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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Show must go on. The judge could have sentenced him immediately. But the soap opera has it´s own acts. Tempo. In 11 of July.
In these parts, I'm not known to speak on matters beyond my expertise. Peruse my past posts, and you'll see my deep involvement at the local level. Without revealing personal details, I can share that I've led a government body as it's top official, navigated several local races with varying levels of success, and built a solid reputation. There was a monumental issue with corruption, and I managed to establish a robust infrastructure to combat it. Despite my best efforts, remnants of corruption persisted and sought revenge against me. I experienced a smaller-scale version of what Trump went through, which drained my resources, time, and health.

To be utterly clear, the system is rigged in ways most people can't even imagine, right down to the local level. My experiences could fill a memoir of hundreds of pages, illustrating that while you can make a difference, it won't be the difference you expect, nor will it happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and experience. Politics, much like any other skill, demands practice and insight. Yet, ironically, it's a field where people expect the highest standards of honor, consistency, and morality. In reality, it's an intricate art that defies understanding until you dive in.

I had plenty of supporters whose unwavering love I still cherish. When needed, I can call on them to rally around an issue, and they show up in force. I must be cautious about what I post publicly and often have to maintain a façade of cordiality with people I don't care for. I also receive inside information swiftly and can uncover the actions of top officials with a few phone calls. Indirectly, I have access to party leadership at the highest levels.

I'm illustrating how involvement is possible. For context, I'm in an area that's not friendly to conservative views and can be extremely leftist. Looking at the TV, YouTube, and Twitter to judge why you don't want to get involved is similar to watching Bobby Flay screw up a steak and then proclaim that you never want to cook. If you like cooking, own it and don't let Bobby stop you.

You should write a datasheet or mini post on your experiences and common pitfalls.
In these parts, I'm not known to speak on matters beyond my expertise. Peruse my past posts, and you'll see my deep involvement at the local level. Without revealing personal details, I can share that I've led a government body as it's top official, navigated several local races with varying levels of success, and built a solid reputation. There was a monumental issue with corruption, and I managed to establish a robust infrastructure to combat it. Despite my best efforts, remnants of corruption persisted and sought revenge against me. I experienced a smaller-scale version of what Trump went through, which drained my resources, time, and health.

To be utterly clear, the system is rigged in ways most people can't even imagine, right down to the local level. My experiences could fill a memoir of hundreds of pages, illustrating that while you can make a difference, it won't be the difference you expect, nor will it happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and experience. Politics, much like any other skill, demands practice and insight. Yet, ironically, it's a field where people expect the highest standards of honor, consistency, and morality. In reality, it's an intricate art that defies understanding until you dive in.

I had plenty of supporters whose unwavering love I still cherish. When needed, I can call on them to rally around an issue, and they show up in force. I must be cautious about what I post publicly and often have to maintain a façade of cordiality with people I don't care for. I also receive inside information swiftly and can uncover the actions of top officials with a few phone calls. Indirectly, I have access to party leadership at the highest levels.

I'm illustrating how involvement is possible. For context, I'm in an area that's not friendly to conservative views and can be extremely leftist. Looking at the TV, YouTube, and Twitter to judge why you don't want to get involved is similar to watching Bobby Flay screw up a steak and then proclaim that you never want to cook. If you like cooking, own it and don't let Bobby stop you.
To the extent that I immersed myself in this world, everything you've said proved to be true in my case as well. It doesn't sound like I was in as deep as you were, but it got worse the deeper you got. I remember reading the Bible and reading about how we should be "wise to what is good and innocent (almost ignorant) as to what is evil." That's when I knew I was going to have to go.

Easily one of the most soul-destroying, stressful, bleak times of my life. Nothing but lies, backstabbings, stress. I thank God that He removed me from that hell.
I understand there are enough critics here about Trump’s actions and policy choices, but my question to you all is this: Who is really going to take his place?

DeSantis is great but has flaws, and lacks the financial security Trump has, even if that is now under siege.

More importantly, many of America’s biggest problems have been predicted, well-known and festering for decades.

At least 10 million illegals have been resident in the US for about 30 years. That’s the low-end during all of this time.

How exactly do you expect the violent criminal ones to be removed in totality, more or less, let alone the others draining the system?

