Donald Trump

"Obsessed with Trump" - everyone beware of the language of leftists. I don't want people falling for the charlatan Trump and his lies again, so according to a leftist this makes me "obsessed".

What advice do you have for young people? "Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps"? "Hard work will pay off"? We all know these 2003 GOP talking points are lies. My advice is to do what is best for yourself and your people, and that is not voting GOP and hoping it will work.

I don't understand how you can't rationalize that someone can both be proud that they work hard and build things, but also philosophically know they should never have had to work that hard and that it is a major sign of society decay. It is pretty simple. A man used to work 40 hours a week, his wife stayed home, they had a safe house with 3 kids. Now both parents work night and day to barely keep the lights on. All that wealth went right to Wall Street.

Sorry, no matter how bad you want this experiment of Babel to work, which is satanic, and think the satanic GOP is going to save you, it isn't going to happen and I hope that most members here understand this by now.
You still offer Zero solutions to any problem you posit.

I have simple advice for young people. I have children so unlike you with theoretical doom pill statements, I actually know what someone will and won't listen to and how to mentor them vs destroy their sense of hope.

Focus on acting in a Christian manner out of kindness and love for you fellow man.

Make strong boundaries around what sort of behavior is acceptable for those around you.

Accept that we do not have ultimate control over what happens.

Set high expectations of yourself and those around you.

If a person is only negative and never provides solutions, do not listen to them.

If a person is living a life that you want to emulate, accept what is good and reject that which contradicts with your faith.

Work hard always. Be proud of what you have.

The bottom line is, whatever is coming is going to come... You can and should participate in local and national elections and civics... If ultimately it all crashes down then what?

How you pretend to rebuild anything with the contrarian attitude you present is beyond me....that's why no one is taking what you're saying seriously.

At this point we are literally all talking in circles with 3 or 4 posters shooting down your response and then you retort and it repeats.

Again... No functional discourse is happening here except to point out that you're sucking the life out of the thread... Which is par for the course.
"Obsessed with Trump" - everyone beware of the language of leftists. I don't want people falling for the charlatan Trump and his lies again, so according to a leftist this makes me "obsessed".

What advice do you have for young people? "Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps"? "Hard work will pay off"? We all know these 2003 GOP talking points are lies. My advice is to do what is best for yourself and your people, and that is not voting GOP and hoping it will work.

I don't understand how you can't rationalize that someone can both be proud that they work hard and build things, but also philosophically know they should never have had to work that hard and that it is a major sign of society decay. It is pretty simple. A man used to work 40 hours a week, his wife stayed home, they had a safe house with 3 kids. Now both parents work night and day to barely keep the lights on. All that wealth went right to Wall Street.

Sorry, no matter how bad you want this experiment of Babel to work, which is satanic, and think the satanic GOP is going to save you, it isn't going to happen and I hope that most members here understand this by now.

I'm not asking anyone to save me stop projecting that on me, including Trump, I don't need saving at all no man should be upset that someone didn't save them that is a ridiculous way to think, you are responsible for your own life. You are upset that nobody came to save you and you're bitter over it don't put that on me or anyone else, your whole point is that your life should be easier and it isn't......sorry it doesn't work that way the fantasies of how life used to be are revisionist history, we can have that whole conversation again if you want. You're coming on here talking out of both sides of your mouth with a terrible message to the young guys on here looking for guidance. Absolutely hard work will pay off, we have had this discussion before and I have lots of young relatives who made their bones in the world very recently with stay at home wives they worked their tails off and it paid off for them they live good clean righteous lives for it. I'm sitting in my warehouse office right now with a couple of them in the adjacent offices and two teenage relatives working in front of me on their Christmas break with smiles on their faces.

From your words it's clear that before you went down this rabbit hole you thought Donald Trump and the GOP were going to save you and make your life easier, of course it didn't happen and now you're upset about it and want to tell people to give up? Or is that you think everyone should work 7 days a week and live like you? I still can't figure it out which one it is, but I do know your view on things are of someone who is unhappy and wants to bring others down with him, you are the last person any young man should be taking advice from. If I told my two teenage cousins working in front of me right now your message their two uncles, my first cousins, would come of their offices and throw me in the street.

