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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

No, I think men who specifically decided not to pursue marriage and children then 20 years later blamed it on something anything else are losers because they won't take accountability for their own actions and lives. You don't need to move the goalposts any further, that is all I was referring to.
Again, it isn't "actions" it is opportunities. I guess you are the only one on this forum who thinks things are fine in the USA and that we can vote our way out of this mess.
Again, it isn't "actions" it is opportunities. I guess you are the only one on this forum who thinks things are fine in the USA and that we can vote our way out of this mess.

I don't think things are fine, again stop moving the goalposts and I said nothing about voting. But you don't need a perfect world to start a family and if that is your excuse for not starting one that is on you and nobody else as much as you want to excuse and justify your own actions and decisions.
I don't think things are fine, again stop moving the goalposts and I said nothing about voting. But you don't need a perfect world to start a family and if that is your excuse for not starting one that is on you and nobody else as much as you want to excuse and justify your own actions and decisions.
Okay, good, so things are not fine. They are very much "not fine".

So then, do you think we can vote our way out of this mess, or do you think things will just continue to get worse over the course of the next decade?
Okay, good, so things are not fine. They are very much "not fine".

So then, do you think we can vote our way out of this mess, or do you think things will just continue to get worse over the course of the next decade?

Did you just quote yourself?

How about we stick to the topic we were discussing. If someone decided not to start a family and 20 years later when they felt it became perhaps too late.....who is to blame for that?
Did you just quote yourself?

How about we stick to the topic we were discussing. If someone decided not to start a family and 20 years later when they felt it became perhaps too late.....whose is to blame for that?
Ah, so you refuse to answer. Good, I see the sticking point. Your train of thought is...

- Things are real bad
- There is no easy solution to it (can't vote our way out of it)
- Just spit out kids anyway, let them suffer the consequences of our inaction, or you are a "loser".

I don't think this way and many of these 20 somethings I mentioned don't think this way.
Ah, so you refuse to answer. Good, I see the sticking point. Your train of thought is...

- Things are real bad
- There is no easy solution to it (can't vote our way out of it)
- Just spit out kids anyway, let them suffer the consequences of our inaction, or you are a "loser".

I don't think this way and many of these 20 somethings I mentioned don't think this way.

Again changing the topic. You are a loser if you blame your personal decisions in life, such as not starting a family, on someone else and also again that is not directed at you. That is what I said and I stick by that 100%. Men are responsible for their own lives and actions.

You know what the difference is between you and I? I want to help you see the world differently and pull you out of your pit of despair, as one brother in Christ to another I want to show you that there is hope in this world.

You just want to not be wrong and validate yourself.
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Again changing the topic. You are a loser if you blame your personal decisions in life, such as not starting a family, on someone else because now you think it may be too late and also again that is not directed at you. That is what I said and I stick by that 100%.

You know what the difference is between you and I? I want to help you see the world differently and pull you out of your pit of despair, as one brother in Christ to another I want to show you that there is hope in this world.

You just want to not be wrong and validate yourself.
I'm just trying to get into your train of thought. You can call me a "loser" all you want, I don't care.

I don't think someone calling another person a "loser" after you refuse to answer a simple question is trying to "help someone". But if you really want to try to help, then answer my question and help me get into your train of thought...

You agree things are bad right now, and they are very bad. Do you think we can vote our way out of this mess? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice, but feel free to explain more if you like.
I'm just trying to get into your train of thought. You can call me a "loser" all you want, I don't care.

I don't think someone calling another person a "loser" after you refuse to answer a simple question is trying to "help someone". But if you really want to try to help, then answer my question and help me get into your train of thought...

You agree things are bad right now, and they are very bad. Do you think we can vote our way out of this mess? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice, but feel free to explain more if you like.
I dont think we fix the system entirely by voting.

But we may be able to have an incrementally better life depending on whom we elect.

It doesn't have to be an extreme position that because there is no perfect solution....we have to give up entirely on a system that we are currently in regardless.
I dont think we fix the system entirely by voting.

But we may be able to have an incrementally better life depending on whom we elect.

It doesn't have to be an extreme position that because there is no perfect solution....we have to give up entirely on a system that we are currently in regardless.

Exactly....voting is one tool of many, and it costs nothing to use. There's danger in that we can allow ourselves to become complacent due to the fact that voting exists, but aside from that there's zero reason not to try to "vote our way out of this" regardless of how unlikely that may be as long as we continue making spiritual, physical, mental, and financial preparations.

Of course eventually things are going to play out as they have been ordained, but we don't know exactly what that will look like in the physical world or exactly when it's going to happen.
I'm just trying to get into your train of thought. You can call me a "loser" all you want, I don't care.