People do not even have owners’ or renters’ rights in homes being squatted in, thanks to permissive legislatures and municipalities.

Are Trump’s perceived drawbacks really the problem here?
In these parts, I'm not known to speak on matters beyond my expertise. Peruse my past posts, and you'll see my deep involvement at the local level. Without revealing personal details, I can share that I've led a government body as it's top official, navigated several local races with varying levels of success, and built a solid reputation. There was a monumental issue with corruption, and I managed to establish a robust infrastructure to combat it. Despite my best efforts, remnants of corruption persisted and sought revenge against me. I experienced a smaller-scale version of what Trump went through, which drained my resources, time, and health.

To be utterly clear, the system is rigged in ways most people can't even imagine, right down to the local level. My experiences could fill a memoir of hundreds of pages, illustrating that while you can make a difference, it won't be the difference you expect, nor will it happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and experience. Politics, much like any other skill, demands practice and insight. Yet, ironically, it's a field where people expect the highest standards of honor, consistency, and morality. In reality, it's an intricate art that defies understanding until you dive in.

I had plenty of supporters whose unwavering love I still cherish. When needed, I can call on them to rally around an issue, and they show up in force. I must be cautious about what I post publicly and often have to maintain a façade of cordiality with people I don't care for. I also receive inside information swiftly and can uncover the actions of top officials with a few phone calls. Indirectly, I have access to party leadership at the highest levels.

I'm illustrating how involvement is possible. For context, I'm in an area that's not friendly to conservative views and can be extremely leftist. Looking at the TV, YouTube, and Twitter to judge why you don't want to get involved is similar to watching Bobby Flay screw up a steak and then proclaim that you never want to cook. If you like cooking, own it and don't let Bobby stop you.
Politicians are obviously corrupt. All of them. And the ones which aren´t are nobodies. But this is prevalent in all government bodies. Not just elected officials. All government is ruled by incompetents who get positions not from merit but by licking asses. And trading favors.

Salaries are too low also. Politicians earn shit money. Dealing with public exposure. Scrutiny of your life. Level of responsibility. For the paycheck it´s definitely not worth it.

How do people expect things to work? You go into politics. First you need to receive cash for campaigns. Because people like circus. A bigger campaign the better. Where does this money come from?

You go there and fight for people against lobbies. And afterwards your term ends. What happens then? Will people give you a job? Nope. Companies give jobs. If they do is just to use the special intel you gathered during office against the people. Your back to work with the companies you attacked to protect people? Who will give you a job?
Yes Mr. XYZ. You did an incredible job f up our profits in 50% while in office. We´re ready to give you a permanent position. Looll

Worse people are generally dumb and stupid. And believe anything they hear on tv. So youre there busting your ass to ignorants.

Politicians nowadays are just a course/mean to get to something better. Only losers stay receiving the miserable paycheck. This goes to all public administration. In the private sector. It´s known that only losers stay doing a leadership public job after theyre 50.

If I go to politics is to suffer and receive the ungratefulness of people. Who will hate me. So you receive a miserable paycheck to endure incredible amount of scrutiny, risk and responsibility? To be hated by people. If honest only some lunatics with incredible heart will put up with this. People with a sense of mission. Not for glory or fame.

Please share more info. So people who might think on running know what to expect.
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Tmania crypto meme coin launched yesterday . I didn’t buy any(no dry powder) but it is already pumping like crazy
Trump donation page crashed today.
I predicted this months ago. The charges were all a ruse to increase his popularity. Trump's base is pretty low energy. Now the energy for Bush era foreign and domestic policy is through the roof, despite everyone hating it. He is the perfect lightening rod to draw the growing energy right back into the satanic elite's fake two party system
All a part of the circus! In reality this means nothing, just more appeals and trials etc. This seems geared to cater to the confirmation bias that gives the illusion of Trump as real opposition. Why invest so much in something very short-term that can't bring any meaningful lasting change for the better, but with massive potential to make things worse?
I understand there are enough critics here about Trump’s actions and policy choices, but my question to you all is this: Who is really going to take his place?

DeSantis is great but has flaws, and lacks the financial security Trump has, even if that is now under siege.

More importantly, many of America’s biggest problems have been predicted, well-known and festering for decades.

