Donald Trump

I don’t think the forum benefits from IIMT’s black pill postings, and it is probably not good for his mental health to be on here posting incessantly (how does he find time when he’s working 6 garillion hours per week?). In my humble opinion, I think he needs to be banned.
I don’t think the forum benefits from IIMT’s black pill postings, and it is probably not good for his mental health to be on here posting incessantly (how does he find time when he’s working 6 garillion hours per week?). In my humble opinion, I think he needs to be banned.
Respectfully, I disagree. I don't like it when any of the seniored members leave. I strongly disagree with my fellow Catholics and Orthodox on the ultimacy of the Bible, but I don't feel the need to impugn their mental health or see them banned, especially when the forum already has the tools to ensure you never have to read anything you don't want to anyway.
Most churches are not Christian at all, they are just social clubs and feel good gatherings. I am a Christian, not someone in search of a social group.

I am not taking advice from you, lol.

There are definitely churches like you describe, but there are others that are more genuine. Again, I do agree with you that the Trump ‘worship’ among people is strange and over the top. He won’t save anyone, he probably won’t even do a good job if he wins again, but you definitely do have a tendency for only seeing the negative in a situation.

Take this as constructive criticism brother. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in one way of thinking our brains automatically ignore and filter everything else. Example, the statement most churches are not Christian. Is it possible you only see the facts that support your view? There are hypocrites everywhere, but also devout church goers. There is a bee and fly story that applies here you should read.

I just don’t think things are as bad as people think out there in the real world.
I don’t think the forum benefits from IIMT’s black pill postings, and it is probably not good for his mental health to be on here posting incessantly (how does he find time when he’s working 6 garillion hours per week?). In my humble opinion, I think he needs to be banned.
Yeah I don't understand why his subversive countersignaling against churches would be tolerated on a Christian forum, at all. Not to mention being against raising families, vague calls for us to "get serious", the incessant around the clock demoralization posting, my instincts are telling me that his intentions here are questionable at best.
Well, it appears you gave up on trying to sell the board how legal immigration is different than illegal immigration, so that is good.

Do you know what the anti-Christ is supposed to be? A fake Christian, who gets Christians to buy into his rhetoric and he leads them to ruin. I see no one in the world who fits this description better. Does that mean that I think Trump is the actual "anti-Christ"? No. it means he fits the description to a T that is thousands of years old. We were warned about charlatans like him by our great ancestors. And now here we are, with teh world of information at our finger tips, on this purple-pill forum, falling for it.

Does Trump appeal to Christians, while not living like a Christian or pushing Christian values? Yes
Does Trump lead Christians to their demise, while pretending he is fighting for them? Yes. The shameful display of holding up the bible after BLM burned down a church is a perfect example.
Where is Trump when Israeli's are shooting women in churches? He is cheering it on, talking up how great Israel is.
He is more than happy to flood the former Christian west with non-Christians, in fact he brags about it.

The man is dangerous, to a level I have never seen in politics. The fact he could be that big of a failure as president, come off looking so petting, weak and a wasted life of lust, gluttony, and pride, and people still think he is the answer to their problems.

Is the Antichrist not referred to as the Man of Sin?
“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that Day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness [sin] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction” (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

My understanding is the Antichrist will be extremely charismatic and will be almost universally loved. Whilst Trump does have charisma, he is certainly not universally loved. He will also perform miracles (the Antichrist, not Trump).

I don't dislike Trump; he's certainly better than the alternatives. He's not directly controlled, which is why the establishment despise him and seemingly do everything in their power to stop him winning the presidency. The media don't even pretend to conceal their bias when reporting on Trump - they've magnified every little mistake he's made and constantly maligned him. The establishment have tried to impeach him. They have accused him of being in collusion with the Russians.

But just because he's not in cahoots with the establishment, he's far from perfect. He's egotistical to the the extreme and I think he is still manipulated from behind the scenes by his advisers, notably Jared Kushner.

TLDR - he's not the Antichrist. He's a flawed man, but better than the alternatives.
People keep sharing that graphic - watch out, it's misleading. Illegal immigrant "encounters"? What is an "encounter"? This is specialized legal language, it will obscure things. I'm pretty sure, for example, in the Trump years "encounters" also included people who were turned away at the border. So in Biden/Obama the illegals were let in, whereas in Trump years they were not, yet by glancing at this graph you'd like Trump was as bad as Obama.
People keep sharing that graphic - watch out, it's misleading. Illegal immigrant "encounters"? What is an "encounter"? This is specialized legal language, it will obscure things. I'm pretty sure, for example, in the Trump years "encounters" also included people who were turned away at the border. So in Biden/Obama the illegals were let in, whereas in Trump years they were not, yet by glancing at this graph you'd like Trump was as bad as Obama.

The graphic is only there to show the manifestation of activity on the border.

It's clear 2 of the 3 last presidents had a more welcoming policy once arrived vs one which wanted to deport them or have them remain in Mexico.

Some info on Judge Florence Pan, one of the judges on the 3-judge panel hearing oral arguments on Trump's appeal of Judge Chutkan's order denying presidential immunity in J6 case.

Pan, appointed by Joe Biden, is married to Max Stier--a Dem Party activist and one of Brett Kavanaugh's chief antagonists. Stier claimed he observed Kav engaged in lewd behavior at Yale--he reported it to FBI and Senate during Kavanaugh debacle. He was recently featured in a film about Kavanaugh that criticized the FBI's investigation into various claims.

