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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Carter did it for Vietnam draft dodgers and Biden just a few weeks ago did it for federal weed charges. Trump didn't do it because he's fundamentally weak and selfish.
I'm aware... but contextually these were somewhat different situations. I'm not happy with many of the pardons Trump gave.... But as I stated... which is pretty clear in the 14 say after math of the event... He had no political leverage post event.

He's said he would be pardoning the vast majority of people on reelection. As noted he would have been convicted in the Senate.

Being upset is fine. Believing he's selfish is fine. But pretending there was some panacea of action beyond the reality of the events is not an accurate contextual dig.
Carter did it for Vietnam draft dodgers and Biden just a few weeks ago did it for federal weed charges. Trump didn't do it because he's fundamentally weak and selfish.
Or he is the greatest psy-op of all time, planned out decades in advance, after his bad loans were forgiven by the satanic elites in exchange to get the last of the White and/or Christian Americans to run out the clock.
How does Trump get whites to run out the clock?
Sitting around, still thinking they can vote their way out of it. Thus, they waste their time and resources on silly things like drinking, sportsball (probably their greatest weapon in destroying men), cars, chasing women, acting like children, rather than learning, organizing, growing, spreading the word, etc.

But it is now happening anyway, I think it is too late for them to try the Trump 2017-21 ride. Too many young men are aware, so either Trump actually does things that are important this go around or he will get boo'ed off the stage at his rallies. But the satanic elites are dumb enough to try it. They were dumb enough to try to use their overpriced junk in a war against Russia, so they are certainly dumb enough to try this again.
Sitting around, still thinking they can vote their way out of it. Thus, they waste their time and resources on silly things like drinking, sportsball (probably their greatest weapon in destroying men), cars, chasing women, acting like children, rather than learning, organizing, growing, spreading the word, etc.

But it is now happening anyway, I think it is too late for them to try the Trump 2017-21 ride. Too many young men are aware, so either Trump actually does things that are important this go around or he will get boo'ed off the stage at his rallies. But the satanic elites are dumb enough to try it. They were dumb enough to try to use their overpriced junk in a war against Russia, so they are certainly dumb enough to try this again.
But the thing is that men are going to do all these things regardless.

There is no great waking up of people that will happen.

Gulf of Tonkin didn't wake them up.
Babies in incubators didnt wake them up.
Colin Powell and his fake anthrax didn't wait them up.
The 2008 financial crisis didn't wake them up.

People are intrinsically motivated by self interests and maintaining the status quo.

The choas of the Trump admin has done more to being these issues to light through a paradigm shift.
But the thing is that men are going to do all these things regardless.

There is no great waking up of people that will happen.

Gulf of Tonkin didn't wake them up.
Babies in incubators didnt wake them up.
Colin Powell and his fake anthrax didn't wait them up.
The 2008 financial crisis didn't wake them up.

People are intrinsically motivated by self interests and maintaining the status quo.

The choas of the Trump admin has done more to being these issues to light through a paradigm shift.

When those things happened, men could still find good wives, put food on the table, and live a decent life. A man's sexual drive is what controls him, and despite these terrible events, men could still have their sexual drive placed into having a family.

Now that is gone, and young men can't afford to have kids, I think all bets are off. I pray so anyway, though video games and drugs and porn might keep the young men drained enough to do nothing at all.
When those things happened, men could still find good wives, put food on the table, and live a decent life. A man's sexual drive is what controls him, and despite these terrible events, men could still have their sexual drive placed into having a family.

Now that is gone, and young men can't afford to have kids, I think all bets are off. I pray so anyway, though video games and drugs and porn might keep the young men drained enough to do nothing at all.

Except I dont think your characterization is accurate regarding the perception of most men.

Said again another way... As bad as things are and as you are painting them.... which I think is overblown for the MAJORITY of men in this country.... they are still participating because there is still some opportunity to do so here.

I still see guys who are less successful than myself forming families, having children, and engaging in the system.

You may say we are'nt voting our way out of this or not... but that's besides the point. The fact is that we are alive NOW in this moment and those of us with obligations have to navigate the systems we are existing in. Choosing to vote or not vote is absolutely your prerogative. But the frog is boiled one degree at a time.... and slowly....

The issue is that there are ZERO alternatives to our system right now... and the purported collapse is far away. And I still dont see why youre suggesting it is impossible to have a family now. There are many many of them in my church community, neighborhood, and work place.
When those things happened, men could still find good wives, put food on the table, and live a decent life. A man's sexual drive is what controls him, and despite these terrible events, men could still have their sexual drive placed into having a family.

