Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I know this isn't the JQ thread, but people always skip the part about white people betraying their own, either knowingly or unknowingly through weakness, corruption, ignorance, foolishness, selfishness.

If white people hadn't become decadent, weak, and lazy none of the tricks would have worked. Civic responsibility diminished, and left the whole system vulnerable, and now it's been taken over. Where were the white leaders when the groundwork was being laid for mass immigration? What were they doing? Why didn't they stop it? Clearly many, if not all, were in on it themselves to some degree.

When it comes to Jews, you should expect them to behave a certain way as a group. This has been known for millennia, yet here we are. It's like trying to befriend a grizzly bear and being surprised when one day it gets hungry and decides to eat you. So our best and brightest leaders, either knew this and did nothing, or were foolish and ignorant. There's really no excuse for either option.

This isn't directed at you personally or any other specific poster, it's just something I've thought about when witnessing people online talk about the JQ.
I don't disagree with you, but short of revolution, what can people do?

Californians were overwhelming against mass immigration with Prop 187. It was overturned by a (((judge))).

People organized, collected signatures, showed up at the ballot box - democracy in action. All completely useless. This continues to happen all over the country. What responses do you suggest? Most people have jobs that barely keep them week to week, kids, families, inflation, higher crime, unemployment.... They can't continually 'democratize' knowing they will continually lose.

They should start trusting in Christ and form a moral society based on these teachings, but honestly I don't think this will happen until shtf - which again comes back to revolution.
I don't disagree with you, but short of revolution, what can people do?

Californians were overwhelming against mass immigration with Prop 187. It was overturned by a (((judge))).

People organized, collected signatures, showed up at the ballot box - democracy in action. All completely useless. This continues to happen all over the country. What responses do you suggest? Most people have jobs that barely keep them week to week, kids, families, inflation, higher crime, unemployment.... They can't continually 'democratize' knowing they will continually lose.

They should start trusting in Christ and form a moral society based on these teachings, but honestly I don't think this will happen until shtf - which again comes back to revolution.

It's technological breakthroughs that have allowed Jews as a group to take more and more control over Europeans, of which they are natural parasites. (not all Jewish individuals, but as a group again) Think of the pre-smartphone world (~2008) and how much worse it has become since then!

I have a hunch though that it will be future technological revolutions like true AI that will undo this dynamic in various ways. Going the route of conventional politics/voting is hopeless, and probably makes things worse. The "Brexit" that never manifested comes to mind!
It's technological breakthroughs that have allowed Jews as a group to take more and more control over Europeans, of which they are natural parasites. (not all Jewish individuals, but as a group again) Think of the pre-smartphone world (~2008) and how much worse it has become since then!

I have a hunch though that it will be future technological revolutions like true AI that will undo this dynamic in various ways. Going the route of conventional politics/voting is hopeless, and probably makes things worse. The "Brexit" that never manifested comes to mind!
That's true but it's also technology waking people up to the truth. If the internet didn't exist, I would never have understood the JQ. In fact, if YouTube didn't exist, I probably wouldn't be a Christian today. Groups of like-minded conservative individuals like us would never have gotten together to exchange ideas, Bitcoin would have been impossible, remote work would be impossible... Technology really is a double-edged sword.
That's true but it's also technology waking people up to the truth. If the internet didn't exist, I would never have understood the JQ. In fact, if YouTube didn't exist, I probably wouldn't be a Christian today. Groups of like-minded conservative individuals like us would never have gotten together to exchange ideas, Bitcoin would have been impossible, remote work would be impossible... Technology really is a double-edged sword.
Technology is not inherently good or bad. It's just a tool. In the same way, you can use a pen to write love poems, musical compositions to glorify God, or stab someone in the neck. What will become more important and seems to thankfully be happening, is that the Christian voices need to dominate so heavily online and in the tech world, that it drowns out the evil ones.
No, but you can get there by co-opting the left.

The biggest failure of OrangeMan was failing to effectively woo anyone outside of mainstream Republicans, which is all the more silly when you realize Don personally isn't a Republican at all and if anything was more of a low tax / libertarian Democrat for most of his life.

Sure, he got a lot of nonvoters interested in him the first time around, but they had zero interest in him a month after his election, and he did nothing for them. And they stayed home in droves 4 years ago.

Where's the "biggest greatest health care plan you have ever seen" ? He never even introduced one.

He could have ended the Afghan War, given us a decent health plan, and nothing else, and he would have been the most popular president of our lifetime. Probably could have even stayed on as dictator.

All the retarted D'Nesh D'Souza "Demonrats are the Real Racists" lines actually have a point--yeah Democrats were racist. They were anti-immigration. They were anti-free trade. They were anti-war. You can get them back there if you lead them there.

The American people aren't right wing or left wing. They are plebes waiting to be lead. They will go where you lead them.

You think the party of JFK just randomly turned into the party of gay trannies and mass immigration? No. It was lead there.

Trumps administration? Zero leading was done. Well, except for this:

Member: The system is broken and we can't fix it.

Me: It sure is.

Member: Trump didn't do enough.

Me: But you said system is broken.

Member: But muh Trump ... He did Zero, nothing ... etc..

So either Trump didn't do anything, the system is broken, or both, but the latter isn't factually true.

Not sure how many different ways I'll have the same conversation any more but I need to get more creative.

First, I thought this form of TDS has manifested in post after post and now we have a whole thread for it. Then, I realized, we have a separate thread for it.
I think Trump wins, even if the DNC pulls a wild card and runs someone besides Biden.

But if Trump loses, it will be due to his overly strong support of Israel while Israel's popularity in the west is tanking.

I think Trump wins, even if the DNC pulls a wild card and runs someone besides Biden.