A longtime DC fixture, Pan has friends in high places.

From WashPo in 2021: "In one of her first hearings Wednesday, Pan took over the politically sensitive lawsuit brought by 2016 Trump campaign adviser Carter Page against the FBI, Justice Department and several former officials alleging they unlawfully surveilled and investigated him during the FBI’s Russia probe.

A D.C. veteran, Pan offered to recuse herself from the case, saying she has been friends with a lawyer for defendant Lisa Page, a former FBI attorney. Pan said she has known Page’s attorney, former Justice Department lawyer Amy Jeffress, for 27 years, attended her wedding, and met Page at a party."

Jeffress is married to DC District Court Judge Chris Cooper, appointed by Obama.

Merrick Garland officiated the wedding.

Isn't DC cute?

Although 3-judge panels are supposed to be "randomly" selected, Pan oddly is seated on an unusually high percentage of consequential political cases. She was on BOTH panels to hear arguments on an appeal related to 1512c2, obstruction of an official proceeding.

Pan was the decisive 2-1 judge in both decisions upholding DOJ's use of the post-Enron statute. Her lead opinion--and I use that term pejoratively--in Fischer v USA is now under review at SCOTUS.

While Pan admitted the "novel" use of 1512c2 in J6 cases--more than 300 J6ers slapped with the evidence tampering felony for their conduct on Jan 6 as is Donald Trump--she nonetheless adopted the broadest reading of 1512c2 to uphold DOJs interpretation.

Pan--and Childs, also on today's panel--upheld Judge Beryl Howell's nondisclosure order preventing Twitter from notifying Trump about Jack Smith's subpoena of his data and Howell's $350,000 fine against the company. Pan: "The whole point of the nondisclosure order was to avoid tipping off the former President about the warrant’s existence."

Pan--and Childs again along with Obama appointee Cornelia Pillard--also upheld Howell's extraordinary ruling that pierced atty-client privilege btw Evan Corcoran and Trump in classified docs case, forcing Corcoran to turn over all his records to Jack Smith.

A decision, by the way, that never should have been made in DC since the alleged "crime" happened in southern Florida. Pan expressed no jurisdictional concerns there.

Pan has been assigned to several panels for appeals filed by J6 defendants. Just last week. Pan denied the appeal of Russel Alford, convicted by a DC jury of 4 misdemeanors and sentenced by Judge Chutkan to 12 months in prison.

This is the thinking J6ers must deal with. (Henderson, on today's panel, wrote this but Pan concurred):

"The trial evidence indicated that, during Alford’s brief time within the Capitol, he was neither violent nor destructive. Nevertheless, we affirm his convictions because a jury could rationally find that his unauthorized presence in the Capitol as part of an unruly mob contributed to the disruption of the Congress’s electoral certification and jeopardized public safety."

He was inside for 11 minutes.

Her performance today was less than compelling--superior, smug, combative, and dull.

She clearly came in ready to defend DOJ/Jack Smith--and her preposterous hypothetical about a president using Seal Team Six to kill a political rival was a set up to result in all the deadlines we are already seeing.

As I have suggested to some officeholders and candidates--the DC federal courts must be shut down. These partisans are making some of the most important judicial decisions in the nation's history and are ill-equipped to do so.

Judge Florence Pan is exhibit A.

Full thread
“AHA but your client once said fmr presidents could be investigated”

“That was a tweet”

“But he said it!”

Why do we have DEI hire judges??
I might not make it through this hearing, lads
One of the judges just said that election integrity is not the interest of the Executive

I can’t do this

I’m losing it
Judge just asked if the charges were brought due to politicization

DOJ guy: No

Judges just accept him at face
The DOJ guy just said Trump might use SEAL Team Six to assassinate business rivals

You are looking at a show trial
They just keep coming up with insane hypotheticals instead of discussing the issue at hand


Make it STOP
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I follow a lot of left wing pages on Instagram (keep my enemies close and to watch them) and all of them seem very afraid of Trump becoming president, all they share on their pages now is anti Trump stuff and Jan 6 and how he lost the previous elections even Joe Bidens Instagram page its all about Trump and trying to make him look bad.
Great talk, but he doesn't have the stones or the competence to do it.

That's even if he became president in the first place which he won't, the hard leftists will crawl through broken glass to vote against him and the suburban Xanax moms and their weak husbands still won't vote for him because muh mean tweets.
Great talk, but he doesn't have the stones or the competence to do it.

That's even if he became president in the first place which he won't, the hard leftists will crawl through broken glass to vote against him and the suburban Xanax moms and their weak husbands still won't vote for him because muh mean tweets.
Wellllpppp I'm quite confident after DeSantis gets bodied by Trump today... Methinks she's not interested in deporting anyone....

So I'm happy to hear him saying this.

Also, his polling is legit scaring the Dems with sleepy Joe.
Wellllpppp I'm quite confident after DeSantis gets bodied by Trump today... Methinks she's not interested in deporting anyone....

So I'm happy to hear him saying this.

Also, his polling is legit scaring the Dems with sleepy Joe.

The polling (both general and primaries) is a psyop....don't fall for it. They want Trump as the nominee because they can beat him and on the off chance they don't, they know how to play him like a fiddle.

DeSantis may not win tonight (gun to head I think he will, but it's far from certain) but the polling in Iowa is nowhere close to accurate. Trump and his de facto allies (until the primary is over) in the MSM are already starting to spread excuses about the weather and Vivek hurting him.