At least 10 million illegals have been resident in the US for about 30 years. That’s the low-end during all of this time.

How exactly do you expect the violent criminal ones to be removed in totality, more or less, let alone the others draining the system?

People do not even have owners’ or renters’ rights in homes being squatted in, thanks to permissive legislatures and municipalities.

Are Trump’s perceived drawbacks really the problem here?
My answer to this would be.... It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if it is Trump, Haley, DeSantis, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, you are going to get the same thing.

Endless wars for Israel. Endless funding for other countries. Open borders (whether they come legally or illegally, and for the middle class illegals are less damaging). Bailouts of Wall Street with our tax dollars/inflationary spending. Prisoners being released. Soft DA's. More IRS/deep state interference in our lives. More jobs being shipped overseas. Destruction of the Middle class. Wall Street buying up homes and making the dream of owning a home an impossibility.

No one allowed to run for office will change any of this. If they did, they will end up like Huey Long. If anyone here doesn't know who Huey Long is, I strongly suggest reading up on him and how this system has been rigged for at least 100 years.
I'll go ahead and make my predictions [It_Is_My_Time]...

Trump will not get any jail time, but we will be reminded he faces federal charges and likely jail time there. This will keep the satanic libtards satisfied enough to not go out and riot. No BLM riots or organizations will be had this year. Right now, Antifa is fighting against Palestinian supporters and the elites don't want BLM joining in with Palestinian supporters.

Trump will win the election. Whether they really count the votes or not, it does not matter, Trump is the chosen one right now. They thought they could get away from Trump and the confidence he gave to White men. But they need it one last time due to how bad things are going for Israel. Trump is the guy that they hope can transition the righteous anger of White men into supporting Israel against the "Muslim terrorists who hate us for our freedom". With the reaction after yesterday, I think they can pull this off.

Trump gets into office, promises to fix things and get revenge on those satanic libtards who have destroyed our system. But first we have to win the war for Israel and he increases aid and even puts troops on the ground in Israel to finish off Hamas. Russia is too busy in Ukraine to do anything. Trump increases aid to Taiwan to keep China off balance and unable to really help Iran. The Palestinians are slowly moved out to the west/wiped out if they stay behind. This is priority number 1. A few small time satanic libtards go down, think Scooter Libby of the left wing. Junior underbosses who are not important and can be tossed away to put on a show.

Outside of this, Trump's 4 years will look a lot like the last four. Inflation will slow down, as it already has, but there is no going back to the 2019 prices. Illegal immigration will be stopped but there will be no amnesty and no deportations. The elites need the cheap labor of non-citizens. Legal immigration will remain too high. You will see a changing of the guard from boomer Whites to Indians running companies and in middle management. They will be much harsher on their workforce and will run out anyone who wants a work-life balance. They will only promote their own, unless they see no way to avoid it.

Sexual perversion will become more "main stream". Trannies and homosexuals will enjoy their life of lust. Regular straight guys will work harder and harder for lower and lower quality women. Most women will turn to "fur babies", weed, alcohol, traveling, and their careers.

The good news is, more men will return to the church/God. And from these ashes, the western life will begin to rise again. We are almost at the bottom, I think we bottom out around 2027 to 2030 and then we start to see some real pushback by the young men who have nothing to lose in this system.

I am so excited about the future; we just have to get through the next few years. I just want to put these predictions out there so I can point back to these down the road.
I listened to Trump's press conference speech. He said Biden has been too soft on Russia. That is a scary thought. I hope he rethinks this stance.
I listened to Trump's press conference speech. He said Biden has been too soft on Russia. That is a scary thought. I hope he rethinks this stance.
Do you honestly think Trump is going to advocate for a hot war given his Isolationist tendencies? He's been pushing the opposite.
Do you honestly think Trump is going to advocate for a hot war given his Isolationist tendencies? He's been pushing the opposite.
So was Bush jr. Bush Jr first campaign was 100% isolationist.

Wonder if russians still have nukes inside the west. If they had them with soviets. For sure with Putin. My guess has always been a nuclear bomb detonation. But in Europe not US.

