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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I think it's even more retarded to think he will do anything different than he did the first time, which is lose to the Left and throw his base under the bus at every level.

You don't get Franco by placating the Left.
No, but you can get there by co-opting the left.

The biggest failure of OrangeMan was failing to effectively woo anyone outside of mainstream Republicans, which is all the more silly when you realize Don personally isn't a Republican at all and if anything was more of a low tax / libertarian Democrat for most of his life.

Sure, he got a lot of nonvoters interested in him the first time around, but they had zero interest in him a month after his election, and he did nothing for them. And they stayed home in droves 4 years ago.

Where's the "biggest greatest health care plan you have ever seen" ? He never even introduced one.

He could have ended the Afghan War, given us a decent health plan, and nothing else, and he would have been the most popular president of our lifetime. Probably could have even stayed on as dictator.

All the retarted D'Nesh D'Souza "Demonrats are the Real Racists" lines actually have a point--yeah Democrats were racist. They were anti-immigration. They were anti-free trade. They were anti-war. You can get them back there if you lead them there.

The American people aren't right wing or left wing. They are plebes waiting to be lead. They will go where you lead them.

You think the party of JFK just randomly turned into the party of gay trannies and mass immigration? No. It was lead there.

Trumps administration? Zero leading was done. Well, except for this:

No, but you can get there by co-opting the left.

The biggest failure of OrangeMan was failing to effectively woo anyone outside of mainstream Republicans, which is all the more silly when you realize Don personally isn't a Republican at all and if anything was more of a low tax / libertarian Democrat for most of his life.
Unfortunately, he's not the one co-opting the left. He is the one getting co-opted by the left.

He doesn't need to compromise to the left to get more votes, he already does that too much. His problem is not that he's unelectable, he is the real winner of the last two elections. His problem is that he didn't follow through with the platform that got him elected.

Sure, he got a lot of nonvoters interested in him the first time around, but they had zero interest in him a month after his election, and he did nothing for them.
Because they saw that he was not enforcing his campaign stances.

The American people aren't right wing or left wing. They are plebes waiting to be lead. They will go where you lead them.
Which is why Trump makes for a weak leader, he keeps trying to convince the base of the left that he's not really that bad of a guy, to the detriment of his own base. He should be leading America in a strong, decidedly right-wing direction.

For as much time as Trump hangs around Jews, one would think he would've heard: "whoever is kind to the cruel, is cruel to the kind" at least somewhere.
Unfortunately, he's not the one co-opting the left. He is the one getting co-opted by the left.

He doesn't need to compromise to the left to get more votes, he already does that too much.
Right. I agree.
Yes a leader would co-opt popular positions and pass them. That's what populism is.

I'm not talking about "compromise with the left"
I'm talking about being a populist leader.

The American health care system is a disaster. Health care is not a left or right issue.
Give us the system you promised you would.
Libtards would quickly forget that they hate you and talk about how smart Trump was for giving them access to doctors and saving more money than we were paying before for the terrible insurance company scheme.

No one wants the endless wars. What did Trump gain by continuing them? Not a thing. End them and you have a lot of happy people. Instead he did nothing and Biden got the credit (probably the only good thing Biden has done).

"America First" is a great plan. If America stayed neutral in Taiwan, Israel, and Russia, and focused on ourself as the slogan indicates, it would be wildly popular.

You can be very racial and authoritarian if you actually do things for the benefit of the people, and stop acting like you only represent 20% of the people (or 2%!)

The silly thing is if Trump ignored the Republican Party and just went with his gut, he would have been more popular than any president of the last 50 years. Instead we got a bunch of Israeli stuff, black felons freed, and Operation Warpspeed.
Things are moving so fast that is seems like we are already at the post-Trump era. Meaning, whether he wins or loses, his 2016 base has not only moved on past him, they are tearing down the traitor GOP with it.

I think Trump still wins. RFK Jr. is taking a lot from a very unpopular Biden.

