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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I haven't changed anything, more female liberal argument points. I do laugh though, am I allowed to post it? I don't need your permission I suppose.

You must not know the definition of narcissism. If you want to have an honest discussion, I am willing. If you want to misrepresent, what is typed out in front of you, then it is an exercise in futility for me. The good thing is other members seeing it as well, which helps them on their path.

I could say so much here but I'm not going to bother there is no discussion to be had with you I have tried multiple times to appeal to you, here and on the old forum as have many other members. You've found something which enables your despair and you're just going to go with that over anything else it seems, good luck to you brother.
I could say so much here but I'm not going to bother there is no discussion to be had with you I have tried multiple times to appeal to you, here and on the old forum as have many other members. You've found something which enables your despair and you're just going to go with that over anything else it seems, good luck to you brother.
You misrepresented what I said, repeatedly. I'm not upset about it in the least, I am glad others can see it so they know which path offers them more truth.

It is you that is caused despair when facing the reality of not voting our way out of it, then trying to project that on to me. Even many other members here admit we can't vote our way out of this mess. I have come to peace with it, but I am trying to get other men to do so, so they are prepared for the hell that awaits, as best they can be.
You misrepresented what I said, repeatedly. I'm not upset about it in the least, I am glad others can see it so they know which path offers them more truth.

It is you that is caused despair when facing the reality of not voting our way out of it, then trying to project that on to me. Even many other members here admit we can't vote our way out of this mess. I have come to peace with it, but I am trying to get other men to do so, so they are prepared for the hell that awaits, as best they can be.

Have not mentioned voting one time in anything I have written to you, not one single time. You are stuck in your own head projecting it on to others.
On the old forum you spoke over and over about how working 7 days a week has ruined your life and stopped you from being married and having kids while blaming it all on society or anything else other than yourself. That young guys shouldn't even bother trying because there is no point while I argued over and over with real world examples in my life that hard work is okay and you can still accomplish your goals with it, we had pages and pages of that debate and you wouldn't let it go there were multiple guys trying to convince you trying to pull you out of your negative attitude towards everything.

But now work for you is great and is a chance for you to grow and improve?!?!


I see now I am not allowed to even post in the Trump thread, so the blue pill Trump fanboys can have their safe space, LOL.

Yes, my ancestors put their lives on the line, some died working, all so we could have a great country and not have to work ourselves so hard. Immigration has destroyed that. Yes, I shouldn't have to do it. Yes, there is great growth potential from it. I should be able to work productively, enjoy a family of my own and know they have a safe future. Immigration recreating satanic Babel has ruined that.

You think if you use enough GOP talking points you can save Babel. You are sadly mistaken and no, voting Chump isn't going to buy you 5 more minutes.
Have not mentioned voting one time in anything I have written to you, not one single time. You are stuck in your own head projecting it on to others.
So then why are you so upset? If you agree voting will change nothing, why all this energy to challenge someone saying the exact same thing.
This is correct, I remember these posts as well. He's just changing his arguments to whine apparently. This is boring and he clearly lacks any sort of humility (he cannot ever be wrong) to have a serious conversation about Donald Trump, so he's banned out of this thread. For some reason IIMT cannot be rational on this topic, just sends him into a tizzy.
Yea, it is the Trump fanboys, who ignored all the damage Trump did in his shameful 4 years in office that are "rational" LOL.
So then why are you so upset? If you agree voting will change nothing, why all this energy to challenge someone saying the exact same thing.

You have not read a single word I have written you, I have never once spoke in regards to politics as my issue with your message to the men here. I also have not once defended trump other than to say he is not the anti christ because of course that is a ridiculous notion.

My brother you are lost in your own mind and I don't think anyone will change that, you have no business providing guidance to anyone....
You have not read a single word I have written you, I have never once spoke in regards to politics as my issue with your message to the men here. I also have not once defended trump other than to say he is not the anti christ because of course that is a ridiculous notion.

My brother you are lost in your own mind and I don't think anyone will change that, you have no business providing guidance to anyone....
So, you agree Trump is a phony? No one said Trump was the anti-Christ, claiming I did is feminine shaming, it is weak

Then what the sam hell is your problem? Why are you wasting all this energy?
So, you agree Trump is a phony? No one said Trump was the anti-Christ, claiming I did is feminine shaming, it is weak

Then what the sam hell is your problem? Why are you wasting all this energy?

