1. Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, and for some reason this time he is allowed to become President. Though he spent his first term hiring and promoting the Swamp at every opportunity - and to this day continues to brag about the fake "vaccine" he promoted for a fake "pandemic," without demonstrating one iota of having understood what happened or having learned even a single lesson - somehow, this time he figured out how it all works and will do all the things he promised (and zealously failed) to do the first time. For some reason, those with unlimited power and wealth allow this situation to come to pass even though they easily prevented the supposed "MAGA Revolution" last time without a single consequence for the crime.2. Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, which is once again stolen in front of everyone's faces and the Democrats remain in power. If this happens it will likely be Trump's last run for office given his age, and he can retire claiming to have been the good guy all along who was stopped from saving the country by various nefarious powers (not one of which he seems to actually comprehend, but he's a fantastic marketer and knows the right words to say to the right audience).

What I'd like to draw your attention to is the danger of Option 1. Given that there's no reason to believe that the "Powers That Be" somehow lost their ability to steal elections during the last 4 years, during which they have only become even more powerful and wealthy, this outcome would be celebrated by all the MAGA / Republican / Conservative crowd as a great triumph of good over evil and light over "globalist" darkness.I ask you to consider the far more realistic possibility that, if Option 1 comes to pass, these past 4 years will have been entirely political theater. We know the votes don't matter, so why would they let him be President? Why spend all that time and energy attacking him, persecuting him, framing him as the underdog, and then ultimately letting him win?My thesis here is that if Trump is allowed to become President, it will be because A) he is controlled to such a degree that the "globalists" actually prefer him, given that he's actually competent in carrying out their agenda and Biden is not, and B) that his base will have been so completely galvanized into seeing him as a hero that they put all their faith, hope, and trust in him.

With the majority of the country behind their chosen man, they will blindly follow and worship him (as many are still doing despite the reality of his first term), slowly boiling the frog until things reach the next designated fever pitch. The "globalists" consider White Christians, for now the majority of the population, to be their ultimate enemy and foil. Is there a better way to subdue an entire population than to trick them into following someone they mistakenly think works for them - but in reality, is just leading them closer to the slaughter? Does it not seem more likely that if Trump is allowed to win, it's because it serves the "globalists" to have him in office again?

I post this just as a thought experiment and a warning. If the 2024 Election is stolen, it will be scary and prove once and for all that the system we're presented with is fake. But if Trump is allowed to win a rigged game, I personally find that much scarier - he'll be allowed to win only for a very specific reason, and I fear his supporters may leap into the flames awaiting them on the other end.

Be very, very careful. The spirit of antichrist loves nothing more than a false messiah, someone promising to save the population while leading them into perdition. God help us.

"Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— He remains faithful forever." - Psalm 146:3-7

Trump needs to deliver on:

-No new wars
-Close the Border
-Continued to pick Supreme Court Justices that are consitutionalist over the Sotormator/Kagan/kentanji-Brown
-Economic strenght through bringing manufacturing back here through tariffs
-Fossil Fuel energy friendly policies

All of those are fairly capable with in his grasp but he will have to have congressional capabilities to do this.

Could there be a 3rd option?

He's an ego maniac, and like most egomaniacs believes he is the right person for the job? He had several failures in transitioning his business success into political success once elected...he made errors on COVID, but some of these things were intensified AFTER him and he's been getting the blame for them...

At the end of the day the system still has moments of clarity where some good is able to come out of it, even with a flawed man.

If the supreme Court under Hillary was wouldn't have Gorsuch or Kavanaugh or Coney Barret... You'd have 3 more Katana/Sotormayor/Kentanjis.... So these incremental things are a good thing

I just find the frame you posit to be so dark, that I reject it. Its a bit of a "you have no options regardless" take as far as I can tell. I don't think anyone here is really expecting Trump to completely save them. But until the dam is broken we channel the water as best we can into the right fields. Things are going to have to get so monumentally bad here for the system we have in place to fail... its likely not going to happen anytime soon.

Trump needs to deliver on:

-No new wars
-Close the Border
-Continued to pick Supreme Court Justices that are consitutionalist over the Sotormator/Kagan/kentanji-Brown
-Economic strenght through bringing manufacturing back here through tariffs
-Fossil Fuel energy friendly policies

All of those are fairly capable with in his grasp but he will have to have congressional capabilities to do this.

Could there be a 3rd option?