But him winning might end up being the worst thing for the GOP/Deep State. If he wins and doesn't do things to help his 2016 base, they are ready to make moves beyond the GOP and probably beyond politics. And it isn't just their words, look at how unpopular Trump already is among these people, before he gets elected, in a crucial election time of year.

They are saying "sure, I'll vote Trump over Biden, but if Trump doesn't do anything for us, it is time we go our own way", which is a terrifying situation for the Deep State.

We have to consider what will be best in the long-term. The Jewish elites that run the show are all long-term thinkers and so should we be. With Trump they get lower interest rates and (even more) asset inflation for a few years, something the average Joe will not benefit from at all. And then they get the perfect transition to a radical left candidate. Madame President AOC anyone!?

Or it might be even worse, much worse. I have nightmares of something like engineered MERS being rolled out, with a ~30 percent mortality rate in healthy adults. Imagine what the world would look like then! I think this in very unlikely, but Trump hatred will make it easier for them to plan something very sinister. He provides just that sentiment of chaos and a "state of emergency" they need.

Long-term again, it would be much better to have to have the crappy Biden stability until -28, and then use that leverage of anger and frustration to hopefully find a younger and more radical candidate. Maybe they've found a way of cloning ol' Adolf by then...
That's just the brand he's selling, it's the raison d'être of his entire campaign. It's really not about MAGA. It's all about Trump himself: keeping him out of prison and getting payback for the political persecution he's endured. It's basically all he talks about.
If Trump were to get payback on the people who deserve it, that would be excellent. But Trump's idea of payback is not bringing their corruption to light and bringing them to justice. His idea of payback is to hire someone like Scaramucci into his cabinet and then unceremoniously fire him a week later. If he does win, I won't be surprised if he wastes half of his term doing that to people like Pence, Haley, etc, when he should be spending that time to put the DNC out of business instead.
The Biggest Problem is we don't have a European man who has our back. The whole Political Narrative has generally been hijacked by Jewish Interest first. Whether it be War or Social Issues, the Economy, etc. It's all been a Jewish Rouse of sorts as far as issues goes. I just wonder how does a man get folks Segregated again successfully or how to Deport 10's or Millions without Physical Violence.

This is all about Race. Because the one's that have Hijacked our Nation are all about their Precious Race and Bloodlines. Even though they champion the alledged Downtrodden races. It's a big mess that festered for way too long.
If he acted like how the Left portrays him to act, he would be far more effective in pushing a true right-wing agenda.
Where did you get the idea that he had that as a goal? The dude just wanted to get serious about illegal immigration and the news bimbos smeared him as racist, fascist, far-right extremist, etc.

You don't believe the media, do you?
Where did you get the idea that he had that as a goal? The dude just wanted to get serious about illegal immigration and the news bimbos smeared him as racist, fascist, far-right extremist, etc.

You don't believe the media, do you?
I don't have the idea that he had that as the goal. I hoped he would've at least cleaned up the rigged voting system and the illegal immigration and he didn't even do that.

Now, the best you can hope for from Trump is that he gets it into his head that unless he puts all of them into prison, they will put him into prison.

He thought his supporters were joking when they said, "Lock Her Up." Well, now he's about to get locked up. Start taking your base seriously.
I don't have the idea that he had that as the goal. I hoped he would've at least cleaned up the rigged voting system and the illegal immigration and he didn't even do that.

Now, the best you can hope for from Trump is that he gets it into his head that unless he puts all of them into prison, they will put him into prison.

He thought his supporters were joking when they said, "Lock Her Up." Well, now he's about to get locked up. Start taking your base seriously.
You act like those two things are something that can be done permanently with out congressional legislation.

They are not.
You act like those two things are something that can be done permanently with out congressional legislation.

They are not.
Congress legislates law. It's the President's job to execute the law. He would've been well within his right to push harder on those objects than he did.

It is not as though illegal immigration has been made legal now. All that's happening is that the law is not being enforced.
Congress legislates law. It's the President's job to execute the law. He would've been well within his right to push harder on those objects than he did.

