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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Again it's not about Trump for you, it's about how powerless the position has become.
Look, I get it. The position is pretty powerless, but Trump being in there attempting to fix things, showed others the extent of the corruption.
Do you remember when 0bama took office and every right-wing pundit complained about how much he extended the power of the executive office and that, through executive orders, he was basically a dictator?

It would've been good if Trump fought that hard, but here we are.

You want us to support the "Biden stability" so his fake (((administration))) will drag America into WWIII, start more wars, initiate another coup or two in various countries, flood illegal immigrants into America to take over Americans' jobs, allow lawfare to target Christians & American Citizens ("domestic terrorists!!!"), continue to spread DEI diseases, force normies to swallow LGBQT propaganda pills daily and show some love to trannies with d*cks as well as normalize pedophilia?

Absolutely not. Over my dead body.

Edit. Biden looks pretty sharp and competent here.

You and a few other posters here are completely irrational when it comes to Trump. WW3?! Just pure emotional dribble all of it. You have forgotten about covid, and that Trump was President in 2016. And look where we are now! I'm sure an 80yo man with no interests other than himself will permanently fix all of these issues, excluding the delusional one's. All my arguments against Trump stands, and will of course be proven valid if he get's in. I still hope not though, as the price for us will probably be very high.
You and a few other posters here are completely irrational when it comes to Trump.
Says an irrational foreigner with an illogical mind who fangirls and defends Biden's leadership.


WW3?! Just pure emotional dribble all of it.
You should know that Biden quietly gave Zelensky/Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons.

Also, Biden Administration repeatedly said "no" to Russia-Ukraine peace talks. Do you support the Russia-Ukraine War since you prefer Biden over Trump?

You have forgotten about covid, and that Trump was President in 2016.


And look where we are now!
Where exactly are we now?

I'm sure an 80yo man with no interests other than himself will permanently fix all of these issues, excluding the delusional one's.
You're attracted to Biden's trannie pals? That's disgustingly delusional.

All my arguments against Trump stands,
Good for you. Your opinion matters!


and will of course be proven valid if he get's in. I still hope not though, as the price for us will probably be very high.
"Price for us"? Who is "us"?

Don´t trust Trump. He is a liar. And an incredible lowlife salesman. But the guy is good. He is an incredible commercial. But that´s all he is. He is not a manager or CEO. And completely unfit to run anything. Let alone the superpower.

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So the rich billionaire who loves jews is the best fit to run the west? What is this? a joke? Biden also sucks. But Trump is a traitor. It´s different. He fell for covid. And will fall again.

Jews want to liquidate europeans. And a jew lover is going to stop them? 2+2=5. Someone who admires parasites is what?



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Sounds like you're completely oblivious to reality. WW3 is already here. A vote for Biden is a vote for total destruction of our entire way of life as we know it.

If you think that you're not living in reality. These proxy wars are a direct effect of nukes. They've always (since nukes) been there and always will be as long as the current dynamic rules. Trump has no effect on that whatsoever. Nukes prevent major wars and hence WW3 will not happen this time either.
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Says an irrational foreigner with an illogical mind who fangirls and defends Biden's leadership.


You should know that Biden quietly gave Zelensky/Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons.

Also, Biden Administration repeatedly said "no" to Russia-Ukraine peace talks. Do you support the Russia-Ukraine War since you prefer Biden over Trump?



Where exactly are we now?

You're attracted to Biden's trannie pals? That's disgustingly delusional.

Good for you. Your opinion matters!


"Price for us"? Who is "us"?

As I said, emotional dribble all of it. Where are we now? We're 10 years down the line from Trump's entrance into politics. He was gonna solve everything of course, most of it on day one. Same tune this time around. You ignore covid of course, because you know I'm right. He wasn't on top of Fauci and the NIH or anything really, and backed the vaccine tyranny. Being European has nothing to do with it. We post about Russia/Europe all the time, and this argument never comes up then.

I could go on, but I don't wanna lower myself to your level here. Probably Trump will win, and you will see all of this come to fruition by ~2030. I'll probably be glad I'm not in the US by then.
I already stated my personal thoughts about Trump. I'm not sure why Trump supporters are so sure that Trump is a vote against WW3, due to him having stronger support for Israel than Biden, and WW3 is dependent on Israel and not Ukraine. Ukraine is secondary. Russia could blow Ukraine off the map and the USA will use strong words and flex and do nothing more. If Russia gives Iran powerful weapons and those are used against Israel, the entire US military will be sent to fight in the middle east that very second.