I know I've come down on you and I'm sorry for doing that but you have chosen the mindset you have as a defeated grown man whose life didn't turn out the way you wanted, young guys on here with their entire lives in front of them looking for guidance should not be following your example in any way and it would be even more wrong of me not to call it out.
You still offer Zero solutions to any problem you posit.

I have simple advice for young people. I have children so unlike you with theoretical doom pill statements, I actually know what someone will and won't listen to and how to mentor them vs destroy their sense of hope.

Focus on acting in a Christian manner out of kindness and love for you fellow man.

Make strong boundaries around what sort of behavior is acceptable for those around you.

Accept that we do not have ultimate control over what happens.

Set high expectations of yourself and those around you.

If a person is only negative and never provides solutions, do not listen to them.

If a person is living a life that you want to emulate, accept what is good and reject that which contradicts with your faith.

Work hard always. Be proud of what you have.

The bottom line is, whatever is coming is going to come... You can and should participate in local and national elections and civics... If ultimately it all crashes down then what?

How you pretend to rebuild anything with the contrarian attitude you present is beyond me....that's why no one is taking what you're saying seriously.

At this point we are literally all talking in circles with 3 or 4 posters shooting down your response and then you retort and it repeats.

Again... No functional discourse is happening here except to point out that you're sucking the life out of the thread... Which is par for the course.

Stop voting, stop watching TV, stop buying into this fraud system. Build yourself independent of it spiritually, mentally and most importantly financially. And most "conservative" men can't do this, which is sad to me, because this all must be done to even have a chance.
I'm not asking anyone to save me stop projecting that on me, including Trump, I don't need saving at all no man should be upset that someone didn't save them that is a ridiculous way to think, you are responsible for your own life. You are upset that nobody came to save you and you're bitter over it don't put that on me or anyone else, your whole point is that your life should be easier and it isn't......sorry it doesn't work that way the fantasies of how life used to be are revisionist history, we can have that whole conversation again if you want. You're coming on here talking out of both sides of your mouth with a terrible message to the young guys on here looking for guidance. Absolutely hard work will pay off, we have had this discussion before and I have lots of young relatives who made their bones in the world very recently with stay at home wives they worked their tails off and it paid off for them they live good clean righteous lives for it. I'm sitting in my warehouse office right now with a couple of them in the adjacent offices and two teenage relatives working in front of me on their Christmas break with smiles on their faces.

From your words it's clear that before you went down this rabbit hole you thought Donald Trump and the GOP were going to save you and make your life easier, of course it didn't happen and now you're upset about it and want to tell people to give up? Or is that you think everyone should work 7 days a week and live like you? I still can't figure it out which one it is, but I do know your view on things are of someone who is unhappy and wants to bring others down with him, you are the last person any young man should be taking advice from. If I told my two teenage cousins working in front of me right now your message their two uncles, my first cousins, would come of their offices and throw me in the street.

I know I've come down on you and I'm sorry for doing that but you have chosen the mindset you have as a defeated grown man whose life didn't turn out the way you wanted, young guys on here with their entire lives in front of them looking for guidance should not be following your example in any way and it would be even more wrong of me not to call it out.
You seem to struggle to understand what I am even sharing. You seem to either misread it or just don't really understand. You project on me that I am "black pilled" because I know Trump's shameful history and who he is connected to.

I don't expect anyone to come save me, we are WAY passed that point in time, we must save ourselves, which is what I am sharing here.

Then you throw in more leftist talking points of "life wasn't that good back then", and I got to live through the tail end of it myself and yes, life was that good before immigration recreating Babel caused everything to go to hell.

Did anyone on this forum NOT expect Donald Trump to make things better? Were there really people here who supported Trump in 2016 and said "he will do nothing good for the country, but that is okay."? I don't believe anyone here thought this way at all.
It is my Time, you are violating the rule of "being humble" because of your inncessant posting claiming you are right and everyone else is wrong. You don't even offer much in the way of arguments, just repeating your same flawed analysis of recent events. You aren't actually supporting your claims, you just repeat yourself.

