Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

This is important..... BUT

This is the reality!

Here is the problem. America is a VERY liberal country as compared to other countries in the East, culturally speaking. We have not only anointed women with more and more rights, we have also pedestalized them to the point of almost no return. We have also done that with incompetent minorities. This is bad for all groups, actually, because the competent ones don't get any prominence. That's a topic for another day.

The point is that American white men are enamoured by this liberalism. It's in their face and competing for attention aggressively. The promise of casual sex and fame intoxicates most white urban men. It's almost an impossible cycle to get out of. Believe me, the elites know that if white men can be controlled like this through cultural suppression, they don't need to worry about a revolution. They control the revolution before it even happens (e.g. BLM, Antifa).

In the suburban areas, there are plenty of white men that are at least becoming more aware, but they generally lack the courage to fight for themselves in an open forum, publicly. Don't get me wrong. Many of them do great privately, but they don't participate in politics, or just choose the left for that aspect of their lives. I have friends at top positions in large corporations that bought into the "fine people hoax" and still do. They have been gas lit.

I'm very much involved locally, but I swear if I could find one or two white men that truly understand all of this and want to help their own cause, I would truly spend as much time I need to help them. It hasn't happened yet.
You are 100% correct. Most White men in the USA, especially those over 40, are shells of what they were meant to be. They have no courage to fight against the rot. They can see the rot, but their constant decision is to avoid the rot. Move further out into the suburbs, send their kids to private schools (for the education), let their wives walk all over them, etc.

Younger White men are both more aware and have less to lose, so that is where we will have to wait and see if anything shakes out. I wouldn't put my money on it, but there is a chance. My guess is eventually the Chinese just take over most of the globe, either directly or indirectly, with other little spots able to avoid them taking over but becoming trading partners (large countries with nuclear weapons such as Russia, India, Pakistan).

I had a Chinese friend that I would discuss these issues with in pretty good depth. The Chinese are very aware of the Jewish control of the USA, in fact, they would ask "well, who the heck do Americans think runs their country" to which I would answer "they think White men do" and we would both laugh. The Chinese are also very aware of the serious dangers a degenerate society brings with it and so far their govt. is doing a decent job of combatting it.

I told my Chinese friend that in a 50 year battle or even 250 year battle, White men will beat the Chinese men. But in a thousand year battle, the big long game, the Chinese men will win due to more patience and being more reserved. This might be exactly what plays out, they soon take over the globe after White men become too lazy/arrogant/entitled to defend themselves.

I guess this is a little off the Trump criticism topic, but it shows how Trump is ushering in the replacement of White men in the west, with White men waiting in line for hours to listen to his speech about it and cheering wildly for it.
.... how Trump is ushering in the replacement of White men in the west, with White men waiting in line for hours to listen to his speech about it and cheering wildly for it.
Yes white people are afraid to fight the authorities, both cultural and political, and instead have bought into the fiction that Left-Right politics defines the realm of possible action and progress. But white replacement began 60 years ago with the ascendance of anti-family ideology throughout our culture. There was of course feminism that took root in the middle of the last century, and then a generation of men, the pre-Boomers, born prior to WWII, were sold on hedonism in the 1950s and 1960s. White families began to fall apart in a crescendo of selfishness that eroded society with all of the pathologies that brought us to where we are.

People stopped having families, opening the door to being replaced by other people. You can't expect a politician to solve this problem, although maybe with Trump we could have one who might talk about it. That sort of back-handed hope is all we get with Trump, but it's something.
Agreed, there has been back and forth here, and I still state that legal immigrants cause more damage than illegal immigrants.

How? The gaslighting of people into saying "as long as they come legally" as if it matters. They are coming, they are destroying your country, your children's future, the entire west and wiping out the European people, and if some blackmailed politician makes a law saying they can come, then this makes it okay? It destroys people's abilities to understand what nation is, and why recreating the tower or Babel is satanic at its very core. And no, some magical place on the map, whether the USA, Canada, or wherever else was not set aside to be a great place to test the process of recreating the tower of Babel.

If there's any reason the White man loses, we'll have to put the "inability to perform math" at a top 5 reason.

Illegals outnumber legal immigrants by 95%. The vast majority of immigration since 1965 has been illegal immigrants, having children, who are then naturalized.

Your arguments are trash because they deny basic reality. And the fact that people buy into such nonsense just shows the Whites who are bad at math.

