Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Smart move, but probably too little, too late. The GOP is going to have to become pro-choice. The number of single women voters continues to grow every year. Women have little to no motivation to marry men who make the same or less than them, and women now have incomes that will soon surpass men. Single women only care about abortion. Women don't fight in wars, women don't care about the economy because they are terrible with money, women don't care about safety until they are already being attacked. But women do care deeply about not having a child and destroying their life, and women enjoy alpha chasing, so that is how they will vote.

Until the 19th is repealed, this will not change. The GOP either plays ball or they get crushed.
The 19th will never be repealed. In this country the only group foolish enough to voluntarily relinquish power was white men, who ceded it to their women, who proceeded to destroy not only the country but Western Christendom itself within a century. Only another revolution can change that back.

The GOP has never held to their constituents’ purported values, they always concede and “play ball.” That’s why they’re such losers. Nobody respects someone who can’t stick to their guns. If they are looking for my support, they can fuck right off.
The 19th will never be repealed. In this country the only group foolish enough to voluntarily relinquish power was white men, who ceded it to their women, who proceeded to destroy not only the country but Western Christendom itself within a century. Only another revolution can change that back.

The GOP has never held to their constituents’ purported values, they always concede and “play ball.” That’s why they’re such losers. Nobody respects someone who can’t stick to their guns. If they are looking for my support, they can fuck right off.
I agree 100%.
A lingering complaint I have about Trump is his unwillingness to learn. He is capable of learning, simply unwilling. Specifically, he is locked in a post-Cold War, post 9/11, pre-decline mindset. It manifests with things like this:

We are not the America of 1991. Our enemies/adversaries/competitors are not the enemies of 1993, 2003, or even 2016. Trump may have had good enough terms with Putin - last time. Trump may have bitch slapped Iran vis-a-vis Soleimani - last time. Trump may have charmed Xi - last time. Trump may have bullied world trade - last time.

But the times, they do change.

Putin isn't coming around now - not for Trump, not for any of our pols. Iran and her proxies are slowly growing past harmlessly receiving bitch-slaps, issuing resistance in small but increasing strength. The Chinese have out-manufactured and out-maneuvered the West for 8 years now. The rise of global south, the rise of BRICS-like relations, however clumsy for now, is changing the world.

America is still a mighty force. We know the flaws, but we still have much power. But we no longer hold that power in absence of peer counterbalance. A meaningful Russia/China/Iran axis, even clumsily aligned, is such a counter, maybe more. You can grumble about slow Russian advance, weak Arab/Persian response to Israel, and confusing Chinese economy all you like - but the strength ratios are changing slowly to their favor, nonetheless. We have to deal with it.

The smart parts of the world are treating the US according to the "distancing from a narcissist" steps. Trump, for all his strengths, is a stone cold narcissist. Eventually, he'll have a rage fit. When he does so, he better win. If he doesn't, he's screwed. Here, he is writing checks that the DOD will be asked to cash. Is he ready to ensure the stability/operations of ME oil fields after Iran responds to his attack on their nuke facilities? Is it worth the cost? Is he willing to overcome even Euro-resistance, once their ME oil gets shut down? What bases is he going to close in order to secure oil flow in the ME, because we're going to need a lot more people there?

In Trump's defense, he's smart enough to see all this. Maybe he's decided it is best to foment a fight before the power ratio slips further. Maybe he's prepping to offer a carrot-stick approach to Putin (I'll abandon the Ukraine project and you'll abandon the Iran project). I don't know his thoughts, but his 4d chess didn't play out last time. Is he willing to learn?

Trump seeks to return us to our previous Greatness. I'm all for that, but simply electing him does not deliver the greatness. Trump best have a tempered response to world affairs if he can't even control his own border/FEMA/economy/American decline turned around.

Part of why I say this is my unwillingness to support a draft. I'm not sending my sons to fight for Israel, kill Russians, defend Taiwan, or even attack Mexican cartels - not for Harris/Biden/Walz, and not even for Trump. I'm not doing it while the homeland remains a borderless economic free fire zone that hates my heritage American hide - regardless of who is in office. I don't think Trump even considers these facts.
A lingering complaint I have about Trump is his unwillingness to learn. He is capable of learning, simply unwilling. Specifically, he is locked in a post-Cold War, post 9/11, pre-decline mindset. It manifests with things like this:

We are not the America of 1991. Our enemies/adversaries/competitors are not the enemies of 1993, 2003, or even 2016. Trump may have had good enough terms with Putin - last time. Trump may have bitch slapped Iran vis-a-vis Soleimani - last time. Trump may have charmed Xi - last time. Trump may have bullied world trade - last time.