Stop posting in this thread for a few days is my advice, otherwise I'm going to have to ban you out of this thread. This discussion is boring because it's mainly you just insisting you are right while covering your ears. I am not going to have a boring forum.

Also, you are pushing blasphemy claiming that Trump is the anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ is clearly defined in the book of Revelations, with one of qualifications being a universal appeal among Talmudic Jews claiming him to be the messiah. 80% of American chews HATE Trump, so that is immediately contradicted by reality. Telling people the Bible says one thing when it in fact says another thing is a form of denial of the holy spirit, which isn't tolerated here. It's like saying Jesus promoted murder when in fact he said the opposite; the Book of Revelations CLEARLY lines out someone other than Trump as the Anti-Christ.

You are being proud and pushing blasphemy. You are looking at bans more than in just this thread. Consider this a fair warning.

Stop voting, stop watching TV, stop buying into this fraud system. Build yourself independent of it spiritually, mentally and most importantly financially. And most "conservative" men can't do this, which is sad to me, because this all must be done to even have a chance.
Why are almost of your posts never about going to church (improving spiritually - do you even go?), improving mentally (your posts seem to instead be aimed towards cultivating a negative mindset) or on how to improve financially (you constantly complained about how much you hated working on the old forum)? There's a bunch of threads right here where you can discuss issues on Christianity or self-improvement and finances but you never seem to participate in them. However you'll spend tons of time listening to "based" podcasts and then write post after post of doom and gloom and how America is imminently about to be doomed. I pointed out on the old forum that it seems like your purpose is not to offer value (and no I don't consider your warnings of doom to be value) but instead it seems to be almost to be more of a public diary for you to vent your frustrations that seems to stem for your dissatisfaction with your own personal life. Something you brought up over and over again on the old forums is how you worked six gorllion hours at your job despite how much you hate it. My guess is that you seem to think the system has failed you this is just a way for you to project your frustration to what you think is a sympathetic audience.

I voiced some pretty strong criticisms of Trump last year during the final days of the forum as some of the other posters in this thread can remember and I've openly said I prefer DeSantis over Trump so this isn't a defense of Trump. However, the pro-Trump posters here that read my posts attacking Trump will also remember that I didn't have the same sort of obsession with constantly directing venom towards Trump like he was some sort of father figure that had failed me. The reason your posts are drawing criticism is because they have this spurned lover vibe and it seems to have dominated your mind and made it even more bitter than it was previously.

I'm sure you'll point out that you have plenty of time given positive advice in addition to your criticism such as trusting in God or taking other steps to survive the storm but I'll point that you are always vague about exactly what are the right things to do especially when compared to your criticism posts where you go into endless details about how every point of the system is rigged. The criticism will be paragraph after paragraph and then at the end you'll have a sentence about how to trust God and to "get ready" or "get serious". Well what we are supposed to do to get ready or get serious? Even the little positive advice you do give still seems to be negative in that it's about what NOT to do such as refusing to vote. rather than positive things that can be done Okay, so you avoid voting and basically try to avoid participating in the "system" as much as possible. It's basically telling men to be passive.
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Why are almost of your posts never about going to church (improving spiritually - do you even go?), improving mentally (your posts seem to instead be aimed towards cultivating a negative mindset) or on how to improve financially (you constantly complained about how much you hated working on the old forum)? There's a bunch of threads right here where you can discuss issues on Christianity or self-improvement and finances but you never seem to participate in them. However you'll spend tons of time listening to "based" podcasts and then write post after post of doom and gloom and how America is imminently about to be doomed. I pointed out on the old forum that it seems like your purpose is not to offer value (and no I don't consider your warnings of doom to be value) but instead it seems to be almost to be more of a public diary for you to vent your frustrations that seems to stem for your dissatisfaction with your own personal life. Something you brought up over and over again on the old forums is how you worked six gorllion hours at your job despite how much you hate it. My guess is that you seem to think the system has failed you this is just a way for you to project your frustration to what you think is a sympathetic audience.