I don't think someone calling another person a "loser" after you refuse to answer a simple question is trying to "help someone". But if you really want to try to help, then answer my question and help me get into your train of thought...

You agree things are bad right now, and they are very bad. Do you think we can vote our way out of this mess? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice, but feel free to explain more if you like.

Do I put my faith into politicians, no I don't. Does that mean I think I shouldn't vote....no it doesn't mean that either. You're not making some grand statement and rebellion by not voting, that seems to have become your soap box.

But that wasn't what we were discussing, you want to change it to that because you don't want to face what I was saying. Which is that it is your choice, or anyone else's choice, if you or they decide to not start a family....don't blame it on anyone or anything else.

Also I was not calling you a loser, stop playing victim. Honestly you sound like the Jews I argue with who won't get over trying to play me into condemning "terrorism", just so they can shove it in my face. "Do you condemn terrorists and support American allies or not" and when I ignore them and make points they just keep repeating it....you sound the same.
Do I put my faith into politicians, no I don't. Does that mean I think I shouldn't vote....no it doesn't mean that either. You're not making some grand statement and rebellion by not voting, that seems to have become your soap box.

But that wasn't what we were discussing, you want to change it to that because you don't want to face what I was saying. Which is that it is your choice, or anyone else's choice, if you or they decide to not start a family....don't blame it on anyone or anything else.

Also I was not calling you a loser, stop playing victim. Honestly you sound like the Jews I argue with who won't get over trying to play me into condemning "terrorism", just so they can shove it in my face. "Do you condemn terrorists and support American allies or not" and when I ignore them and make points they just keep repeating it....you sound the same.
I didn't ask if you think we should vote. I asked if you think we can vote our way out of this mess. It appears you think we cannot. The rest of your post was not needed. You called me and other men like me "losers" and now you want to backtrack and claim you didn't. I don't care that you did, I hope you change your view on this, but only you can make that choice.

So, now we have established these two facts...

1) The USA is in a very bad place. Crime is skyrocketing, poverty is skyrocketing, middle class opportunities are disappearing overnight, Whites are legally discriminated against at every turn.

2) We will not solve this problem peacefully, and likely not at all.

And you wonder why K-select people don't want to bring kids into this mess, at least not unless they have some path forward for their children?
Exactly....voting is one tool of many, and it costs nothing to use. There's danger in that we can allow ourselves to become complacent due to the fact that voting exists, but aside from that there's zero reason not to try to "vote our way out of this" regardless of how unlikely that may be as long as we continue making spiritual, physical, mental, and financial preparations.

Of course eventually things are going to play out as they have been ordained, but we don't know exactly what that will look like in the physical world or exactly when it's going to happen.
If you wait your 30 minutes in line, vote, then serve jury duty every few years, then it costs very little.

If you start to spend time watching debates, arguing with friends/family, sending money to support a candidate, or think some "based" candidate means things will go your way and your work is done, then it can be very costly.
I didn't ask if you think we should vote. I asked if you think we can vote our way out of this mess. It appears you think we cannot. The rest of your post was not needed. You called me and other men like me "losers" and now you want to backtrack and claim you didn't. I don't care that you did, I hope you change your view on this, but only you can make that choice.

My best friend and his brother are both very very very smart. Neither has married, both live in major metro areas. One has accepted he won't marry (still tries but living in NY with that lifestyle...not so much) and the other is early 40s and not interested in marriage right now.

I wouldn't call either of them losers.... But if they started complaining about how bad it was I would tell them that no-one cares...and that woe is me attitude is not productive.

So, now we have established these two facts...

1) The USA is in a very bad place. Crime is skyrocketing, poverty is skyrocketing, middle class opportunities are disappearing overnight, Whites are legally discriminated against at every turn.
Compared to where? Luxemburg?

Compare it to London or France...we are much safer.

2) We will not solve this problem peacefully, and likely not at all.

And you wonder why K-select people don't want to bring kids into this mess, at least not unless they have some path forward for their children?
That's the "K selected" prerogative.

But one that ensures their genes die off.

Which is pretty ironic if you want to put it in that lense...

It's the same thing with voting.
So because you're concerned there would be no viable future for your children, you're deliberately ensuring there isn't one because they won't exist in the first place?
I am not a "at least I got my conservative", even before Trump that always rubbed me the wrong way.

What that means is, if I was a teen or early 20 something, I would feel hopeless as well. I almost felt this way back in the 1990's when things were much better. Things have gotten much worse since then, and I know I wouldn't want to deal with it today. Working that hard, for so little in return, in such an ugly and disgusting society wouldn't entice me to do anything more than barely get by. There at least was a reward for working hard back in my day, that is long gone.

