Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Nobody is in charge? He is just another attendee? Who happens to be speaking there. He was walking by. Saw a stage. Ah fuck it. Going to make a speech... He doesnt select or hire the person responsible for his security. And venue security? Or vet them? Who cares? Who gives a shit? It´s all taken care off. Somebody is taking care of that. Who? Somebody. That´s boring stuff.
Reluctantly I must say, these are excellent points. The guy is a trust fund no-talent blabber mouth nepo baby who when truly tested in the "real world" fails miserably almost everytime because he has no real world, applicable, 3-D skill sets (carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, auto mechanics, etc.). All Trump's "knowledge" is theoretical ("If I buy something for this amount, I can sell it for that amount")... Typical JQ "soft," Omega "intelligence." Trump is not a killer, he is a softy with golden toilets who can be bought, and although he behaved valiantly tonight, and I continue to support him, he will never have my respect.
Reluctantly I must say, these are excellent points. The guy is a trust fund no-talent blabber mouth nepo baby who when truly tested in the "real world" fails miserably almost everytime because he has no real world, applicable, 3-D skill sets (carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, auto mechanics, etc.). All Trump's "knowledge" is theoretical ("If I buy something for this amount, I can sell it for that amount")... Typical JQ "soft," Omega "intelligence." Trump is not a killer, he is a softy with golden toilets who can be bought, and although he behaved valiantly tonight, and I continue to support him, he will never have my respect.

If all you said is true.....the guy just got shot and he got up to fist pump his supporters fighting off 5 guys to stand while bleeding.....and you're calling him soft?!
Reluctantly I must say, these are excellent points. The guy is a trust fund no-talent blabber mouth nepo baby who when truly tested in the "real world" fails miserably almost everytime because he has no real world, applicable, 3-D skill sets (carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, auto mechanics, etc.). All Trump's "knowledge" is theoretical ("If I buy something for this amount, I can sell it for that amount")... Typical JQ "soft," Omega "intelligence." Trump is not a killer, he is a softy with golden toilets who can be bought, and although he behaved valiantly tonight, and I continue to support him, he will never have my respect.

And you're a killer????

Clearly you've never been shot at.

And certainly never been shot at, stood up and raised a fist in defiance!

I could use the standard that if you haven't shot someone or been shot at, then your opinion is not worth respecting either. If I took that approach there's maybe 5 or less people on this forum I'd engage with.

This is really a stupid notion.
And you're a killer????

Clearly you've never been shot at.

And certainly never been shot at, stood up and raised a fist in defiance!

I could use the standard that if you haven't shot someone or been shot at, then your opinion is not worth respecting either. If I took that approach there's maybe 5 or less people on this forum I'd engage with.

This is really a stupid notion.

I've been shot directly at, I ducked and ran like a cowering little girl to safety. I guess I'm much less of a killer than trump....
If all you said is true.....the guy just got shot at it and he got up bleeding to pump fist to his supporters fighting off 5 guys to stand.....and you're calling him soft?!
He asked for it, he got it. It's all a scam. Anyone would of reacted the way he did to getting their ear shot off in public. Nothing "heroic" or "hard" about it (and yes, as I've always done, I will continue to call Trump "weak," and "soft"... tonight changes nothing).

Due to his poor management skills and inability to pay attention to every detail of HIS security he finally got his ass shot. And instead of, "You're fired!" or, "Actually, I'm firing myself because I'm ultimately responsible for this un-checked, roof-top chaos in a flat field with no elevation tonight where me and my team failed to keep me safe 3 months before the most pivotal election in US history," we get: "I (Trump) am a brave hero who rose above ANTIFA without fear!"... Yeah, right.

Pure TLD copium.

This being said, seeing Trump with blood on his face and with his fist pumped in the air was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. However, it was the first real, authentic act I've ever seen him commit. Every other moment of his life has seemed fake in comparison. Trump, the trust-fund-nepo-baby finally had a moment of truthful reckoning. Let me faun. It's a great moment in political history. T-shirts will be made tomorrow by Lara Talmud "Trump" and Jared Kushner's extended families to make millions off of I'm sure. But this will still not change the fact that DJT will most likely not be our next president.
If he is to be a great leader and get in office and undo the jewish changes to America, boot the traitors and flush out the third world, then this will be the first of many real assassination attempts. Real leaders get shot at. and people collude and conspire to kill them for obvious reasons. There were over 3 dozen legitimately planned attempts on Hitler's life from the time he got out of Landsberg prison until the July 20th 1944 bomb plot. However Trump's recent tirade on "anti-seemites" lost him much support, so there are multiple factions that want him gone, including the real far right, who he would rally against in a heartbeat with the rest of the liberal world that also wants him gone.

