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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I have been excited since I saw how popular the anti-Israel sentiment has grown since Oct 7th. Israel really messed up big time on this one.

I don't see the people trending different, I see three candidates, from different parties, all fighting about who will support Israel the most. So, no matter what we the people want, the strong-arm will force our politicians to support Israel. That is okay, it only grows the awakening.

I didn't realize that's what you meant, you framed it as being excited for things to go downhill. I'm also really pleased seeing things turn against Israel, it's a reason for optimism. I don't think we are beholden to whatever the politicians decide for us, not for war at least, I think that one is different as it actually takes men to do that it's not just a signed piece of paper.
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I didn't realize that's what you meant, you framed it as being excited for things to go downhill. I'm also really pleased seeing things turn against Israel, it's a reason for optimism. I don't think we are beholden to whatever the politicians decide for us, not for war at least, I think that one is different as it actually takes men to do that it's not just a signed piece of paper.
I think things will get worse, over the next 5 or so years, but I think we are almost at the bottom and the reality of a pushback is really growing. Israel really messed things up for the elites of the west and Russia crushing Ukraine is making it hard for them as well. I'm very excited to see what the future brings. I think 10 years from now we will be in the midst of a great awakening and great pushback to this satanic evil, if it isn't already defeated by then. It appears far weaker, due to arrogance, than I had realized before.
I think things will get worse, over the next 5 or so years, but I think we are almost at the bottom and the reality of a pushback is really growing. Israel really messed things up for the elites of the west and Russia crushing Ukraine is making it hard for them as well. I'm very excited to see what the future brings. I think 10 years from now we will be in the midst of a great awakening and great pushback to this satanic evil, if it isn't already defeated by then. It appears far weaker, due to arrogance, than I had realized before.

I like the optimism, I hope you carry that into your every day life and the people around you brother.
Tmania crypto meme coin launched yesterday . I didn’t buy any(no dry powder) but it is already pumping like crazy

I don’t usually quote myself but hopefully some if you bought this. I got some and have done crazy gains already , it will probably peak around the November elections . I know a lot of you gambled on past elections , meme coins are similar . Make sure you’re buying the real Tmania as there are imposter coins.

Token address is HuPspkki5Qdnf5WAU7jtEThkeMhni6XQ23tunZRkZWUi
Trump will win the election. Whether they really count the votes or not, it does not matter, Trump is the chosen one right now. They thought they could get away from Trump and the confidence he gave to White men. But they need it one last time due to how bad things are going for Israel. Trump is the guy that they hope can transition the righteous anger of White men into supporting Israel against the "Muslim terrorists who hate us for our freedom". With the reaction after yesterday, I think they can pull this off.

This will turn out to be a terrible prediction. They are trying to remove Trump because they hate him and will do whatever it takes to keep him out. He's a threat to the system, at least in (((their))) eyes, even if his bark is 10x bigger than his bite. Their overreaction to Trump is why Trump is valuable, and it doesn't matter if he wins or gets cheated again. Either way the enemy loses, but they need WW3 and Trump will bring peace so they cannot have him back in.
I heard a funny joke...

"After the images from the Bronx Trump rally, there is now an advisory warning to women to not go out alone in case another Trump rally happens to pop-up".

"I didn't say 'lock her up'" -- Trump, on Fox & Friends and facing possible jail time, tries to distance himself from the ubiquitous "lock her up" chants about Hillary Clinton at her rallies"

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I think all but the most diehard Trump fanatics have realized by now that Trump, the ultimate salesman, will say whatever he thinks the person in front of him wants to hear. Overpromise and underdeliver, every single time. The difference between the promise and the delivery? In business, that spread is where he made his billions. He simply adopted the same trick for politics.

I still intend to vote for him, but my expectations at this point are pretty low. I simply don't have much faith in the man to accomplish what he promises. And really, why should I? Why would anyone? The best you can say is that he will be better than Joe Biden on most counts, but on the other hand he will probably be worse on others (i.e. he will very likely pressure the Fed to lower interest rates resulting in another inflation spike, his Judeophilia may result in continued Israeli aggression against Iran, his inexplicably awful personnel decisions may very well continue in his second term, etc...).
I think all but the most diehard Trump fanatics have realized by now that Trump, the ultimate salesman, will say whatever he thinks the person in front of him wants to hear. Overpromise and underdeliver, every single time. The difference between the promise and the delivery? In business, that spread is where he made his billions. He simply adopted the same trick for politics.