I voiced some pretty strong criticisms of Trump last year during the final days of the forum as some of the other posters in this thread can remember and I've openly said I prefer DeSantis over Trump so this isn't a defense of Trump. However, the pro-Trump posters here that read my posts attacking Trump will also remember that I didn't have the same sort of obsession with constantly directing venom towards Trump like he was some sort of father figure that had failed me. The reason your posts are drawing criticism is because they have this spurned lover vibe and it seems to have dominated your mind and made it even more bitter than it was previously.

I'm sure you'll point out that you have plenty of time given positive advice in addition to your criticism such as trusting in God or taking other steps to survive the storm but I'll point that you are always vague about exactly what are the right things to do especially when compared to your criticism posts where you go into endless details about how every point of the system is rigged. The criticism will be paragraph after paragraph and then at the end you'll have a sentence about how to trust God and to "get ready" or "get serious". Well what we are supposed to do to get ready or get serious? Even the little positive advice you do give still seems to be negative in that it's about what NOT to do such as refusing to vote. rather than positive things that can be done Okay, so you avoid voting and basically try to avoid participating in the "system" as much as possible. It's basically telling men to be passive.
No, I don't go to church, I am too busy working and I find most Churches to be at best fake Christianity and at worst extremely depressing in so called "Christians" behavior.

You are projecting. Just because I am red pilled and understand that elections do not matter does not mean I am negative. You just hope and think you can vote your way out of this. You can't, and once you face up to this and really deep down accept it, then life because so much more beautiful and freer. There is no difference in DeSantis or Trump, except DeSantis doesn't have this weird cult of personality, so I would rather have DeSantis so when he floods the country with Indian visa workers and destroys the middle class even further, at least people don't cheer it on.

I don't like the term "trusting God", to many people will hear this and think "oh, I can sit on my ass, do the bare minimum, God will do it for me". God gave us the strength and ability to fix things, but he isn't going to do it for us. That means we need to trust in our own judgement of doing what is right... DOING what is right, because that is what God gave us. Not sitting and waiting for him to wave a magic wand and fix things.

What should you be doing? The only thing I can say is it must be legal, and the only legal recourse is financial growth so we can separate from this system. Basically the opposite of what Cucker Carlon recommends, and I saw on the old forum about running off to the country side and hiding. We must work our fingers to the bone, avoid women, avoid pleasure, and build as much wealth as possible, while possible and turn that wealth into a parallel economy/system. And this is a big and tough step and most "conservative" men will not make it, so hopefully the young men do so, because they are really up against it. God gave us the strength to do this, but most men would rather only work 40 or 50 hours a week, sit on a couch and watch sportsball, and chase women on the weekends, then have kids and say "meh, the kids will have to figure it out". This is what the satanic elites want for you to do, the bare minimum, basically the same lifestyle of the welfare class but working a few more hours. We have to push ourselves far more, we are not doing enough, and the satanic elites happily know this.
No, I don't go to church, I am too busy working and I find most Churches to be at best fake Christianity and at worst extremely depressing in so called "Christians" behavior.

You are projecting. Just because I am red pilled and understand that elections do not matter does not mean I am negative. You just hope and think you can vote your way out of this. You can't, and once you face up to this and really deep down accept it, then life because so much more beautiful and freer. There is no difference in DeSantis or Trump, except DeSantis doesn't have this weird cult of personality, so I would rather have DeSantis so when he floods the country with Indian visa workers and destroys the middle class even further, at least people don't cheer it on.

I don't like the term "trusting God", to many people will hear this and think "oh, I can sit on my ass, do the bare minimum, God will do it for me". God gave us the strength and ability to fix things, but he isn't going to do it for us. That means we need to trust in our own judgement of doing what is right... DOING what is right, because that is what God gave us. Not sitting and waiting for him to wave a magic wand and fix things.