Being bad at math is also why Whites fall for the Usury scam so easily (see: Credit card debt at all time highs).
If there's any reason the White man loses, we'll have to put the "inability to perform math" at a top 5 reason.

Illegals outnumber legal immigrants by 95%. The vast majority of immigration since 1965 has been illegal immigrants, having children, who are then naturalized.

Your arguments are trash because they deny basic reality. And the fact that people buy into such nonsense just shows the Whites who are bad at math.

Being bad at math is also why Whites fall for the Usury scam so easily (see: Credit card debt at all time highs).
I agree that illegals invasion is much more of an issue than legal immigration.

This is like blaming the sinking ship taking on water on the 2 of 3 half dollar sized holes while the vessel is riddled with 10000 dime sized wholes.

You can make the argument that many legal immigrants turn into illegal immigrants when they overstay their visa, or travel for a temporary visa and overstay and get jobs ECT. But comparing the twins apples to oranges.

Especially when you look at the numerical impact on health care/welfare ect

200k legal immigrants a year is nothing compared to 1m - 2m illegals yearly.
If there's any reason the White man loses, we'll have to put the "inability to perform math" at a top 5 reason.

Illegals outnumber legal immigrants by 95%. The vast majority of immigration since 1965 has been illegal immigrants, having children, who are then naturalized.

Your arguments are trash because they deny basic reality. And the fact that people buy into such nonsense just shows the Whites who are bad at math.

Being bad at math is also why Whites fall for the Usury scam so easily (see: Credit card debt at all time highs).
Any immigration is hurting the west, whether legal or illegal. Especially as bad as the economy is. Watching grain prices is shocking right now.

Kick out all the illegals and all their children/descendants, get rid of DEI, the legals immigrants can stay, and the USA has a fighting chance. No one here thinks this is going to happen.
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Does this shooting event cause anyone here to change their opinion of Trump? I can see the big accounts pushing the photo very hard. I am sure it will win him over some middle of the road voters (who are those people in this day and age?). But does anyone here have a different view of Trump after the shooting? Just curious, I have the same beliefs.
Does this shooting event cause anyone here to change their opinion of Trump? I can see the big accounts pushing the photo very hard. I am sure it will win him over some middle of the road voters (who are those people in this day and age?). But does anyone here have a different view of Trump after the shooting? Just curious, I have the same beliefs.
I am curious to see if his assassination attempt will affect his positioning. After something like that, he should be running with a vengeance. If someone tried to shoot me, I wouldn't go in just to have another milquetoast term.

If the left was behind it, it also reveals more chinks in the armor.
And so the chaos begins. Act 1.

This guy might be the greatest person on earth and have good intentions. Maybe he has. But he can´t even protect himself. Let alone a country or western world. He is not even in office. And already failed. This is not for him. How can people trust him with anything. He is incompetent. Or too old maybe.

This is not even a false flag. He is just incompetent. Can´t even organize the safety of his own rally. How can he be the one responsible for the safety of the western world?????? He failed with the coronavirus. And will fail again. Not even his God damn rally safety. Can this guy organize.

He thought he was where? In f disneyland?

He is not even in office.

There will be more of this. Trust me. There will be more of this crazy happenings.

Just a preview of what to come. A brutal false flag will most likely happen. If is in it or not. It´s irrelevant. If he as good intentions or not also

For people who missed pysops and madness. Trust the plan. Q. And all other bullshit. It´s coming back. First act of the show. More to come.

Here we go. Hell of a ride we will get. Biden couldn´t pull a draft. But for this guy? People will line up for it. He is the right man for the job.

I was checking when the shooting of Vegas happened. And it was under his term already. No surprise here. It gave me the same vibe.

This just reinforce what I expect to see in the near future. Incompetence, chaos and madness. I hope I´m wrong. And know this an unpopular opinion.

I bet it will be a nuclear in Europe.

I pray for his well being. But this is clearly not for him.
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And so the chaos begins. Act 1.

This guy might be the greatest person on earth and have good intentions. Maybe he has. But he can´t even protect himself. Let alone a country or western world. He is not even in office. And already failed. This is not for him. How can people trust him with anything. He is incompetent. Or too old maybe.

This is not even a false flag. He is just incompetent. Can´t even organize the safety of his own rally. How can he be the one responsible for the safety of the western world?????? He failed with the coronavirus. And will fail again. Not even his God damn rally safety. Can this guy organize.

He is not even in office.

There will be more of this. Trust me. There will be more of this crazy happenings.