But the times, they do change.

Putin isn't coming around now - not for Trump, not for any of our pols. Iran and her proxies are slowly growing past harmlessly receiving bitch-slaps, issuing resistance in small but increasing strength. The Chinese have out-manufactured and out-maneuvered the West for 8 years now. The rise of global south, the rise of BRICS-like relations, however clumsy for now, is changing the world.

America is still a mighty force. We know the flaws, but we still have much power. But we no longer hold that power in absence of peer counterbalance. A meaningful Russia/China/Iran axis, even clumsily aligned, is such a counter, maybe more. You can grumble about slow Russian advance, weak Arab/Persian response to Israel, and confusing Chinese economy all you like - but the strength ratios are changing slowly to their favor, nonetheless. We have to deal with it.

The smart parts of the world are treating the US according to the "distancing from a narcissist" steps. Trump, for all his strengths, is a stone cold narcissist. Eventually, he'll have a rage fit. When he does so, he better win. If he doesn't, he's screwed. Here, he is writing checks that the DOD will be asked to cash. Is he ready to ensure the stability/operations of ME oil fields after Iran responds to his attack on their nuke facilities? Is it worth the cost? Is he willing to overcome even Euro-resistance, once their ME oil gets shut down? What bases is he going to close in order to secure oil flow in the ME, because we're going to need a lot more people there?

In Trump's defense, he's smart enough to see all this. Maybe he's decided it is best to foment a fight before the power ratio slips further. Maybe he's prepping to offer a carrot-stick approach to Putin (I'll abandon the Ukraine project and you'll abandon the Iran project). I don't know his thoughts, but his 4d chess didn't play out last time. Is he willing to learn?

Trump seeks to return us to our previous Greatness. I'm all for that, but simply electing him does not deliver the greatness. Trump best have a tempered response to world affairs if he can't even control his own border/FEMA/economy/American decline turned around.

Part of why I say this is my unwillingness to support a draft. I'm not sending my sons to fight for Israel, kill Russians, defend Taiwan, or even attack Mexican cartels - not for Harris/Biden/Walz, and not even for Trump. I'm not doing it while the homeland remains a borderless economic free fire zone that hates my heritage American hide - regardless of who is in office. I don't think Trump even considers these facts.

Boomers gonna boomer
A lingering complaint I have about Trump is his unwillingness to learn. He is capable of learning, simply unwilling. Specifically, he is locked in a post-Cold War, post 9/11, pre-decline mindset. It manifests with things like this:

We are not the America of 1991. Our enemies/adversaries/competitors are not the enemies of 1993, 2003, or even 2016. Trump may have had good enough terms with Putin - last time. Trump may have bitch slapped Iran vis-a-vis Soleimani - last time. Trump may have charmed Xi - last time. Trump may have bullied world trade - last time.

But the times, they do change.

Putin isn't coming around now - not for Trump, not for any of our pols. Iran and her proxies are slowly growing past harmlessly receiving bitch-slaps, issuing resistance in small but increasing strength. The Chinese have out-manufactured and out-maneuvered the West for 8 years now. The rise of global south, the rise of BRICS-like relations, however clumsy for now, is changing the world.

America is still a mighty force. We know the flaws, but we still have much power. But we no longer hold that power in absence of peer counterbalance. A meaningful Russia/China/Iran axis, even clumsily aligned, is such a counter, maybe more. You can grumble about slow Russian advance, weak Arab/Persian response to Israel, and confusing Chinese economy all you like - but the strength ratios are changing slowly to their favor, nonetheless. We have to deal with it.

The smart parts of the world are treating the US according to the "distancing from a narcissist" steps. Trump, for all his strengths, is a stone cold narcissist. Eventually, he'll have a rage fit. When he does so, he better win. If he doesn't, he's screwed. Here, he is writing checks that the DOD will be asked to cash. Is he ready to ensure the stability/operations of ME oil fields after Iran responds to his attack on their nuke facilities? Is it worth the cost? Is he willing to overcome even Euro-resistance, once their ME oil gets shut down? What bases is he going to close in order to secure oil flow in the ME, because we're going to need a lot more people there?

In Trump's defense, he's smart enough to see all this. Maybe he's decided it is best to foment a fight before the power ratio slips further. Maybe he's prepping to offer a carrot-stick approach to Putin (I'll abandon the Ukraine project and you'll abandon the Iran project). I don't know his thoughts, but his 4d chess didn't play out last time. Is he willing to learn?