So, if I know I wouldn't want to deal with it, why the hell would I want that for my own child?
My best friend and his brother are both very very very smart. Neither has married, both live in major metro areas. One has accepted he won't marry (still tries but living in NY with that lifestyle...not so much) and the other is early 40s and not interested in marriage right now.

I wouldn't call either of them losers.... But if they started complaining about how bad it was I would tell them that no-one cares...and that woe is me attitude is not productive.

Compared to where? Luxemburg?

Compare it to London or France...we are much safer.

That's the "K selected" prerogative.

But one that ensures their genes die off.

Which is pretty ironic if you want to put it in that lense...

It's the same thing with voting.
You have a much too simplistic view of this. You think this is a "woe is me" attitude. It isn't, it is well documented that our society is collapsing at every level. I get it, you have children and don't want to face this reality, but this reality doesn't care. It is there and it is coming like a freight train. The path you took is almost completely unavailable for 20 somethings now, mostly it already is, and by the time your kids are that age, it will be long gone. This is a serious situation you are going to have to face up to, sooner or later, like it or not.

Hey, we are safer in the country-side than cities overrun by legal immigration in Europe. That will not last much longer for you either.

K-Select are the people who shape the world, always have been. Will they reclaim this courage and fight or will they die out? I don't know, I do know this world offers no motivation to just spit kids out into it and tell them "best of luck".
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Things have gotten worse in the UK and France, but it's still not nearly as bad as in the US:

London has a homicide rate 6 times lower than Houston or Dallas:
The rural and suburban areas are not too bad in the USA right now, but with the illegal immigrants streaming in and the govt. shipping them to areas that are "too White" + the legal immigrants coming from Africa being sent to the same areas, it is only a matter of time before these areas get to experience the wonders of immigration.
Things have gotten worse in the UK and France, but it's still not nearly as bad as in the US:

London has a homicide rate 6 times lower than Houston or Dallas:
are you factoring for the 13% here? When looking at inner city Houston/Dallas/Chiraq/New York/LA... is there a certain demographic trend ;)

Do you have the right to own guns in London or France?

You have a much too simplistic view of this. You think this is a "woe is me" attitude. It isn't, it is well documented that our society is collapsing at every level. I get it, you have children and don't want to face this reality, but this reality doesn't care. It is there and it is coming like a freight train. The path you took is almost completely unavailable for 20 somethings now, mostly it already is, and by the time your kids are that age, it will be long gone. This is a serious situation you are going to have to face up to, sooner or later, like it or not.

Hey, we are safer in the country-side than cities overrun by legal immigration. That will not last much longer for you either.

K-Select are the people who shape the world, always have been. Will they reclaim this courage and fight or will they die out? I don't know, I do know this world offers no motivation to just spit kids out into it and tell them "best of luck"
No... in the end it is really that simple and it is literally binary :

Do what you can to be anti-fragile.... and the rest which is out of your control....will be what it will be. Re: employment/jobs/education/women.... Do something about it, or dont complain.

You keep saying that there's not an option for young men... and as far as the path I took.... yeah its not traveled by most.. Few people go to the military, even fewer go to the Marine Corps, even fewer become Officers. But that option is still all available. You can say "I wouldnt want to go die for israel and all of that..." but that line of thinking doesnt understand the warrior mindset in the slightest.... there are many in that line of work, whom are just there for the violence. So my point is that I dont have any sympathy for belly aching.

My kids are going to be fine. Their options are to go to trade school/get an academic scholarship/join the military and use the GI bill/Pay for their own college just like I did. I want to preserve as much of that system as possible for as long as possible as the alternative to our system. I'll do what I can to assist them where possible, but they have to make their own way, thats part of their own maturing and growth.

So I just don't buy it... And until the whole collapse comes, which I dont believe is going to happen soon.... I believe we should continue to delay the deathstrokes. Also... God has a plan for all of this... I very much doubt the people with out children will have much future in a world of collapse.

As this relates back to Trump.... Compared to alternative actors, there is no substitute based off of whats been announced in 2024 election.

We will see next week in Iowa that exact fact, that among mostly white, farmers in Iowa, they still support him.
I know there are primarily white areas in Houston, like the Galleria, which have been overrun to the point where my friends who used to shop there no longer go there.

The rural and suburban areas are not too bad in the USA right now, but with the illegal immigrants streaming in and the govt. shipping them to areas that are "too White" + the legal immigrants coming from Africa being sent to the same areas, it is only a matter of time before these areas get to experience the wonders of immigration.

Minneapolis/MN is the textbook example here.