Just a preview of what to come. A brutal false flag will most likely happen. If is in it or not. It´s irrelevant. If he as good intentions or not also

For people who missed pysops and madness. Trust the plan. Q. And all other bullshit. It´s coming back. First act of the show. More to come.

Here we go. Hell of a ride we will get. Biden couldn´t pull a draft. But for this guy? People will line up for it. He is the right man for the job.

I was checking when the shooting of Vegas happened. And it was under his term already. No surprise here. It gave me the same vibe.

This just reinforce what I expect to see in the near future. Incompetence, chaos and madness. I hope I´m wrong. And know this an unpopular opinion.

I pray for his well being. But this is not for him.
Are you basically giving the Deep State, MSM and Radical Democrats a pass by saying everything is Trump's fault?

You are very, very clueless and unaware of a lot of things that have happened up to now. Do better research instead of spouting "Trump's fault" rants.

Does this shooting event cause anyone here to change their opinion of Trump? I can see the big accounts pushing the photo very hard. I am sure it will win him over some middle of the road voters (who are those people in this day and age?). But does anyone here have a different view of Trump after the shooting? Just curious, I have the same beliefs.
That he is controlled opposition?
The guy knows how to pull off a PR stunt. Wow. Stage, stunt and costume designers deserve a gold medal. I can’t stop laughing at this, really.

Don’t even care if he gets elected at this point, same for the other party, but for Trump to pull off this stunt is below all the standards he pretends to advocate for.

Perfect for content-hungry society.
The guy knows how to pull off a PR stunt. Wow. Stage, stunt and costume designers deserve a gold medal. I can’t stop laughing at this, really.

Don’t even care if he gets elected at this point, same for the other party, but for Trump to pull off this stunt is below all the standards he pretends to advocate for.

Perfect for content-hungry society.
Riddle us this then...

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The guy knows how to pull off a PR stunt. Wow. Stage, stunt and costume designers deserve a gold medal. I can’t stop laughing at this, really.

Don’t even care if he gets elected at this point, same for the other party, but for Trump to pull off this stunt is below all the standards he pretends to advocate for.

Perfect for content-hungry society.

Come on dude, is this a Reddit politics troll post? The chance this was staged is nonexistent. Staged for what? Biden already bombed in the debate where his dementia was on display for all the world to see. His campaign is in shambles and Trump is a huge favorite to win the election. Only an idiot would stage something like this at this point in the campaign.

I’m telling you this as someone who doesn’t even like Trump that much.
Are you basically giving the Deep State, MSM and Radical Democrats a pass by saying everything is Trump's fault?

You are very, very clueless and unaware of a lot of things that have happened up to now. Do better research instead of spouting "Trump's fault" rants.

Let me tell you a secret: all politicians have enemies. Do you think this is anything special?

Allowing to get shot while only being a candidate. This is a first that we have to give it to Trump. Well done sir. You managed to get shot without even being a president.

That guy cannot even dwarf an assasination attempt in his own F rally. Do you understand what this means? Do you really understand? Do you?He cannot even be successful at a small level. He cannot guarratee his own safety. And you think he is qualified for a bigger level of responsibility? Where does this happen? Tell me please one organization that operates promoting the incompetents to higher posts of responsibility?

He cannot save himself. Much less others.

One person dead. And another one badly injured. From his rally. This is what you get for trusting that imbecile. He might be too good for this. And lacking a dark trait you need to have in politics. He is not a killer. Maybe he is not psycho enough. But he is not cut for this. He is not the right guy.

He will be outplayed and outmanouvered like he just was today and during his previous term. And we will share the burden of his inability to rule. We will see how all this ages. I hope I´m wrong.

Act 2 to follow shortly.
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Let me tell you a secret: all politicians have enemies. Do you think this is anything special?

Allowing to get shot while only being a candidate. This is a first that we have to give it to Trump. Well done sir. You managed to get shot without even being a president.

That guy cannot even dwarf an assasination attempt in his own F rally. Do you understand what this means? Do you really understand? Do you?He cannot even be successful at a small level. He cannot guarratee his own safety. And you think he is qualified for a bigger level of responsibility? Where does this happen? Tell me please one organization that operates promoting the incompetents to higher posts of responsibility?

He cannot save himself. Much less others.

One person dead. And another one badly injured. From his rally. This is what you get for trusting that imbecile.

He will be outplayed and outmanouvered like he just was today and during his previous term. And we will share the burden of his inability to rule. We will see how all this ages. I hope I´m wrong.