If this whole thing isn't just another chapter of kabuki theater. Something just feels so scripted about these events. The layers of deception of the deep state and their various levels of crisis actors, patsies, confidential informants (CI's), and drugged-out Ultra-program subjects knows no bounds. Don't let unbridled compatriotism, faux or not, bring you to an emotional reaction over something like this. Analyze it thoroughly like a rotting onion, every layer brings forth more reek of corruption and things you wish you didn't know.
He asked for it, he got it. It's all a scam. Anyone would of reacted the way he did to getting their ear shot off in public. Nothing "heroic" or "hard" about it (and yes, as I've always done, I will continue to call Trump "weak," and "soft"... tonight changes nothing).

Due to his poor management skills and inability to pay attention to every detail of HIS security he finally got his ass shot. And instead of, "You're fired!" or, "Actually, I'm firing myself because I'm ultimately responsible for this un-checked, roof-top chaos in a flat field with no elevation tonight where me and my team failed to keep me safe 3 months before the most pivotal election in US history," we get: "I (Trump) am a brave hero who rose above ANTIFA without fear!"... Yeah, right.

Pure TLD copium.

This being said, seeing Trump with blood on his face and with his fist pumped in the air was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. However, it was the first real, authentic act I've ever seen him commit. Every other moment of his life has seemed fake in comparison. Trump, the trust-fund-nepo-baby finally had a moment of truthful reckoning. Let me faun. It's a great moment in political history. T-shirts will be made tomorrow by Lara Talmud "Trump" and Jared Kushner's extended families to make millions off of I'm sure. But this will still not change the fact that DJT will most likely not be our next president.

Brother you realize you're talking out of both sides of your mouth right? It's like your common rationale is competing with your hate for trump.

You ever been shot at? You know full well he isn't the one in charge of that security, you're reaching.
He asked for it, he got it. It's all a scam. Anyone would of reacted the way he did to getting their ear shot off in public. Nothing "heroic" or "hard" about it (and yes, as I've always done, I will continue to call Trump "weak," and "soft"... tonight changes nothing).

Due to his poor management skills and inability to pay attention to every detail of HIS security he finally got his ass shot. And instead of, "You're fired!" or, "Actually, I'm firing myself because I'm ultimately responsible for this un-checked, roof-top chaos in a flat field with no elevation tonight where me and my team failed to keep me safe 3 months before the most pivotal election in US history," we get: "I (Trump) am a brave hero who rose above ANTIFA without fear!"... Yeah, right.

Pure TLD copium.

This being said, seeing Trump with blood on his face and with his fist pumped in the air was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. However, it was the first real, authentic act I've ever seen him commit. Every other moment of his life has seemed fake in comparison. Trump, the trust-fund-nepo-baby finally had a moment of truthful reckoning. Let me faun. It's a great moment in political history. T-shirts will be made tomorrow by Lara Talmud "Trump" and Jared Kushner's extended families to make millions off of I'm sure. But this will still not change the fact that DJT will most likely not be our next president.
This is just more garbage.

Some of the posts here are pretty disgusting.

Again... What the fuck are you talking about?

Either you've never worked in an organization with executives or you're just shit posting.

CEOs and Presidents don't demand a security brief for their personal security detail for each speaking engagement they attend that incorporates every single element and potential threat. They trust that to their leads to handle.

They are generally briefed on immediate and remedial actions, but not every single ingress and egress location or vantage point of threat vectors.

This is just bum analysis from folks whom don't know how these things work in real life. Face it...
You're out of your element Donny. You and Mr Magoo are pontificating on things beyond your knowledge base. You want to comment because it gives you joy to shit post. But you're not speaking about things you know about.
He asked for it, he got it. It's all a scam. Anyone would of reacted the way he did to getting their ear shot off in public. Nothing "heroic" or "hard" about it (and yes, as I've always done, I will continue to call Trump "weak," and "soft"... tonight changes nothing).

Due to his poor management skills and inability to pay attention to every detail of HIS security he finally got his ass shot. And instead of, "You're fired!" or, "Actually, I'm firing myself because I'm ultimately responsible for this un-checked, roof-top chaos in a flat field with no elevation tonight where me and my team failed to keep me safe 3 months before the most pivotal election in US history," we get: "I (Trump) am a brave hero who rose above ANTIFA without fear!"... Yeah, right.

Pure TLD copium.

This being said, seeing Trump with blood on his face and with his fist pumped in the air was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. However, it was the first real, authentic act I've ever seen him commit. Every other moment of his life has seemed fake in comparison. Trump, the trust-fund-nepo-baby finally had a moment of truthful reckoning. Let me faun. It's a great moment in political history. T-shirts will be made tomorrow by Lara Talmud "Trump" and Jared Kushner's extended families to make millions off of I'm sure. But this will still not change the fact that DJT will most likely not be our next president.
Gloating over an assassination attempt where even innocent bystanders got killed or injured is just next-level low. It's certainly not a Christian attitude, don't you think? As much as we all can't stand the Klintoons, Obomba, and their ilk, no one wishes for their assassination. We ask for justice to be done...and then the punishment to be meted out.
The guy knows how to pull off a PR stunt. Wow. Stage, stunt and costume designers deserve a gold medal. I can’t stop laughing at this, really.