What should you be doing? The only thing I can say is it must be legal, and the only legal recourse is financial growth so we can separate from this system. Basically the opposite of what Cucker Carlon recommends, and I saw on the old forum about running off to the country side and hiding. We must work our fingers to the bone, avoid women, avoid pleasure, and build as much wealth as possible, while possible and turn that wealth into a parallel economy/system. And this is a big and tough step and most "conservative" men will not make it, so hopefully the young men do so, because they are really up against it. God gave us the strength to do this, but most men would rather only work 40 or 50 hours a week, sit on a couch and watch sportsball, and chase women on the weekends, then have kids and say "meh, the kids will have to figure it out". This is what the satanic elites want for you to do, the bare minimum, basically the same lifestyle of the welfare class but working a few more hours. We have to push ourselves far more, we are not doing enough, and the satanic elites happily know this.
Interesting that the Forum is called Christ is King... You're trying to give such great advice and yet have no participation in Church.

This again confirms my point that your materialistic focus is grounded in a worldly fear.

Let me now give you some advice....You need to get off the Internet and spend some time working on your faith.

Your eternal soul depends on it.
Interesting that the Forum is called Christ is King... You're trying to give such great advice and get have no participation in Church.

This again confirms my point that your materialistic focus is grounded in a worldly fear.

Let me now give you some advice....You need to get off the Internet and spend some time working on your faith.

Your eternal soul depends on it.
Most churches are not Christian at all, they are just social clubs and feel good gatherings. I am a Christian, not someone in search of a social group.

I am not taking advice from you, lol.
I am far from isolated, we just wonder how bad things have to get until "conservatives" figure it out.
No Church. "It's a social club"
No wife. "Haven't found one yet"
No family. "It's irresponsible to bring them here with out a gorillion dollars"

And you're calling telling us to wake up?... seriously ...dude have you looked in the mirror?

Miserable working 7 days a week waiting for the collapse....and we are the ones trapped in the system?

Yep... Sounds very engaged with reality.

Checks all the boxes for someone we should all be listing to.... Sure does.

When it comes to advice....Youre eating hamburger helper and trying to tell us how to prepare a gourmet meal.

Everything youve said in the last several posts just dogs a deeper hole and erodes all credibility.

This is turning into a laughable exchange. The fact that you've made your point many times... And just can't let anything go demonstrates an arrogant nature that is not good and needs to be worked on.

Nah... I'm gonna keep participating in the system that gives my family an opportunity to do well. I believe that's Trump. Clearly you don't...

But you don't believe in anything since you're demonstrating yourself to be a nihilist.
No Church. "It's a social club"
No wife. "Haven't found one yet"
No family. "It's irresponsible to bring them here with out a gorillion dollars"

And you're calling telling us to wake up?... seriously ...dude have you looked in the mirror?

Miserable working 7 days a week waiting for the collapse....and we are the ones trapped in the system?

Yep... Sounds very engaged with reality.

Checks all the boxes for someone we should all be listing to.... Sure does.

When it comes to advice....Youre eating hamburger helper and trying to tell us how to prepare a gourmet meal.

Everything youve said in the last several posts just dogs a deeper hole and erodes all credibility.

This is turning into a laughable exchange. The fact that you've made your point many times... And just can't let anything go demonstrates an arrogant nature that is not good and needs to be worked on.

Nah... I'm gonna keep participating in the system that gives my family an opportunity to do well. I believe that's Trump. Clearly you don't...

But you don't believe in anything since you're demonstrating yourself to be a nihilist.
A church (social club, often hypocrits), a wife (bring kids into this sick country?), I have a great family. Those things don't make me "lonely" there is a large group of men, I suppose higher IQ than most conservatives, who are wondering how bad it has to get before the conservatives get serious about things.

Why do you think work has to make you "miserable"? This is a broken mindset. Work for me is great, it is a chance to take from the elites, it is a change to grow and improve. I just shouldn't have to do it this much, but that is because the satanic elites have destroyed our once great country with immigration.

If you honestly, deep down, sincerely believe this system, and the trajectory it is on, will give your kids an opportunity to do well, you are out of your mind.
A church (social club, often hypocrits), a wife (bring kids into this sick country?), I have a great family. Those things don't make me "lonely" there is a large group of men, I suppose higher IQ than most conservatives, who are wondering how bad it has to get before the conservatives get serious about things.

Why do you think work has to make you "miserable"? This is a broken mindset. Work for me is great, it is a chance to take from the elites, it is a change to grow and improve. I just shouldn't have to do it this much, but that is because the satanic elites have destroyed our once great country with immigration.