Even if the USA gives Ukraine weapons and they hit Moscow in a big attack, I just see a tit for tat where then Russia strikes Kiev. But if Russia gives weapons to Iran/Iran proxies and they hit Tel Aviv, you better believe it is a full-scale war afterwards. Israel is our boss, you hit them, we will come out in full force. And you know who else knows this? Putin. If things get bad enough in Ukraine, I predict he helps Iran strike Israel to force us into another theatre away from him. He just gave a speech this week warning us that he is going to give weapons to anyone fighting us, and I assume that includes Iran, which begats Hamas, Houthi's and Hezbollah downstream.

Anyway, the AFPAC guys are very popular among young right wing/Trump voters. These words are damaging to the Trump campaign, we might see them tell their following to withhold their vote unless Trump drops his Israel support, which will not happen, and then things become more unpredictable.

And it isn't just Nick and his AFPAC guys, it is going upstream.

Oh damn, this thing is blowing up in real time. I am just waking up and piecing this new information together.

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We have immigration i Europe also, so it's not relevant. I'm just making the ridiculously easy prediction that things will go to shit with Trump 2.0, for reasons I have explained many times now.

Things have already gone to shit. Trump won’t save anyone and is probably just in it for the fame/money/ stay out of jail . But he is less likely to start more wars with Ukraine/russia/mideast
Even if Trump does only 1% of the things you want, isn't that still better than the Democrats doing 100% of the things you don't want? I get it about Trump, he is not the saviour of anything, but what is your solution given that you have the choice between a douche and a turd sandwich?
I would love to see the replies if in 2019 someone wrote that Trump would let a chinese "virus" invade the west. And he would after create a bioweapon against his own people.

Who would reply this could happen? Nobody. Anyone suggesting this would be banned in a split of a second.

Would anyone accept a pandemic could happen under Trump watch? And he would create a bioweapon against westerners.

Trump is not the lesser of two evils. He is the evil. Or as evil. You are mistaken if you believe otherwise. That guy is evil. He pretends he isn´t and try to pass his responsibility to other people. But he can only pull his tricks on fools.

He let the pandemic happen. And afterwards "supposedly" let his votes get stolen?!? How incompetent can someone be? This is the guy who you trust to run a superpower?

An unprepared fool.

In highlevel jobs Trump would never ever get a second chance. Dude he would be totally burned. Nobody would accept his incompetence.

Even if you vote for him. Which nobody should. Nobody should vote for Trump or Biden. You are conceding to evil in both cases. And better to keep your soul intact. But even so. If people concede. Distrust everything he does. Because you cannot trust a liar.

The guy loves jews. Jews hate whites. He creates a bioweapon against whites. He´s too much of an idiot to have intent. But negligence.

What if "they". The people who pull the strings knew how he would react. And they will know again how to manipulate him. If there´s a false flag he will have to react.

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Even if Trump does only 1% of the things you want, isn't that still better than the Democrats doing 100% of the things you don't want? I get it about Trump, he is not the saviour of anything, but what is your solution given that you have the choice between a douche and a turd sandwich?
It's not that simple. Unfortunately, we are at a point where things will have to get really bad for the people to stand up and put a stop to the nonsense.

It's almost paradoxical, having a Democrat in office is better for the right-wing to get tired of it and to push back harder. Just as having a Republican in office motivates the left to mobilize and push their agenda harder. A Republican president lulls Republican voters to sleep.

To give you an example, by the end of 0bama's two terms, people were ready for a change and elected a Republican supermajority, that would've been the perfect time to really change things around but it didn't happen.
Russia could blow Ukraine off the map and the USA will use strong words and flex and do nothing more.

Completely false and ignorant to reality. But the rest of your post is correct Trump is powerless, just like every other American.

But expecting Trump to change anything is not the plan right now.

The plan, is, and has been, to waste our enemy's time. Time is the great equalizer. Trump causes infighting among the (((elites))) which means they spend less time attacking us or engaging in worthless wars.

There was a 7 month shutdown under Trump. That is real progress. Having our government do nothing is more time wasted that these old demons do not have. Time is their enemy, time is our friend.

Since the average American is incapable of defending themselves or organizing, then wasting our enemy's time is the next best solution. A Trump victory results in years wasted for the opposition, which we would not have with anyone else - they would roll over and give the opposition everything they want with little fight, like Ron Johnson or Kevin McCarthy.

Soon the Republican party will be dead no matter what, and Americans will be living in a full communist war-state, and nothing will hold the state back as it marches full steam towards obliteration of civilization.

A vote for Trump is simply squeezing the last drop of value out of the Republican party before the real terror begins.

Therefore, all criticisms of Trump are worthless and retarded, because they miss the big picture. There is no one else besides Trump who can meaningfully slow down the Talmuds at this point, which is why Talmudic Jews do everything they can to destroy this man.