Act 2 to follow shortly.
Let me tell you a secret: all politicians have enemies. Do you think this is anything special?

Allowing to get shot while only being a candidate. This is a first that we have to give it to Trump. Well done sir. You managed to get shot without even being a president.

That guy cannot even dwarf an assasination attempt in his own F rally. Do you understand what this means? Do you really understand? Do you?He cannot even be successful at a small level. He cannot guarratee his own safety. And you think he is qualified for a bigger level of responsibility? Where does this happen? Tell me please one organization that operates promoting the incompetents to higher posts of responsibility?

He cannot save himself. Much less others.

One person dead. And another one badly injured. From his rally. This is what you get for trusting that imbecile. He might be too good for this. And lacking a dark trait you need to have in politics. He is not a killer. Maybe he is not psycho enough. But he is not cut for this. He is not the right guy.

He will be outplayed and outmanouvered like he just was today and during his previous term. And we will share the burden of his inability to rule. We will see how all this ages. I hope I´m wrong.

Act 2 to follow shortly.
What the fuck are you talking about...

His security team and secret service likely farmed out the initial on site assessment.

That has nothing to do to trump as a politician or candidate.

You're take is total dog shit.
What the fuck are you talking about...

His security team and secret service likely farmed out the initial on site assessment.
They did a great job. I would hire them.

That has nothing to do to trump as a politician or candidate.
Nobody is in charge? He is just another attendee? Who happens to be speaking there. He was walking by. Saw a stage. Ah fuck it. Going to make a speech.

He doesnt select or hire the person responsible for his security. And venue security? Or vet them? Who cares? Who gives a shit? It´s all taken care off. Somebody is taking care of that. Who? Somebody. That´s boring stuff. Pepsi, Coca cola. Someone. Joe something. Yeah ok. Let´s go ahead. What? I´m just a politician with a target in my back. Why should I care about safety? I live in lalaland. And lady pepsicola is right there on the corner protecting me. I don´t know if he is stupid or dumb. He is something. But I don´t trust him. And nobody should.

Who the fuck is in charge? That´s the question. Any guy who leads asks this question. And he better get the answer fast and correct.

Names? Experience? References? And can someone I trust vouch for them? Political afiliation. And you need a second or a third backup plan and team.

You don´t know what competent people are? And what being competent means. It´s hard work. And being a maniac with details. Or delegating to someone even more maniac. Trump is a superficial bimbo. He could run for miss pageant. Guy is a commercial. I said it before. Commercial people dont care. They just want to sell.

If I were the family of the person who died I would sue Trumps ass. And win. If he can´t obviously guarantee the security of his rallies. He can´t make them or at least he has to make them in a different format.

You're take is total dog shit.
Thank you.
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They did a great job. I would hire them.

Nobody is in charge? He is just another attendee? Who happens to be speaking there. He was walking by. Saw a stage. Ah fuck it. Going to make a speech.

He doesnt select or hire the person responsible for his security. And venue security? Or vet them? Who cares? Who gives a shit? It´s all taken care off. Somebody is taking care of that. Who? Somebody. That´s boring stuff. Pepsi, Coca cola. Someone. Joe something. Yeah ok. Let´s go ahead. What? I´m just a politician with a target in my back. Why should I care about safety? I live in lalaland. And lady pepsicola is right there on the corner protecting me. I don´t know if he is stupid or dumb. He is something. But I don´t trust him. And nobody should.

Who the fuck is in charge? That´s the question. Any guy who leads asks this question. And he better get the answer fast and correct.

Names? Experience? References? And can someone I trust vouch for them? Political afiliation. And you need a second or a third backup plan and team.

You don´t know what competent people are? And what being competent means. It´s hard work. And being a maniac with details. Or delegating to someone even more maniac. Trump is a superficial bimbo. He could run for miss pageant. Guy is a commercial. I said it before. Commercial people dont care. They just want to sell.

If I were the family of the person who died I would sue Trumps ass. And win. If he can´t obviously guarantee the security of his rallies. He can´t make them or at least he has to make them in a different format.

Thank you.
Again... This is all nonsense.

Trump has people who pick venues.

The secret service or personal security detail is part of the advanced party that assesses threats ahead of time.

If they farmed this out to a 3rd party contractor, it could have been missed.

Donald Trump as a candidate doesn't spend his time on that detail.

Somehow imputing that because there was a failed assassination attempt that the victim is some how incompetent when he has secret service detail failures makes no sense.