Trump seeks to return us to our previous Greatness. I'm all for that, but simply electing him does not deliver the greatness. Trump best have a tempered response to world affairs if he can't even control his own border/FEMA/economy/American decline turned around.

Part of why I say this is my unwillingness to support a draft. I'm not sending my sons to fight for Israel, kill Russians, defend Taiwan, or even attack Mexican cartels - not for Harris/Biden/Walz, and not even for Trump. I'm not doing it while the homeland remains a borderless economic free fire zone that hates my heritage American hide - regardless of who is in office. I don't think Trump even considers these facts.

The simplest explanation is Miriam Adelson gave Trump $100 million for his campaign. If you don't know who this is, Google her. That didn't come without the strings attached.
A lingering complaint I have about Trump is his unwillingness to learn. He is capable of learning, simply unwilling. Specifically, he is locked in a post-Cold War, post 9/11, pre-decline mindset. It manifests with things like this:
No, the people around him are or at least that's what he hears.

When you look at Putin; Trump likes Putin. After Russiagate, after everyone telling him Putin must be stopped, he changed his tune publically. I'm not sure if it was his conscious but he tries to justify himself in business terms. Russia is an economic competitor to America, there's no friends in business and we must outcompete them because that's what they do.

Almost everything people say about Trump seems to be true on some level:
  • Yesterday's democrat, today's republican.
  • Only understands business.
  • Loves the Jews because his whole life he played ball on their field.
  • Was actually a rogue candidate. The votes being counted in 2016 is plausible.
  • Not very smart but charming and has that 80s playboy spunk.
  • Relies heavily on other people for information. "Muh experts".
  • Got spooked by the world of politics and the magnitude of the task. Was scared during his first term, tried to do the bipartisan thing. Now that fear is even worse. That's why he appeals to Jews for help. That's why he borderline says this time he's ready.
  • Seems to get his red pills from kosher conservatives and repeats them. Doesn't seem like he takes many seriously. Obviously leans hard on the ones he's comfortable with like open borders.
Overall Trump is like your normie dad becoming president. Easy to have a soft spot for it.

It's also scary to consider a lot of the worthless political slime that Trump talks to is repeating MSN talking points. What worthless garbage.
The 19th will never be repealed. In this country the only group foolish enough to voluntarily relinquish power was white men, who ceded it to their women, who proceeded to destroy not only the country but Western Christendom itself within a century. Only another revolution can change that back.

The GOP has never held to their constituents’ purported values, they always concede and “play ball.” That’s why they’re such losers. Nobody respects someone who can’t stick to their guns. If they are looking for my support, they can fuck right off.

Melania's views are not Trump's views. If anything, Melania showing her pro-choice side is to show you can be married to pro-life man, and still maintain your "independence."

Trump is the only Pres to have repealed Roe v Wade, and if we didn't support him abortion would be legal in all 50 states. As a result of Trump, abortion is now illegal many states and heavily limited in about a dozen others.

Trump did his job and moved the ball downfield for our side. Not supporting Trump is just throwing the game at this point. Trump will keep the ball moving in the right direction and help prepare the Conservatives for a revolution after the country goes bankrupt.

If Kamala wins, then the federal government will be completely weaponized to setup America for complete totalitarian control in post-bankruptcy America. A Kalama win means the future will be death for 80% of America, perhaps even more. A Trump victory is realistically the only chance to stall things out long enough to keep the State from going full communism gulag on the population. If the government isn't prepared, then Conservatives will have a chance to rebel in a bankrupt America. Otherwise, it's going to be hell on earth for millions of Americans. Voting for Trump is trying to prevent this outcome.

This isn't even considering the likelihood for WW3 should Kamala win, either. Not voting for Trump is basically suicide at this point.

Think with your head, not your heart.
Melania's views are not Trump's views. If anything, Melania showing her pro-choice side is to show you can be married to pro-life man, and still maintain your "independence."

Trump is the only Pres to have repealed Roe v Wade, and if we didn't support him abortion would be legal in all 50 states. As a result of Trump, abortion is now illegal many states and heavily limited in about a dozen others.

Trump did his job and moved the ball downfield for our side. Not supporting Trump is just throwing the game at this point. Trump will keep the ball moving in the right direction and help prepare the Conservatives for a revolution after the country goes bankrupt.

If Kamala wins, then the federal government will be completely weaponized to setup America for complete totalitarian control in post-bankruptcy America. A Kalama win means the future will be death for 80% of America, perhaps even more. A Trump victory is realistically the only chance to stall things out long enough to keep the State from going full communism gulag on the population. If the government isn't prepared, then Conservatives will have a chance to rebel in a bankrupt America. Otherwise, it's going to be hell on earth for millions of Americans. Voting for Trump is trying to prevent this outcome.