He's an ego maniac, and like most egomaniacs believes he is the right person for the job? He had several failures in transitioning his business success into political success once elected...he made errors on COVID, but some of these things were intensified AFTER him and he's been getting the blame for them...

At the end of the day the system still has moments of clarity where some good is able to come out of it, even with a flawed man.

If the supreme Court under Hillary was wouldn't have Gorsuch or Kavanaugh or Coney Barret... You'd have 3 more Katana/Sotormayor/Kentanjis.... So these incremental things are a good thing

I just find the frame you posit to be so dark, that I reject it. Its a bit of a "you have no options regardless" take as far as I can tell. I don't think anyone here is really expecting Trump to completely save them. But until the dam is broken we channel the water as best we can into the right fields. Things are going to have to get so monumentally bad here for the system we have in place to fail... its likely not going to happen anytime soon.
As for our options, I believe we have the “leaders” we deserve. We are a punished nation of chastised people. The scourging will continue until we repent en masse; if we fail to do so we will keep getting the same kind of circus clowns as “options.”

I’d also like to remind everyone that I was suspended from RVF for a week for trying to warn people not to go to DC on January 6th. I tried explaining to the forum how street activism does not work for the Right and they didn’t understand how these dynamics work. I was accused of “black pilling” and suspended.

I might have been black pilling, but I was also right.

Laura (as much as I'm not a big fan of her or Fox News of late) had a fairly accurate 9 min segment. The party has shifted... Trump's the reason why. Immigration is the top issue. Foreign policy is leaning away from intervention (maybe except for Israel). The longer the folks stay in, they're just hearting their own future viability politically with Republicans.

Georgia daily Constitution has Trump up 8.
General Election strategy has to get serious with the Law fair and their own mail in strategy.

As for our options, I believe we have the “leaders” we deserve. We are a punished nation of chastised people. The scourging will continue until we repent en masse; if we fail to do so we will keep getting the same kind of circus clowns as “options.”

I’d also like to remind everyone that I was suspended from RVF for a week for trying to warn people not to go to DC on January 6th. I tried explaining to the forum how street activism does not work for the Right and they didn’t understand how these dynamics work. I was accused of “black pilling” and suspended.

I might have been black pilling, but I was also right.

Oh yes I remember and weren’t some of the current moderators and even senior members ignorantly or maybe even maliciously trying to convince large numbers of the forum to go support Trump en masse because their precious lying pied piper told them to and they were too weak to say no? How many lives they did they ruin with their stupid advice. I stand by words, you Trump fanatics cannot think on your own, you are submissive to him.

Being so wrong on so many things they continue to this day to spout absolute gibberish. Nothing but paper tigers and cowards behind a keyboard. How many exforum members are now being targeted by the Justice Department or will be in the future? Oh but it’s the democrats fault never Trump, you all sound like battered women for your false messiah.
Oh yes I remember and weren’t some of the current moderators and even senior members ignorantly or maybe even maliciously trying to convince large numbers of the forum to go support Trump en masse because their precious lying pied piper told them to and they were too weak to say no? How many lives they did they ruin with their stupid advice. I stand by words, you Trump fanatics cannot think on your own, you are submissive to him.

Being so wrong on so many things they continue to this day to spout absolute gibberish. Nothing but paper tigers and cowards behind a keyboard. How many exforum members are now being targeted by the Justice Department or will be in the future? Oh but it’s the democrats fault never Trump, you all sound like battered women for your false messiah.
We've got a thread for the Trump hate already big dog. Go kvetch there.

No-one here is arguing in favor of a Jan 6 like activity.

Most of us nonwoke Brits support Mr. Trump for president…we need more like him here like Nigel Farange.
You look like a troll... Saying one thing in one post ... And another thing in another post.
Oh yes I remember and weren’t some of the current moderators and even senior members ignorantly or maybe even maliciously trying to convince large numbers of the forum to go support Trump en masse because their precious lying pied piper told them to and they were too weak to say no? How many lives they did they ruin with their stupid advice. I stand by words, you Trump fanatics cannot think on your own, you are submissive to him.

Being so wrong on so many things they continue to this day to spout absolute gibberish. Nothing but paper tigers and cowards behind a keyboard. How many exforum members are now being targeted by the Justice Department or will be in the future? Oh but it’s the democrats fault never Trump, you all sound like battered women for your false messiah.

What’s with the new posters here? Niggaz keep creating some weird strawman depiction of this forum/RVF. Something seems weird here
We've got a thread for the Trump hate already big dog. Go kvetch there.

