Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

No... in the end it is really that simple and it is literally binary :

Do what you can to be anti-fragile.... and the rest which is out of your control....will be what it will be. Re: employment/jobs/education/women.... Do something about it, or dont complain.

You keep saying that there's not an option for young men... and as far as the path I took.... yeah its not traveled by most.. Few people go to the military, even fewer go to the Marine Corps, even fewer become Officers. But that option is still all available. You can say "I wouldnt want to go die for israel and all of that..." but that line of thinking doesnt understand the warrior mindset in the slightest.... there are many in that line of work, whom are just there for the violence. So my point is that I dont have any sympathy for belly aching.

My kids are going to be fine. Their options are to go to trade school/get an academic scholarship/join the military and use the GI bill/Pay for their own college just like I did. I want to preserve as much of that system as possible for as long as possible as the alternative to our system. I'll do what I can to assist them where possible, but they have to make their own way, thats part of their own maturing and growth.

So I just don't buy it... And until the whole collapse comes, which I dont believe is going to happen soon.... I believe we should continue to delay the deathstrokes. Also... God has a plan for all of this... I very much doubt the people with out children will have much future in a world of collapse.

As this relates back to Trump.... Compared to alternative actors, there is no substitute based off of whats been announced in 2024 election.

We will see next week in Iowa that exact fact, that among mostly white, farmers in Iowa, they still support him.

It isn't about me. It is about the hell my kids would face. That is the issue, I have already made it, but my kids would face hell, way beyond what should be expected of a young person to face.

The Marine option is available, and I am out here trying to make sure young men don't sign up to fight in satan's army. It is an option, if you want to risk dying for satan or killing to advance his agenda, something most are realizing isn't worth any amount of money they throw at us.

I guessing you are both very isolated from the real situation this country faces and you don't want to admit it. But it is coming, and it is coming fast.
I didn't ask if you think we should vote. I asked if you think we can vote our way out of this mess. It appears you think we cannot. The rest of your post was not needed. You called me and other men like me "losers" and now you want to backtrack and claim you didn't. I don't care that you did, I hope you change your view on this, but only you can make that choice.

So, now we have established these two facts...

1) The USA is in a very bad place. Crime is skyrocketing, poverty is skyrocketing, middle class opportunities are disappearing overnight, Whites are legally discriminated against at every turn.

2) We will not solve this problem peacefully, and likely not at all.

And you wonder why K-select people don't want to bring kids into this mess, at least not unless they have some path forward for their children?

I'm not sure if you have reading comprehension issues or you just choose to ignore what is being said to you because it goes against whatever you have decided to validate yourself with.

I'm not backtracking in anything, here is what I said and I will stand by it again:

"Men who blame others for their own decisions and actions in their own life are absolutely losers, yes I stand by that and no it's not directed at you."

If you choose not to start a family, or choose to do or not do anything else in your life for that matter, you made that choice nobody else. If you are going to blame your life choices as a man on other people then yes that is absolutely a loser mentality, sorry it's the truth. I didn't put you in that category but you seem dead set to put yourself in it because you want to be some type of martyr or victim I suppose, I can't even figure it out anymore with you.

I know lots of guys who chose not to start a family yet or permanently for whatever reason including myself and they're not losers, I'm saying you're a loser if you want a family but are blaming it on someone else that you're not going to have one. But that's true for anything in life, blaming your choices on someone else will get you nowhere. I am responsible for my own actions as a man, as are you or any other man.

For someone who is so concerned about "whites", you are doing the complete opposite of ensuring a future for them by condoning men not starting families.
I'm not sure if you have reading comprehension issues or you just choose to ignore what is being said to you because it goes against whatever you have decided to validate yourself with.

I'm not backtracking in anything, here is what I said and I will stand by it again:

"Men who blame others for their own decisions and actions in their own life are absolutely losers, yes I stand by that and no it's not directed at you."

If you choose not to start a family, or choose to do or not do anything else in your life for that matter, you made that choice nobody else. If you are going to blame your life choices as a man on other people then yes that is absolutely a loser mentality, sorry it's the truth. I didn't put you in that category but you seem dead set to put yourself in it because you want to be some type of martyr or victim I suppose, I can't even figure it out anymore with you.

I know lots of guys who chose not to start a family yet or permanently for whatever reason including myself and they're not losers, I'm saying you're a loser if you want a family but are blaming it on someone else that you're not going to have one. But that's true for anything in life, blaming your choices on someone else will get you nowhere. I am responsible for my own actions as a man, as are you or any other man.