This isn't even considering the likelihood for WW3 should Kamala win, either. Not voting for Trump is basically suicide at this point.

Think with your head, not your heart.
If Trump wants the "we don't want WW3" voters to vote for him, he needs to stop this silly war with Iran talk. His campaign is a dumpster fire, but he can still easily win, if he knocks off the "war with Iran" and "hit Iran hard" talk. That is causing a lot of people to not want to vote, simply because they don't want to feel complicit in voting for the person that starts WW3, so they will just stay home. I know people like this. Telling them of the evils of diversity, of how Kamala will take away guns, how bad things have been, doesn't win them over enough to be okay with "hit Iran hard" nonsense. I have had conversations with middle aged/middle class people about this., They can afford another 4 years of higher prices, they have good jobs, they are fine. They probably don't own guns or are not passionate about it. Their only knowledge of history is what they learned in school and trying to red pill them on gun confiscation, which will happen with legal immigration one day anyway, is an effort in futility. But what does motivate them is to keep them or their friend's 18 year old sons from being drafted to "hit Iran hard". Especially after they saw Iran bitch-slap Israel and they now realize a draft means their kids are likely to come home in a flag draped casket.

If anyone here has connections to Trump's campaign this important message must be shared. Israel is EXTREMELY unpopular and saying "we will hit Iran hard" is a major losing talking point. And if Trump does lose, it will simply be due to this.

This might hit 15K likes before it is said and done. That is potentially 15K votes Trump is flushing down the drain all to support the demonic state of Israel in their effort to bomb and kill Christian children.

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If Trump wants the "we don't want WW3" voters to vote for him, he needs to stop this silly war with Iran talk.

One of the reasons why the first term failed was because his people sided with the establishment. Thank you for the job but I'm team Republican first. They knew he was green, and they didn't want to ruin their standing within the "industry" signing off on orders that haven't been greenlit. In politics you ask for permission to do things. Not dissimilar to the mafia. I'm sure a lot of them didn't like the heat he brought either. Politics is theatrics.

Trump learned his lesson. To do politics you have to be a politician. There's many other reasons to campaign like this. The elites need to know where you stand. You might be encouraged to sell to the public a new establishment directive: war, surveillance, gun seizures, etc. The establishment loves polling data. There's a bunch of psychological stuff. "Tough" talk is good. You can literally say the opposite tomorrow, no one remembers.

So much behind the scenes.

Democracy lovers will not like this but the reason politicians talk so much BS is because it works. They also know its BS so imagine how they feel about you when you take it seriously. The majority of human beings are not drawn to anything but BS.

I think Kennedy is a cool guy. Talks sense too. Wouldn't mind him as a friend. Literally impossible for him to win an election without Jews making it happen. The general public would lose confidence in his ability as a leader the second they hear his voice. It can't be understated how retarded people are.

The turn out might rise and fall, but the main audience are the registered voters.
Melania's views are not Trump's views. If anything, Melania showing her pro-choice side is to show you can be married to pro-life man, and still maintain your "independence."

Trump is the only Pres to have repealed Roe v Wade, and if we didn't support him abortion would be legal in all 50 states. As a result of Trump, abortion is now illegal many states and heavily limited in about a dozen others.

Trump did his job and moved the ball downfield for our side. Not supporting Trump is just throwing the game at this point. Trump will keep the ball moving in the right direction and help prepare the Conservatives for a revolution after the country goes bankrupt.

If Kamala wins, then the federal government will be completely weaponized to setup America for complete totalitarian control in post-bankruptcy America. A Kalama win means the future will be death for 80% of America, perhaps even more. A Trump victory is realistically the only chance to stall things out long enough to keep the State from going full communism gulag on the population. If the government isn't prepared, then Conservatives will have a chance to rebel in a bankrupt America. Otherwise, it's going to be hell on earth for millions of Americans. Voting for Trump is trying to prevent this outcome.

This isn't even considering the likelihood for WW3 should Kamala win, either. Not voting for Trump is basically suicide at this point.

Think with your head, not your heart.
What do you advocate for White Americans to do with the "stall" that they receive if Trump is selected? You never talk much past this point in the hypothetical future. You mention conservatives rebelling but the time for that has passed. A conservative only cares about his money.