Putin warned a lot of times he would invade Ukraine. People didn´t listen. Now he is warning again. People seem to not be listening again.
I listened to Trump's press conference speech. He said Biden has been too soft on Russia. That is a scary thought. I hope he rethinks this stance.

Trump probably means how Biden closed down the Keystone pipeline, which has resulted in record oil profits for Russia.

If America actually wanted to crush Russia, we'd unleash the spigots and drown the world in oil. Russia would be in serious pain if that happened.
So was Bush jr. Bush Jr first campaign was 100% isolationist.

Wonder if russians still have nukes inside the west. If they had them with soviets. For sure with Putin. My guess has always been a nuclear bomb detonation. But in Europe not US.

Putin warned a lot of times he would invade Ukraine. People didn´t listen. Now he is warning again. People seem to not be listening again.
Comparing Trump to W Bush is not apples to apples my friend.

Trump had many opportunities to expand hot war.
Trump is not a war monger he has proven that with his actions, why make assumptions instead of simply taking his actions? That makes no sense, you can reach for whatever you want but at least have some logic behind it.

Also Russia and Iran are not our friends and would love to see all us burn. I may not like that, you may not like that, it may not make sense but that's reality. Stop romanticizing those two countries, you are not welcome nor accepted there....to say the very least.
I'll go ahead and make my predictions [It_Is_My_Time]...

Trump will not get any jail time, but we will be reminded he faces federal charges and likely jail time there. This will keep the satanic libtards satisfied enough to not go out and riot. No BLM riots or organizations will be had this year. Right now, Antifa is fighting against Palestinian supporters and the elites don't want BLM joining in with Palestinian supporters.

Trump will win the election. Whether they really count the votes or not, it does not matter, Trump is the chosen one right now. They thought they could get away from Trump and the confidence he gave to White men. But they need it one last time due to how bad things are going for Israel. Trump is the guy that they hope can transition the righteous anger of White men into supporting Israel against the "Muslim terrorists who hate us for our freedom". With the reaction after yesterday, I think they can pull this off.

Trump gets into office, promises to fix things and get revenge on those satanic libtards who have destroyed our system. But first we have to win the war for Israel and he increases aid and even puts troops on the ground in Israel to finish off Hamas. Russia is too busy in Ukraine to do anything. Trump increases aid to Taiwan to keep China off balance and unable to really help Iran. The Palestinians are slowly moved out to the west/wiped out if they stay behind. This is priority number 1. A few small time satanic libtards go down, think Scooter Libby of the left wing. Junior underbosses who are not important and can be tossed away to put on a show.

Outside of this, Trump's 4 years will look a lot like the last four. Inflation will slow down, as it already has, but there is no going back to the 2019 prices. Illegal immigration will be stopped but there will be no amnesty and no deportations. The elites need the cheap labor of non-citizens. Legal immigration will remain too high. You will see a changing of the guard from boomer Whites to Indians running companies and in middle management. They will be much harsher on their workforce and will run out anyone who wants a work-life balance. They will only promote their own, unless they see no way to avoid it.

Sexual perversion will become more "main stream". Trannies and homosexuals will enjoy their life of lust. Regular straight guys will work harder and harder for lower and lower quality women. Most women will turn to "fur babies", weed, alcohol, traveling, and their careers.

The good news is, more men will return to the church/God. And from these ashes, the western life will begin to rise again. We are almost at the bottom, I think we bottom out around 2027 to 2030 and then we start to see some real pushback by the young men who have nothing to lose in this system.

I am so excited about the future; we just have to get through the next few years. I just want to put these predictions out there so I can point back to these down the road.

You're excited for the future now?

I don't support Israel neither do you or anyone here or anyone I personally know and the disdain for Israel grows every single day. Where does this wild assumption come from when everything is trending in the opposite direction?
You're excited for the future now?

I don't support Israel neither do you or anyone here or anyone I personally know and the disdain for Israel grows every single day. Where does this wild assumption come from when everything is trending in the opposite direction?
I have been excited since I saw how popular the anti-Israel sentiment has grown since Oct 7th. Israel really messed up big time on this one.

I don't see the people trending different, I see three candidates, from different parties, all fighting about who will support Israel the most. So, no matter what we the people want, the strong-arm will force our politicians to support Israel. That is okay, it only grows the awakening.