For someone who is so concerned about "whites", you are doing the complete opposite of ensuring a future for them by condoning men not starting families.
Those young men, you are calling "losers" have the very same views I have. If the system is broken, we are not buying into it.

I am blaming my life choices on the satanic elites. We have every right to blame these evil entities for destroying our lives and our futures. Things will eventually get bad enough you guys will have no choice but to face it.

Every Christian should be concerned about Whites. Any Christian who isn't concerned about any race of people being wiped out isn't a Christian.

The last few pages of this thread are a good example of why there should be a limit to how many times the same member can post IN THE SAME THREAD ON THE SAME DAY. Rather than reading different opinions from different members, I'm essentially reduced to reading a never ending circular chat/argument between the same 2 or 3 people.

Putting a limit on how many times the same person can post in the same thread, on the same day will lead to better content overall.
Imposing a limit such as 5 posts per day in same thread would be worth trying.
My best friend and his brother are both very very very smart. Neither has married, both live in major metro areas. One has accepted he won't marry (still tries but living in NY with that lifestyle...not so much) and the other is early 40s and not interested in marriage right now.

FWIW I worked in NYC for 10 weeks a few years back, was recently divorced at the time and very much not looking for marriage and still in that time managed to meet 2 quality women. Of course the catch if you consider it one was that both were foreign (eastern Europe and the Middle East).

Don't agree with your take on no alternatives to Trump but we'll find out in a week....DeSantis needs to win Iowa or he's pretty much done but if he does, and I think he will, the invincibility aura is gone and it's game on. If he is able to give Trump some competition he's better in pretty much every regard IMO.
I am not a "at least I got my conservative", even before Trump that always rubbed me the wrong way.

What that means is, if I was a teen or early 20 something, I would feel hopeless as well. I almost felt this way back in the 1990's when things were much better. Things have gotten much worse since then, and I know I wouldn't want to deal with it today. Working that hard, for so little in return, in such an ugly and disgusting society wouldn't entice me to do anything more than barely get by. There at least was a reward for working hard back in my day, that is long gone.

So, if I know I wouldn't want to deal with it, why the hell would I want that for my own child?
What I'm about to say shouldn't be rocket science, but if everyone took your advice and didn't have children due to us living in a clown world, it will only hasten the destruction of Western civilization. In terms of long-term strategy having children and instilling them with Western Christian values is probably the best thing you can do to reverse the current trends. Saving money so you can die alone with fat bank account surely isn't a good plan. You have said over and over again we won't vote our way out of this. I don't think anyone is under there is a magic box on the ballot that will fix everything. We can look at trends, but ultimately the future is unpredictable. If you were to go back to the 1980's, how many people were predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union? Maybe this country will split up, maybe there will be a military coup, maybe the next guy in office will make us miss the good ole Biden days. Maybe you try and find a woman at the very least so that if things ever do change you'll be in a position to start a family. Yes there are too many immigrants, no a politician won't solve the problem. That's no reason to throw away your own future. Serious question, but do you resent your own parents for bringing you into the world? If not, why would you assume your children will hate you for it. And if you do resent your parents, well that's a problem above my pay grade.
What I'm about to say shouldn't be rocket science, but if everyone took your advice and didn't have children due to us living in a clown world, it will only hasten the destruction of Western civilization. In terms of long-term strategy having children and instilling them with Western Christian values is probably the best thing you can do to reverse the current trends. Saving money so you can die alone with fat bank account surely isn't a good plan. You have said over and over again we won't vote our way out of this. I don't think anyone is under there is a magic box on the ballot that will fix everything. We can look at trends, but ultimately the future is unpredictable. If you were to go back to the 1980's, how many people were predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union? Maybe this country will split up, maybe there will be a military coup, maybe the next guy in office will make us miss the good ole Biden days. Maybe you try and find a woman at the very least so that if things ever do change you'll be in a position to start a family. Yes there are too many immigrants, no a politician won't solve the problem. That's no reason to throw away your own future. Serious question, but do you resent your own parents for bringing you into the world? If not, why would you assume your children will hate you for it. And if you do resent your parents, well that's a problem above my pay grade.
If I was born in the early 2000's and had to face, what they have to face today, I would resent my parents for bringing me into this world. And we are seeing more and more videos from Gen Z talking about how hopeless things are and lazy boomers, who never had to work hard, shooting them down because they grew old but not wiser.