I still intend to vote for him, but my expectations at this point are pretty low. I simply don't have much faith in the man to accomplish what he promises. And really, why should I? Why would anyone? The best you can say is that he will be better than Joe Biden on most counts, but on the other hand he will probably be worse on others (i.e. he will very likely pressure the Fed to lower interest rates resulting in another inflation spike, his Judeophilia may result in continued Israeli aggression against Iran, his inexplicably awful personnel decisions may very well continue in his second term, etc...).

You're not too far off from my thoughts, I do wholeheartedly believe Trump will be good for my wallet, less war and better than Biden on most other things but that's as far as I'll go with it. He's the clear lesser of two evils but that doesn't necessarily make him good. His main issue is that he trying to make everyone happy, not just his side, that was his issue the first go around and unfortunately it will just never happen with the people that are against him no matter what he does.

I'll never be that guy that dumps everything on Trump because he didn't fulfill all my fantasies, he's just a man, a man with everything working against him which I do understand. At this point I'm just saying "none of these people care about us", and I leave it at that.
Keep in mind that this is larger than Trump. If he is actually elected president again, it would be a massive rebuke to the deep state and their uniparty chronies. How can this not be good? I can’t see Trump playing business as usual after what they have done to him. If Elon Musk releases all the Twitter files there can be massive arrests and trials of leading democrats for their crimes led by Trump’s attorney general.
Trump is weak. That´s the problem. If you can´t stand the heat stay out of the F kitchen. He never had real power. Power is the ability to determine other people actions. He can´t.

He went all in with a pair of deuces. It was all bluff. All hat no horse. If he wanted to change things. He would have placed the right people in the right places. Not rats. Which looked, acted and smelled like rats. But he is a little weasel also.

I said he would sell his mother to stay out of jail. He will sign whatever they put in front of him. Like all politicians like him do. The problem is a war. A false flag. Houthis.

Worse now Trump knows people have no real power. And he can´t be backed by them.

The rest is the usual downfall. Faster with Biden. Slower with Trump. Even though Covid was the fastest decline I´ve witnessed. There are business owners who are still struggling from covid era debts. Families who were thriving. And now have to live in relatives. Restaurant owners, etc.

People/population has no power. That was in medieval ages. You gathered an army? Braveheart style? What was he thinking? To siege Washington? A hunger siege? Power now is in bureaucrats nobody know they´re name. Who knew Thedros before Covid? He had to replace them all. This is what they do in peaceful revolutions. Here´s your retirement check. F off. Now new blood. You need the deep state to drain the swamp. But the deep state needs to work for you. He should´ve replaced them from top to bottom. And he could have. It was all a lie.

He could´ve but was a little bitch trying to please everybody.

Because he as the image of being a racist. He always have to prove he isn´t. Blacks rioting all over. And he did what? tweets?

He has no power. Maybe money. But not power.

Now most people just want to live peacefully with a reasonable amount of comfort. It´s up to the others. But no illegal neonazi white power violence bullshit. Which always always leads to nothing.

People read a lot about noble families. But they don´t pay attention to all the beheadings they suffered.

An ex president convicted of elections money fraud. This is a communist coup. Still light. They never died the fuckers. And it will get worse. Cockroaches.
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Trump is weak. That´s the problem. If you can´t stand the heat stay out of the F kitchen. He never had real power. Power is the ability to determine other people actions. He can´t.

He went all in with a pair of deuces. It was all bluff. All hat no horse. If he wanted to change things. He would have placed the right people in the right places. Not rats. Which looked, acted and smelled like rats. But he is a little weasel also.

I said he would sell his mother to stay out of jail. He will sign whatever they put in front of him. Like all politicians like him do. The problem is a war. A false flag. Houthis.

Worse now Trump knows people have no real power. And he can´t be backed by them.

The rest is the usual downfall. Faster with Biden. Slower with Trump. Even though Covid was the fastest decline I´ve witnessed. There are business owners who are still struggling from covid era debts. Families who were thriving. And now have to live in relatives. Restaurant owners, etc.

People/population has no power. That was in medieval ages. You gathered an army? Braveheart style? What was he thinking? To siege Washington? A hunger siege? Power now is in bureaucrats nobody know they´re name. Who knew Thedros before Covid? He had to replace them all. This is what they do in peaceful revolutions. Here´s your retirement check. F off. Now new blood. You need the deep state to drain the swamp. But the deep state needs to work for you. He should´ve replaced them from top to bottom. And he could have. It was all a lie.

He could´ve but was a little bitch trying to please everybody.

Because he as the image of being a racist. He always have to prove he isn´t. Blacks rioting all over. And he did what? tweets?