Don’t even care if he gets elected at this point, same for the other party, but for Trump to pull off this stunt is below all the standards he pretends to advocate for.

Perfect for content-hungry society.

You do realise that an innocent bystander was killed, and 2 other bystanders were seriously injured right ?
They did a great job. I would hire them.

Nobody is in charge? He is just another attendee? Who happens to be speaking there. He was walking by. Saw a stage. Ah fuck it. Going to make a speech.

He doesnt select or hire the person responsible for his security. And venue security? Or vet them? Who cares? Who gives a shit? It´s all taken care off. Somebody is taking care of that. Who? Somebody. That´s boring stuff. Pepsi, Coca cola. Someone. Joe something. Yeah ok. Let´s go ahead. What? I´m just a politician with a target in my back. Why should I care about safety? I live in lalaland. And lady pepsicola is right there on the corner protecting me. I don´t know if he is stupid or dumb. He is something. But I don´t trust him. And nobody should.

Who the fuck is in charge? That´s the question. Any guy who leads asks this question. And he better get the answer fast and correct.

Names? Experience? References? And can someone I trust vouch for them? Political afiliation. And you need a second or a third backup plan and team.

You don´t know what competent people are? And what being competent means. It´s hard work. And being a maniac with details. Or delegating to someone even more maniac. Trump is a superficial bimbo. He could run for miss pageant. Guy is a commercial. I said it before. Commercial people dont care. They just want to sell.

If I were the family of the person who died I would sue Trumps ass. And win. If he can´t obviously guarantee the security of his rallies. He can´t make them or at least he has to make them in a different format.

Thank you.

This is all wrong because the Secret Service is run by the Biden administration. He appointed the director of Homeland Security, and that person is responsible for the SS. Trump has no say in the matter and may not even be allowed by law to contract his own 3rd party security services.
antagonistic, unloving post
The guy knows how to pull off a PR stunt. Wow. Stage, stunt and costume designers deserve a gold medal. I can’t stop laughing at this, really.

Don’t even care if he gets elected at this point, same for the other party, but for Trump to pull off this stunt is below all the standards he pretends to advocate for.

Perfect for content-hungry society.
You're fucking high dude.

Touch grass.
Unless this changes Trump's position on a whole bunch if stuff, we still aren't bring presented with any kind of choice. Certainly not any kind of choice that the country needs.
This is the thing, will it move the needle for Trump? I think it wins over a fraction of the middle of the road voters. It will certainly make those who support him, support him more, but they can only vote once as it is.

He should win this pretty easily, the DNC is a cluster right now, but maybe the DNC can cheat enough to pull it out. I doubt so after today.
This is all wrong because the Secret Service is run by the Biden administration. He appointed the director of Homeland Security, and that person is responsible for the SS. Trump has no say in the matter and may not even be allowed by law to contract his own 3rd party security services.
Not true. Nixon refused protection from secret service.

I can check the law. But I doubt he cant secure his own protection.

He is superficial. I said this before. He has obviously high IQ. Trump is smart. And good hearted. But he is just an useless punk. I know a lot of guys like him. Lazy fucks.

Truth of matter he cant protect himself. Let alone others. And no way he will be able to dwarf a terrorist attack. Inside job or not.

Just like with corona he will blindsided. It doesnt matter if its an inside job or outside job. He doesnt have a psycho trait. To prevent it from hapening. He is like a bambi running in the forest waiting to be put down. He is unfit. And this is objective. I dislike him because he is a reckless fool. No plan. He is a child.

Now im 100% certain he is not corrupt. Or just normal corrupt. Truth is he is just an useless bum. A blonde bimbo. Who is lazy.

Trump is not a man of the people. What are people smoking? This dude never worked a day in his life. And its obvious.

The odds of a terrorist attack hapening in west during his presidency increased tremendously. And the day he wins I will start doing serious work to leave to south America in a 24h notice if needed. I already chose the country. If he wins. This winter Im going there with wife and kids to start organizing stuff.

Musk (who is partially in bed with military) is openly supporting Trump. And comparing him to Roosevelt?!?! Wtf? Pear Harbor?

The fact he raised his fist doesnt mean he has killer instinct. It means he is reckless and has courage. He is an hotspur. Thats not what you want from a guy conducting the biggest superpower affaires. He reacts instead of antecipating.
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