The stall that Trump would offer is the more sinister option because that stall will lull millions of heritage Americans into a false sense of security, where they will be resting on their laurels (not all but many). The only appropriate physiological response to stress is adaptation, growth, conflict, not moving goalposts. I do not see rebellion under Trump happening, only another Judas act like January 6th. (Past behavior is the best and most accurate model for current and future behavior).

This is about more than the vote, in fact it's about so much more that the vote itself doesn't really matter. Invaders are still coming in under either watch, unborn babies are still being slaughtered under both, children are still being groomed and molested by perverts with legal immunity under both, and the jews are shielded from their criminal actions by all sides whilst the law and order that Americans had trusted for generations continues to break down and target them in turn.

If anything, American Whites, specifically the boomers, deserve to feel uncomfortable and get a taste of the hellish subjugation of communism and the third world that they so wantonly allowed to traipse over them for being so naïve. I don't wish death on anyone but pain and suffering and struggle are necessary when the totalitarianism they willingly accepted, the ecumenical veneer of fast food, porn, sportsball, and money-chasing, only accelerated the arrival of this exact breakdown.

You're still calculating the hypothetical situations for each candidate but overall it does not matter because the end goal is still the same. What needs to be discussed in every American house is what to do regardless of which side of the kippah is sworn in. The rude awakening is needed now and the battle for subjugating the White majority in America will continue no matter which puppet is signing jewish EO's.

I did speak to a bishop and I raised my concern that not voting on the case of abstaining from a political arena where abortion is still pushed on either side is a valid reason not to participate. He agreed. I inquired about the act of abstention being a sin and he said no. I'm sure the poltiically motivated priest, like the communists who joined the Church in the 1920s and 1930s, would tell their congregation to be politically agitative, which is beyond the scope of the office of the clergy, and similar vipers in shepherds clothing in the modern day would do the same, like they do with advocating for feminism and gay "rights" in many fallen churches.

The primacy of conscience is what Catholicism teaches us to follow, and for anyone who has spent decades in the church this conscience is well-formed. I cite the catechism again for American Catholics to consider: (CCC 2240) states: "Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one's country." This was written not with modern-day Weimerica in mind, where things are inverted. A moral obligation is not the same thing as duty-bound or a requirement of the faith. It is also a post-Vatican II document so I don't hold it in high regard.

Pre-Vatican II teaching emphasized that Catholics had a moral duty to engage in civic life including voting, insofar as it contributed to the common good and the promotion of Christian principles in society. In Europe and America, there is no such trajectory from any political affiliation.

This duty was not universally codified in a single teaching document, but it was encouraged through various papal encyclicals, theological writings, and local episcopal guidance. Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891) discussed the importance of the state in promoting justice and the common good, laying the foundation for later Catholic 'social teaching.' Participation in public life was considered a way to ensure that civil laws aligned with Christian morality. When those laws are then infected with secularities, and talmudic dispositions and anti-morals, then those laws are no longer considered lawful, including the voting assembly itself.

The Catholic Church teaches that when all available candidates support serious moral evils, a Catholic can choose not to vote. This is particularly relevant when both candidates in an election support positions that are contrary to non-negotiable moral principles, like the right to life. In such cases, the Church teaches that it is better to refrain from participating in order to avoid cooperation with evil. Cardinal Ratzinger’s 2004 letter also makes this clear, stating that a Catholic may abstain from voting if they believe they cannot vote for any candidate without contributing to the promotion of grave evil. So you are pushing the idea that not voting for Trump is suicide as an alternative to castigating those who do not want to vote as it being a sin. It is unlikely that there is a universal Orthodox teaching that would categorically define abstention as a sin.

Another aspect as to why I preach a different solution than many here is that we are indeed authorized to separate from this system. Catholic teaching allows for civil disobedience and resistance to unjust laws when those laws directly conflict with God's law. The Catechism of the Catholic Church again (CCC 2242) states: “The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel.” This resistance includes non-cooperation, protest, and even forming strong Catholic communities that practice parallel systems of moral and social living, such as schools, hospitals, and charitable organizations, but it does not specify whether or not forming new, independent political entities is the next course of action. That is up to the men in question.

The bigger picture is always important. White Americans know their present suffering because they turned their back on God and their country is under the yoke of the jews, and only by treating the jews with the same callousness and disregard that they treat non-jews is the road to survival. Conservatives will never harm their chosenites, so someone else will have to lead America's fight, should it ever materialize. The discussion here, not just this thread, and in your homes, should be what to do now and after, not who to vote for. No one is coming to save us in this mortal coil, but God endowed us with the will to fight against evil to prolong our own demise, and we must exercise our will so that it is stronger than the will of our enemy.
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