No-one here is arguing in favor of a Jan 6 like activity.

You look like a troll... Saying one thing in one post ... And another thing in another post.

Not only that why does someone in the uk care so much about Trumps supporters? That would like if I was critical of the support or hate that Rishi Sunak or King Charles got?? I really don’t care that much about another country’s politicians
Not only that why does someone in the uk care so much about Trumps supporters? That would like if I was critical of the support or hate that Rishi Sunak or King Charles got?? I really don’t care that much about another country’s politicians
Are these wigs gay?



I think people in the UK simply want to stay informed about their puppeteer, and our political and socioeconomic life here. Makes sense
Last I checked they have their own WEF Indian Puppet... So I suppose excitement about our leader is understandable... Since our hand controls the sock puppet that is their PM on all foreign affairs.
Oh yes I remember and weren’t some of the current moderators and even senior members ignorantly or maybe even maliciously trying to convince large numbers of the forum to go support Trump en masse because their precious lying pied piper told them to and they were too weak to say no? How many lives they did they ruin with their stupid advice. I stand by words, you Trump fanatics cannot think on your own, you are submissive to him.

Being so wrong on so many things they continue to this day to spout absolute gibberish. Nothing but paper tigers and cowards behind a keyboard. How many exforum members are now being targeted by the Justice Department or will be in the future? Oh but it’s the democrats fault never Trump, you all sound like battered women for your false messiah.

If you haven't realized yet, it's all but confirmed the ol' alr-right and/or Alex Jones nexus was an op. Milo, Fuentes, Cerno, Jones, Baked Alaska, Posobiec, Musk, Kanye. The list is probably much longer but diff layers for diff purposes at diff times (a lot of it to draw in and control traditionalists or conservatives by polarizing them) but you don't have to be a big brain to have seen the signs or connections, even before some of these people were confirmed to be working with or meeting with the govt. Look at Roosh and his forum along that axis and by who he promoted. We'll never know for sure but for obv reasons this will be my only post here.
Last I checked they have their own WEF Indian Puppet... So I suppose excitement about our leader is understandable... Since our hand controls the sock puppet that is their PM on all foreign affairs.
I have been a big fan of Trump for years. I woke up at 3am by chance on the night of the 2016 election and was refreshing the RVF thread, and watched as he soared into the lead and for the 4 years after, I felt very safe in the world thanks to him. I've long said to anyone that listens, that if Hillary had won then what we are seeing in the world would have happened 4 years earlier, potentially even worse than what we're seeing now.

Here in the UK, the sheep don't like him because they're told not to like him. I visit a football (soccer) forum and there's a thread called "sexual molester Donald Trump" whilst they all support Biden. I have his book on my bookshelf and when people came round they would look at it and comment in disgust why I had it and would "(insert cliche Trump argument here from whatever headline they saw)".

We are America's bitch and our culture follows yours, but a diet version of it. I watch with great interest what happens in your country knowing that it is likely a prelude to what I can expect over here. There are people here that support Trump as I do, and we are automatically put into the category of "racist Brexit mysognistic qanon anti vaxxer conspiracy theorists".

Trump to me feels like hope, but I do worry about what is actually going on. Brother Augustine's post is very thought provoking indeed. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a while - if he wins, he's allowed to win. If he doesn't win, they've cheated and what will be the repercussions for both scenarios? At least with him in charge, we can expect no foreign wars for a spell of time, but then it feels like him being in charge would kick off some sort of civil war. If that happens, does your military start calling back all overseas personnel? What happens to the safety of my country if all of the American bases are abandoned in order to assist with a civil war on US soil?

We live in precarious times. I have hope, more people are now seeing what is wrong with politics. More people are seeing the lies and gaslighting, and the true separation of classes between elites and peasants, not upper, middle and lower as we are told.

Trump is the best of a bad bunch and we know what to expect of him. He comes across as a strong leader and genuinely speaks to the people - something we sorely lack over here in the UK with total cucks and dorks running this country. Me and many people are desperate for a leader with somewhat of a backbone as Trump has displayed. Is he THE answer to all the problems? No. He will be controlled and have his hands tied unless he actually does decide to go full dictator, which obviously won't happen.

I have learned in recent years to put my faith in God and in the good of humanity. Good will prevail and in my opinion the pendulum is finally swinging back to good, but it does appear to me as though this election is going to be a catalyst event to really shift the tide towards good.