Donald Trump

Bro....trump isn't the anti Christ.

You make us sound like a bunch of weirdo idiots in here.....that's worse than the flat earth, numerology garbage and space is fake crap.

@Johnnyvee do you think trump is the anti christ also??
Well, it appears you gave up on trying to sell the board how legal immigration is different than illegal immigration, so that is good.

Do you know what the anti-Christ is supposed to be? A fake Christian, who gets Christians to buy into his rhetoric and he leads them to ruin. I see no one in the world who fits this description better. Does that mean that I think Trump is the actual "anti-Christ"? No. it means he fits the description to a T that is thousands of years old. We were warned about charlatans like him by our great ancestors. And now here we are, with teh world of information at our finger tips, on this purple-pill forum, falling for it.

Does Trump appeal to Christians, while not living like a Christian or pushing Christian values? Yes
Does Trump lead Christians to their demise, while pretending he is fighting for them? Yes. The shameful display of holding up the bible after BLM burned down a church is a perfect example.
Where is Trump when Israeli's are shooting women in churches? He is cheering it on, talking up how great Israel is.
He is more than happy to flood the former Christian west with non-Christians, in fact he brags about it.

The man is dangerous, to a level I have never seen in politics. The fact he could be that big of a failure as president, come off looking so petting, weak and a wasted life of lust, gluttony, and pride, and people still think he is the answer to their problems.
Bills he signed about the 1619 project. Pulling funding for woke institutions ect ect.

Now you're making revisionism into all blanket statements.

This was hashed out so many times as to what he did and didn't do, what he could and couldn't do and all of that.

It's just more black pillong from you and the constant contrarianism we have all come to expect.
None of that was hashed out. It was Trump's big mouth of promising them 1/2 a trillion and wanting record numbers of immigrants. The man was already president and he was an abysmal failure. He is a clown, he is a coward, he is a fraud, and he will be hand picked again to ensure the country is finished off.

And that might be a good thing, because while the country may never be great again, the guys who thought they could sit around and watch sportsball and "at least I got my conservatives" are in for a rude awakening, but a well deserved one. Along with the liberals who thought they could vote for other people to suffer the consequences of their policies.

I personally can't wait for the challenge, but first I will do my best to get other men aware of what is coming and how putting any faith in Trump, even voting for him, is a fools errand and time is fleeting, it is time to get serious and actually put in real work.
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None of that was hashed out. It was Trump's big mouth of promising them 1/2 a trillion and wanting record numbers of immigrants. The man was already president and he was an abysmal failure. He is a clown, he is a coward, he is a fraud, and he will be hand picked again to ensure the country is finished off.
Ok... We vehemently disagree.

You've said this exact same line in literally every post you've made on the matter.

God bless you and good luck but I'm finished with you for the now. It's fairly exhausting to engage with a person who takes everything about one topic and turns it into a negative while stating to be optimistic.

Hope your 2024 brings you a woman...because you need it.
Ok... We vehemently disagree.

You've said this exact same line in literally every post you've made on the matter.

God bless you and good luck but I'm finished with you for the now. It's fairly exhausting to engage with a person who takes everything about one topic and turns it into a negative while stating to be optimistic.

Hope your 2024 brings you a woman...because you need it.
Cool, I'm just getting started, I got a lot more energy and fight in me than most people. Better get ready, because as bad as this country is now, you will be begging for these good days to be back, and it will not be that far down the road.
Cool, I'm just getting started, I got a lot more energy and fight in me than most people. Better get ready, because as bad as this country is now, you will be begging for these good days to be back, and it will not be that far down the road.

Brother I wish I knew you personally so I could bring you around my friends and family, show you how good life is and all is not lost. The last thing you need is to be on this forum engaging in all of this, you've turned it into something completely opposite of it should be for.
Brother I wish I knew you personally so I could bring you around my friends and family, show you how good life is and all is not lost. The last thing you need is to be on this forum engaging in all of this, you've turned it into something completely opposite of it should be for.
"Life is good" while the satanic elites push transgenderism on your children and bankrupt the economy while stealing all the wealth. Life is good, when you battle back. When you sit around and live above your means and push the payment of this life on to your kids, that isn't good, that is evil.
"Life is good" while the satanic elites push transgenderism on your children and bankrupt the economy while stealing all the wealth. Life is good, when you battle back. When you sit around and live above your means and push the payment of this life on to your kids, that isn't good, that is evil.

What are you talking about you don't have kids yet and neither do I! I don't have a single tranny niece, nephew, cousin or you? Yes life absolutely is good, gods world is beautiful and so are his children, there are lots of problems that need to be corrected but your nihilistic attitude isn't helping anyone or anything.
What are you talking about you don't have kids yet and neither do I! I don't have a single tranny niece, nephew, cousin or you? Yes life absolutely is good, gods world is beautiful and so are his children, there are lots of problems that need to be corrected but your nihilistic attitude isn't helping anyone or anything.
Not having kids doesn't mean I should waste time being irresponsible. Most men think this is how life should work, it isn't, you should be preparing for kids years in advance. I am not related to any trans people, but I see them out and about.

There are problems to be corrected, and they will not be correct by sitting around doing the bare minimum and thinking voting for Trump will solve it.
Not having kids doesn't mean I should waste time being irresponsible. Most men think this is how life should work, it isn't, you should be preparing for kids years in advance. I am not related to any trans people, but I see them out and about.

There are problems to be corrected, and they will not be correct by sitting around doing the bare minimum and thinking voting for Trump will solve it.