It is not as though illegal immigration has been made legal now. All that's happening is that the law is not being enforced.
Just because Biden undid his enforcement efforts you're upset with him?

course diss GIF

Where did I say I'm upset with Trump over what Biden is doing?
I'm calling bullshit. I am not moving goal posts at all.

You said clean up immigration and voting.

Congress has to legislate both of those for him to execute and enforce.

He tried executive orders and even diverted funds from other appropriations bills where able for wall spending.

Paul Ryan and McConnell fucked him. But you're having a skewed view of what happened doesn't make it fact.

For voter I'd... That's a states law action in lieu of a congressional bill unfortunately.
The Biggest Problem is we don't have a European man who has our back. The whole Political Narrative has generally been hijacked by Jewish Interest first. Whether it be War or Social Issues, the Economy, etc. It's all been a Jewish Rouse of sorts as far as issues goes. I just wonder how does a man get folks Segregated again successfully or how to Deport 10's or Millions without Physical Violence.

This is all about Race. Because the one's that have Hijacked our Nation are all about their Precious Race and Bloodlines. Even though they champion the alledged Downtrodden races. It's a big mess that festered for way too long.
I know this isn't the JQ thread, but people always skip the part about white people betraying their own, either knowingly or unknowingly through weakness, corruption, ignorance, foolishness, selfishness.

If white people hadn't become decadent, weak, and lazy none of the tricks would have worked. Civic responsibility diminished, and left the whole system vulnerable, and now it's been taken over. Where were the white leaders when the groundwork was being laid for mass immigration? What were they doing? Why didn't they stop it? Clearly many, if not all, were in on it themselves to some degree.

When it comes to Jews, you should expect them to behave a certain way as a group. This has been known for millennia, yet here we are. It's like trying to befriend a grizzly bear and being surprised when one day it gets hungry and decides to eat you. So our best and brightest leaders, either knew this and did nothing, or were foolish and ignorant. There's really no excuse for either option.

This isn't directed at you personally or any other specific poster, it's just something I've thought about when witnessing people online talk about the JQ.
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I know this isn't the JQ thread, but people always skip the part about white people betraying their own, either knowingly or unknowingly through weakness, corruption, ignorance, foolishness, selfishness.

If white people hadn't become decadent, weak, and lazy none of the tricks would have worked. Civic responsibility diminished, and left the whole system vulnerable, and now it's been taken over. Where were the white leaders when the groundwork was being laid for mass immigration? What were they doing? Why didn't they stop it? Clearly many, if not all, were in on it themselves to some degree.

When it comes to Jews, you should expect them to behave a certain way as a group. This has been known for millennia, yet here we are. It's like trying to befriend a grizzly bear and being surprised when one day it gets hungry and decides to eat you. So our best and brightest leaders, either knew this and did nothing, or were foolish and ignorant. There's really no excuse for either option.

This isn't directed at you personally or any other specific poster, it's just something I've thought about when witnessing people online talk about the JQ.
To be fair, if I was lost in the forest, I would rather meet a bear, than Jew.
I know this isn't the JQ thread, but people always skip the part about white people betraying their own, either knowingly or unknowingly through weakness, corruption, ignorance, foolishness, selfishness.

If white people hadn't become decadent, weak, and lazy none of the tricks would have worked. Civic responsibility diminished, and left the whole system vulnerable, and now it's been taken over. Where were the white leaders when the groundwork was being laid for mass immigration? What were they doing? Why didn't they stop it? Clearly many, if not all, were in on it themselves to some degree.

When it comes to Jews, you should expect them to behave a certain way as a group. This has been known for millennia, yet here we are. It's like trying to befriend a grizzly bear and being surprised when one day it gets hungry and decides to eat you. So our best and brightest leaders, either knew this and did nothing, or were foolish and ignorant. There's really no excuse for either option.