He has no power. Maybe money. But not power.

Now most people just want to live peacefully with a reasonable amount of comfort. It´s up to the others. But no illegal neonazi white power violence bullshit. Which always always leads to nothing.

People read a lot about noble families. But they don´t pay attention to all the beheadings they suffered.

An ex president convicted of elections money fraud. This is a communist coup. Still light. They never died the fuckers. And it will get worse. Cockroaches.

Trump is weak?

Brother if they had tried a fraction as hard to break anyone here I think we would all either be in hiding or in jail for life. You can say a lot of things about Trump but "weak" is misguided to say the least.

Also cursing doesn't drive your point harder it just distracts from it, your points are so all over the place I can't even discuss them....slow down you sound manic brother which I know is just strong thoughts.
Trump is weak. Between the Right and the Left, who does he want to please? Both sides. He's a people-pleaser. That's why he's weak. That's why his campaign is basically an apology tour, to convince the Left that he's not actually that right-wing, that much of a "fascist."

If he acted like how the Left portrays him to act, he would be far more effective in pushing a true right-wing agenda. In America, we are not permitted to have truly right-wing representatives. We are only allowed to have pure leftists or centrists, if the left signs off on it. Do you want a socialist or Democrat? Take your pick.
Trump is weak. Between the Right and the Left, who does he want to please? Both sides. He's a people-pleaser. That's why he's weak. That's why his campaign is basically an apology tour, to convince the Left that he's not actually that right-wing, that much of a "fascist."

If he acted like how the Left portrays him to act, he would be far more effective in pushing a true right-wing agenda. In America, we are not permitted to have truly right-wing representatives. We are only allowed to have pure leftists or centrists, if the left signs off on it. Do you want a socialist or Democrat? Take your pick.
These takes are hilariously retarded.

Weak is hardly the word. Zero people here have the testicular fortitude to go through what that dude has done. Everyone on this forum would take a hard pass at being paraded around and attacked constantly.

Yeah we all want Franco. But Franco ain't coming anytime soon.
Trump is weak. Between the Right and the Left, who does he want to please? Both sides. He's a people-pleaser. That's why he's weak. That's why his campaign is basically an apology tour, to convince the Left that he's not actually that right-wing, that much of a "fascist."

If he acted like how the Left portrays him to act, he would be far more effective in pushing a true right-wing agenda. In America, we are not permitted to have truly right-wing representatives. We are only allowed to have pure leftists or centrists, if the left signs off on it. Do you want a socialist or Democrat? Take your pick.

That isn't what makes a man "weak". Trying to appease people doesn't make you weak, it's just not what you personally want that's all.
These takes are hilariously retarded.

Weak is hardly the word. Zero people here have the testicular fortitude to go through what that dude has done. Everyone on this forum would take a hard pass at being paraded around and attacked constantly.

Yeah we all want Franco. But Franco ain't coming anytime soon.

What we have is Israel’s best friend, and the brain child of operation warp speed, and he sees nothing wrong with either
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These takes are hilariously retarded.

Weak is hardly the word. Zero people here have the testicular fortitude to go through what that dude has done. Everyone on this forum would take a hard pass at being paraded around and attacked constantly.

Yeah we all want Franco. But Franco ain't coming anytime soon.
I think it's even more retarded to think he will do anything different than he did the first time, which is lose to the Left and throw his base under the bus at every level.

You don't get Franco by placating the Left.
Weak is hardly the word. Zero people here have the testicular fortitude to go through what that dude has done.
True, but to be fair, no one on the forum is a 77 year-old pathological narcissist billionaire with 40 years of television and media experience.

Most of Trump's battle wounds were either self-inflicted or otherwise the product of his own mistakes. He doesn't have to be where he is now, he could have walked away and declined to run again, even playing GOP kingmaker if he'd wanted. But he didn't. He chose to get back in the ring himself, because he likes the fight. But he isn't fighting for you or me. He's fighting for himself. He's fighting because he just can't walk away from the game, so to speak.

Sure, I think he'll do better than Biden in office, and as I said, I intend to vote for him. But the myth of Donald Trump as a heroic figure should really be dispelled to all clearheaded people by now. That's just the brand he's selling, it's the raison d'être of his entire campaign. It's really not about MAGA. It's all about Trump himself: keeping him out of prison and getting payback for the political persecution he's endured. It's basically all he talks about. Every other major issue is either just glossed over or is Trump paying lip service and pandering to whoever is currently in front of him (i.e. telling his Jew donors he always has Israel's back 100%, then telling Khabib at UFC the other night that he'll end the war in Gaza).