But if Trump loses, it will be due to his overly strong support of Israel while Israel's popularity in the west is tanking.

Classic example of TDS. If Trump wins, it's cuz he's controlled opposition and is being selected. If he loses, it's cuz Orange Man dumb and supports teh Jews.

No matter what, Donald Trump sucks!!!

This is the easy way to spot an irrational hater: haters gonna hate no matter what happens.
Member: The system is broken and we can't fix it.

Me: It sure is.

Member: Trump didn't do enough.

Me: But you said system is broken.

Member: But muh Trump ... He did Zero, nothing ... etc..

So either Trump didn't do anything, the system is broken, or both, but the latter isn't factually true.

Not sure how many different ways I'll have the same conversation any more but I need to get more creative.

First, I thought this form of TDS has manifested in post after post and now we have a whole thread for it. Then, I realized, we have a separate thread for it.

Whatever Trump did or didn't do is not irrelevant because it was all reversed or actually assisted the "system" after his term was over.

Remember drain the swamp? Neither will the normies. Wow even the man that said it doesn't remember saying it.

Now we are here (again) with the same two very old men who should be no where near the positions they are in and attempting to be in again.

TDS is a real thing just like liberalism is a mental disorder is real. Being critical about someone who really didn't do much as president and will probably not do much better in another term is easy conclusion to come to.

Especially since the last 40-50 years a president has done very little to help the majority of the working class that pays for practically all of the welfare state we currently reside in.
Classic example of TDS. If Trump wins, it's cuz he's controlled opposition and is being selected. If he loses, it's cuz Orange Man dumb and supports teh Jews.

No matter what, Donald Trump sucks!!!

This is the easy way to spot an irrational hater: haters gonna hate no matter what happens.
I think he wins for a lot of reasons. The economy is a disaster, crime is through the roof, people are upset about the southern border, people are sick of the left bullying everyone else, people are sick of degenerate behavior pushed on to their kids.

But if he were to lose, the reason would be due to him making a huge mistake and being more supportive of Israel than Biden is, all while Israel is dropping in popularity in the west.

That is just my view on things. I think he does win, despite the Israel support, but if he does lose, that is the reason I would predict as to why he lost.
I think he wins for a lot of reasons. The economy is a disaster, crime is through the roof, people are upset about the southern border, people are sick of the left bullying everyone else, people are sick of degenerate behavior pushed on to their kids.

But if he were to lose, the reason would be due to him making a huge mistake and being more supportive of Israel than Biden is, all while Israel is dropping in popularity in the west.

That is just my view on things. I think he does win, despite the Israel support, but if he does lose, that is the reason I would predict as to why he lost.
It's interesting you say that. Because here they make a case saying that Biden will lose the election because he supports Israel too much.

Long-term again, it would be much better to have to have the crappy Biden stability until -28, and then use that leverage of anger and frustration to hopefully find a younger and more radical candidate. Maybe they've found a way of cloning ol' Adolf by then...

You want us to support the "Biden stability" so his fake (((administration))) will drag America into WWIII, start more wars, initiate another coup or two in various countries, flood illegal immigrants into America to take over Americans' jobs, allow lawfare to target Christians & American Citizens ("domestic terrorists!!!"), continue to spread DEI diseases, force normies to swallow LGBQT propaganda pills daily and show some love to trannies with d*cks as well as normalize pedophilia?

Absolutely not. Over my dead body.

Edit. Biden looks pretty sharp and competent here.

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You want us to support the "Biden stability" so his fake (((administration))) will drag America into WWIII, start more wars, initiate another coup or two in various countries, flood illegal immigrants into America to take over Americans' jobs, allow lawfare to target Christians & American Citizens ("domestic terrorists!!!"), continue to spread DEI diseases, force normies to swallow LGBQT propaganda pills daily and show some love to trannies with d*cks as well as normalize pedophilia?

Absolutely not. Over my dead body.

Edit. Biden looks pretty sharp and competent here.

Johnnyvee is a European who lives on another planet

As credible on this topic as Ilhan Omar is on marriage counseling.
Whatever Trump did or didn't do is not irrelevant because it was all reversed or actually assisted the "system" after his term was over.

Remember drain the swamp? Neither will the normies. Wow even the man that said it doesn't remember saying it.

Yes, I do. I also know that the swamp is that much deeper, which I otherwise would not, because Trump was there.
Now we are here (again) with the same two very old men who should be no where near the positions they are in and attempting to be in again.

You later on (below) go on to say a president has done very little for the last few decades. If person x should be no where near, then no person should be any where near, according to your logic. So blaming Trump exclusively seems to be emotional at best.

TDS is a real thing just like liberalism is a mental disorder is real. Being critical about someone who really didn't do much as president and will probably not do much better in another term is easy conclusion to come to.
That's because your expectations are unrealistic, just like many others' here. Again if others couldn't do it, then you are putting unrealistic expectations on Trump.

Especially since the last 40-50 years a president has done very little to help the majority of the working class that pays for practically all of the welfare state we currently reside in.

Again it's not about Trump for you, it's about how powerless the position has become. If you would have said that, I would have agreed with you. Putting it on Trump's feet, however, is what comes across as TDS. Just want to make this clear. By the way, I don't blame you. It's a product of your gap in knowledge.

Look, I get it. The position is pretty powerless, but Trump being in there attempting to fix things, showed others the extent of the corruption. That is the first step. We still don't know how deep it goes. But, i can guarantee you that if Trump gets elected, we will go deeper.

The solutions, however, are up to the ground level patriots. Don't put that on Trump! Get your own life together first and extend it to getting things done instead of whining about it. I look forward to the actions you will inevitably take! Good luck!