Now that is gone, and young men can't afford to have kids, I think all bets are off. I pray so anyway, though video games and drugs and porn might keep the young men drained enough to do nothing at all.

What loser guys are you hanging around?! I have half a dozen cousins who just had kids their 20's and/or have pregnant wives, what are you talking about? There were more kids running around my family holiday parties this year than I've ever seen, a whole new crop.....us "kids" are now the adults and everyone got married and popped out babies.

Whatever losers decided they couldn't get married and have kids that was their specific choice, nobody forced that on them.
Except I dont think your characterization is accurate regarding the perception of most men.

Said again another way... As bad as things are and as you are painting them.... which I think is overblown for the MAJORITY of men in this country.... they are still participating because there is still some opportunity to do so here.

I still see guys who are less successful than myself forming families, having children, and engaging in the system.

You may say we are'nt voting our way out of this or not... but that's besides the point. The fact is that we are alive NOW in this moment and those of us with obligations have to navigate the systems we are existing in. Choosing to vote or not vote is absolutely your prerogative. But the frog is boiled one degree at a time.... and slowly....

The issue is that there are ZERO alternatives to our system right now... and the purported collapse is far away. And I still dont see why youre suggesting it is impossible to have a family now. There are many many of them in my church community, neighborhood, and work place.
Well, true, the r-Select are having kids, but that is just adding more pressure to the system. Africa is vastly overpopulated and it is spilling across the globe. As a result infrastructure is crumbling, healthcare is out of reach for many, and no one is even addressing this serious problem. I guess eventually, when the demographic time bomb goes off in the west, China can waltz in and take the land and resources and at least we will have civilization... Well, I doubt they keep us around, but at least humans will have civilization.

But the high IQ k-select, who keep the lights on are by and large checking out. It is a very recent development, mostly post covid, so it is new, but it is growing. Most the men here are old enough or far enough along in life that it doesn't impact them. They already started their family and their focus is mostly on raising their children. I am in a unique situation to have a front row seat to it, and most so, sort of be swept up in it, due to how I never wanted to have to work a job and have kids.

The hopelessness I see and hear from 20 somethings is beyond what I ever imagined pre-covid. I get to have conversations with them about it, and it is almost always the same. The cost of college, the cost to buy a house, the competition for a very low pay entry level job, it is remarkable at how bad things are for them. Most of them accept they will never own a house or have a family. They then turn to some sin to pacify. Whether it is social media, tattoos, facial piercings, drugs, materialism, porn, hookup, it is a mess for them. I truly feel awful for them, I have no answers for them at all. I can't even recommend a field to go into, because most every field has been destroyed by DEI initiatives or H-1B visa workers.

I don't think a lot of men here truly realize how dire things are for early 20 somethings/late teens, and how much worse it is about to get. My honest belief is if we make it much past 2030, I will be surprised.
What loser guys are you hanging around?! I have half a dozen cousins who just had kids their 20's and/or have pregnant wives, what are you talking about? There were more kids running around my family holiday parties this year than I've ever seen, a whole new crop.....us "kids" are now the adults and everyone got married and popped out babies.

Whatever losers decided they couldn't get married and have kids that was their specific choice, nobody forced that on them.
I guess the worst losers in the world. But there are a lot of them, and for many of them their ancestors were the ones who built this country and conquered the world.
Well, true, the r-Select are having kids, but that is just adding more pressure to the system. Africa is vastly overpopulated and it is spilling across the globe. As a result infrastructure is crumbling, healthcare is out of reach for many, and no one is even addressing this serious problem. I guess eventually, when the demographic time bomb goes off in the west, China can waltz in and take the land and resources and at least we will have civilization... Well, I doubt they keep us around, but at least humans will have civilization.

But the high IQ k-select, who keep the lights on are by and large checking out. It is a very recent development, mostly post covid, so it is new, but it is growing. Most the men here are old enough or far enough along in life that it doesn't impact them. They already started their family and their focus is mostly on raising their children. I am in a unique situation to have a front row seat to it, and most so, sort of be swept up in it, due to how I never wanted to have to work a job and have kids.

The hopelessness I see and hear from 20 somethings is beyond what I ever imagined pre-covid. I get to have conversations with them about it, and it is almost always the same. The cost of college, the cost to buy a house, the competition for a very low pay entry level job, it is remarkable at how bad things are for them. Most of them accept they will never own a house or have a family. They then turn to some sin to pacify. Whether it is social media, tattoos, facial piercings, drugs, materialism, porn, hookup, it is a mess for them. I truly feel awful for them, I have no answers for them at all. I can't even recommend a field to go into, because most every field has been destroyed by DEI initiatives or H-1B visa workers.