If you honestly, deep down, sincerely believe this system, and the trajectory it is on, will give your kids an opportunity to do well, you are out of your mind.
Well you and you're high IQ men go form your pow wow. The rest of us will continue to participate in church, raise our families, and work through what God puts in front of us

You've said work makes you miserable youve had to work so long. Not me. Ive argued for hard work repeatedly....and I love what I do. Again you're flipping your feelings and projecting them.

The system we have now will be much better than the projected collapse you're pretending will be some great rebirth.

It's 100 percent clear you've never been to any of these countries that experience a collapse.

If I didn't know better I'd think you were just Fed posting right and left.
A church (social club, often hypocrits), a wife (bring kids into this sick country?), I have a great family. Those things don't make me "lonely" there is a large group of men, I suppose higher IQ than most conservatives, who are wondering how bad it has to get before the conservatives get serious about things.

Why do you think work has to make you "miserable"? This is a broken mindset. Work for me is great, it is a chance to take from the elites, it is a change to grow and improve. I just shouldn't have to do it this much, but that is because the satanic elites have destroyed our once great country with immigration.

If you honestly, deep down, sincerely believe this system, and the trajectory it is on, will give your kids an opportunity to do well, you are out of your mind.

On the old forum you spoke over and over about how working 7 days a week has ruined your life and stopped you from being married and having kids while blaming it all on society or anything else other than yourself. That young guys shouldn't even bother trying because there is no point while I argued over and over with real world examples in my life that hard work is okay and you can still accomplish your goals with it, we had pages and pages of that debate and you wouldn't let it go there were multiple guys trying to convince you trying to pull you out of your negative attitude towards everything.

But now work for you is great and is a chance for you to grow and improve?!?!

How does someone possibly have a discussion with a man who changes his position any time he just wants to ignore that he is wrong about something so he never has to crawl out of his pit of despair, @Get2choppaaa stop wasting your time.
On the old forum you spoke over and over about how working 7 days a week has ruined your life and stopped you from being married and having kids while blaming it all on society or anything else other than yourself. That young guys shouldn't even bother trying because there is no point while I argued over and over with real world examples in my life that hard work is okay and you can still accomplish your goals with it, we had pages and pages of that debate and you wouldn't let it go there were multiple guys trying to convince you trying to pull you out of your negative attitude towards everything.

But now work for you is great and is a chance for you to grow and improve?!?!

How does someone possibly have a discussion with a man who changes his position any time he just wants to ignore that he is wrong about something so he never has to crawl out of his pit of despair, @Get2choppaaa stop wasting your time.

This is correct, I remember these posts as well. He's just changing his arguments to whine apparently. This is boring and he clearly lacks any sort of humility (he cannot ever be wrong) to have a serious conversation about Donald Trump, so he's banned out of this thread. For some reason IIMT cannot be rational on this topic, just sends him into a tizzy.
I don't like where this discussion is going. Whether someone works 7 days a week (I've been there, I respect it) or someone has kids or someone is a regular church attendee is beside the bigger picture. The argumentation is getting too personal.

If you are not a regular church goer, I encourage you to find a good church. I understand that can be a tall order depending on your context. Nevertheless, the church is a blessing and is conducive to our sanctification. More than that, the church is what will be what remains when this secular system comes crashing down, so invest in it now.
This is correct, I remember these posts as well. He's just changing his arguments to whine apparently. This is boring and he clearly lacks any sort of humility (he cannot ever be wrong) to have a serious conversation about Donald Trump, so he's banned out of this thread. For some reason IIMT cannot be rational on this topic, just sends him into a tizzy.

I'm not for banning anyone who isn't blatantly just making a mess of things but honestly I think that is for his own good, still though he's just going to carry it to other threads. Although one good thing is that all of this has compelled him to start posting in other threads away from the doom and gloom ones, even if it's just more of him trying to tell everyone that he is right and they are wrong. I would much rather compel the guy to see life through a different lens rather than ban him away but that very obviously wasn't going to happen and he doesn't need to infect the entire forum.