We do finally agree, it is a waste of energy. I wish you well my brother in Christ.
IIMT, you have made it abundantly clear what you think about Trump and the state of the country in general. I'm not sure why you feel the need to post the same thing over and over again, especially if anyone states anything that they think may be a potential positive about the man. I don't particularly like Trump, and I agree with many of your points regarding him, but at this point it is just derailing any potential discussion. While Trump definitely has his supporters on this forum, I don't think too many of them are mindless zealots for his cause.

And as other have pointed out, you don't seem to have any solutions for our current predicament. Save up for when society collapses? Any savings or investments you have will be worthless if society collapses. Even if you were able to stockpile actual things with value like food or other supplies, are you going to be able to defend it from others in any sort of societal collapse? Seems to me in that sort of scenario that learning useful skills to stay alive would be most valuable in that situation.
There are definitely churches like you describe, but there are others that are more genuine. Again, I do agree with you that the Trump ‘worship’ among people is strange and over the top. He won’t save anyone, he probably won’t even do a good job if he wins again, but you definitely do have a tendency for only seeing the negative in a situation.

Take this as constructive criticism brother. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in one way of thinking our brains automatically ignore and filter everything else. Example, the statement most churches are not Christian. Is it possible you only see the facts that support your view? There are hypocrites everywhere, but also devout church goers. There is a bee and fly story that applies here you should read.

I just don’t think things are as bad as people think out there in the real world.

I am no longer allowed to post in the Donald Trump thread, so I pulled this over here.

It isn't "wrapped up in one way of thinking" we are not going to vote our way out of this disaster and there isn't much time left. There is no way to square the circle of "things will work out" or someone is coming to save you. This isn't black pilled, as the blue pilled Trump fan boys think, this is just simple mathematics and common sense. The fact I fully accept it makes it just normal to me, it isn't "black pilled" at all, it is just reality.

I'm not sure where you are located. I am in a very conservative area and the level to which things have fallen is remarkable to me. I can't imagine there are many places not already impacted by the purposeful destruction of our country.
IIMT, you have made it abundantly clear what you think about Trump and the state of the country in general. I'm not sure why you feel the need to post the same thing over and over again, especially if anyone states anything that they think may be a potential positive about the man. I don't particularly like Trump, and I agree with many of your points regarding him, but at this point it is just derailing any potential discussion. While Trump definitely has his supporters on this forum, I don't think too many of them are mindless zealots for his cause.

And as other have pointed out, you don't seem to have any solutions for our current predicament. Save up for when society collapses? Any savings or investments you have will be worthless if society collapses. Even if you were able to stockpile actual things with value like food or other supplies, are you going to be able to defend it from others in any sort of societal collapse? Seems to me in that sort of scenario that learning useful skills to stay alive would be most valuable in that situation.
Maybe to respond to Trump fan boys who think they can still vote their way out of this mess when they misrepresent what I have said.

Am I allowed to respond, especially when they misrepresent what I say?

I listed solutions yesterday, go back and read on them, they are important.
Yeah I don't understand why his subversive countersignaling against churches would be tolerated on a Christian forum, at all. Not to mention being against raising families, vague calls for us to "get serious", the incessant around the clock demoralization posting, my instincts are telling me that his intentions here are questionable at best.


So now we can't question any church at all?
Absolutely nothing new from Massie... He's been very Pro DeSantis/ Anti Trump since 2020.

This claim is of course nonsense as the arrests and trials all occured after he was out of office.

You could make the argument that he could do proactive pardoning, but it was not clear how many crimes and what information actually happened it's a little hard to reasonably expect that to happen. House Republicans in the Senate would have voted to convict in the Senate Impeachment hearing.
Absolutely nothing new from Massie... He's been very Pro DeSantis/ Anti Trump since 2020.

This claim is of course nonsense as the arrests and trials all occured after he was out of office.

You could make the argument that he could do proactive pardoning, but it was not clear how many crimes and what information actually happened it's a little hard to reasonably expect that to happen. House Republicans in the Senate would have voted to convict in the Senate Impeachment hearing.

Carter did it for Vietnam draft dodgers and Biden just a few weeks ago did it for federal weed charges. Trump didn't do it because he's fundamentally weak and selfish.