This isn't directed at you personally or any other specific poster, it's just something I've thought about when witnessing people online talk about the JQ.
Thinking about this philosophically, super big picture, it isn't just important for White people to regain their control over the world for their own benefit, it is for the benefit of everyone else who isn't Han Chinese. I don't fear the Han Chinese, I am jealous of them. They have always been a step behind Whites. Not as creative, not as adventurous, but willing to work even harder than Whites, and study what Whites have done, and do their best to copy it. Couple it with the fact the Chinese have been attacked relentlessly for over 200 years straight, and they are much more a stronger collective, willing to sacrifice for the good of their own people.

The only thing keeping the Han Chinese from running the world is the last tail winds left from the pre WW2 White empires. And we can all see those running out quickly. Once the cost of China taking valuable land is less than the cost of letting an dwindling IQ population produce less and less with it, they will have no choice but to come and take it. I don't know how many of you have ties to agriculture, but the sheer intelligence, science, good luck (weather) and advancements it takes in technology to continue to produce enough crops to feed the planet is remarkable. And if you replace an average population IQ of 100 with one that is 85, the land will simply become like Africa, where it is fertile but unused. China needs this land to be used to feed their own people, so they will eventually have no choice.

What will the Chinese do with non-Chinse people if they come and take the land? I imagine it will not be good. The Chinese seem fair but stern and if you are either low IQ or lazy, they see no reason for you to exist.

Whites have been exceptionally good to other non-White races. Yes, we colonized their land, but we brought them resources that allowed their populations to explode 10 fold v. our own. I don't see the Chinese making the same mistake. They may keep a segment of each population alive, for a zoo like exhibit. Some have as gone as far to say that is the reason China built a scaled down replica of Paris and then left it largely empty.

I don't know if the White genetics are there in large enough numbers to fend this off. After two world wars killed off many of our bravest, smartest and toughest, we have been diminished. We are waking up to the realities of what our enemies have done to us, but we are very outnumbered in our own lands.

When Trump says China is the enemy, he is half correct. It will be the Chinese who come and take our land. But it isn't going to be stopped by throwing more money at Lockheed Martin or sailing an outdated ship through the South Chinese sea. The only way to win this war is a complete shut down of all immigration in the west, support for higher White birthrates, kicking out illegals, and the ending of all DEI and affirmative action programs so our best and brightest can compete against China's best and brightest. Anything short of this and eventually China will win one day. And I don't see anyone being allowed to run for office that will run on any of these platforms.

I would love to have 5 minutes alone with Trump to share this with him. His precious friends in Israel, Florida and NYC will be wiped out as well. To give him something to think about, to make him realize how big this situation is, just to put it in the back of his mind. Maybe he would eventually share it with the evil elites who are funding his 2024 campaign, and they might realize they need Whites to survive, probably not, but it would be worth a shot.
It´s quite naive people to assume politicians and others don´t know what is the best for the west. They know. A 10 year old would know also. What people continuously don´t understand or pretend not to see is politicians are paid shit. Nobody says this.

It´s in the politicians personal interest to sell the west. Because the west doesn´t pay them enough. And they obviously get their money from somewhere else. The people are paying politicians degrading salaries.

So senators receive 174k per year. This is without paying taxes. Taxes should be roughly around 40k? So in the bank account they receive 130k. That´s 11k/month. Ahahahahahah. What is this? And you are surprised? A guy that walks dogs can make more.

Since 2009 senators haven´t seen a salary increase. Inflation, etc.

And the ignoramous will shout: "F them. They are all thieves and should receive nothing". Well guess what? They are all thieves. But if you give them food they will work for you. And not for someone else.

Who benefits from this ridiculous state of affaires? The people who have the money to buy politicians. China as probably perfected this into an art.

People work for incentives. Everybody work for incentives. (Besides communists nobody understand what they want). And the incentives given to politicians in the west are totally wrong.

And people think they don´t what they are doing. They know exactly why they are selling the west. Because it´s in their best interest. And if you don´t want they to do it. Pay them more.

A US president should never receive less than 1-10B. Never less than this.

A US senator should never make less than 6 figure. Minimum. I had to reread the salary. to see if I wasn´t wrong. Looll 10k per month. Brutal. The pleb is so stupid. Fuck.
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