That is just it, it isn't "my future" it is my kid's future, it is for them, and I wouldn't want them to face the hell that is already here and the levels of worse it will get.
I had to turn off Nick Fuentes covering Trump's town hall. I know Trump isn't very smart, but damn, he can't even lie good. Claims the stock market is good because he is leading in the polls. Anyone with an IQ over 100 and basic economic knowledge knows the stock market is doing good because it is an international market, not a US market, and the USD is trash so the big boys are turning their USD into stock purchases for a safer investment.

I want this blowhard, poor low IQ liar to go to prison and stop poisoning people. I can't believe people buy into this nonsense.
I had to turn off Nick Fuentes covering Trump's town hall. I know Trump isn't very smart, but damn, he can't even lie good. Claims the stock market is good because he is leading in the polls. Anyone with an IQ over 100 and basic economic knowledge knows the stock market is doing good because it is an international market, not a US market, and the USD is trash so the big boys are turning their USD into stock purchases for a safer investment.

I want this blowhard, poor low IQ liar to go to prison and stop poisoning people. I can't believe people buy into this nonsense.
Glad you want the dude to go to prison over things that are purely political and not actual crimes.... Your TDS is showing comrade...
Glad you want the dude to go to prison over things that are purely political and not actual crimes.... Your TDS is showing comrade...
Yes, it is a lesson to future wanna be leaders. Either lead or let the satanic elites keep showing who they are to us. The half ass in-between only hurts us more.

Of course, he will not go to prison and of course he will be the next president. He is the satanic elites perfect Manchurian candidate.
Glad you want the dude to go to prison over things that are purely political and not actual crimes.... Your TDS is showing comrade...
You don't think Trump has ever committed any crimes that would add up to significant jail time if discovered? I'm just a peon human with a small business and I have a "decent" moral compass, but even I've committed enough unconvicted crimes in my life (driving while impaired, cheating on my taxes, buying drugs, etc.) to be put away for life. Trump's huge life, complex businesses, and shady associates coupled with his strange demeanor and gaudy sense of "style" lead me to believe he has knowingly bent, and on occasion broken the law throughout his life. The sheer amount of fame, money, and power that Trump has wielded over his lifetime can only be accomplished by immoral and illegal means. Also, remember, under US law, knowing of a felony and not reporting that felony is also a felony

However, I'm still voting for Trump because I believe in sending a thief to catch a thief. Trump is my thief.

@It_Is_My_Time Trump will most likely not be our next president and he very well may be spending some time behind bars.
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If I was born in the early 2000's and had to face, what they have to face today, I would resent my parents for bringing me into this world. And we are seeing more and more videos from Gen Z talking about how hopeless things are and lazy boomers, who never had to work hard, shooting them down because they grew old but not wiser.

That is just it, it isn't "my future" it is my kid's future, it is for them, and I wouldn't want them to face the hell that is already here and the levels of worse it will get.
I hear where you're coming from, but part of being a man is adapting. Like previously stated, our civilization goes away if people just give up. And I'd still rather be alive in a difficult world than never live at all.

God wants men to be leaders and have families, and our culture is weak because men are weak (including myself to be honest). The only way to fix that is to follow God, and then women and children will follow us.

We are not the only men that have had to put up with a declining culture. Making excuses is a waste of time and potential.
I hear where you're coming from, but part of being a man is adapting. Like previously stated, our civilization goes away if people just give up. And I'd still rather be alive in a difficult world than never live at all.

God wants men to be leaders and have families, and our culture is weak because men are weak (including myself to be honest). The only way to fix that is to follow God, and then women and children will follow us.

We are not the only men that have had to put up with a declining culture. Making excuses is a waste of time and potential.

I have no idea if human civilization can be saved. I haven't given up hope, but it is going to be one hell of a battle for it. I do know that if I had to deal with what early 20 somethings and younger people have to deal with today, I would check out. Even given my age and advances I didn't earn, but was born into by being born before the decay set in, the same for all us "making it", I am tempted to just check out. The only thing keeping me from sitting at home and finding some 24/7 escapism is seeing young men who are checking out but checking into fighting back.