I don't think a lot of men here truly realize how dire things are for early 20 somethings/late teens, and how much worse it is about to get. My honest belief is if we make it much past 2030, I will be surprised.
I'm not going to go so far to call people losers, but it is absolutely a defeatist mentality to accept the bold.

IT comes down to mindset and personal goals and what people are willing to do fo it.

People who accept the bold... are destined to live accordingly and live a self fulfilling prophecy.

I couldnt ever afford ANY of the things I have now until I got out there and made these things happen by my work and risk acceptance. I'm sure there are many whom are much more successful (maybe by orders of magnitude here).

When Trump was in office we did not have the 12 million illegals (tripple average number) per term we have now projected now. That alone is sufficent for a vote.

I'm aware... but contextually these were somewhat different situations. I'm not happy with many of the pardons Trump gave.... But as I stated... which is pretty clear in the 14 say after math of the event... He had no political leverage post event.

He's said he would be pardoning the vast majority of people on reelection. As noted he would have been convicted in the Senate.

Being upset is fine. Believing he's selfish is fine. But pretending there was some panacea of action beyond the reality of the events is not an accurate contextual dig.

So better to let hundreds of people rot in jail for 4 years so that he can try to get back in office (which to put it charitably is far from guaranteed)? Presidential pardons are automatic for federal crimes and he could have issued the order at 1159am on 1/20/21.

He was a good president, for 3 years anyway (prior to abdicating the country to Fauci), but we have a far better option now.
So better to let hundreds of people rot in jail for 4 years so that he can try to get back in office (which to put it charitably is far from guaranteed)? Presidential pardons are automatic for federal crimes and he could have issued the order at 1159am on 1/20/21.

He was a good president, for 3 years anyway (prior to abdicating the country to Fauci), but we have a far better option now.
Thats totally fair to say... but it doesnt change the reality that ... None of those other options are going to be getting the nomination... so we will have to wait unitl 2028 for that.
Thats totally fair to say... but it doesnt change the reality that ... None of those other options are going to be getting the nomination... so we will have to wait unitl 2028 for that.

We'll see. I don't trust the polls and while I do think Trump would win a national primary held tomorrow, he isn't 40 points ahead (probably more like 10) and the lead he does have is mainly due to the belief that he's inevitable. If he takes some early hits, which I think he will in Iowa, that aura of invincibility is gone.

He's not the same guy who ran in 2016 or even 2020.
Yes, I am aware, you consider them "losers". This is a huge problem we are facing, and it will come to a head.

Men who blame others for their own decisions and actions in their own life are absolutely losers, yes I stand by that and no it's not directed at you.
I'm not going to go so far to call people losers, but it is absolutely a defeatist mentality to accept the bold.

IT comes down to mindset and personal goals and what people are willing to do fo it.

People who accept the bold... are destined to live accordingly and live a self fulfilling prophecy.

I couldnt ever afford ANY of the things I have now until I got out there and made these things happen by my work and risk acceptance. I'm sure there are many whom are much more successful (maybe by orders of magnitude here).

When Trump was in office we did not have the 12 million illegals (tripple average number) per term we have now projected now. That alone is sufficent for a vote.

Trump had his chance to fix the border and to kick out the current illegals. He didn't get it done. I'm not sure what he will do different this go around than what Biden is doing. The illegals will eventually start to return home as they find things are worse here for them that it was back home. We are already hearing that, so the next president will likely cut the numbers regardless of policy.

If those numbers are accurate, that makes Trump look worse than I realized. He only had three years (covid took out one year) and he had nearly as many as Obama did in 8 years? Is that accurate? Ouch.

As for the rest, it is shocking to me to find countless post on here and article about how bad things are economically, spiritually, crime rates, etc. Then to come here and see people say "it isn't that bad". It is REAL bad, most those articles vastly underestimate the situation. I am blessed to be in the position I am in, but I know if I was an early 20 something that things would be a lot worse for me.
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Men who blame others for their own decisions and actions in their own life are absolutely losers, yes I stand by that and no it's not directed at you.
It isn't "decisions" it is opportunities. Do you honestly think people who have had their countries destroyed by immigration are "losers" for not wanting to live like the third world?
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It isn't "decisions" it is opportunities. Do you honestly thing people who have had their countries destroyed by immigration are "losers" for not wanting to live like the third world?

No, I think men who specifically decided not to pursue marriage and children then 20 years later blamed it on something anything else are losers because they won't take accountability for their own actions and lives. You don't need to move the goalposts any further, that is all I was referring to.