Who is saying anything at all about being irresponsible?
If you are just living a middle-class life and say "well my kids will have to figure it out for themselves" while everything is crashing down around you, I consider that just as irresponsible as a welfare baby factory.
This is a materialistically stupid concern... By that logic, we should justify abortion if you don't have enough means at that moment to ensure the kid goes to Harvard.
If you are just living a middle-class life and say "well my kids will have to figure it out for themselves" while everything is crashing down around you, I consider that just as irresponsible as a welfare baby factory.

Again who is saying that exactly that you would use it in a post directed to me?
This is a materialistically stupid concern... By that logic, we should justify abortion if you don't have enough means at that moment to ensure the kid goes to Harvard.
Easy to say it is "materialistically stupid concern" when the lights are still on and the water is still running.
Easy to say it is "materialistically stupid concern" when the lights are still on and the water is still running.
Ha you don't need to lecture me about living a Spartan lifestyle.

I've done it. I'm not looking forward to the possibility of it... But I have access to running water, food/meat a community of people and plenty of little helper children to help me out....just like God intended.

In your 7 days a week of working... Have you positioned your life to be anti-fragile with these things?

My financial freedoms are better under the previous regime than they are now... But regardless all one can do is truck along and build stronger communities with in your Church, your neighborhood, and your family.

This is turning into a big thread derail focusing solely on you... Which is par for the course of every thread you infect with your negativity.
It is directed at anyone who is still a "at least I got mine, pull yourself up by your bootstraps" conservative. Just because someone knows how dire the situation is, and how much of sell outs the entire GOP, including Trump, really are, does not mean they are unsuccessful.

Okay so...

You went from being angry with society because you have to work so much and telling young people to not even bother because there is nothing out there for them, blaming that for not being where you want to be in life

Then at some point became obsessed with Trump to the point where every thread you're in you somehow injected blaming him into it, also he is the anti Christ

To then turning completely around and being proud that you work so much it's the right thing to do and you're the most successful guy here

Then telling all of us that we should be doing what you're doing otherwise we are irresponsible and contributing to filth and degeneracy

Then a post later you said you hate that you work so much

Now going back to young people should give up and in turn shouldn't be having kids

I don't think you're interested in any discussion and certainly not any kind of positive discussion, I think you just want to be right because in your mind there is no other possibility even if it means contradicting every other thought, it's not about discussion it's about your mindset being correct and that's it. Brother you need to take a step back from all of this, this place to me is a place for like minded strong men to support each other and discuss things that will help them in their actual lives, perhaps also vent and laugh a bit. Instead you have turned it into just a giant enabler of your negativity and you're trying to inject everyone else here with the same. There are young brothers here still trying to make their way in the world, you are poisoning their minds and faith.
Ha you don't need to lecture me about living a Spartan lifestyle.

I've done it. I'm not looking forward to the possibility of it... But I have access to running water, food/meat a community of people and plenty of little helper children to help me out....just like God intended.

In your 7 days a week of working... Have you positioned your life to be anti-fragile with these things?

My financial freedoms are better under the previous regime than they are now... But regardless all one can do is truck along and build stronger communities with in your Church, your neighborhood, and your family.

This is turning into a big thread derail focusing solely on you... Which is par for the course of every thread you infect with your negativity.
Yes, my entire life has been building for anti-fragile.

You call it "negative" because you have not yet faced up to the reality that you can't vote your way out of this. Previous you would say "well, you can at least vote for more time", no that isn't true at all. This isn't "negative" it is just hard-hitting reality.
Okay so...

You went from being angry with society because you have to work so much and telling young people to not even bother because there is nothing out there for them, blaming that for not being where you want to be in life

Then at some point became obsessed with Trump to the point where every thread you're in you somehow injected blaming him into it, also he is the anti Christ

To then turning completely around and being proud that you work so much it's the right thing to do and you're the most successful guy here

Then telling all of us that we should be doing what you're doing otherwise we are irresponsible and contributing to filth and degeneracy

Then a post later you said you hate that you work so much

Now going back to young people should give up and in turn shouldn't be having kids

I don't think you're interested in any discussion and certainly not any kind of positive discussion, I think you just want to be right because in your mind there is no other possibility even if it means contradicting every other thought, it's not about discussion it's about your mindset being correct and that's it. Brother you need to take a step back from all of this, this place to me is a place for like minded strong men to support each other and discuss things that will help them in their actual lives, perhaps also vent and laugh a bit. Instead you have turned it into just a giant enabler of your negativity and you're trying to inject everyone else here with the same. There are young brothers here still trying to make their way in the world, you are poisoning their minds and faith.

"Obsessed with Trump" - everyone beware of the language of leftists. I don't want people falling for the charlatan Trump and his lies again, so according to a leftist this makes me "obsessed".

What advice do you have for young people? "Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps"? "Hard work will pay off"? We all know these 2003 GOP talking points are lies. My advice is to do what is best for yourself and your people, and that is not voting GOP and hoping it will work.

I don't understand how you can't rationalize that someone can both be proud that they work hard and build things, but also philosophically know they should never have had to work that hard and that it is a major sign of society decay. It is pretty simple. A man used to work 40 hours a week, his wife stayed home, they had a safe house with 3 kids. Now both parents work night and day to barely keep the lights on. All that wealth went right to Wall Street.

Sorry, no matter how bad you want this experiment of Babel to work, which is satanic, and think the satanic GOP is going to save you, it isn't going to happen and I hope that most members here understand this by now.