I know Donald "the lightening rod" Trump needs to go away. He takes all the energy and anger at the system and grounds it right back into the system and the GOP. It is evil, his town hall was so bad I had to turn it off. He lies as much as any other politician, but he does it in such a way those who are waking up say "this guy is the answer".
@It_Is_My_Time Trump will most likely not be our next president and he very well may be spending some time behind bars.

I think it’s too early to say what’s going to happen . There are a number of felony cases against Trump and while they are all trumped up, the courts are compromised and it won’t take much for an ultra Liberal judge to send him to jail.

I should point out that he can run a campaign from jail so the two events you describe are not mutually exclusive(trump going to jail and winning the election). He can run his campaign while serving a sentence and could potentially win .

Biden ran an election from his basement in 2020 and while he had help from stuffing the ballot box, he is President
We will know the truth about Donald Trump, 100% no denying it, in 10 months. If he ends up in prison, then he was a legit outsider, and incredibly weak and incredibly stupid and a man to learn to not be like. If he ends up outside of prison, win or lose, he is part of the club and it was all for show and a distraction.

It will be just like Hillary not ending up in prison, despite breaking many laws, after losing the election. She is a part of the club.
You don't think Trump has ever committed any crimes that would add up to significant jail time if discovered? I'm just a peon human with a small business and I have a "decent" moral compass, but even I've committed enough unconvicted crimes in my life (driving while impaired, cheating on my taxes, buying drugs, etc.) to be put away for life. Trump's huge life, complex businesses, and shady associates coupled with his strange demeanor and gaudy sense of "style" lead me to believe he has knowingly bent, and on occasion broken the law throughout his life. The sheer amount of fame, money, and power that Trump has wielded over his lifetime can only be accomplished by immoral and illegal means. Also, remember, under US law, knowing of a felony and not reporting that felony is also a felony
That's not how it works ... Unless you're going for the Beria "show me the man and ill find yo in the crime" path.

I forgot that in America you have a presumption of innocence until proven guilty ;)

However, I'm still voting for Trump because I believe in sending a thief to catch a thief. Trump is my thief.
Maybe... Except every person they ever ask about him...minus the political hit doj folks hails him as squeaky clean...
@It_Is_My_Time Trump will most likely not be our next president and he very well may be spending some time behind bars
Zero chance he has a single day in jail.
Is it ok to agree and disagree with both members on this thread? Trump has been a huge let down but should he go to jail for it? Does the morale boost he gives to "conservative" America negates the effects of him selling out?
Is it ok to agree and disagree with both members on this thread? Trump has been a huge let down but should he go to jail for it? Does the morale boost he gives to "conservative" America negates the effects of him selling out?
Really, now that I think about it, I hope he doesn't go to jail. It will make him a martyr. I hope he is kept out of jail, and that makes him even easier to expose, then he goes on to lose to the DNC. That will make the spell easiest to break.

With that said, I know he will never spend a single day in jail, but I do believe they will put him into office to quell the growing anger.
Do what you can to be anti-fragile.... and the rest which is out of your control...
100% agree. You can stay optimistic or you can wallow in self-pity and let evil win.
My kids are going to be fine. Their options are to go to trade school/get an academic scholarship/join the military and use the GI bill/Pay for their own college just like I did.
My children will learn that the world has become more complicated. They'll have to understand everything from traditional values to cybersecurity to how to deal with insurance companies. And how traditional jobs do not pay the bills as well as they used to -- but that they need to stay sharp and adaptive. Assets are inflating? Get into real estate or financial advisory. Tech is booming? Learn to code. No one is doing blue collar work? Get into the trades.
I noticed the pro-Trump accounts started to attack Vivek this weekend. Weird to me, because Vivek wasn't even allowed to debate. Vivek has been supportive of Trump. Vivek is seen as an outsider to the GOP and will not get a fair shake. Why were they wasting their time attacking a guy who both has no chance to win the GOP nomination AND has been pro-Trump.

Then gutless coward Trump attacked Vivek yesterday. So, the word went out from the Trump team to his "independent" supporters to attack Vivek. Why?

Because Trump is trying to take the rightful anger, especially the rightful anger towards Israel, and ground it back into the GOP. The Trump fanboy cult is becoming too aware. They are questioning Israel, they are questioning the 1965 immigration act, they are calling the GOP the "uni-party", they are asking about tunnels. This is why Trump was bailed out decades ago from bad investments. He is now paying it back by using his cult of personality to ground righteous anger back into the controlled GOP.

Don't fall for it, you are too smart for this trick.